
Chapter Down the Hole

When I woke, I found her sleeping soundly curled up in a small ball beside me. I shifted slightly so that I wouldn’t disturb her. I wanted to place my hands gently along her face to mark each plane but I dared not invade her space. She didn’t trust me fully and probably hated me enough to kill me, but at least this was a start in the right direction. I instead caressed outline of her face with my eyes.

She shifted slightly and then her eyes fluttered open. I sat up so that she wouldn’t feel threatened by our closeness. “What time is it?” she asked as she pushed her hair from her face.

“I think it’s morning again.” I said as I opened the window and I saw the sun coming up over the western horizon. “It was odd that I had slept so long.”

“I wondered when you would wake but you didn’t budge. I waited here for you to get up and fell asleep myself.” She swung her feet over the side of the bed and then walked over to a basin holding water and splashed it over her face. I watched as she passed her fingers through her hair roughly untangling it and then plaited it into a thick braid which she then threw over her shoulder.

“We should leave as we have already lost a day.” she said turning in my direction.

“Ahm, yes.” I said looking away abashed that I had been staring at her so long. “Breakfast first and then we go.”

The dining hall was full but the keeper made it over to us finally. “Your meals. I take it your stay was pleasant?”

“Yes thank you.” I could hear Gareth give him the coins for payment.

“This be enough fer another night. You stayin that long?”

“No, we leave today. Duty calls and as much I wish to ignore it I must answer. The extra is for the good service you gave us.”

“Why thank ye. My own son he at the barracks. Gedwyn be his name, pass along my greetings will yah.”

“I will.”

“And fer yer missus, she be welcome to stay with me son’s wife if ever she get lonely and missing yah.”

“Thank you for the offer.” said Noräin. The old man then hobbled away going to serve other customers. “I felt slightly guilty lying to him like that. He is a good man.”

“Many of our enemies are good men, and as good as his son maybe I will have to kill him if needs be.” I said as swallowed a piece of bread washing it down with cider. She had stopped eating and if I didn’t know she was blind I could swear she was glaring at me. “What?” I asked.

“Sometimes you seem so light and then others…” she shook her head. “I don’t know why I expected better.” she seemed to mutter under her breath.

“It sounds harsh but it is the truth.” she didn’t respond and our entire meal continued in silence. The slight unease between us held up even after we were out in the city. The castle loomed in front of us like a magnificent giant stretching both high and wide. The entrance that would lead to the kitchen was deceptively empty apart from the few persons moving in with bags of flour and such.

“Maybe you should stay behind. What I am about to do is dangerous and the dungeons are dark and it will slow….”

“I am coming with you.” she said cutting me off. “Danger is nothing new and I have lived my whole life in darkness. If anyone would be hindered it would be me.”

“I was only thinking of your safety.”

“And I was only thinking of the gem. I will not allow you to betray us again.” she said coldly.

“You will have to trust me Noräin.” I said.

“I don’t have to, but this is a perfect opportunity to prove your worthiness.”

“If you see it that way.” I said biting back my anger. She was definitely the most difficult creature on this land. I would go this journey alone to spare her the danger and she shuns me at each turn. Bleeding difficult this woman was!

“You there, we want no stragglers round these parts.” said a guard coming from down the street.

“We were just on our way.” I said lacing Noräin’s arm through mine and leading her off. I looked behind me to ensure that no one had followed us. The road was clear and I dragged Noräin behind a bush. “Listen if anyone comes near.” I said as I searched along the seams of the castle wall and pushing against the blocks. Finally there was a slight give and I pushed harder. A hole large enough to crawl through appeared. “You have to crawl through for the first six feet but be careful as there is a sudden drop into the cell.”

“Suppose someone is in there?”

“No one will be there.” I looked over our shoulders again. She acceded silently. I helped her in and then I followed. A few feet in I bumped into her. “Why have you stopped?” I whispered.

“There is a sound coming from below.” I listened but heard nothing.

“Probably a rodent. Take my hand, I will swing you down.” I helped her off the ledge and dropped in behind her.

“See there is no one here.” I said although I myself was barely able to see anything. I felt along the wall until I found the key. I then found the door and opened it. “Come on.” I said as I took her by the hand. The corridors were dimly lit but I could see that we are alone. “All is clear.” I whispered and we walked along the corridor as quietly as we could. Finally we were at the stairs ready to climb up when she held me fast.

“There is someone coming.” she said again.

“There is no one…” I started.

“Shut up and listen!” she whispered harshly. I heard nothing at first but the trickling of water that had probably seeped in through a crack somewhere. Then I heard softer patters of footsteps. I could see the walls lightening as they came down the steps.

“You’re right, how did you hear so far?”

“My hearing overcompensates for my lack of sight. Where do we go now? They will hear us if we run back to the room.”

“Come.” I said as I dragged her along. There was a column close to where we stood. I lay flat against the wall and pushed her behind me. My heart thudded heavily against my chest as they came closer.

“Savages they be wit them bones in they hair. I ain’t know they be calling they selves human. Closer to dogs they are that they be playin with bones. Stray mongrels deserve to be kicked. ” There was the sound of someone getting hit followed by a soft groan. I could hear the chains being dragged along the ground.

I peeked around the column and I saw the prisoner that was straggled between the two guards. “Raegon.” I said a bit too loudly as the guards stopped.

“Who be there?” said the one with the torch.

“Me!” I said as I sprung at him knocking him out with my fist. The second guard pulled his sword and charged towards me but he jerked backwards as I saw that Raegon had the chain around his neck. He dropped the sword and then started clawing at the fetters.

“The other is getting up,” said Raegon. I scooped up the fallen sword and I plunged it into the throat of the disoriented soldier who slid back to the ground. I removed the sword from his throat and smiled satisfied. I was glad that my skill to kill had not yet left me. I turned to see the soldier Raegon had strangled fall to the ground.

“Evander, am I happy to see you. So you weren’t killed. Your hair?”

“Margaret spared my life and turned me over to Asher instead. Apparently she is his wife now and I go by the name Ga…” Noräin slapped her hand over my mouth suddenly.

“Long story to be told at another time.” said Noräin coming out of hiding.

“Princess Noräin, you are here as well. It seems I walking among ghosts.” he said.

“I am happy to see that you are well. But you are only now getting caught how so? I was not sure that anyone else but me had survived after the firestorm.” she asked.

“I went among the rubble looking for survivors but you weren’t there. The others I found and we made it back to Sigh and I met Andreas along the way.”

“He is alive!” I could see the joy springing up on her face.

“Yes he is. The feldünstar had fallen short of their gathering.”

“Thank Avandor.” she breathed.

“He and Sonis had made it but they had lost Astred. We gathered the troops in Sigh and we marched back here. I was sent to scout the city but I was spotted and taken here.”

“You shouldn’t have come. Asher’s men and those of Rammon are far in greater in number than the men of Sigh alone.”

“We are outnumbered but not as great as you would think.”

“What do you mean?” asked Noräin.

“We are accompanied by the men of Sebán. They heard about what Asher allowed the Verdans to do to the northern towns and they have turned their allegiance away from him and they now fight whole heartedly with us. Leár however, will not join us as they say it isn’t their fight.”

“Well they are stupid to think that if all goes Asher’s way that they will remain untouched. We need to move. The jailors will be roaming around soon enough.” I said.

“If you were planning to go up the stairs that is definitely not the way.”

“Guards?” I asked.

“About two hundred or so it is like they are waiting for something.”

“Or someone.” tacked on Noräin.

“They are expecting you?” he asked surprised.

“Yes, we just gave them the wrong impression about where we would be entering. Two hundred men for me, I don’t know if I should feel afraid or flattered.”

“Shhh, someone is coming.” said Noräin.

“I hear nothing.” said Raegon.

“That means someone is coming. We need to leave.” I said in a manner of urgency.

“I can’t move in these.” said Raegon indicating to his bound hands and feet. “Do you mind?” he pulled the chain taut and I slashed it open with the sword. I did the same for his feet. I grabbed the torch that was still burning on the floor and handed it to Raegon. I loosened the scabbard from the downed soldier’s waist and hitched it around my own pushing the sword in place. “Let’s go.” I said taking Noräin’s hand as we sped down the corridor.

“Guards, guards!” hollered the jailer in the distance as he must have come up on the dead soldiers. That spurred us to run faster as we could hear footsteps trailing us now.

We came up on the door we’d entered through and hurriedly I pushed everyone else through before locking it behind me.

“Where do we go now?” asked Raegon. The men had reached the door and were already banging on it.

“Up!” I said pointing to the ceiling. “Hold the torch up so I can guide her in.” The banging grew louder and I could hear them trying to fit different keys into the lock.

“I am not going without you.” she said.

“Noräin this is not the time to argue.” I fired back.

The banging grew louder but she still persisted. “I am not leaving without the st…” I pulled her roughly towards me and crushed my lips against hers. First there was definite resistance but then I could feel her lips softening against mine a response I was not expecting. I then pulled her away from me.

“That one was for the road.” I said as I softly caressed the skin just above her bosom. My hand stopped over her heart and she looked down embarrassed and shocked.

“What are you…” I kissed her again cutting her off and then lifted her up on my shoulder and finally she grabbed the edge and was able to climb up.

“You’re next.” I said to Lord Raegon who was shocked at my roguish behaviour.

“Are you sure Your Highness?” he asked.

“I am, now hurry they will soon stop trying keys and will kick the hinges off instead.” I received no more protests and I boosted him into the hole.

“Come on.” he said dropping his hand down.

“Don’t leave him behind.” I heard Noräin say.

“You won’t be able to lift me in time so go. Get Noräin to safety.”

“But Your High…”

“Go! I am trusting you with her life. Do not let her get harmed.” I said. He seemed to stall. “By Avandor, go!” I commanded forcefully. He nodded once and slowly he inched away from the hole.

I stamped out the torch so that they wouldn’t see the hole in ceiling. I sat quietly at the farthest corner of the room and waited. Finally the hinges were off and the door fell flat in front of me. The guard and jailers burst into the room looking wildly about and then their eyes settled on me.

“Took you long enough to get here.” I said getting up. “Now take me to the king.” I said as I offered them my hands. “Be quick about it now, as he does not like to be kept waiting.” The guards seemed stunned at my cavalier behaviour but they finally led me away.

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