Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 4

My Beta and Gamma help chain me up in the dungeon. I sit in a metal chair covered with huge chains. Nathan injects Wolfsbane into my arm, which helps to weaken my Lycan when he takes over. Wolfsbane is a poison used against werewolves and Lycans. It’s one of the few that can weaken us. It’s a purple flower like lavender. It’s banned in most places, but we grow this plant here in Woodford. Our Alchemist, Kayla, creates the potions and medicines for us. I’m the last Lycan alive. Lycans dwindled in number because most never found their mates to keep breeding. It gives my Lycan, Chaos and I the fear that we will never find our mate.  Every Full Moon, I lose all control over my Lycan, putting my pack in danger of being killed. The only way to stop me from hurting anyone or killing them is to have myself chained up in the dungeon until the sun rises. Lycans were extremely rare amongst werewolves. We are so strong that one Lycan could take on a few alphas at once, being greatly feared by all, even by my own pack members. Most of the time, I have been strong enough to control my Lycan, but on a full moon, I lose all control.

My Beta Alex closes and locks the iron-barred door. ‘Okay, Alpha Maximus, we will see you in the morning,’ Alex says, waving.

‘Don’t break out this time. I’d rather not have to refurnish the pack house again,’ Nathan smirks.

‘I can’t help that my Lycan has become more aggressive and stronger. It’s been months since he has spoken to me!’ I retort.

‘Relax, Alpha, we have more Wolfsbane if needed, and these chains are much stronger. You will be fine,’ Nathan says, reassuring me.

I give him a nod and watch them leave. I’m feeling a bit dizzy from the Wolfsbane. I stare at the cuffs and chains around my wrists, then up at the Moon hole in the ceiling and wait for the full moon to begin.

My bones begin to break, and fur spreads all over my body. Finally, I shift into my Lycan and let out a ferocious roar that all of Dark Moon pack and beyond can hear.

Chaos has full control now. He fights against the chains in anger and agitation. Hours pass, and he is still trying to break free with no signs of slowing down.

Chaos… I know you won’t talk to me, but I want you to know I’m here. I feel your anger and your frustration too. I mind-link.

He lets out another terrifying roar at my words.

We will find her, Chaos. I won’t give up looking for her. I tell him.

Free me now, and I will find her myself! Chaos growls.

I can’t let you out of here until I have full control again! I argue with him.

Another ferocious roar echoes throughout the pack house.

You know you’re only pissing the pack off even more if your keep waking them up and scaring them! I tell him.

The night is almost over. My bones break, and I shift back into human form. I Mind-link Alex to unchain me.

‘How was your night?’ I ask Alex.

He scrunches his face up, ‘Well, that depends… do you want me to tell the truth or lie?’ he says.

‘Which one has the nicer answer?’ I ask.

‘The lie,’ he says with a nervous chuckle.

‘Okay, tell me the lie then,’ I say, rolling my eyes.

‘Well, Bella and I slept so well. We never got woken numerous times by horrific howls,’ he says, crossing his arms.

‘I’m sorry I woke your mate up and scared her.’ I say miserably.

‘It’s fine, Alpha. You can’t help it,’ Alex sighs.

Alex unlocks the iron bar door and then unlocks the cuffs from my wrists.

‘Alex, I want you and Nathan to bring me a map and mark the pack houses we have been to,’ I tell him.

‘Is there something you have planned?’ Alex asks.

‘I need to find my mate, Alex,’ I say.

‘But, we just had every unmated female from every pack attend your gathering here last month, Alpha,’ he says.

‘What are you implying, Alex?’ I snap at him.

‘That your mate might not exist or has…’ Chaos tried to take over as I half shift into my Lycan, against my will, snarling and trying to swipe at Alex with my elongated claws.

Alex quickly slams the iron door shut so I can’t attack him. After a few minutes, I’m back in control. As soon as I catch my breath, I glare up at Alex.

‘You’re losing control of your Lycan more than ever before,’ Alex yells.

He unlocks the door and opens it to let me out. I grab him by the neck and hold him against the wall.

‘Don’t you ever imply my mate does not exist or has died again! Otherwise, my Lycan will be the least of your worries! And it will be me you will have to fear!’

I let Alex go and watch as he drops to the ground in fear.

‘Get me that damn map today!’ I growl as I walk away.

I return upstairs to my chambers, remove my trousers, step into the shower and lean my head against the wall.

She must exist. I know it. One of the packs must not have sent all their unmated females to the gathering. I mind-link Chaos.

As expected, Chaos ignores me.

I organised a Mating ball, which was held last month. My only goal at that time was to find my mate. The ball was full of she-wolves all dressed up in different styles. Unmated men searched around to find their possible mate. Crystal chandeliers above added elegance to the room while an orchestra played music. My neck ached from searching around and sniffing the air for my mate’s scent for so long but with no luck. When I could not find my mate, I spent the rest of the time sitting miserably in my chair on the stage. The distance between packs made it more difficult to find mates.

Since werewolves are very attached to the mate-thing, depression, suicide, and losing one’s mind became rampant for wolves not finding their mates. The agony of being incomplete makes you not want to live anymore. So I hope that having the mating ball would help others like me suffering in deep pain and torment, not having their fated mate.


I’m dressed in my usual black suit pants, black shoes and a long-sleeved white shirt with the top few buttons left undone. I enter the kitchen.

‘Good morning Beth. I’m sorry if Chaos disrupted your night?’

‘Oh, of course not, Alpha Maximus,’ she says with a bright smile.

‘You know you can come and disrupt my night anytime you want!’ she says, giving me a wink.

‘If only the Moon Goddess blessed me with you as my mate,’ I chuckle.

Beth is the cook and a dear old lady that was the cook for my parents before they died, and I became Alpha. She was always cheerful. Not even a bad night’s sleep could take that away from her, and I knew she was probably the only one that wasn’t overly bothered with my Lycan.

‘Pancakes for breakfast?’ she says.

‘Just a coffee this morning, Beth. I’ve got a lot of work to do today,’ I tell her.

‘Well, I’ll be making you an extra big lunch then,’ she pouts.

I roll my eyes ‘Yes, Beth, that will be fine.’ I say.

Taking my coffee, I sit in my large chair at my desk. Nathan knocks and enters ‘Morning, Alpha Maximus,’

I take a sip of my coffee ‘Good morning, Nathan, has Alex found the map yet?’ I ask.

‘Yes, he will be here shortly… did something happen, Alpha Maximus? Alex seemed a little on edge,’ Nathan says.

‘He’s fine, Nathan. We were both out of line this morning. It’s nothing he won’t get over,’ I say, truthfully.

Alex knocks. I look as he approaches.

Nathan pulls a chair up for him, and we spend the day going through the map. We make a list of all the packs I haven’t visited yet.

‘Okay, now that we have this list, I’m going to contact all the Alpha’s of these packs and tell them we will be coming to stay and meet all the potential she-wolves that could be my mate,’ I tell them.

‘There will be full moons whilst we visit, you will have to make sure they can have you locked up and secure each full moon, but can we trust all these Alpha’s, though?’ Nathan asks.

‘That’s true, we don’t know many of these Alpha’s, but you will be coming with me, Nathan and twelve of my best pack warriors. Alex will stay and look after the pack while I am gone. I inform them.

I’ve contacted all of the Alphas. Most didn’t sound too keen to have me. Some even refused to have me at first. They were petrified of having a Lycan amongst them.

Beth enters my office with a massive plate of pancakes. ‘Thanks, Beth!’ we all say, digging into the pancakes. ‘Plenty more where that came from, boys,’ she laughs.

‘When are you leaving Alpha Maximus?’ Alex asks with his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

‘First thing tomorrow morning. I don’t want to waste any more time before the next full moon.’ I tell him.

‘Alright, I will tell the warriors to pack and be ready to leave by dawn,’ Alex says and leaves.

After the meeting, I walk around apologising to half the pack for scaring them last night and that I’ll be leaving to search for my mate and their Luna, and I could be gone for weeks, months, even. But unfortunately, they seemed too happy when I told them I could be gone for weeks or months.

Angry at their happiness, I’ll be gone. I remind the pack members they should consider themselves lucky they are in such a strong and powerful pack.

They cower and scatter like mice afterwards. Nathan said I need to be more approachable and growl a lot less than I do, then perhaps the pack members will warm up to me. My Lycan didn’t care for any of them and offered to wipe my pack out many times. He knew they despised him.

Chaos, if perhaps you stopped trying to take control of me and going on a rampage all the time, then the pack members wouldn’t be so frightened of us. I mind-link him.

All I want is mate! I want what is mine! To mark her, hold her and mate her! Chaos snarls.

And how do you think my mate’s wolf will react with you snarling and speaking like that? I highly doubt she will warm up to you straight away! And Nathan says I am the one that needs to be more approachable. I scoff.

Chaos growls and snaps at me before blocking our conversation, so I can’t mind-link him anymore.

It was time for me to rest anyway before my journey tomorrow.

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