Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 21

It’s nightfall. We’re almost at Ash wood. We stop by the silent and peaceful woods. We find a grassy area with flowers hidden amongst the forest’s trees. We shift into our wolf and Lycan and go for a run together.

Chaos is excited as it’s the first time he’s going for a run with Storm. We chase each other for a while before rolling around and playfighting. Fireflies fly up and around us. It’s magical and romantic to watch as the stars shine above us.

We shift back into our human forms, completely naked, lying next to each other in a beautiful field. I roll on my side and stare into Hope’s beautiful blue eyes as they glimmer in the moonlight. I crave to touch her. My fingers caress her stomach and along her arms. I lean down and kiss her passionately. I lift her onto my lap, and my erection presses against her. As we kiss, she becomes more aroused as she rubs herself along my member. She moans, and my hands make their way up her waist and cup her breasts. Hope adjusts herself higher, slowly allowing my member to enter her, She holds me tight, and her nails clench my skin. We thrust our hips in unison, and both moan in pleasure. Her eyes stare at my neck. I know she can’t hold back any longer as her fangs extend. I elongate mine as well and prepare myself to mark her. We bite down on each other’s nape as my seed fills her.

We return to the car and continue to Ash wood to the Moonfall pack. It’s Alpha Dan’s territory where his pack reside. As we enter the territory, Alpha Greg and Alpha Dan greets us.

Alex comes running out of the pack house and almost knocks me over as we hug and pat each other on the back. He’s grinning from ear to ear, and I can see he has lost some weight. He’s probably stressed from not having our territory, the pregnancy, and worrying about Hope and me. His eyes have developed dark circles.

‘You look tired, Alex,’ I Say with worry.

‘I’m Okay, Alpha. I’m just overwhelmed a little by everything. Bella is due to give birth any day now, as well.’

‘Alex, I want you to meet Hope, my mate and your Luna,’ I smile.

Alex bows his head, ‘I’m delighted to meet you. I would love to introduce you to my mate, Bella,’ he says.

We follow him into the pack house. All the Blood Moon pack members gather around, happy and relieved to see that I’m alive and well and even more thrilled to see their new Luna by my side.


Everyone is happy to see me. They greet and welcome me. Alex, his beta, has blonde hair and green eyes. He looks fit and seems very mature.

I’ve never felt this accepted before. I was unwanted by the Black Wood pack. Now, I’ve found a home where I’ll be treated well, and I’ll ensure that I’ll be a good Luna for everyone. I won’t let them down.

‘I must introduce you to Bella, my mate,’ Alex smiles. I nod and follow him.

There’s a woman in her early twenties sitting in the lounge. Her stomach is so large and round that she looks like she could burst at any given moment. She has straight black hair, brown eyes with sharp angles and dimples on either cheek. Alpha Maximus catches up to me and takes my hand as we walk over to Bella.

‘Bella, this is our new Luna, Hope. Hope this is Bella, ‘ my mate, Alex says.

I sit next to Bella and smile, Looking at her big tummy.

‘Do you want to feel the baby?’ she offers.

‘Could I?’

‘Of course,’ she says, taking my hand and placing it on her stomach.

The baby kicks.

‘The baby is saying hello,’ Bella says.

‘Hello, little one,’ I say to her tummy.

Alpha Maximus is smiling at me.

‘I’ve heard you had a hard time when you lived at the Black Wood pack. I’m sorry to hear that, but don’t worry, our pack will treat you well.’

‘Thank you. I feel overwhelmed to suddenly become a Luna after being a slave my whole life.

‘I sense you have a good heart, so I know you will be a good Luna.’

‘Thank you, Bella,’ I smile.

Alpha Maximus

I approach Alpha Greg and Alpha Dan.

‘Alpha Dan, I want to thank you for looking after the loyal members of my pack. I hope one day I can return the favour. And Alpha Greg, I’m glad you chose to fight alongside me instead of against me. I hope we can become great Allies to one another. The packs I have acquired have many strengths and products. I’ll make sure to share food and weapon supplies if you are ever in need,‘ I smile.

They nod their heads, content at my words.

‘Tomorrow, we will fight and win back your territory. I suggest we all get some rest before the battle tomorrow,’ Alpha Dan suggests.

We all nod in agreement. I walk back over to Hope and take her hand.

‘Hope and I are exhausted, and we must rest so we have the strength to fight for our home tomorrow.’

Hope smiles and waves goodnight to Bella.

‘How was your talk with Bella?’ I ask Hope.

‘It was nice. I’m so excited to be Bella’s friend and meet her baby when it’s born. The baby kicked the moment I touched Bella’s tummy.’

‘Do you look forward to us having a baby?’ I ask her.

‘I can’t wait. You will make such a wonderful father.

We join the other Alphas, Bella and Alex, the following day for breakfast.

‘We will leave by midday and should arrive at Blood Moon territory by nightfall,’ I say to them.

‘Can I go as well? I want to be back home and give birth there,’ Bella says.

‘Bella, you can’t come back home during the battle. You could get hurt or even killed!’ Alex says.

‘I’m sorry, Bella, but I’m going to side with Alex. You will be in safe hands staying here. Once it’s safe to return home, we’ll have transport to bring you back safely.’

Bella let out an annoyed moan. Hope gave her a sympathetic look across the table. ‘You will be back with Alex before you know it,’ Hope says, reassuringly smiling at Bella.

‘Thanks, Luna,’ she replies with a smile.

After breakfast, we shift and run through the fields towards Blood Moon territory. It’s nightfall as we arrive. My territory is vast. My pack members live in their own houses on my land, except for Sam, Bella and Nathan, who live in my packhouse with me. It’s an old castle where my father lived as Alpha and King, just like his father and my great grandfather, going back many generations. There’s a huge fountain the size of a house in the centre of our territory. We also have watch towers in the North, East, West and South part of my land to keep an eye out for rogues and any other threat. It resides hidden far from any human town and not on any of their maps, just like all pack territories.

There are hundreds of pack warriors scattered everywhere, ‘You all fight your way through the warriors. I’m going to sneak around and head straight for the Alphas,’ I say.

Alpha Dan and Alpha Greg both run in unison, ‘Charge!’ they shout and then shift into their wolves.

Our three packs combined follow and collide with our opposition. Yelps and whimpers can be heard as Hope and I sneak around through the long grass.

A twig snaps behind me, and we both turn to see five wolves. They lunge toward us, snarling, and biting, but I kill them all within seconds.

‘I can’t see any of the enemy Alphas,’ I say to Hope.

‘Should we check inside the pack house?’ Hope suggests.

‘It’s the only other place they could be. You would think they would be out here helping their packs fight.’

‘They must be cowards like Alpha Tate,’ Hope laughs.

‘True,’ I smile.

‘I can’t believe how beautiful the Blood Moon territory is, and you said we would live in a packhouse? This is a medieval castle!’ Hope exclaims.

‘Packhouse, Medieval castle, same thing,’ I shrug.

Hope shakes her head at me in disbelief. ‘You are unbelievable, Maximus,’ she smirks.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my body, ‘And you, Hope, are unbelievably beautiful,’ I reply and kiss her.

‘Maximus!’ she giggles, pushing me away, ‘This isn’t the time or place for such a thing,’ she blushes.

I sigh, ‘You’re right. We must focus on finding the Alphas. After I kill them, I can focus on making you moan again,’ I say with a wink and cheeky grin.

Hope, playfully shoves me and smiles.

We creep toward the blue stone wall that surrounds the pack house. I lift Hope onto my shoulders so she can climb up. Then, I shift and join her. We drop quietly into the bushes and scan the area. Some pack warriors are patrolling the area, but not many.

I sneak up to them one by one and, using my claws, slit their throats, killing them quietly.

I wave at Hope to follow. I know a way to get into the castle grounds that no one else but Alex and Nathan know about.

We stealthily creep the garden until we come across a well. Behind it, in a corner, I move some branches aside to reveal a wooden door on the ground. I lift the door and climb down. Then raise my arms to catch Hope as she jumps down. We’re in an underground tunnel.

‘This way will get us into the castle,’ I whisper.

Hope follows, holding her nose as we walk through the smelly tunnel.

The odd rat runs by, squeaking. Finally, we come to a stop as we approach a ladder.

As we climb, I nudge the stone tile above us, shifting it to the side. I climb up and then reach my hand down for Hope’s.

Hope looks around in awe and amazement, ‘This bedroom is incredible,’ she whispers.

The walls and floor are stone, with red velvet curtains on the windows. The bed is a large four-poster wooden bed with white drapes hanging down. The bedding is gold in colour and made from the finest silk. Many elegant tapestries decorate the walls with stunning banners. My favourite is the large one of a wolf and a Lycan. ‘This is our room,’ I say to her. I’m thrilled she loves our chambers.

‘No way? This place looks like it’s made for royalty,’ she says.

‘It is,’ I reply. Hope looks at me, confused. ‘I’m technically a King, but I prefer to be addressed as the alpha status,’ I explain.

‘Wow, you’re of royal blood?’ she says in amazement.

I nod and approach the window. As we look out, we can see all the packs in the distance fighting.

‘Let’s keep going,’ I say, turning away from the window.

We open the bedroom door and discreetly stick our heads out. There’s no one around. It’s eerily quiet as we walk through the hallway.

We enter the great hall.

Our footsteps echo, ‘Looking for us?’ a deep voice shouts.

Hope and I put our backs against each other as three Alphas enter the hall from different doorways. They each have a group of warriors following them.

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