Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 16

I inform Hope of the details of the conversation with Alex, explaining our plan. ‘No! Maximus!’ She cries. ‘What if something happens to you and you get hurt or get yourself killed?’ she sobs.

‘I’m a Lycan, not a werewolf. I have the strength of three Alpha’s put together. If I take them on one by one, then there is no way they can defeat me,’ I explain.

‘What if the pack members also attack?’ she asks.

‘Well, hopefully, it won’t come to that. If I’m careful enough not to be seen, but if it’s a small pack, I should be able to take the whole lot on.’

‘But what if it’s a large pack?’ she asks.

‘I’ll be fine,’ I assure her.

‘You don’t know that!’

‘Hope, whatever happens to me doesn’t matter. What matters is you surviving and you being safe,’ I tell her.

Hope storms off into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. I can hear her crying, and it’s breaking my heart.

I walk over to the door and knock, ‘Hope, I’m sorry I upset you,’ I say softly through the door.

She opens the door, ‘Don’t you see, Maximus? You want me to live, but how do you expect me to live without you? I love you, Maximus, and I choose the same fate as you! If you die, so will I,’ she cries, wrapping her arms around my back.

I gently grab her chin to look at me, ‘You love me?’ I ask her. My heart is racing.

‘Yes, I love you, Maximus,’ she says softly, staring lovingly into my eyes.

I caress her face and then kiss her passionately.

‘I love you too, Hope,’ I say as our lips part.

Her eyes glisten as she gazes into my eyes.

Hope flinches. ‘What’s wrong?’ I ask.

‘It’s Storm! She said that she thinks you are really sweet and likes you!’ Hope beams.

‘Ask her if she would like to meet Chaos, I know he’s been trying to talk to her, but she hasn’t answered him.’

‘Storm said she is too scared of Chaos and doesn’t want to come out,’ Hope tells me sadly.

‘Oh, okay, that’s a shame. Maybe Storm would like to spend some time with me then? I’m sure she’s a sweet little wolf,’ I smile.

A few moments later, Hope replies, ‘Storm said she is too nervous and doesn’t want to get hurt. That is why she’s never tried to shift,’ she explains.

‘You’re my mate, Storm, and I will protect you and keep you safe,’ I assure her.

A big grin spreads across Hope’s face, ‘She said, if you stay with her, she will try and shift,’ Hope says excitedly. ‘Do we shift here? Or should we go outside?’ She asks.

‘I think we should stay in here. Werewolves are hunting us down, so I think it’s safer to stay inside for now,’ I tell her.

‘OK, but what do I do now? I’ve never shifted before,’ Hope says, looking away, ashamed.

‘Well, it’s much easier if you take all your clothes off first,’ I say with a cheeky grin.

Hope chuckles and blushes. ‘Okay,’ Hope says as she walks to me and removes her clothes one by one, giving me a sexy wink.

She’s completely naked, smiling at me, ‘Wands, babe,’ I say in a frisky tone.

I sit in the middle of the bed and pat my lap for Hope to come to me.

‘Now, the first time you shift will hurt at first. Try not to fight the pain. It will pass quicker,’ I explain.

Hope nods.

‘Let Storm know when you are ready, okay?’ I say to her.

‘Okay,’ she replies.

I can tell she is having a conversation with Storm. I don’t want her to feel rushed or scared, so I wait quietly. Suddenly I hear the first bone snap, making Hope cry in pain. I caress her face to help soothe the pain by spreading warm sparks from my touch throughout her body.

Hope closes her eyes and completely shifts into her wolf. I’m in awe as I hold the most beautiful white wolf with silver-coloured fur feet with a silver streak on her forehead. ‘Wow! Storm! You’re the most beautiful, majestic wolf I have ever seen,’ I say with shock and surprise.

Storm licks my face and rubs herself all over my body. Her tail wags profusely. ‘I’m one lucky Lycan, Storm! You’re going to be the envy of every she-wolf in existence,’ I tell her, making her even more excited.

She’s so adorable how she nips and yelps at me, trying to be tough and strong yet so gentle. I give, Storm lots of cuddles and belly rubs. Her tongue sticks out, panting, showing me how happy she is.

Chaos is at the back of my mind, but he keeps fighting me to come forward. He desperately wants to meet her. ‘Storm?’ I say to her.

She lets out a cute little yap.

‘It would mean so much to Chaos and me if he could meet you, even if just for a few minutes?’ I ask.

Storm makes a whimper and sooking sound and places her paws over her head.

‘What if I shift and stay on the other side of the room?’ I suggest hoping Chaos will behave and stay put.

Storm sits up and looks over to the other side of the room. I can see she is thinking about it. Her fluffy tail starts to wag.

‘Is that a yes?’ I ask.

She makes a little wolf sound.

I’m excited for Chaos. I know how long he has been longing for this moment. I quickly remove my clothes and stand near the wall on the other side of the room. I smile at Storm and shift into Chaos.

Chaos’s tail wags with excitement against the wall, and his tongue hangs out, panting with happiness at Storm.

He takes a step forward.

No, Chaos! You need to take this slow! Remember, this is her first shift, and she is terrified.

Chaos sees Storm is worried. He lowers himself to the floor, so he doesn’t look so intimidating.

‘MINE!’ He says.

Yes, Chaos, we know she is yours, but focus on staying calm, so you don’t scare her, I tell him.

Storm sniffs the air and steps closer to the end of the bed, watching Chaos. Her tail is wagging a little, so she is somewhat happy.

Chaos’s tongue sticks out further, and his panting becomes heavier as Storm comes closer. Drool drips from his slobbery tongue.

Gross Chaos! I’m sure you’ll win her over with your slop whizzing out your mouth. I tell him, but he completely ignores me.

Storm jumps down from the bed and steps a little closer to Chaos. She sniffs his scent again and looks him up and down, clearly enjoying what she sees as her tongue also now hangs out. There is slobber everywhere.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Chaos leans forward, wrapping his arms around Storm and pulls her into his chest ‘MINE!’ he says, rubbing his face all over her.

Surprisingly Storm is loving every moment of it. She rubs her face all over him. Then she nips and playfully tugs at his ear, making a growling sound to initiate a play fight. Chaos entertains her and pretends to let her win over and over. Chaos has turned from a murderous beast to a little playful puppy.

After tiring each other out, they snuggle up on the bed, falling asleep. Hope and I decide to leave them be.

It’s morning. We shift back into our human forms. Hope jumps up, wrapping her legs around me in excitement.

‘I can’t believe I shifted! It felt so amazing in wolf form, and Storm warmed right up to Chaos! Can you believe that?’ She squeals.

‘I’m proud of you, Hope, you did so well, and Storm is just incredibly beautiful, just like you,’ I say as I gaze into her glistening blue eyes.

We kiss passionately, completely naked. My member is fully erect.

‘Maximus, I want us to, you know? Make love,’ she says with desire in her voice.

‘We will, Hope, and I can’t wait for that moment, but we need to get dressed and be on our way into the city. We have Sally meeting up with us shortly.’

Hope lets out a huff of disappointment.

‘I feel your pain, believe me, I do,’ I chuckle.

Hope playfully slaps my chest and unwraps her legs from around me. She smiles and stares at my erection in delight before walking away into the bathroom.

We shower, dress in fresh outfits, and then order a car to take us into the city to meet Sally.

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