Alpha Maximus:The last lycan

Chapter 30


I try my best to smile as we eat and celebrate, during the banquet, but it's too much for me. I stand, kiss my father on the cheek, and Maximus on the lips.

“Please excuse me while I freshen up,’ I say, forcing a smile. I run quickly to the nearest bathroom. I'm not feeling very well at all, but I don't want anyone to think of me as weak, or unwell.

Feeling better, I rejoin everyone at the table. I'm so caught up in conversation with my father about my life, I don't realise how late it becomes.

“I think it's time we finish up here and go to bed, before we travel home tomorrow,” Maximus says, smiling; I nod stand, and take his hand.

“Before I wish you a good night, I want to know what you want. Do you want to live with Alpha Maximus and I, or do you want to reclaim your position here, as Alpha?’ I ask.

My Dad is taken back by my question

“What do you want me to do?’ He asks.

“l want you to be happy,” I answer, and he pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, lovingly.

“I'm so proud of you. Your mother would be so proud of you as well,” he whispers. We cry in each other's arms.

“You don't have to decide right now. We're not leaving until tomorrow.’ He nods, lets me go, and wipes away his tears. I take Maximus's hand and follow him upstairs, to sleep.

The next morning, we wake up in each other's arms smiling.

“Let's go have breakfast and see what your father has decided,” Maximus says, climbing out of bed.

We're the only ones at breakfast, and Alex and Nathan come down just as we are finished.

“Have you seen my father?’ I ask them.

“He was wandering around outside earlier,” Nathan says.

“I'll find him and talk to him," I say, kissing Maximus’ cheek.

I wander out the front door and to the back garden.

My Dad is sitting on the grass, looking at the sky, taking in his surroundings.

“It must have been awful spending eighteen years in a dungeon, never seeing the sky nor even a flower," I say, approaching him, and sitting down beside him. We smile sympathetically.

“I thought I'd never see the sky again, or feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I prayed to the Moon Goddess to let me die during the beatings, but now I know why she didn't answer my prayers. She knew you were alive and wanted us to be reunited,” he says, smiling.

“Papa...' I say, sweetly placing my head on his shoulder. “Have you decided what you want to do?’ I ask.

“Someone needs to stay here and be in charge of the Dark Moon pack. I would love to be reinstated as Alpha, but I would also like to spend some time with you. Perhaps the Beta can run things here for a while, I can spend a few months with you, then return as Alpha,” he says, smiling.

I wrap my arms around him.

“I like the idea," I say, excitedly, kissing him on the cheek. “You'll love it at Blood Moon. The pack house is a big old castle," I explain.

Your mother told me about it. She was best friends with Maximus’ mother. They go way back. When she found out Anna had been sentenced to death, they hid her in their castle. The castle staff didn't even know Anna was hidden there, in a secret room. I had been demoted and put in the dungeon here; your mother only just escaped in time. We also had only just found out she was pregnant with you.

She stayed at the castle for months, until news spread she was being hidden and protected there. My father paid them a surprise visit. They weren't expecting him. He demanded they hand her over, but they denied her being there. His pack warriors tore the castle apart and they eventually found the room she was in. Anna must have known they were there, because she had fled the castle. She was due to give birth any moment. She made it as far as Black Wood territory, where my father caught her. You were probably a day old when you were found. My heart shattered and sank when my father told me he had caught her and burnt her at the stake. I knew that meant you died with her. Anna was the most selfless woman I ever met. She made sure you survived. I'm forever grateful she saved you. I just wish she was here to see you, and see what a wonderful, loving Luna you are,” he says, wiping a tear away.

“I wish she was here, too,’ I say, with a sad smile. A glow emits from my chest, and I pull the heart pendant out, and hold it in the palm of my hand, watching it glow brighter.

“Where did you find this?’ My father asks, in disbelief.

“At the castle, with this," I say, handing him the love note.

“I can't believe you found this! I had this necklace specially made for her. Part of my heart is in it. And part of her soul and essence,’ he says, gleefully.

“How did you manage to do that?’ I ask.

“It was made during a secret love ritual, by witches who accepted the love between us. We lay on a stone table where they chanted over us and coloured mist swirled in the air and formed the ruby heart. It was such a magical experience. Your mother and I knew the love we had for each other was pure and genuine. One of her witch friends suggested we perform the ritual, and put part of ourselves inside the heart. Your mother was all for it. I wanted to do it as a token of our love and what she means to me,” he explains.

“Oh Papa. You are quite the romantic, aren't you?’ I say, in admiration.

“When it came to your mother, I would have done anything for her,” he says, pondering something, while looking up at the sky, smiling.

“Here, this belongs to you," I say, placing the heart and chain in his hand. He gives me a beaming smile, before kneeling behind me and fastening it around my neck.

“It belongs to you, Hope. So you will always have a part of your mother with you,” he smiles.

“Are you sure?’ I ask, and he nods.

“Yes, but I'm keeping the note!" He laughs, pressing it against his heart, and we smile.

“Let's go home,’ I say, and he nods, stands, takes my hand, and helps me up. We approach the house where Maximus, Nathan and Alex are waiting near the cars.

I run and jump into Max's arms, he spins me around in a circle, and we kiss

“Dad wants his Beta to run the pack house here for a few months, so he can spend some time with us. Then he will return here as Alpha,’ I explain. Maximus nods and smiles.

“I'll speak with the Beta. Get yourselves ready to go home,” he smiles, before walking away.

The drive home is quick because my father tells me stories about he and my mother. He asks about my childhood. I tell him about it reluctantly, and he is naturally quite upset. I reassure him that none of it was his or my mother's fault, and that's all that matters now, because I'm happy and safe and with Alpha Maximus.

We arrive at the castle, where I give Dad a small tour, telling him I still didn't know my way around completely just yet. After another bout of nausea, I have to cut our tour short.

“We can continue the tour tomorrow. Find Alpha Maximus so he can show you to your room while I have a lie down,’ I say.

In the bathroom I'm sick again. I jump into the shower then get into bed to rest. Maximus comes in, worried.

“Are you ok? I've called the doctor to check on you.’

“I'm sure it's nothing. I'm just constantly tired, hungry and nauseous. It's probably just a bug.’ I say, seeing the doctor standing behind Maximus.

Maximus leaves the room while the doctor takes blood samples and runs tests. The doctor lets him know when he can come back in.

“Is she going to be okay?" Maximus asks, beaming.

“She is going to be fine. She is going to be a mother. Congratulations Alpha. Hope is pregnant,’ he smiles.

Maximus’ face lights up with a beaming smile, matching the doctors.

“This is the best news ever,” he says, excitedly, placing my hand on my stomach

“Am I really carrying a baby inside me right now?’ I ask, in shock, but happy.

“Yes, you sure are!’ The doctor answers. “I suggest as much bed rest as possible, and to start eating for two," he says, winking, and I giggle.

The doctor leaves, and Maximus climbs into bed, kisses my belly and rubs his hand over it.

“Even though I haven't met you yet, I already love you. Your mother and I will give you the best life; filled with so much love, little one,” he whispers to my belly.

Leaning down, I kiss his head, and he looks up at me.

“No matter what,’ he whispers.

“No matter what,’ I whisper, smiling.

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