Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Chapter 294

CHAPTER 294 You Disgust Me She stood and with one last look at the lifeless body below her, turned her attention to the chaos at the other side of the room.

Narcissa had no problems keeping the attacks of the wolves at bay and Lexi could feel the emotions of the past few minutes bubbling wildly inside of her as she stormed towards her, her eyes blazing furiously.

Her father was still making little headway against Eromaug, but she wasn't concerned about his survival, he was more than capable of taking care of himself against his bastard of a brother.

Narcissa on the other hand...she had a lot to fucking answer for.

Lexi strode through the fighters battling the twisted Daemons that had I emerged from the shadows, throwing her magick lazily towards the monstrosities as she passed, a sneer curling at her lips as the shifters watched her in terrified awe.

It wasn't long until Narcissa noticed her approach and her face splitinto a sneer that matched Lexi's as she swept her arm in front of her, knocking the majority of fighters to the side.

Allen and Greyson picked themselves up off the floor with snarls of frustration. All they had managed to do was keep her busy, none of them able to land any attacks on her and quite honestly, they had not been prepared for the ease in which she swatted them aside, as if they were no more than flies.

Lexi glanced towards them and they both flinched at the hatred that burned in her eyes, softening only slightly as she caught sight of them, before turning back to Narcissa again.

Narcissa opened her mouth with a smug expression as Lexi came closer, but whatever she had been about to say was lost in the sharp exhale that was forced from her lungs as she was slammed back against the rough surface of the cavern's walls.

"Yor own daughter?" Lexi hissed furiously as she came to a stop a short distance from her.

"She was a pawn. Nothing more." Narcissa smirked, "Sweet of you to try and save the leeches life though." "She was your daughter, you heartless whore! Regardless of what you had

planned for her, she was carrying your grandchild!" Lexi snarled as her eyes narrowed and she intensified the force that she was pushing the magick out of her with.

Narcissa winced as her body contorted with pain, and her eyes flashed dangerously.

"Neither of them mean anything to me. Don't you understand? The only thing I ever gave a damn about was ensuring that Lord Eromaug's plan came to fruition. I live to serve him and only him." she cackled wildly.

"You disgust me." Lexi hissed as she focused her magick, deciding that Narcissa would experience the exquisite agony of being burned from the inside out.

But, the flames that began to lick

underneath her gray skin, illuminating her in a strange light seemed to have no effect on her as her flesh split and shriveled back as the flames began to consume her.

"Don't you see?!" Narcissa cackled triumphantly, "You can kill me as many times as you like now, and I will ALWAYS come back to him. To serve him faithfully in whatever he asks of me!" "' guess you'll just have to get used to me inventing new ways to kill you then," Lexi hissed as she snapped her fingers to her palms on both hands and Narcissa was consumed in a mixture of green and crimson flames that devoured her hungrily.

Her face twisted into a sneer as she spat at Narcissa's feet and turned

towards her father, completely ignoring the inhuman screams that emanated from Narcissa as Lexi slowly crept closer to where her father and Eromaug were still fighting.

The impenetrable darkness that had cloaked half of the room previously had now receded to fill only a small portion of the cavern, revealing a pair of ancient looking stone pillars just behind where Eromaug appeared to be edging towards.

The space between the two pillars seemed to glimmer and shift, distorting the appearance of the stone that sat behind it.

Lexi frowned at the image, knowing from experience that it was a portal, similar to those that her father's portalmancer, Steve, created to enable

movement between locations and I realms. I As Lexi opened her mouth to warn her father, Ermoaug smirked and slammed his hands into Lord Brarthoroz's chest, propelling him backwards only a few steps, but it gave him enough time to back off to the portal.

"Don't think I won't come for her again, brother!" He snarled before turning to Lexi. His face almost softened slightly in that split second, before he backed through the portal, slamming his arms against the stone pillars as he did so, and sending the columns toppling forward as he disappeared from sight.

Lexi's heart was pounding as Lord Brathroroz let out a ferocious roar and slammed his fist into the wall where

the portal had been only seconds before and breathing heavily.

"Papa... who is he coming for?" Lexi asked, her adrenaline still coursing through her as she stepped towards her father uncertainly.

She had already begun to reach her own conclusions regarding his words throughout this confrontation, but she didn't want to believe what her intuition was telling her.

"We'll talk later. I want this place secured and guards stationed so that he can NEVER return." Her fathers snarl and the total avoidance of looking at her made her skin crawl. If anything, it only confirmed what she was feeling.

I's it me that he wants, Papa?" She

breathed in disbelief as her father whirled friosly towards her.

I'l HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT WE WILL TALK LATER!" He roared furiously,as Lexi felt herself shrink back reflexively, her emotions a complicated vortex inside of her.

Allen and Greyson suddenly appeared in front of her as they took a protective stance between her and where her father was standing with a menacing, murderous aura rippling from him.

"Lexi, we should go and see if anyone else needs our support," Greyson suggested quietly.

Lexi nodded wordlessly and witha final glance over her shoulder towards her father, she began to make her way back out to the hallway, her stomach rolling uncomfortably.

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