Alpha Loren

Chapter 94 The Rebel Leader

December 20th

Leo's Point of view

Ella squealed and I took Cato from her arms as she moved her thirteen-hour postpartum self to the door as quickly as she could.

"Mom!" I heard a cry.

I came into the hall with Cato in my arms and watched as she threw myself into her arms and hugged her tightly.

"You're a Grandmother now," she said excitedly before going to hug her brother who stood at the door beside their mother.

"How is he?" Connor asked.

At that point, their attention all diverted to me....or rather what was in my arms. He was wide awake with his big blue eyes on full show and even a little smile.

"Oh my..." Mara began before trailing off.

I carefully handed her Cato and she held him close to her like nothing had ever been more precious. "He reminds me of you when you were first born, Ella. Smiling and happy from day one. And he certainly has your eyes, Leonardo. Congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you, Mom," Ella said. "I've missed you so much.”

An hour later, the four of them were sat on the sofa- Ella between her brother and Mother with Cato in her arms. They hadn't stopped fussing over Cato since they got her, all completely unable to believe his very existance.

I'd left them to have a moment as a family as I went to make ravioli for dinner. Both Connor and Mara had accepted my offer to stay the night and there hadn't been a single hint of the usual hostility between myself and Ella's brother.

All was peaceful.

Well, that was until I got a text from Luciano.

I got the name. It read.

The three pulsing dots were still on the screen showing he was still typing something else.

Connor Jones.

I stood completely frozen.

Connor Jones.

The leader of a rogue rebellion creating havoc amongst the pack.

And I allowed him into my home to he was sit with my Luna and new born son.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Ella asked, looking over to me and noticing how I clutched my phone in one hand and gripped the kitchen counter with the other, "Leo?"

I finally snapped my eyes up to her.

"I've got to make a phone call,” I said, refusing to drift my gaze to Connor.

There was an extreme level of anger inside me and just the sight of his face acting all innocent and naive might make me lurch at him.

And I can't do that. Not until I'm sure.

So I turned on my heel and marched out into the back yard, completely out of earshot to call Luciano.

"Connor Jones?" I asked the second he answered.

"That's what Achilles said...eventually,” Luciano said. "Your Luna's brother, huh?" he added delightedly.

I could just imagine his eyes lighting up.

"Yes and he's in my house with my son right now," I hissed.

Luciano gasped in a theatrical way, "How exciting.”

"Are you absolutely sure?” I asked.

"l have no reason not to believe Achilles.”

I sighed.

"So what you gonna do?" Luciano asked eagerly. "Kill him on the spot in front of his family? Torture him where your mate can hear his screams-"

I hung up and marched back inside.

I finally let my eyes fall to Connor. He looked up at me and swallowed. My face must have been cold as stone and as I began marching towards him, he got to his feet and stumbled back.

"Leo?" Ella asked.

But I ignored her, more focused on grabbing Connor by the throat and pinning him to the wall. "Leo!" Ella screamed before hastily passing Cato to her Mom and standing up too.

I glared into Connor's eyes and he glared right back.

"You," I growled as Ella tugged on my shirt, "You are responsible for the rogue attacks on my pack. For the murders, the fires, the rape, the fear.”

I could practically sense Ella's stomach sink as her grip on my arm loosened and she just stared in dismay at her brother.

"Connor," she whispered.

He was beginning to struggle for air.

"Just as I was beginning to like you," I hissed.

"How did you find out?" he choked.

"I have my methods,” I snarled. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you? I would any other threat to my pack so what makes you special?"

Ella's gaze then snapped back down to me, "He's still my brother, Leo," she said, "I would never forgive you if you hurt him. Despite what he has done.”

Her tone was meaningful tone and firm.

She was right. I couldn't just end him like my instinct was begging me to.

So I dropped him to the floor before I could no longer resist the urge to squeeze his throat until he fell limp.

Ella dropped down to him and supported his lolling head.

"What the fuck, Connor?” she hissed, "How could you do this?!"

Connor weakly lifted his gaze to me, his eyes dark and spiteful.

I watched as he slowly recuperated enough to speak.

"Because the father of your child is a monster, Ella," he hissed, "You could once see that too. But now you are blinded so I took it into my own hands to stop him."

The room was deadly silent for a few moments as his words sank in.

"Stop him?" Ella asked deeply, "What was your plan?"

"To stop the vile beating heart of Alpha Leonardo Loren once and for all," he said, still glaring up at me.

If he had any sense he wouldn't have dared look at me like that when my anger was already spitting and bubbling, desperate to boil over.

But he was a Jones through and through. He didn't have any sense.

"And what of his son?" Ella questioned. "The innocent baby you've just been holding. What of his Luna? Me?"

"The rogues were under strict orders not to lay a harmful hand on you or Cato," Connor replied. "Do you really think I'd murder my own sister and Nephew?"

"But you'd take my mate away from me?"

"Yes," he stated coldly.

Ella stood up and covered her mouth with her hand as she paced away, already choking on her own tears

"Who's side are you on, Ella?!" Connor called, "I did this for you."

She turned to face him, "Who's side am I on?" she repeated, "All I want is for us to all be one happy family. Just as we were only ten minutes ago. Now you have ruined any chance of that ever being a reality again. Why on earth would I want to support that?!"

I smiled complacently to myself, "That's gotta sting,” I said. "Your little sister not taking your side?" "Only because you have terrified her into submission," Connor replied. "She goes along with you because you don't give her a choice.”

"That's not true," Ella spat.

"He has killed thousands of innocents,” Connor argued as I seized his shirt and pulled him to his feet. "How can you live with that?!"

Ella stared at the floor and remained silent as I dragged him away from her and to the kitchen table.

"Stay here,” I ordered after forcing him into one of the chairs.

I hastily hurried down to the basement and grabbed a piece of rope. I then made my way back upstairs to the kitchen where Connor was still obediently sat.

I tightly bound his hands behind his back and to the chair as Ella and his Mother watched.

"I will call one of my men to drive you down to the Southern prison where you will stay until you have helped us identify every single rogue involved in your plot. Then you will be brought back up to the base where I will decide what to do with you. But for now, know this: you will never be free again. You are too much of a threat to my pack,” I said.

"I'm the threat?" he questioned struggling against the thick rope. "Not in my eighteen years on this earth have I taken an innocent life but what about you, Leonardo?”

"Connor stop,” Ella intervened.

"You are the murderer here," he spat.

"Connor, please. You are only making it worse,” she begged. "Arguing isn't going to help.”

"Listen to your sister. She knows me better than most," I said coldly. "The only thing that stopped me killing you five minutes ago is your good fortune to have my Luna as your sister. Do not make me change my mind."

Ella was still beside her self. She sat down next to Mara who also had tears in her eyes.

"You'll imprison him?" she asked me, "Forever?"

"I can't have a threat to this pack walk free,” I said firmly.

"What about exile?" she replied, "I can't bare the thought of my only brother rotting in a jail the rest of his life."

"No. I don't trust that he will stay away,” I replied.


"I said no," I said sternly and she finally got the message.

"Why do you let him speak to you like?" Connor asked.

"Connor, you have said enough," Ella snapped at her brother.

"I have to go and make some calls,” I stated. "Don't you dare fucking move," I snarled at Connor. He rolled his eyes and deeply exhaled. I considered forcing him to submit to me but then I looked at the already distraught Mara and Ella, remembered that he was going to spend his life in prison so it didn't matter anyway and decided against it.

Instead, I gave him a deathly glare and turned in the direction of his office. I swear down If my son inherits the Jones attitude, he may not even make it to Alphahood.

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