
Chapter At Last, Retribution

“Harfr,” I said walking up to him.

“Where have you been Dominic?” he said rushing up to me.

“There was a disturbance in the camp with three humans that I took care of personally.”

“The dead soldier.”

“The spy and his companions. The human king is plotting as we plot. I killed the spy at once and the other two I disposed of more discreetly. It would not serve us well for the humans to come to know of this.”

“It wouldn’t.” he said thoughtfully. “You acted swiftly and rightly, you will reach far if you continue this way among our clan.”

“That is my intention.” he smiled pleased. I returned the smile hiding the hate of a thousand ancestors I had hidden in my heart.

“It is almost time to leave for the human palace, bufrak Handarac awaits.”

“Then I shall keep him waiting no longer.” I said as we walked back to his tent.

“Ah there he is.” said Handarac. Beside him was Gedric dressed in a cloak of fine leather interlaced with gold and steel. I could see the handle of his axe dangling from under it.

“Bufrakis,” I said paying both the usual courtesy.

“I have heard nothing but good tidings about you from Handarac. You have done much since we last spoke Dominic.” said Gedric facing me fully and walked over.

“I should have returned to the valley, but the guidance of the ancestors led me elsewhere and your forgiveness I should seek Bufrak.”

“You have my forgiveness as well as my admiration Dominic. Under the guidance of the ancestors you have done well, and who am I to question the working of the great spirits of the past? I asked you to serve a purpose and you completed the task. You have shown yourself even more worthy to complete an even greater purpose which will bring glory to Ulgana forever.”

“It is my honour and my duty to punish those who have wronged us and that I will do so even if it means my early death.” I said as I watched Handarac’s response. His eyes only flicked to Harfr then back to me, but he said or did nothing to rouse any suspicion in Gedric whose back was faced to him.

“The time has come, for us to leave.” said Handarac interrupting the conversation. “The suns burn bright in these cloudless lands, so we should hasten our steps before we are too affected.”

“The human king I am sure is well aware of this fact. Any meeting of goodwill would have taken place at dusk the earliest.” I said.

“He doesn’t trust us nor we him. Enemies we are not, neither were we friends. Whatever the outcome, this armistice ends now.”

“Then why would you enter into his halls as we know that he seeks to kill you?”

“We will not be going but we will be there.” said Handarac smiling. “Gedric’s and I positions are too vastly important to be disrupted. Would you not agree?”

“Yes, but how would we achieve that feat?” I asked. I looked at them both confused and I waited for someone to explain.

“It is quite simple really,” started Gedric. “The human king’s aversion to our kind has caused him to not meet us before, so he does not know how we look. You will pretend to me.”

“And Harfr will take my place at his table. This is for the safety of our cause of course.” said Handarac.

“Of course,” I said mostly to myself. “But how will I know what to say to these scale-less men?”

“Harfr has been briefed on all that is to be passed on. While he holds the attention of the king, a distraction will ensue that will allow you to go and search for the stones.”

“What kind of a distraction?”

“You will know when the time comes.” said Handarac shiftily.

I was uncomfortable with the lack of information but I acceded regardless. “If this is all I now take my leave Bufrakis?”

“That is all.” said Gedric. I bowed once.

An idea flashed across my mind, it was dangerous and perhaps very reckless but it was the only way that I could save the Ulgana of Au Valley from certain death.

“I have changed my mind.” I said standing upright.

“Changed your mind about what?” said Handarac suddenly. “You clearly see the importance of this mission to our clans?”

I spotted in the periphery his men putting their hands on their axes. I too placed my hand on the handle that swung from my hip. “Yes Bufrakis, I do that is why I make this decision. I will still enter the castle of King Asher to speak on behalf of the people of Au Valley,”

“So what so you not agree to?”

“I will not do so under the guise that I am Bufrak Gedric. I will only speak for myself as Bufrak of the clan of Au Valley. Gedric I challenge you for the honour of the sapoli.”

I could see the shock written on everyone’s faces as I made my challenge to Gedric known.

“You are young and know nothing about leading.” he roared.

“I am young and I have more strength. Our clan has been peaceful for many moons hence the reason you have remained our Bufrak for so long. But that has ended, we are at war with the humans and it is improper for one whose strength remains untested to lead our clan.”

“You do know that this challenge is a fight to the death.” said Handarac.

“I am aware and I am not afraid.” I said boldly.

“This has come at a most inconvenient time, but our ways are our ways.” replied Handarac. I saw a clever glint marked across his eyes and a slight tilt to his mouth. I knew what he was thinking and it was my hope exactly that he did so.

“So be it then.” said Gedric obviously enraged. “We will fight tooth, claw and axe as it has been for many ages. I will see you as soon as Petrolis dips below the eastern sky. Witnesses will be gathered at the centre of the camp.”

“At sunset, so be it. Bufrakis.” I said bowing and paying my final respect to both leaders. I walked out comfortably knowing that no one would dare touch the challenger. If this was done Gedric would have to vacate his seat and another takes his place as Bufrak.

I flipped my tent open and then threw myself down on the cot. I had expended much energy this day already and I would need rest if I was to finish this night alive.

Cool air had started blowing in as the blazing suns hid themselves from the sky. I looked around and threw off my cloak as I would not need it. Axe in hand I made my way towards the centre of the camp.

The crowd has already gathered and I could see a clear ring made in the centre. All the Ulgana from Au Valley were gathered but some from the northern tribe had also joined. No one would pass the opportunity to see a good fight especially one for the challenge for leadership. The whispers had already started through the crowd and a small path opened in front of me as claws stepped aside allowing me access to the ring.

I could see as a similar path being ploughed at the opposite end of the ring. Gedric soon appeared being flanked by Handarac. I bowed to them both. Two claws took his cloak while another applied oil over his back, arms and legs. I felt someone doing the same to me. The oil was to allow our scales to be more slippery. It also served the purpose that our bodies would be easily ignited if we died. The one who loses the challenges for leadership would not be planted along water and their souls never to join our ancestors at the Great feast. It is by the ancestors will that one becomes the victor. Losing meant they were against you and you would be treated as a traitor.

The crowd was turned towards the horizon waiting for the sun to dip completely behind the hills. Gedric’s eyes never left mine as we waited. My heart thudded steadily against my chest as I examined my opponent. I went through different strategies in my mind as to how I was to do this quickly. I thought that….

“Avanstra!” shouted the crowd followed by a huge cheer. The fight was to begin.

Gedric charged towards me. I waited with my hand on my axe which was still planted in my waist band. When he was only few feet away, my foot shot upwards kicking him the stomach. He fell on his back while his axe flew in mid-air. I caught it and before Gedric was able to scramble out of the way I was standing upon him. His eyes pled for mercy and I delivered it swiftly and without hesitation. Ulgana could grow back a limb but not a head. Gedric’s head rolled away from the rest of his body and the wet life poured from his fitting body.

The crowd went silent as this fight had ended quickly. I held up the axe in the air and then I put it beside Gedric’s body. I bowed courteously to the dead. The crowd then started chanting anew, “Hail Bufrak Dominic successor of Gedric!” Another figure made it to the centre of the circle. It was Handarac he held his hand up for quiet and then there was.

“A most efficient and quick battle that was Bufrak Dominic.” I bowed once accepting his compliment but said nothing as I could feel it in the pit of my stomach that there was more to come. “My men and I are quite disappointed with the speed at which this battle ended. Since we are all gathered, may I suggest another fight?”

“What do you suggest Bufrak Handarac?” my stomach clenched tighter as I saw him smile slightly.

“I challenge you Bufrak Dominic for the honour of the sapoli.” His smile widened as the crowd again grew silent. “You hardly expended much in the first battle so it would be no issue if it was done today.” Two fights in one night it was unheard of. All eyes were on me as they awaited my response. I had the right to pick the day of battle since I was the one challenged, but unlike the crowd who was surprised at the challenge I was expecting it.

“I accept your challenge Bufrak Handarac.” His smile was a full grin as I knew this was a fight he expected to win.

He threw off his cloak and stepped forward. His body was being slathered in oil while Gedric’s body was dragged off to the pyre. This fight I knew would be difficult to say the least. Handarac was much younger than Gedric and his strength was far greater. He was a skilled warrior with years of training and the taut ropes of muscles that rippled down his arms, chest and leg showed that. He’s wrestled bears and the strongest men of his kind. I had no idea of how I was to win as all odds were against me; I only knew that I must win. It was the only my people were to be saved.

I closed my eyes and offered my prayers to the ancestors. After I was done I lifted my head towards the sky and opened my eyes. Hundreds of lights appeared in the sky. We never saw these lights in Au Valley as the fog and clouds made them impossible to see. They reminded me of eyes looking down on us. Faces of those who had been killed by the feldünstar appeared before me. Grief that I had pushed aside for many weeks filled me, but instead of weakness I gained strength.

What had seemed to be a lifetime was only a few seconds as I was awakened by the slow chants in the crowd. The tempo quickened as the air quivered with excitement. My hearts thudded along with the melody and for a second they came to a complete stop.


His body rammed into mine like a charging nala driving me into the ground. His weight pinned me in place as he had his arms around my chest. Deliberately he sunk his claws under my scales and then deeper into my flesh. He pulled at the wounds causing me to holler in pain. With the hand I had free I elbowed him across the face. But he didn’t move as his claws sunk deeper into my flesh, inching closer to my spine. Harfr had taught me this. I knew that he wouldn’t let go until my bones were in his grip then he would attempt to break it. I would be paralysed and unable to fight. An easy victory for him would follow.

I pulled his head towards me and I sank my teeth in his neck. The taste of his blood welled up in my mouth. He screamed, but still didn’t let go. I chomped down once more this time taking a mouthful of flesh, which I spat out. His claws were retracted from my back as he rolled off of me holding his neck. I had severed one of the great vessels which slowly oozed thick blood. Another bite would have cut another and the blood loss would have been great.

I got on my feet quickly before he could sit on me again but his arm was around my neck in a choke hold and he delivered several blows to my face with his fist. Several bones in my face cracked, and it became more difficult to breathe but the pain was not enough to stop me from fighting back.

I stretched upwards locking my arms around his head and pulled downwards. The centre of his balance shifted and he hurdled forward flipping over on his back. I now had full advantage as I sprang upon him. Every blow I made had to count, so I swiped at his eyes first. The left one went soft as I punctured it with my claw. The wet clear fluid splattered in my face mixing with the blood and grime. I was going for the other eye, but he knocked me away with his elbow and I saw that he drew for his axe.

The excitement in the crowd grew as they roared in anticipation. The sounds around me began to lull and I only heard the pounding of blood as it rushed through my ears. The blade of the axe appeared suddenly in my field of vision and I rolled out of the way before it sunk into my skull to release my brain unto the earth. He struck again and sparks flew as I deflected it with my own axe. I managed to get on one knee as it gave me a better chance of deflecting the strikes that were coming in fast from left, right and centre.

The handles of our axes were locked against each other as he pressed down towards my neck. His strength was his greatest asset and he used this advantage to drive me into the ground. I stopped pushing for a moment which caused him to topple forward. I managed to slip from under him and stand on both feet.

His hand flicked quickly and though I ducked out of the way, his axe missed my chest, but it took with it my arm cut cleanly away from my shoulder. It fell listlessly to the ground my fingers still tightly clenched in a fist. It would grow back once I lived I told myself.

By the grace of the ancestors it was not the arm that held the axe that was lost and I had an advantage over Handarac that I was armed and that he wasn’t. He too took noted of this fact and tried to get around me to regain his lost weapon. I strutted forward and then swung low cutting right across his knee and his leg fell beside my arm. His howl of anguish echoed around us, but I would not be swayed and didn’t allow him to recover.

I clubbed him in the back of the head leaving him stunned. I followed it with another blow which flattened him. Quickly I dispatched the other leg cutting across the thigh.

I watched as he squirmed away from me and towards the axe, but I had lost all mercy. I chopped across his shoulder taking an arm and watched as he fell flat of his face.

I flipped him over unto his back. I placed one foot firmly on his torso. The crowd grew quiet and others wondered why I was yet to deliver the death blow.

“You have bested me Dominic of Au Valley and you now have my place on the throne. End my suffering and take your rightful place.”

“This was never about power. You murdered over nine hundred people of my clan so you could force us to fight a war which could end us all. I care not for your suffering. This is retribution.” I said coldly and then for the second time in a day I removed a head.

I looked around at the hundreds of eyes that watched me closely. I turned my head to the sky as I looked up on the blinking eyes of my ancestors. I raised my axe above my head and I felt as a heavy load had been removed from my spirit. “At last, retribution.” I said softly. “At last, retribution!” I said as a fierce smile spread across my face. “Harfr,” I called and he appeared in front of me.

“Bufrak Dominic,” he bowed.

“Meet me at my tent at dawn. We have plans to change and a war to win.”

“Bufrak,” he bowed. I then made my way through the silent sea of claws to the tent of the bufrak which now was my own.

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