Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 1

In the cold of winter, my breath fogs up the attic. My body shivers and my hands feel numb. I slowly sit up, trying not to make my wounds worse. I stand up and stare at the broken mirror in front of me.

I look pitiful. My white dress, not so white anymore, is now covered with grime, dust and dirt. The edges are tattered with the odd rip, and the material has become thinner over time, fraying.

My eyes are an unusual bright silver and blue. My hair used to be a white, platinum blonde, but it has been years since I had the luxury of using soap in my hair, so it now looks more like an ash blonde.

Freezing, I grab the other piece of clothing I own and wear it over the top. It’s a worn old cardigan with no buttons, holding the front closed with my hands shaking from the cold. The sound of birds outside my window captures my attention. I turn my head to look out the window at the birds hopping around in the fresh snow. It’s beautiful and calming to watch.

How I wish I could be like these birds. Flying free on the outside, not caring what to eat for the abundance of food for them, are everywhere. They can go far and discover the world. I envy them. I’m jealous of every wild animal I could see lingering in the forest. But, unfortunately, my life is the exact opposite of theirs.

I am a prisoner. I can’t run away from the pack and will always be their servant. I was abandoned as a baby, and they took me in as a slave. I try to survive by eating leftover food and sleeping in the old run-down attic. I’m not sure why I was abandoned. I stare at my wounds. I’ve suffered physical and emotional abuse for many years. I sometimes wish I couldn’t feel any pain, but even though the years of abuse have passed, my body still suffers the same.

Last night was the first time I had spoken in years. I was in the dining room of the pack. The room was filled with people, and I had approached Alpha Tate asking for a blanket or at least some warmer clothes. The whole pack froze in shock at my words, as most of them had never heard me speak. I lived like a ghost or one of the objects in this pack’s house, trying to make myself invisible. However, the stormy and bitterly cold winter made me courageous enough to ask for my necessities to live.

While Alpha Tate was eating, I stood next to him and knelt. His face filled with confusion, knowing I might ask something.

‘Please, Alpha Tate, I might freeze to death one of these nights. Just one blanket or warmer clothes is all I ask of you,’ I beg, swallowing my pride and not being afraid to go against the status quo.

Alpha Tate is twenty-two without a mate. He was handsome and very good-looking. He has light brown hair and penetrating brown eyes. His body is physically strong, with enormous muscles around his body that can make every girl drool. He is a powerful, 6-foot-tall man. But even with a bright-looking face, in reality, he was a monster. He was handsome outside but rotten inside.

He stood up, stomped over to me, and held me up with one hand wrapped around my neck.

He stared deep into my bright silver and blue eyes. My hands clutched his hand while trying to loosen his grip. I couldn’t breathe as he yelled in my face. His hot breath smelled like rotten cheese.

‘You dare ask favours of me? After we already allow you to sleep in the attic and allow you to eat our leftovers? You are the pack slave and nothing more, which means you get nothing more! You’re nothing but a filthy servant!’ he yelled.

He threw me across the floor, and I let out a whimper of pain. ‘I’m sorry, Alpha Tate, I’ll never ask again. Please forgive me,’ I say, keeping my eyes on the floor, almost crying.

Alpha Tate scoffed and walked back to his plate, lifting it and heading back to me.

‘It seems that Slave here is hungry!’ he said cruelly. He tipped the remainder of his meal over the top of me.

A warmth of liquid dribbled down my head. I looked down at the drips dripping onto the floor in front of me to see it was the sauce.

The room roared with laughter as I dared not move. ‘I think this shabby woman is still hungry,’ he chuckled. ‘Anyone else likes to give her something to eat?’ he yelled. The pack members started throwing scraps of food at me.

A whole potato smashed into my head. I kept my eyes down to the ground, not wanting anyone to see the tears I was trying to hold back.

‘Now get out of my sight!’ Alpha Tate snapped. I stood up and raced out of the room and down the hallway.

Rather than running back to my room, I ran through the forest and to my favourite spot. Somewhere I liked to go.

Although it was half frozen, I stepped into the lake, washing all the food and sauce from my hair and body as quickly as possible. The lake pierced my body with an intense chill. My hands trembled as I washed my hair. The oil from my hair quickly solidified and floated to the surface. The lake was filled with dirt, clouded with sauce as it mixed with the water. I couldn’t take the cold anymore.

As soon as I was clean, I ran back to the pack house completely drenched and snuck upstairs to the attic.

Since I had no spare clothes to wear, I removed my wet cardigan and dress. I squeezed the water out and then hung them over a broken chair to dry. Again, the cold breeze touched my skin. Finally, I curled up naked on the old mattress in the corner of the room. I fell asleep despite the cold, thinking I might not wake up tomorrow. I may freeze to death. At least by then, my suffering will end.

Not long after, I was woken to the door being kicked open. Sitting up, I was startled to see Beta Sam glaring at me. His expression quickly changed to a smirk as he stared at my naked body. He was like a beast seeing a flesh of meat ready to devour.

Quickly, I crossed my arms to hide and cover my breasts. My nipples were standing from the cold. I curled my legs closer to my body to hide my lady parts.

Beta Sam quietly closed the door behind him and stared at me again. He slowly stepped toward me. I huddled in the corner, keeping my eyes on the floor.

His feet were now in my sight. I shivered from the cold and was in fear of what was about to happen. ‘Stand up, Slave,’ he said quietly.

Standing, I moved one hand to cover my lower half and kept my other arm across my breasts.

‘Alpha Tate sent me here to make sure I punish you properly.’ he said sadistically. Then, he forcefully removed my arms, holding them still so he could look at my naked flesh.

There was an instant desire in his eyes as he licked his lips, ‘Even though you are a slave, you have a very nice body,’ he said, pulling me closer against his body.

He lowered his head, breathing in my scent, then forced me up against the wall. He kept touching my face, then ran a finger down my lips as his other hand tried to touch my core.

I abruptly bit his finger as hard as I could, without letting go. I could taste his blood in my mouth as it ran down my chin.

‘You ungrateful wench!’ he yelled as he punched me in the stomach with his good hand.

Falling to the floor, I hunched over, holding my stomach, looking up to see Sam ripping his shirt and wrapping it over his finger to stop the bleeding.

He glared down at me and then began kicking my legs and ribs. Finally, after some time, he stormed off. ‘You will pay dearly for that slave!’ he snarled.

I let out the breath I was holding in. Then, I collapsed onto my mattress in shock at what had happened and what I had done.

Alpha is going to be mad when he hears about this! My wolf Storm mind-links.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t allow him to touch me. Only our mate is allowed to! I say to her.

You’re right. We must hang in there for a few more days until we are eighteen. Then hopefully, mate will find us and take us away.

What if mate doesn’t like me? I asked Storm.

Mate will love us. You will see! Storm said with excitement.

After the events of last night, I’m suffering deep fear and anxiety. I rub my aching ribs and then head down the stairs to prepare breakfast for the pack. I put a pot of porridge on the stove.

While the porridge cooks, I set the table with bowls, spoons and cups, then stir the porridge. Next, I collect the jug of juice from the fridge and fill up all the cups at the table.

Hearing the pack members talking, I quickly fill all the bowls with porridge and then dash back upstairs before any of the pack members see me.

They often became angry, especially Alpha Tate, if I was still downstairs while they ate. They said my presence made them sick, and they wouldn’t be able to eat with me around because I am so repulsive.

I’m worried about what Alpha Tate will do as my punishment for biting his beta’s finger. I want to stay out of everyone’s way today.

Normally, I would return to the kitchen an hour after serving breakfast to clean up. I intentionally wait an extra half an hour to make sure the coast is clear.

I clean the kitchen faster than usual, but I’m only able to scrape a few spoons of porridge for myself.

Preparing lunch, I then place the plates of food on the table. Finally, I’m able to run back to the attic quickly, but not before banging into someone. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whisper, looking at the ground.

‘That’s what you said yesterday!’ Alpha Tate says harshly. He grabs my face with his hand and forces me to look at him. He squints into my eyes and then glares at me.

‘Why did you bite Beta Sam’s finger?’ he asks.

My eyes fill with tears. I try to look away, but he yanks my face back towards him.

‘Answer me!’ he growls.

‘I-he um tried to touch me,’ I answer.

Alpha Tate chuckles, then pushes me backward.

‘I don’t know why he would want to touch a dirty, disgusting slave like you, but if he wants to have his way with you, then you are to let him!’ he snaps.

Bursting into tears, I run past him and into the attic crying.

I mind-link my wolf, Storm.

Storm, what will we do if Beta Sam comes back up here?

Maybe we should run away? Storm suggests.

We have nowhere to go and would surely freeze to death on our first night escaping! I reply.

Tomorrow, we turn eighteen. So let’s get through tonight in case we find our mate tomorrow! Storm says.

Storm, I’m nervous about tomorrow. I have a really bad feeling. I say to her.

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