Alpha Lucias’ Banished Luna by ANNA

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

“So your child is his?” Isabella’s voice was filled with horror. I have slept with one man and of course this child is that man’s. 

“You can see it yourself right? You can already guess who’s child is.” She has eyes. She can see how similar Luan’s facial features are to Lucias. He just looks like this small version of Lucias. My words made Isabella’s eyebrows twitch once again. She stared at Luan for a while and then her eyes fell on me. I don’t know what she has. to say and I don’t want to listen but I will just let her say anything she has to. After all, I was a fool. I was always a fool to believe him. 

When I thought about it, I felt my heart was 

After all this time, I again got 

fooled. And now I think I can believe what he said was true. When he said that he never loved me and only hated me before rejecting me, I think he wasn’t lying. It was all his true feelings he had towards me. 

I feel pity… I pity myself. 

“Did you give birth to such a man’s child? The man who rejected you? Humiliated you?” 

Isabella let out a mocking laugh as she raised her brows at me. Of course I gave birth to that man’s child. What can I do? I’m not a heartless woman to get an abortion and how can I even think about aborting my own flesh and blood? He was growing inside of me. Knowing that he was a little innocent soul who did nothing wrong to me, how can I even think about such a cruel thing? I’m not that woman. And I’m happy that I gave birth to him. I’m just so happy. 

“He humiliated me and rejected me, but this child didn’t. So why shouldn’t I give birth to him? And I’m happy to become a mother. You are pregnant Isabella, how can a woman who’s about to be a mother say something rude like that? Do you abort your child?” Her face turned ugly. She’s ugly for sure. A woman who has no warmth in her heart is indeed ugly. 

“Why should I? This is Lucias‘ child and the next Alpha. I’m proud to carry this child. Your son will get nothing. He’s a bastard. My child will be the one to inherit everything that belongs to Lucias, including all the titles. I’m his legal wife and my child will be his legitimate child while yours is illegitimate.” 

I took a deep breath and smiled at her. I should thank her for saying all these things. I should really thank her for coming here today but now it’s time for her to leave. She shouldn’t remain here anymore because one more insulting word from her mouth towards my son will make me rip her tongue out of her mouth. I don’t 

Chapter 27 

want to be rude to a pregnant woman. 

“You can leave now Isabella. What you came here to do is already done, so please leave” I said, turning to leave. But she stopped me once again by speaking. 

“I don’t care if you say what I said to Lucias… he’s mine and he also knows it. I want you to get away from his life again. Take this child with you too. My child needs his father and I don’t want my child to have step–brothers or share his father with anyone else. So you better fuck off, Emilina. Next time I won’t be so good towards you” I hugged Luan tightly against my chest. 

Her words are indeed painful. How does it feel to hear another woman saying that your mate is hers? That’s so painful and disappointing. If she thinks that I would still be with Lucias even after I got to know about his true color, she must be a lunatic. I wouldn’t have trusted what she showed me if it wasn’t Lucias” handwriting but… His unique handwriting is there on the paper with the most hurtful words for me. 

“Okay, you can leave if you are done warning me” I walked into the kitchen directly. I started making pancakes for Luan without letting myself think about anything else. 

“Luan, baby… do you mind leaving here and going back to a place where we can 

see so many horses?” I know that Luan likes horses. Lucias took him to ride horses 

twice and he’s been asking to go again but because of Lucias‘ busy routine, he didn’t get a chance to go again. Either Luan liked it or not, I really want to leave. Regret and disappointment were killing me already. Tears came to my eyes but I forced them back without letting them come out. I don’t want to cry in front of my child. 

“Yes…” Suddenly Luan said as he looked at me with a big and bright smile which made my heart skip a beat. Did he just say yes to me? I felt both happiness and sadness at once. He’s having a good relationship with Lucias. He loves Lucias already and knowing the truth, I can’t stay with Lucias either. I can’t let my heart continue being closer to the man who didn’t even value me. 

en I think about separating them again, it feels so hurtful. But after 

It was almost six when I began to make dinner. Luan is also here in the kitchen. while playing with his toys. I asked him many times to go to the living room and play if he’s uncomfortable but he refused to leave the kitchen or leave me alone. I’m glad I have a son who doesn’t even want to go away from me. I’m blessed. He’s such an adorable boy. I love him so much and my love for him increased day by 

day. No I must say, in every single minute… 

“Smells so delicious…” 

When I was almost done cooking, I heard Lucias‘ voice behind me. He’s back… but his voice didn’t make me happy and excited like it always happened. It only gave a painful growth to my heartbeat. I didn’t even feel like looking at him anymore. I just didn’t even feel like smiling at him or staying at the same house as him. Why was he so cruel? He knew how much I loved him and he knew it more than anyone but he still decided something like that. I sighed, throwing the thoughts away. 

“Did my darling behave well today?” I heard Lucias cuddling Luan along with Luan’s playful laughter. Next, I felt him walking towards me. Before he could say anything, I spoke. 

“Dinner is ready.” With that, I moved away as I left the kitchen. I just don’t want to look at him and I can’t bring myself to do it either. As I went to the living room and closed the door, I felt Lucias’s footsteps behind me. I can’t continue to do this right? Feeling him, I turned to him as my heart was completely torn apart. His gorgeous, handsome face reminded me of the things I read in that letter. But I didn’t let the emotions take over me. I didn’t want to cry and make the situation worse. I’m done arguing with him or dragging the past between us. Right now, I want one thing. It is to leave him and never appear in front of him. Leave somewhere he will never find me. 

“I got you something.” He put Luan on the floor and came to me as he put his hand into a pocket of his pants as he took out a little box. Then he opened it, exposing the beautiful ring inside of it. A beautiful pear shaped light blue diamond. Like a water drop… Beautiful. It’s really beautiful and I like it but nothing matters now. Nothing can fix the blast my heart had while reading his beautiful handwriting. 

“Beautiful… but I prefer leaving my fingers empty than wearing a ring. Thank you.” My words wiped the smile off of his face. He stared at me with a stunned face. I smiled at him and walked away as I picked Luan up. 

“Time for your dinner baby…” I wanted to act normal in front of him but I can’t… I am not that strong to do it. My vision blurred as I walked into the kitchen and arranged the table. Without even waiting for Lucias, I began to feed Luan. 

After moving in with Lucias, I haven’t done something like this before. I always waited for him to come and sit at the table before starting to feed Luan. Luan isn’t hungry at night much because he always has his evening snack. So waiting for Lucias wasn’t a big deal for him and he always happily waited for his daddy. 

While I was feeding Luan, Lucias came and sat in front of me. Without having a shower or anything. Isn’t he a man who eats dinner after having a shower? I took a quick glance at him but didn’t acknowledge him much. I’m not doing this on purpose but it’s happening. Maybe it was because of the way my heart broke earlier. 

“What happened? Did I do something wrong to make you angry?” there was an edge to his voice. 

“No, Lucias….. Have your dinner. It’s your favorite pasta” 

I don’t know if I was faking my emotions good or bad but I didn’t want to talk about anything. I didn’t want to listen to his excuses and reasons because those will never give me the full satisfaction because he doesn’t tell me the truth. He still stared at me and sighed before beginning to have his food. I just didn’t want him not to have his dinner because he must be hungry. If I pull an argument here, it will end up him refusing his food tonight. 

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