Alpha Loren

Chapter 71 You Win Some you Lose Some

November 18th

Leo awoke the next morning in a bad mood.

The first thing he did was let out a deep groan before he rolled over and dropped his heavy arm onto my stomach.

"I can't believe you didn't make me pancakes," he said.

"Well," I said sitting up and bringing my knees to my chest, "You didn't treat me well yesterday, did you?"

He sighed, "If you are referring to Amber, I have my reasons, Ella. It's far more complicated than just because I've hooked up with her. Please try to understand.”

"..Then why don’t you tell me?" I asked, "Then I might understand and we can move on.”

"No," he said sitting up, "And I have my reasons for that too."

I sighed and stood up, "I'm going in the shower.”

I let the hot water run over my skin as I watched it run down the drain.

I had to understand otherwise I'd piss him off. But I couldn't question in order to understand otherwise I'd piss him off. It didn't make any sense. I'm supposed to just take his word for blindly accept everything without an explanation. And if I didn't, he'd pull some shit like “just trust me" as if he's ever given me a reason to trust him to be doing the right thing for the right reasons.

When I came out my the shower wrapped in my towel he was sat on the edge of the bed, his face still hard and grumpy.

But as his eyes settled on me in my towel, his lips parted and he sat up straighter.

"Come here," he said as I opened my drawer to find some clean underwear.

"Let me just get dressed,” I said.

"Ella," he replied, "Please. Just come here."

I sighed and turned to face him.

He gestured for me to come over again and I put my panties down and went to stand in front of him

He brought his hands to my face, "If it's friends you want, you are welcome to hang out with my sisters and Allison anytime you long as you don’t lead Allison astray again or let her lead you astray. Okay? They have other friends your age that they can introduce you to too and if you like, we can arrange another trip to Kellington to see Abi and Charlotte. Just not Amber.”

I didn't nod but I didn't object either.

"Good," he said, before pulling me closer and kissing me.

I hardly kissed him back but it didn't stop him bringing a hand down to my waist as he delved deeper into my mouth.

His lips were as soft and delicious as ever and I felt the shivers as he touched me but I still moved away as soon as his hand dropped lower to my ass.

He let out a forceful exhale but standing up and dragging his eyes from my body.

"When are you going to give in?" he asked, "Just so I know how long I have to wait."

"I'll feel comfortable having sex with you again when I am satisfied you have at least some attempt to be a better person,” I replied, "So it's up to you to decide.”

He shot me a glare before sauntering into the bathroom.

I pushed him out of my mind and headed downstairs to make some breakfast.

I knew he'd be hungry too and I wasn't going to be immature and not making him anything too so I cooked enough eggs and bacon for us both. I plated it up with some toast and orange juice before he finally appeared, fresh out of the shower.

Even after I had cooked some eggs, bacon and sausages there was still no sign of the man. I stormed back upstairs and swung open the bedroom door.

"This looks good," he said as I handed him his breakfast.

I gave him a small smile before sitting down without a word.

"I've got to go out later. Luca will be coming,” he told me as he ate.

"Could you try to avoid coming home covered in the blood of innocents and in a foul mood this time?" I asked.

He looked up and clenched his jaw, "They weren't innocent.”

"As far as I know, they are," I mumbled.

"What have I told you about questioning me?" he growled.

I scowled.

"The thing is Leo, I'm not a fucking child," I said, "You can't just expect me to live happily in ignorance. And the fact that you won't just tell me what is going on with those rogues makes me think your response of killing them all is unjustified and evil which is why I'm not overly keen to leap into bed with you. Why don't you understand?”

"Every other member of this pack puts their faith in me to lead this pack in the best possible way. They don't need to question me and they don't need to know my reasons. They just know that I have them and that is enough,” he snapped.

"No," I said, "They are scared of you and they don't dare. There's a difference.”

"Well, either way, it works and this pack thrives. So stop trying to change things. You can't fix’ me. You can't make me 'good'. You certainly can't remodel me into whoever you wanted for a mate. You were unlucky enough to get me and this is how I am. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will be happy."

I looked down at my eggs.

He words cut deep and I had to fight to hold back the tears.

"The fridge is nearly empty,” I said, "Someone needs to go grocery shopping.”

"Well, you've just pissed me off. The last thing I need is a load of screaming human children around me," he replied, "We'll go tomorrow."

Three hours later, I was in the library. Leo had briefly come in to tell me he was leaving and Luca was coming over in half an hour but that was all I'd seen of him all day.

The food situation was becoming dire.

For lunch, I had a stale piece of toast and the banana Luca had been worshipping. I wasn't surprised to find it was no more than mediocre.

After this morning, I didn't want to go and talk to Leo to see if he'd reschedule the grocery trip for today so I made do.

When Luca came, I went straight to the door in need of some human interaction.

"Do not leave the house and do not leave her alone, understand?" Leo said to him in a hushed voice at the door, "It's important.”

Leo then opened his mouth to continue before he saw me and paused.

"Just don't.”

Luca nodded, "Got it."

Leo then left, leaving just Luca and I in the hallway.

"Luca thank God," I sighed, "Somebody to actually talk to."

"What does the Alpha not speak or something?" Luca asked.

"We've been avoiding each other all day,” I informed him, "He woke up grumpy and only got more grumpy when I argued with him...again.”

"Doesn't sound uncharacteristic," Luca mumbled, "He's been weird lately. There's something going on and he'll only talk to Blair about it."

"Tell me about it," I replied, "Something shady no doubt. But I don't want to talk about that anymore. Let's do something else.”

A couple of hours later, Luca and I had somehow ended up playing twister.

"This is such an unfair game," I replied after losing because I couldn't reach a blue circle with my left hand, "Your limbs are so much longer than mine.”

"Yeh and yours are so much more flexible," he said, "I can’t even touch my toes."

To be fair, he had lost quite a few times on accounts of being unable to bend his body in the right directions.

I smiled, "Final decider round?"

"Bring it on, baby," he said clapping his hands in excitement.

But just as I spun the board, my stomach grumbled incredibly loudly.

"Sis, what was that? Your stomach or a fucking howler monkey?" Luca said, his eyes wide in shock. "We don't have any food because no one’s been to the store,” I explained, "And I'm supposed to be eating for two.”

Luca contorted his face in thought before looking at his watch, "We could go eat somewhere..." My face lit up.

"But you heard Leo. He specifically told us not to leave the house.”

I frowned, "But what time is he getting home?"

"Not for like two hours," he said.

We both looked at each for a few moments.

"I mean..what's the worst he could do?" Luca asked.

We both thought again, this time imagining what the worst he could do is.

"Second thoughts..." Luca began.

"We'll be quick,” I said, "He won't know."

"He'll know. He always knows. I used to think he was psychic.”

"If I die of starvation along with the baby...that's gonna cost you at least one more limb than letting me out the house to get food," I pointed out.

"Well, when you put it that way and besides it was your idea..."

Twenty minutes later, I was sat in Macdonalds with Luca devouring a double hamburger with extra pickles

"That explains why he’s grumpy at the moment. He's sexually frustrated,” Luca replied after I had explained the whole situation.

"Well he could just jerk off," I said with a shrug.

"It's not the same, Ella. Trust me," Luca replied, "And letting him kiss you and then leaving him on edge? Girl you are cruel.”

"I thought you were meant to be acting as my girlfriend that I spill all my problems to over junk food as we both cry and support each other?" I said with a frown.

"Hey I never said he didn't deserve it!" he exclaimed, defensively.

"I know right!"

"He's such a jerk," Luca corrected himself in a valley girl accent.

"And you should see how desperate his face was this morning when I came out the shower in my towel.

"OMG that's so funny! I would have like literally like died. Like literally.” Luca replied.

"And then he was like "When are you going to give in?'," I continued, exagerating the Italian accent and deepness of his voice, "And I said not until you get your fucking act together honeybunch.” "Get it, sistarrr. You go girl!" Luca sung.

"OMG Ella is that you?" A girl squealed in the exact accent Luca and I were just imitating.

Luca's jaw dropped in amusement and I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"It like totally is!" I replied in an even higher tone. "I thought you like literally hated me!"

The girl we were talking to was Witney. Some of you may remember her from way back at the beginning of this story. The one that slept with Cameron and then got expelled from school for sleeping with a teacher...yeah that one.

"And who is this?" She asked ignoring me and stroking Luca's hair.

Right, so she’s not actually interested in me. She just likes the look of the eye candy sat opposite me.

"That's" I stuttered.

"Boyfriend," Luca finished. The feelings obviously weren't mutual.

"That is correct. This is....Ernesto....Ludwig...Weasley-Squarepants..” I stuttered picking the first names that came into my head. Luca mouthed to me a 'what the fuck?" and I grimaced at my own stupidity.

"Weasley-Squarepants?” Witney questioned.

"Double-barrelled,” Luca confirmed.

"Parents couldn't decide which they preferred,” I added.

"But you can just call me Ernie," Luca said.

"So are you guys on a date?" she asked. This girl really needs to learn when to go and leave a happy couple be.

"Yep," Luca answered maybe a little too quickly.

"In Macdonalds?"

"Yeah Luca really loves it," I answered shortly before Luca kicked me from under the table.

"Who's Luca?" she asked.

"Oh just a pet name for.... Ernie’s...ring worm...isn't it Luca? I mean Ernie..." I said grimacing once again. Could this get any worse?

"We like to treat him from time to time," Luca added after kicking me again under the table.

"Well, how's Kellington High?" She asked.

"Oh yep. It's great. Smashing. Splendid. Some may even say spectacular,” I replied maybe overdoing it a little.

"I also just wanted to apologise for sleeping with your boyfriend,” She said and I shot Luca a glare. He put his hands up in defence.

"Wait do you mean Cameron?” I asked. "Because I'm pretty sure we broke up before that happened.”

"Yeah but couples break up all the time. Technically he cheated on you with me,” She explained. "Well technically, if we are technically going to use the term 'technically' technically, then technically he technically didn't," I replied.

"Whatever he's a jerk. I wouldn't waste your time on him. There are so many better fish in the sea.” she said acting like the relationship guru. Excuse you Witney Mcslutney Slut but that's Luca's job. She has never even had a partner for more than three days before- not that Luca has either. "Could of done with that advice about two months ago. Like you know, when all of this was actually relevant.” I replied.

"Well, I have a boy waiting for me in the back seat of his car in the parking lot," she boasted. "Classy," I mumbled under my breath knowing that Luca could hear.

"I'll see you around Ella and Spongebob or whatever your name is,” she said before marching off in her high heels.

"Rude," Luca grumbled. "It's Ernesto Ludwig Weasley-Squarepants.”

I choked on my final fry and had to use my remaining lemonade to wash it down.

"But really? Weasley-Squarepants? What kind of messed up, perverted Ron and spongebob breeding process is involved in producing a child with that surname? And ringworms? Where the fuck did that one come from?" He questioned.

"I was always an imaginative kid," I replied.

"Get under the table,” he suddenly blurted out of nowhere. "Alpha at one o clock.”

"Oh shit,” I cursed before diving under the not very large booth table.

"I can fucking see you both," Leo's pissed off voice said a few moments later.

I looked to the side to see his feet and legs before I shuffled further under the table and closer to Luca.

"Who are you mysterious man? We don't know you," Luca replied putting on a voice that if you were VERY imaginative you could interpret as a Russian accent??? Maybe...

Even in this situation, Luca didn't fail to make me laugh. I quickly slammed my hand over my mouth just as Leo crouched down to look under the table.

I looked up, met his stern eyes for a short second before quickly looking to the floor.

"Oh hey Alpha," Luca said. "We thought you were someone else."

"Why are you under the table?" he questioned.

"I dropped and we were just having a quick look for it," I bluffed, still unable to look him in the eye.

"Both of you?" he asked.

"Yes," we replied in unison both of us knowing full well he wasn't buying it.

"It's a two-person job," I added just for good measure.

"Get the fuck outside now," Leo said his tone turning very serious and not at all amused.

"You know Luca, I don't think I'm going to eat the fry even if we do find it because that would be unhygienic so do you think maybe we should stop looking?" I asked.

"Yeah okay. You win some you lose some," he replied and we both got out from under the table.

I slowly looked up to Leo and smiled meekly. There was a short tense pause as he just glared at me before he grabbed my wrist and then Luca by the scruff of his collar.

He hauled us both outside into the parking lot before slamming Luca into the wall by the McDonald's bins and punched him in the face. Very hard.

"Leo!" I gasped.

"What did I say just before I left?" Leo questioned completely ignoring me.

"Bye?" Luca replied his voice slightly strained.

Another blow just as hard but this time in the ribs

"Leo stop it!" I screamed but he still didn't do so much as turn his head to me.

"I said don't let her out the fucking house,” Leo said answering his own question. "So why have you let her out the fucking house? Are you forgetting that I am your Alpha now too?"

"I decided you'd be less angry with me in this situation than you would be if she died of starvation,” Luca explained.

"It's been about like three hours since she last ate. She wasn't going to die. Don't ever disobey my orders again. Got it?" Leo replied. Luca nodded before Leo threw him to the ground and then finally turned to me.

"Hello," I said with an awkward little wave as his angry eyes bore into mine.

"Hello? Is that all you have to say for yourself?" he raised an eyebrow. "Car. Now," he ordered like some kind of caveman.

I hesitated, turning to Luca who was just above managing to sit up.

"Get in the car,” Leo growled, "Defy me one more time and I am going to flip my shit.”

Pretty sure the shit has already been flipped but I still didn't want to find out what would happen if I refused. Luca was just about okay and I had got away with only a small bruise on my wrist. There was certainly room for more damage.

"Bye Luca," I said. "I'll see you next time."

"See ya Ella," he replied just about managing to pull himself together enough to get to his feet and stumble to his car. "If there is a next time."

"What the fuck Leo?!" I said as he began to drive.

"Why are you “what the fucking'?" he questioned.

"Maybe because you just beat up your third in command?"

"He'll be fine. And don't think that you got away lightly. I just can't beat you up because you're my mate and everything which really sucks.” He replied.

"Well It's great to hear you draw the line somewhere but best friends still don't fall into the “don't beat up’ category. You really are a man with great morals.” I said in a sarcastic tone.

"If you are trying to wind me up. Congrats. You succeeded in that hours ago so unless you want me to completely lose control I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

"I was hungry Leo! I'm pregnant,” he said.

"Then you should have called me and I would have sent somebody to get some food," he replied, "There was a good reason I wanted you to stay in the house tonight. It's not safe out here.”

"Then you should have told me..." I said quietly.

With that, he stopped the car abruptly in the middle of the road.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Get out," he said.


"I said get out the car.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and unbuckled as he did the same and climbed out of the car.

"Do you smell the air, Ella?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, taking in the scents of the forest.

"What does it smell like?"

"Trees, rain, wild animals..."

"And?" he asked.

There was another scent. One that wasn't normal to this territory.

"Rogues," I said.

"Every day it gets stronger," he replied, "Every day, my men are finding more rogues on this territory.”

I took a deep breath.

"We are under attack,” he continued, "And they aren't just acting alone anymore.”

I snapped my eyes up to him, "What does that mean?”

He shook his head, "I've told you enough. But these wolves are dangerous to you and every other member of this pack, including our unborn child. I am killing them because it is necessary to keep you all safe. Does that make sense.”

I nodded.

Although I could tell that was just the tip of the iceberg, it still felt like a break through.

"Now let's get home."

We were soon back in the house.

"How about we have sex now and draw a line under this whole thing?" he suggested as I took my shoes off at the door.

"No," I said.

"We've fought almost constantly for days. What better way to solve the conflict than a good fuck?" "Sitting down and actually talking about it more?” I replied. "Whilst I'm thankful you told me what you did, it wasn't enough to convince me that you are not the devil and I've got more respect for myself than to give in, especially after you just beat up Luca.”

"Talking hasn't worked so far, why would that magically change?" he said.

He had a point.

"We've just got to fuck and make up.”

I shook my head, "I don't want to.”

"You don't have to forgive me or give in or change your opinion," he said coming closer to me and resting his hands on my hips, "Just fuck me....please...woman that I highly respect...”

I smiled, "Was that a “please’? Leonardo Loren, what has happened to you?!"

"Don't make me beg," he replied.

Now I had him wrapped around my little finger. It had only been a couple of days and he was already desperate.

"I'm surprised you're begging,” I said quietly. "I would have thought you'd feel entitled to it. Ya know, considering you're the Alpha and I'm just your opinionless Luna, here purely to serve you." "Fuck's sake," he grumbled. "Here we go again.”

"In fact, I'm surprised you care enough about what I think to worry if I want to have sex or not. Why don't you just take it, Leonardo, like you take everything else?!"

He let out a short breath.

"You know I wouldn't do that," he said.

"Do I?" I asked. "You had no problem marking me against my will and you seem to be listening to your Dad's opinion these days about how you should treat me and he certainly feels a man is entitled to his mate whenever it suits him."

Leo suddenly sat up and looked me right in the eye. His face was sincere, a transformation from the scowl! and rolling eyes he had worn a few seconds before.

"I will never rape you, Ella," he said in a deep tone. "No matter how angry I am or how long it's been that is one thing I will never do."

"Whatever," I said. "People change. You've demonstrated that over the last couple of days."

And the stalemate continues.

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