Alpha Lucias’ Banished Luna by ANNA

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

“Stay here… please… I have everything you need here. You are safe here. I don’t want you to live somewhere alone with him.” 

Lucias k*ssed my n*eck as he spoke gently. Is he asking me to stay here? In this house? I sighed and moved my hand, sl*pping my fingers into his silky hair as he continued k*ssing my n*eck. I know that I shouldn’t be letting him touch me like this but I can’t help it and I just agreed to be with him. I didn’t reply to what he just said. I remained staring at the ceiling above me while Lucias was on me. Sensing my silence he left my n*eck and looked into my eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes are luminous. 

“I want you to stay with me…” He whispered against my l*ps before pulling me to a deep k*ss. 

He bit my lower l*p and pried open my l*ps as he pushed his tongue inside of my mouth. I k*ssed him back. My heart is still not in a good state but I have already decided to give up on trying to leave him or stay away from him. Luan likes him already, I feel it. So knowing that, I can’t bring myself to ignore Lucias and try to push him away from Luan’s life. It’s better to have a father since he’s a boy. 

He can learn so many things from Lucias more than he learns from me. I can’t raise him to be a strong man. I can’t raise him to be a good fighter and a good alpha. Only Lucias is capable of doing it. All I can do is to raise him to be a man who is respectful and mindful. 

When all those things hit my mind, I don’t feel like arguing with Lucias over my son. I felt his hand slowly sl*pping under my skirt and traveling upwards through my thighs. If we continue this, we will end up having S** and I don’t know if he will be able to stop. I know what kind of crazy stamina he has. 

I stopped Lucias‘ hand from going any further. I don’t want to let this happen. when Luan is still outside playing with his toys. I know that he’s not going to look for me until he gets tired of those toys and it will take hours. But still I don’t want us to be doing something like this when our son is outside. I broke the k*ss. between us and looked at Lucias‘ desire filled eyes. 

“Not now… please” He sighed and nodded his head as he moved away from my b*dy. He should understand that he can’t do this every time he wants. As he sat up on the bed, he looked at me again. I don’t know what he has in his head but when he looked at me like this, I felt weird. 

He again moved near me and crashed his l*ps on mine with no word. I knew all his 

Chapter 20 

emotions were filled in this k*ss but it was still hard for me to understand anything. I closed my teary eyes a 

k*ssed him back as I pulled him back to me while hugging him tightly. I moaned against his l*ps as his k*ss became passionate and sloppy. I clutched his shirt tightly responding to his rhythm of k*ssing me. 

“I’m sorry for what happened… I love you and have always loved you.” He muttered, pulling his l*ps from mine. His words really hit my heart with a tough. pang. I looked into his eyes, not knowing what to say. When he says that he loves. me and has always loved me, it makes me feel okay about everything. 

Wasn’t this the thing that I wanted to hear from him? I always wanted to listen to him saying that he loves me. My vision blurred and the tears conquered my eyes. I sn*ked my hands around his n*eck and buried my face against his chest because 1 had nothing to say, I didn’t know what to say. I just always wanted him. I’ve always dreamt about feeling him holding me like this. 

“Will you stay here with me?” He k*ssed my head asking that. “Yes…” I answered. I will stay with him. 

A month passed. I feel as if time is flying. I can’t believe that it’s been a month since I began to live with Lucias. I don’t know but I feel happy. Happy because his presence completes the family of us. Luaan has a father now. I know that we will have to face problems in future for sure. I know that I will have to cry once again but still I’m here because I see my son’s happiness whenever he looks at Lucias and calls him daddy. The things I couldn’t do for him are done by Lucias easily. So no wonder why Luaan likes him so much. And Lucias’s love for Luaan is also something that I never expected. He loves his son so much. 

I thought that Lucias would be furious when he got to know that I gave birth to his child. I thought Lucias hated me for real. I thought he would snatch my son from me. I thought every bad thing that Lucias could do to me. I expected him to hurt me again but things were different from what I always expected. Lucias is here with me, with my son today. 

He threatened me saying that he would fight for his custody but I know that it was all because he wanted to get me again. He just wanted to keep me with him either. willingly or forcefully and he successfully did it and proved to me that what happened in the past was something out of his control. But I still don’t know what happened back then and I don’t want to know either. As long as Lucias is here loving me and Luan, everything would be fine. 

I was waiting for Lucias to come home while my mind was busy thinking about so 

Chapter 20 

many things. It’s already nine at night and he never gets this late. He always comes home at six and spends the rest of hours with Luaan but today I had to put Luan to sleep because Lucias was late. I couldn’t make Luan stay awake not knowing when Lucias would come. 

My boy should be sleeping early. I waited and waited… Now it’s already eleven and my heart grew heavy not knowing what happened to him and why he’s so late. Even Derek is also not here so I have no way to know about Lucias‘ whereabouts. 1 clutched my dress tightly as I waited nervously and impatiently. I’m scared… I don’t want anything to happen to him. 

While I was waiting, suddenly I heard the sound of someone knocking the door. Is.. this Lucias? But why is he knocking the door? He can just simply open and come in because I haven’t locked it as I was waiting for him. However, the knocks stopped. Is he playing with me now? Trying to scare me? 

I sighed and walked towards the door as I placed my hand on the knob wanting to open the door before I could even do it, the door was pushed open. I took a few steps back subconsciously with the way the door was opened. I sighed seeing Lucias. 

“What happened? You are so late….I put Luan to sleep although he was trying to wait for you.” I said walking to him. I tiptoed and k*ssed his jaw, wrapping my arms around his waist for a hug but suddenly I realized something. 

He’s not the same as before. I could feel the weirdness of him. I let go of him and took a step away from him as I observed him carefully. His gorgeous blue eyes are on me. I don’t know what’s going on in his mind. Is he angry because of something? I wanted to ask him but I didn’t. Ignore his anger… he’s always a bad tempered guy and this is not a new thing to me. 

“Let me arrange your dinner again. Take a shower and come” I turned to leave. 

I wanted to go to the kitchen and arrange his dinner but before I could walk away, he pulled me to him by my hand. What now? I turned to Lucias wanting to ask why he was acting weird. He was never like this. He came home in the evening and he was happy to see me and Luan. Even if he had a rough day, he would still ignore it and be with us. As I turned to him, he grabbed the back of my head and tried to k*ss me which left me dumbfounded. I wasn’t even thinking when my hands acted faster and pushed him away. What is this? 

“Lucias?” I said looking into his eyes. 

Soon, I realized something else. Something horrible. He’s not Lucias… he’s not real 

Lucias. My heart shuddered as my legs went numb while my mind was in daze. He looked exactly like Lucias but he isn’t Lucias. I took a few steps back keeping the distance between us but he casually walked to me. The crazy heartbeat in my chest. is loud and scary. I clutched the skirt of my dress not knowing who to believe what I’m seeing. He’s the same looking as Lucias but both me and my wolf can feel the difference. 

“You are not… Lucias” I mumbled. A smile appeared on the man in front of me as I said that. 

“I’m not..” He chuckled trying to grab me but I swiftly dodged him as I ran upstairs. I wanted to get Luan. I have no idea what the hell is happening and where Lucias is but I can do one thing and it’s to protect Luan and myself until Lucias comes. I heard the footsteps behind me as I ran through the staircase. Then I entered Luan’s room and locked the door. 

Not only locked the door but also put a chair against the door. My heart was hammering inside of my ribcage. I glanced at Luan who’s in a deep sleep. I was startled when I heard the sound of loud bangs against the door. How… How can I leave now? With the strength of that man, he will be able to break the door and enter as soon as possible. Before that, I should do something. 

“Come out or I’ll break this door” His voice was dangerous and threatening. 

The fear in me grew rapidly. If I was alone, I could’ve done something like that but I’m not alone. I have a child with me that I should protect. As the bangs against the door increased, I felt terrible fear. I picked up Luan without waking him up. He wasn’t going to wake up and I knew it because I know he’s sleeping style. Once I picked him up, I went to the window and looked down from it. Can I jump? Can I just jump out carrying him? I questioned myself. I don’t mind me getting hurt but I don’t want Luan to get hurt. 

‘Can we jump?‘ I asked my wolf. 

I want her strength if I’m going to jump from here. I hugged Luan tightly against my chest I could already hear my heartbeat. I was both shocked and scared right now. It was hard to believe what I just witnessed. A man who looks exactly the same as Luan? I’m terrified. How come? I don’t understand. But now I don’t even have the time to think more about it because I need to escape. 

Jump, I’ll pass my strength‘ As soon as she said that I opened the window and jumped ignoring any other thing that could happen in a minute. 


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