Chapter 17


Come to my house we are going somewhere right now. I mind linked Norman.

Am on my way am just at the pack house. He said to me.

I went outside the house to wait for me. The bastard that we had caught at the cells had no valuable information. He just said that he was just given the orders to go and take her alive no matter what happens. The Red Water pack was not that far from my pack.

After some few minutes I Norman arrived at my house. “Hey man, where are we going today.”

“We are going to our first elder for some information about Meg.”

“What about Meg. What’s wrong with her.” He asked with a confused look expressed in his face.

“I now know that she is a wolf but I want to go and ask the elder why she has not had her first shift yet.”

“Oh, then let’s go now.”

We left the house and took my jeep and drove off. The elder we were going to see was elder John who was like our pack wise man. He had stayed in this pack for over a long time. Rumors has it that he is like 150 years old.

I knew that I was going to get answers from him. When ever a pack member has any issues that I as the Alpha can’t solve, we always approach him for answers. During my fathers time when he was the Alpha, there was an issue about a wolf that needed elder John’s attention.

I remember my father asking me to travel with him to the elder. I was like 12 years old at that time so I don’t remember much of that meeting.

My thoughts came back to present time when Norman hit the brakes. We had arrived at his place which was not too far from the boarders. Norman sniffed the air then said.

“I can smell him. He is around and also I think he is alone.”

I opened the car door and got out of the car. “Perfect we need to find him now. I must know what is wrong with Meg because not knowing is killing both Shane and I man.”

We approached the door and when we were about to knock the door slid open. There stood the elder himself. He ushered us in to his house. His house was dusty you could even think that there was no one living there.

“Welcome young Tyler though you are not that young like the last time I saw you.” Elder John said.

“Thank you so much for accepting to have a meeting with us without any notice.”

“Don’t thank me because am always at your service. You are my Alpha and I will always do what you need of me. By the way I heard you found yourself a mate, congratulations and you’ve not introduced me to this young man that you came along with.” He said as we sat down on his old dusty seats.

“Oh am sorry but this is Norman my Beta and Norman this is elder John. He is the oldest member of this pack.”

“How are you elder John? It’s a pleasure to meet you because I have heard so much about you from my parents.” Norman said extending his arms to greet him.

“Yeah I remember you father once came here with the former Alpha may his soul rest in peace. Do you guys want anything to drink? An old man like me doesn’t drink beer but I only have tea or coffee so which do you prefer.” He was getting up maybe to bring us the tea.

“No we are ok. We just came to you to ask something that has been bugging me for some few days concerning my new mate.” He came back and sat down.

“Okay go ahead and tell me what is wrong with the Luna.”

“You see my mate is a wolf. She has developed wolf senses for the past few days. She can smell m and heal faster than any wolf. Yesterday we were attacked, she was wounded badly until she fainted but few hours later she was totally healed and no scar was visible.” I paused so that he can digest well what I have just told him. He nodded and told me to continue. “We have just found out that her father who left her mother and she many years ago is an Alpha and he wants her back so that he can marry her off to another Alpha.”

“When did she have her first sense?”

“I don’t know for sure but I think it was last night after the attack. The pack doctor that attended to her said that she had regained all the blood that she had lost then few hours ago that’s when she told me that she could smell my scent that only she can smell and also I saw her wounds had already healed.”

“Come with me there is something I need to show you.” We stood up and followed him. His house may be old but it sure is very big. We reached a door and he opened it. It looked like a library because it had so many old books. There was a couch there beside his desk that he directed us to sit there.

He went to the books and looked through until he got what he was looking for. He came back holing an old book that had so much dust in it. He sat set to us then opened it until reached the page he wanted.

“You see my boy according to this book it was written many years ago about the history of the moon goddess. It said that there will be a wolf which will live as a rogue and won’t grow up in a pack. Then it says that she will meet his mate who in turn will be an Alpha. On the day that she will be crowned as the Luna at the Luna festival she will have her first shift.”

I was confused this for sure cannot be a legend about Meg she was just a normal girl from a normal life. “How are you sure that the legend is talking about her and not about another wolf.” I asked him.

“You see boy if you would have left me to finish my statement maybe you could have known if she is the one am talking about.” I nodded and he continued, “It is written that the chosen wolf while not know that she is a wolf until she is joined into a pack. During the ceremony you will officially welcome her as a new member to the pack that’s when she will have her first shift.” He took the glass of water that was there and took a sip.

“So the only thing that I need to do is to hold the festival then we will see the end results.” Norman told the elder. As for m I was just confused. What is so important about this legend anyway?

“Yeah that’s the only way that we will know if our Luna is the chosen one.”

“So what’s so special about her being the chosen one?” I spoke fast.

“The legends say that she will be a pure white wolf. She will have pure blood that can heal any wolf with any kind of diseases or wound. She is also immune to any type of silver be it silver bullets or silver knives. Also she can heal her wounds very first. Last but not least and the most important one our Luna can communicate with any creature in this world through her mind link or using word. She can talk to both living and the dead creatures but can only speak to dead creatures but not humans.”

What mate can’t be that? That can’t be our mate.

I know Shane but we will have to hold the ceremony to be sure if it is her. Shane was devastated and I could not blame him because that’s how I was feeling too.

“ is that even possible?” I was so confused that I found myself stammering. “How is it possible that she can talk to all creatures and worse of it all she can talk to dead creatures?” I stood up and went to the window while I was brushing my hair using my fingers. I had so many unanswered questions that I didn’t know how to get the answers.

“All I know is that Luna is not an ordinary wolf. It is said that a white wolf is believed that they are moon goddess children this means that Luna is the moon goddess child. I know that we all are his children but for Luna’s case it’s different. She is her mother she only used her human mother to give birth to her.” He stated that and paused again then continued, “I almost forgot this, and Luna can also communicate with the moon goddess directly.” I started to pace. This can’t be happening. My life was turning upside down. I needed to think.

Suddenly I just felt like let Shane to take control. I just wanted to run and clear my mind. “I need to go and clear my head or else am going to run mad.” I told both of them.

“I know it’s not easy for you but just hold the ceremony and see if we are correct. If she is indeed the chosen one this must remain a secret or her life will be in danger. I have a witch who is my friend who can put a spell that other people can’t know that she is a white wolf. You can go know and remember to take good care of her she is very valuable. If our enemies get hold of her it would be the end of us.”

“I will protect her with my life. She’s everything to me.”

“Ok go now boy so you can let Shane out.”

I just nodded as I was heading for the door. I opened the front door and didn’t bother to remove my clothes as I jumped and shifted in mid air and run off. I run until I reached the place where I took Meg on our first date at the woods. This was the only place in this woods that I could have some peace of mind. I can’t live knowing that Meg will always be in danger because of her abilities.

Have always been secretly wishing that Meg would be a wolf but I never wanted her to be a in damn danger. Shane was just furious. Right now the only thing that he is insisting is that he wanted to be with Meg.

I went to the river and changed into my human form and stepped on the water. It was cold and I had to wait for a second before my body can be used to the coldness of the water. I moved deeper into the water until I reached the deepest point.

I stayed in the water for almost 2 hours until I heard sound of footsteps approaching where I was. I moved to the river banks so that I could position for the thing that was approaching. Suddenly the sweetest scent hit me. It was Meg’s scent.

What in devils name was she doing her. How did she even reach here. I got out from where I was hiding and moved to where she was. “What in gods name are you doing here.” I asked her and she looked somehow confused.

“There was this voice..” She stopped talking when she saw me. I saw how she blushed and somehow she looked as if she was embarrassed. That’s when I remembered that I was completely naked. “On second thought why are you naked and what are you doing here alone.”

“I wanted to clear my head so when I shifted I didn’t carry any clothes for changing. I want us to swim together.” I told her and she seemed to like the idea.

“You’ve not told me how your meeting with elder John went.” She asked and I was not ready to tell her.

“Just get in the water then we will talk about that later. Right now I just want to hold you.” She started removing her clothes and Shane was going crazy.

Wow just look at my mate she’s so beautiful. Thank you Moon goddess for this wonderful choice.

I just laughter at what he was saying. Right now he was singing praises for the moon goddess and my head hurts because of him. Meg removed all her clothes and left only her bra and her lacy panty.

I directed her to the water and got in. We were swimming for around an hour when she again asked me about the elder and I knew I had to tell her everything. We got to the river bank and pulled her to my arms I kissed her passionately then pulled back when we were both gasping for air.

I told everything that the elder said to me. Her face turned pale and she looked as if she was going to faint.

“But how is that even possible. I know for sure am not the one in the legends.” She said while a tear was streaming down her cheek.

“Baby don’t worry everything will just be fine. We are going to held the Luna ceremony this week so we can know if you are the one.”

“What if am the one. Our enemies are going to take me. My dad and Erin are going to come for me.” Her eyes were trying to escape mine as she was looking else where but not my eyes.

“Nothing is going to happen to you as long as am alive. By the way how did you find out where I was.”

“There was this voice talking to me telling me that I should come here because you need me. It was insisting so I just came and found you here.”

Oh my gosh did she know what she was saying. She was talking to her wolf and the wolf knew that I was lonely so she brought her to me.

“Baby do you know that the voice you are talking about is your wolf talking to you.”

“What. My wolf?” she said very fast.

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