Alpha Lucias’ Banished Luna by ANNA

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 


“Why are you crying?” 

His eyes 

are already glowing with fire. His normal blue eyes are not blue anymore. They are red which meant that his wolf had taken over him. I’m crying because I’m scared of him. Did he realize? Did he realize that the child is his? Did he realize that I gave birth to his child? My heart ached and I felt my b*dy shiver because of the fear. This is something that I never wanted to happen. He might say that he needs me but I can’t trust him. I can’t trust him and let him know about our son when I clearly know that he will take advantage of it. 

“I’m crying because of you! Get away from me!” I tried to change all my emotions” I had a few minutes ago. I don’t want him to believe that I gave birth to his child. although he felt it. I pushed him away from me and tried to get up from the bed. I pulled his shirt and wore it again swiftly. Lucias didn’t do anything but stare while observing me. I don’t know what is going on in his head. My heart was hammering against my chest. I wish I could control this crazy heartbeat because I am afraid he will hear it and guess that I’m nervous. 

“Leave… You were about to leave, right?” I glanced at him. 

I just wanted to see him leave without asking me more questions. If he continues asking me more, I know that he will stop finding the truth. Lucias was still staring at me. The look he had on his eyes 

eyes could easily make my heart tremble. I immediately withdrew my gaze walking towards the washroom. I wanted to relax myself. I was almost caught by him. When I was about to walk into the washroom, Lucias strode towards me and grabbed me from my arm pushing me onto the bed again. 

His furious reaction made my soul go numb. Cold sweat appeared on my 

forehead. I forced a smile at him and tried to get up but he pinned me on the bed again, hovering me with his muscular b*dy. In the next second, he gripped my face. It was painful. I can clearly see he’s controlling himself without trying to do anything to me. I felt like screaming and asking for help but who dared to come between us? It’s okay… put everything aside. Just tell me if he was already suspicious about me? 

I know that my 

emotions and sudden differences made him suspicious about me. Now I need to change it but how? He’s already on me while giving me the look as if He was about to skin me alive. However, what surprised me was his silence. He just watched me but said nothing. I wanted to be free from this awkward moment. 

When I was about to push him away and leave he finally spoke, completely crushing my sanity. 

“That child is mine, isn’t he?” I closed my eyes trying so hard to be calm. But I failed. My eyes were covered with tears. I felt all the feelings I’ve been hiding in my heart coming out. All the pain and everything I held in me all alone. The child is his and there’s no doubt of it. How can I sleep with another man and have a child when I could not forget him even though he rejected me. I was in love with him even after we got separated. He has married someone else already but I 

couldn’t do it. 

“No…” I clenched my jaws. “Do you think I will give birth to your child even if I got pregnant by you? Why would I have the child of the man who rejected me and abandoned me? Don’t think I’m that kind!” I lied. 

The lies I muttered pierced my own heart but ignored it. I will be alright as long as he doesn’t know about my son’s existence. It was so hard for me to endure the pain in my chest. I looked away from Lucias thinking he would believe me and let go of me. However, he has no right to believe that I gave birth to his baby after what he did to me. 

“Okay. I will go and see the child myself” He got up from the bed. See the child himself? No… no no no…. He shouldn’t see the child. If he sees my baby, he will definitely know that he’s the father and then he will try to get my baby from me using all the power he has. I grabbed Lucias from his arm and stopped him. I don’t want him to go. When I stopped him he gave me an ignorant gaze pushing my hand away. He casually got up from the bed trying to leave but I didn’t wait. I again pulled him to me. 

“Lucias…. Wait.. don’t leave.” 

“IF YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING STAY, TELL ME WHO’S CHILD IS HE?” Lucias roared, pushing me away. My heart sank. I stood there watching him because I was completely shocked. The way he shouted at me must have awakened all the people around here. I was scared when he shouted at me. I felt myself preparing to cry loudly. 

As I expected, a sob escaped from me. Why is he shouting at me? I didn’t do anything wrong… I don’t want to lose the child I gave birth to. That’s why I’m lying to him. I don’t want to give my baby to Lucias. He will not treat my baby well since he’s already married to someone else. 

“Okay… I’m sorry… don’t cry Lina.. I’m sorry for shouting at you” He pulled me to a hug and k*ssed the top of my head. But his kind words didn’t make me feel okay. 


He just shouted at me. I took a few heavy breathings. 

I tried to breathe but I couldn’t do it properly with the way sobs escaped from me. He has no idea how he affects me. If he ever had an idea he wouldn’t have rejected me like that. I pushed Lucias away from me but he again hugged me. Why is he doing this to me? He should let go of me rather than forcing me like this. 

“I know that child is mine… you can’t hide it from me anymore.” His words made. me cry even louder. I struggled to push him away but all my efforts went to waste. because I couldn’t do it. Since I couldn’t push him away, I bit his arm harder but still he remained hugging me. I can’t hide it anymore? I can’t hide the fact that he’s the father of my child anymore? No…. please don’t let this happen. I don’t want this to happen. I’m scared. 

“Tell me…. I’m asking you. Is that child mine?” He was still k*ssing my head when his gentle voice appeared in my cars. I’ve been exposed, haven’t I? Part of me wanted to speak but the other part of me held the words in my mouth tightly without letting them sl*p out of my mouth. 


If I tell him the truth, will it make things worse? We go back to our past. He had already moved forward with someone else. Will he ever divorce his new wife and come to me if I say that we have a child together? No right? 

“Nothing will change even if the child is yours, Lucias. You can’t change anything 

at all” 

My heart is not willing to let him know about my baby yet. Even though he knows I am not willing to confirm it by accepting the truth. I am just trying to push Lucias away from us by dragging so many impossible things between us. have no idea why I am doing this. Maybe it was because I have completely lost the trust I held towards this man. That must be the reason for everything. 

“How can you say nothing will be changed? You don’t know it yet. I’m asking you. one simple question Emilina. Why can’t you answer it as an adult rather than pulling so many side stories between us?” 

Side stories? What are the side stories that I pulled here? Is he telling me that his new wife is just a side story? No, I don’t think so. I took a deep breath and nodded my head. There’s no use of hiding now. After all, he will go to see my baby if I continue lying to him. Just let me explain to him that I don’t need him to be a part of my 

my child’s life. 

“Yes. he’s your child. So what? I had your son. But I don’t want you to be his father. And I will not let you snatch him from me. I won’t let you take him away from me 

and live with you. You already have a wife, Lucias… so you can have a child with her. Just don’t come after mine. Please let me go now and don’t come to find me again” He slowly released me. He took a few steps away from me while lowering his head. 

“You gave birth to my son?” 

His voice is extremely low. Not only lower but also filled with regret and sadness. I sighed but didn’t answer him. I gave birth to his child because I loved him too 

much. If I never loved him, I would have aborted the baby because I never planned on becoming a single mother and raising a child without a father but I did everything because I loved this man and now I don’t want him to snatch all the efforts I made alone from me. 

“Lucias… let’s stop this. Let me go. I need to go to my son. He must be already crying for me” I said hoping at least he would let me go now. 

He looked at me and shook his head. Did I make a mistake by telling the truth? Did I make my life even more difficult? I was confused and broken. But let me hear what he has to tell me first. 

“Why didn’t you even tell me? Why did you hide this from me? This is not something simple, Emilina. How did you even give birth to a child alone? I wasn’t there…” A good question. I’ve been waiting for him to ask this question from me but I never thought he would ask this from me this sooner. 

“I wouldn’t have to give birth alone if you never abandoned me and rejected me. I got pregnant and I decided to raise him because I loved you. I knew you would never be there for me but myself is enough for me. You made me realize how fast people can change but I didn’t want to change. So I went through all the pain alone and gave birth to him. I didn’t need you. I was strong enough to do everything alone. See… this is why I’m asking you to let go of me. We don’t have to be with each other anymore” 

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