Alpha Loren

Chapter 6 Where Do You Keep the Washing Powder?!

October 11th

I woke the next morning with the blazing sun shining through the window flooding the room with bright light. I glanced over at the alarm clock situated by the bed- 10:30 am.

Leo was still asleep.

This was my chance.

His grip was still tight around my waist but I decided it would be safe to try and wiggle free without waking him.

"Don't even think about it,” He growled as if he had read my mind.

I sighed, "But I need a wee."

"For sure," He murmured, subtly moving one of his hands further down my leg.

"Keep your hands to yourself," I said sternly moving his hand off me.

"I'm just touching what's mine,” He said, teasingly putting his hand back.

I felt the tingles and they were hard to resist but at the same time for some inexplicable reason, his touch made me nervous and embarrassed.

"The only thing my leg belongs to is me, I don't see you using it to walk every single day!"

I shot him a scowl before I sat up. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'll let you go to the bathroom in exchange for a kiss," he whispered in my ear, his voice sending me shivers.

I swallowed, "I don't even know you, Leonardo.”

He let out a short laugh, "So?" he asked.

I then felt his lips draw closer to me and my eyes widened. All I could think to do was grab the pillow from beside me on the bed and force it between us, creating a safe blockade.

"No," I snapped. "Don't you dare.”

He laughed to himself before untangling me from his arms and rolling onto his back.

"I thought you needed to go to the bathroom?" He asked with a handsome smirk after I hadn't moved.

With that, I quickly slithered off the bed and into the bathroom, where I slunk to the floor.

His advancements were unwelcome, there was no doubt about that. But then why was I feeling so flustered by the concept of nearly kissing him? Why did I wish he hadn't let me stop him?

After a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that it was totally unfair of him to put me in this situation and therefore it wasn't my fault.

After allowing myself to have one more cringe at my life, I got up, put on my “I'm a mature adult’ face and opened the door.

The first view I saw was Leo- shirtless Leo stood by the window where the early morning sun shone it's golden rays across his abs.

I slammed the bathroom door again and took my designated seat for the day.

"You can't stay in there forever Ella,” he said through the door after 20 minutes.

"I can. There's water, a toilet...I can eat the toothpaste if it comes to it," I replied.

"You're fighting a pointless battle.”

"If I come out will you try and kiss me again?" I asked

There was a pause.

"No," he said in the most unconvincing tone possible.

"At least try to sound believable," I replied. "I'm staying in here.”

"I will break this door down if you don't come out in the next 30 seconds.”

Okay, that I can believe. I stood up and unlocked the door refusing to make eye contact.

"Don't even look at me," I said walking past him and towards the door. "And don't come closer than a metre."

"So we're just gonna coexist today?" he asked.

"Precisely. Glad you're finally understanding,” I said nearly reaching the door handle.

But then he took my hand and pulled me back, "I'm not satisfied with that, sweetheart. I want more than just a lodger in this house.”

I leant back away from him as he wound his hands around my waist. But there was no escaping him. He could do anything right now and I'd have no way of stopping it.

"Let me be honest with you, Ella,” he began, his voice soft and mellow, "I will not make you do take anything you don't want. But I am not afraid to make you want it."

He then brought his thumb to my lips once again. Even that was enough to send a warmth radiating through me. Just imagine how blissful his lips on mine would be.

"But there's plenty of time for this later," he said taking his hands off me, leaving my mouth watering, "For now, we will just have breakfast unless you want to just cut the chase and fuck this second?”

I swallowed and paused, "Breakfast," I said as I nodded.

He smiled and pinched my cheek, "I'll see you down there."

When I got downstairs, there was a man in the kitchen.

And I know what you're thinking.

Not a male stripper. Just an ordinary man. Or actually..maybe those pants could have been velcroed and perhaps that was the faint outline of a mankini under his shirt. But no. For the purpose of this story, he was just a man.

(If you want a rewrite where this takes a different turn, comment here).

"Leonardo, who's the guy?” I asked as he appeared in the kitchen behind me.

He looked up at me and gave what could have been a smile but it was hard to tell. His eyes were green and bright and his hair a chocolately brown but that's about all there was to say. He gave very little away.

"Ella, this is Blair, my beta," Leo said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Blair, this is Ella. My mate." Blair stood up, revealing his incredible height and approached me. I leant back a little, out of his shadow, feeling slightly intimidated but he just held his hand out.


I shook it.

It was then that I noticed his features were much softer than they first appeared and much softer than Leo's (by a long shot). He smiled, this time in a more convincing way and I instantly warmed more to him.

"Buongiorno, Ella," he said.

"I don't know what the fuck that means..." I whispered to Leo.

"She doesn't speak Italian,” Leo told him.

"Why would I-"

"Apologies," he said examining me. "You look like you're from this pack."

I opened my mouth, realising no one was going to have the courtesy to explain what the fuck they were talking about but Leo beat me to it.

"Where's Luca?" he asked.

Blair looked at his watch, "I don't know. He should be here. I told him to come at 9:00 to ensure he was here by 11:00 but here we are.”

I smiled to myself. I had no idea who 'Luca’ was but he seemed like my sort of person

A few moments later, the front door opened.

"You're late," Leo stated in a deep tone.

A tall boyish man entered the kitchen. He seemed flustered, his ash-blonde pointing in every direction as he peeled his sweater off him and stood leaning against the door frame, dramatically panting and wiping his brow with the back of his hand like a shocked 50s film star.

"I'm sorry Alpha I just lost my car keys and I couldn't find them anywhere until I looked in the fridge and they were on the shelf which come to think of it, explains why there was hot sauce in my jacket pocket and then I spilt milk on my-" he suddenly stopped as he set his blue eyes on me.

He stood up straight and simply stared.

"I don't give a shit why you're late. Make sure it doesn't happen again,” Leo said.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," he said dismissively waving his hand. "Who's the pretty Lady?"

"Ella," Leo said wrapping an arm around my waist. "My mate."

"Oh, I'm sorry Alpha. She's not pretty. I mean she is but it's just an observation I'm not saying that I'd ever even dream of acting on it and I-"

"Luca," Leo snapped.

"Yes, Alpha?”

"Just shut up.”

I smiled and Luca held out a hand to me.

"It's nice to meet you Ella," he said.

He was far friendlier than Blair and didn't have an ounce of intimidation about him. I smiled and he smiled back.

"What's it like having to live with Leo?" he asked.

"Watch it, Luca," Leo said.

He flashed his eyes at me and rolled them as Leo looked away so that only I could see.

I giggled which only caused his lips to curl into a wide smile.

"Ella this is Luca, my Gamma," Leo said.

"Hi," I said.

"Has Leo not gotten you any clothes yet!" He teased.

I looked down at my bare legs. Oh, right I forgot to put pants on.

I gritted my cheeks and slowly looked back up...Well, this is awkward.

Leo shot him a deathly glare, but it didn't seem to have any effect on Luca.

"Borrow anything of mine,” Leo said to me, "I want you to cover up.

I looked up and nodded.

The t-shirt was long and reached my midthigh. It didn't seem like a huge problem to me but as I stood looking up at him as he towered over me I wasn't going to argue.

"We will go shopping when I have the time but for now, Blair and I have to go out something, and Luca will stay with you."

Luca's face lit up into a mischievous grin.

"Whilst they fuck," he whispered to me. "Alpha Loren's biggest secret,” he added with a wink.

I let out an abrupt laugh before covering my mouth and trying to control myself.

"Luca," Leo scolded, smacking him over the ear.

"You'll be safe with him, but if he annoys you too much you have the Alpha's full permission to slap him," He smiled and I smiled back before he and Blair went out the door. I heard the lock click a few moments later.

"First things first, you heard the Alpha. Cover those scandalous legs up, you whore," Luca said, "How could you even consider showing me your knees?!"

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "I'll be right back."

There was nothing in Leo's closet that could even consider fitting me. His jeans were all as long as my entire body, his shorts drowned me and his sweatpants just bunched around my ankles in masses of thick fabric.

I sighed before I noticed a drawer slightly open. I slowly approached it and pulled the handle, revealing his boxers.

I paused for a moment, wide eyed before taking a pair out.

Elasticated waist? Check. Comfy fabric? Check.

And compared to him I was tiny. These boxers would be like shorts on me.


I changed and headed back downstairs in my new fit.

Luca had to contain his laughter as I did a little catwalk. Most of my legs were still out but I could sit sprawled out on the sofa without revealing my ass so that's got to be enough, right?

"So what do you wanna do?" Luca asked me.

"Go home," I replied without hesitation.

"I'm not suicidal,” Luca said, "We could just sit and watch the stock market?" he asked with a shrug. I narrowed my eyes. He wasn't joking.

"Why would we-"

"Or we could play on the x-box," he said quickly.

"Yeh let's do that..."

"GTA or Call of Duty?" He asked automatically assuming I would know what either of those were. "Urr..." I mumbled cluelessly trying to remember what Connor and his friends are always playing. "GTA itis," He laughed.

We played for at least 3 hours and Luca won every time. What a surprise.

"I think you are quite possibly the worst person I've ever played against in the history of my life,” He laughed

"I'm just waiting for the right moment to pounce, then you won't be laughing.” I threatened. "When will that moment come little miss feisty pants?" He asked

"When you are least expecting it," We both laughed and continued to play.

Just as Luca was performing his victory dance for the 17th time my stomach erupted with the most ghastly impression of a wale.

"Does the Alpha not feed you either?" Luca asked.

"Um...he hasn't yet actually,” I replied.

"He clearly has no idea how to treat a lady," he stated opening the fridge. "Oooh but he does have sushi."

A few minutes later, Luca and I were sat at the table eating the sushi we had stolen from Leo's fridge.

I watched as Luca picked up his chopsticks, expecting him to put one in each hand.

But he didn’t.

Instead, with one in his left and one in his right, he slowly and shakily picked up a piece of sushi. "That's not how you use chopsticks,” I pointed out.

He looked up, "Huh?"

"You're doing it wrong," I said.

"There's a way?" he asked

"Yeah and that's not it," I replied taking them out of his hands. "Hold it like this."

I demonstrated and he watched in wonder as if I had just revealed the secret to the universe.

“Try it"

He picked up another piece of sushi, this time with marginally less struggle.

"You'll get there," I reassured. " day."

Just then the doorbell rang. I stood up to answer it but Luca dragged me behind him.

"It won't be Leo and Blair, they wouldn't bother knocking and since you are stood there in a single t-shirt unmarked and unmated I think its probably best if I answer it. I don't really want my head ripped off the Alpha if something happens to you," He said.

My mind lingered at the words unmarked and unmated. Thankfully, my thoughts were interrupted before I could think too deeply about it.

"Ella are you okay?" Luca asked waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? yeh, I'm fine.” I answered trying to act casual by leaning against the table and scratching my head. "Why?"

He narrowed his eyes and mimicked my “natural’ leaning on the door frame of the kitchen with a cheeky grin.

"Luca, get the door," I snapped. Whoever was there had been waiting quite a while.

"Oh yeah, I'll do that," He said quickly standing upright and rummaging around in his pocket. A few moments later he withdrew a key. My eyes glistened at the shiny object and Luca opened the door. It was Connor.

I raced around Luca immediately into my brother's arms.

"How did you find me?" I asked but before he could answer I had been dragged back into the house and Luca was guarding the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" Luca asked.

"Who the fuck are you?" Connor countered.

"Luca it's fine, he's my brother," I said trying to reassure him.

"Do you have the Alpha’s permission to be on this territory?" Luca asked.

"I don't need permission to see my little sister,” Connor snapped, "And I'm not here to cause trouble. But shockingly when she didn't come home last night, I was a little worried. So I had to check on her.”

"Well, there you go. You've checked. She's fine. Now you can leave," Luca said, "Trust me, you do not want the Alpha to find you here.”

"Can I not even speak with my sister for five fucking minutes?" Connor asked.

"You have “five fucking’ seconds," Luca replied stepping aside slightly.

I gave my brother a small smile before he sighed, “Ella, what the fuck? Some guy came to our house this morning and told me you weren't coming home and that Alpha fucking Loren has taken you as his mate. Please tell me that was a dream.”

I sighed, "Unfortunately not.”

His face sunk about three miles, "Has he...hurt you?"

"Not really,” I replied.

"What do you mean not really?" Connor asked stepping forward, "Are you in danger?”

I swallowed and shrugged, "I don't know. I've haven't even known him twelve hours yet.”

Connor clenched his fists, "And when will he be back here? I'm staying to speak to him."

"No," I said, "That's not a good idea.”

"I don't give a shit, Ella," he replied, "I'm not just leaving you here with these random men. Anything could happen.”

"Okay time to go," Luca announced, placing his hand on Connor's shoulder and shoving him off the porch.

"I said I'm not leaving her here," Connor said, refusing to budge any further.

"She's in safe hands,” Luca reassured before pushing him further down the drive.

Luca was far bigger than my brother and easily dragged him despite Connor's protest.

"Ella I promise you I am not going to give up," Connor said, "I will find a way to get you home.” "You will find a way to get yourself killed,” Luca hissed, "She is Alpha Loren's mate now. And you do not want to fuck with him."

Connor sighed.

"At least let me ask her how to turn the oven on."

I laughed. Typical Connor.

"I'm sure you can use your initiative and work it out,” Luca Grumbled, his sense of humour creeping back into his voice.

"Abi and Charlotte will show you!" I shouted

"And where do you keep the washing powder?!" He shouted back at me still being manhandled by Luca.

"UNDER THE SINK!" I screamed as he got further away.

When they reached the woods they quickly got out of sight, Connor was now co-operating but Luca probably still wanted to escort him to the borderline. It then dawned on me that I was free. Luca had left the door wide open and no one was in the house to stop me. I was gone without any second thoughts. I legged it down the drive and in the opposite direction to Luca and Connor. I had no shoes on and the twig littered forest ground was prickling my feet, but that wasn't going to stop me using possibly my only real chance to escape. I had been running for a mere 2 minutes when I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned my head to see Leo running towards me. His legs were impossibly long and he could run faster than I'd ever seen anyone run before. Trying to out sprint him was futile so I turned and put my hands up in front of my chest, hoping to stop him before he could seize me with his tight clenched fists.

But we just collided hard and he knocked me to the floor, pinning me down to the ground.

I looked into his eyes and instantly regretted ever leaving the house. They were dark and piercing as he stared down at me, squeezing my wrists tight.


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