Alpha Loren

Chapter 56 I Hate Alphas

November 11th

"Come on then. Spill," Leo said after about 5 minutes of driving.

"Well, we were at a house party two weeks before I met you. We'd been going out for like gives months already but obviously we hadn't slept together. He ended up getting pretty drunk and aggressive to one of my brother's friends so I took him upstairs to cool off. I was going to go and make him apologise but he just kissed me,” I explained before taking a pause to breath.

"I don't like the idea of someone else kissing you," Leo said his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"You are going to have some serious issues with the next bit then," I said. "After a few minutes-" "You made out with him?" Leo asked.

"Says the man who didn’t even save his virginity for his mate,” I snapped. "Anyway, I said I wanted to go back downstairs. He didn't want to and started kissing my neck,” I continued and Leo tensed again. "Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"Carry on," he ordered.

"I kept saying no but he wanted to have sex and the fact that I didn't, didn't seem to bother him," I continued, "I gave him a fair chance to stop before I used my werewolf strength but he didn't and I believe that had I have been human, he would have raped me."

"It's a good job you didn't tell me this before I met him," Leo said his voice and angry, "And this is why I'm protective over you, Ella. Men can not be trusted.”

"Not every man is bad Leo," I replied.

"But the problem is you can't tell the good ones from the bad ones until you get to know them," he said.

"I knew you were a bad one before I got to know you,” I answered quietly.

"I can honestly say I have never raped anyone," Leo said defensively.

"Oh well in that case, we'll all just forget how you still have huge prison containing with unnamed babies who are orphaned because of you," I said.

"Fine by me," Leo replied. "And I hate how you had a boyfriend. Why?"

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because why would you be with someone when you know one day you'll find your mate?"

"I didn't know when that day would be. It could have been in twenty years time for all I knew," I replied. "And you can hardly talk. You've slept with more girls than you can count.”

"Okay, sure," he said. "I slept around but I never had a girlfriend and I was never “in love'."

"I wasn't in love with Cameron,” I replied.

"That's not what he said earlier..."

"We thought we were but we weren't. I was naive and didn’t even know what love is," I said.

He still didn't seem satisfied.

"But do?" he asked.

"You know I love you, Leonardo,” I said, "I just intensely dislike you at the same time.”

He smiled, "I can assure you the feeling is mutual.”

On the way back from the mall, we went via Leo's parent's house. Only Antonio, Mateo, Marco and Carlos were there.

"How did things go with Haden and Lia yesterday?" Leo asked Mateo.

"Nothing drastic happened. He kept touching her, but she was stronger than him thanks to all that wolfsbane," Mateo said. "She wants to leave with him before the end of the month though.”

"Her 18th is on December 12th. Make it clear to her that she isn't leaving before then,” Leo said. "I'll pass the message on when she gets home," Mateo said.

"Leonardo, can I have a word with you in my office?" Antonio said coming into the kitchen.

"Sure," Leo said before following his Dad out into the hallway and into the office by the front door. "What's he done?" Mateo whispered to me.

"What do you mean “what's he done?" I asked.

"He just got Leonardoed. He's definitely done something," Marco explained.

"You don't just get full named for no reason,” Carlos added.

"It's one of the most fundamental signs of being in trouble,” Lenny said.

I looked at the three of them and they shrugged.

"But Leo can do what he wants. He is the Alpha after all,” I replied.

"How about we just listen and I guess we'll find out?" Mateo said and we all nodded in agreement before falling silent.

"You freed a hundred infants from your camp for what reason?" Antonio said a hint of anger in his tone.

Leo remained silent.

"First rule of having a Luna: don't let her control you,” Antonio said. "You have broken both of those rules today.”

"Firstly, she made a promise to the pack and I had to go through with it,” Leo replied. "Did you somehow manage to miss the leaflets?"

"The second rule of having a Luna: don't let make and distribute fucking propaganda,” Antonio continued

Leo said nothing.

"The third rule of having a Luna: don't let her weaken you.”

"Ella is not weakening me," Leo said deeply. "If anything she's making me stronger. She is providing me with an heir amongst so many other things.”

"Oh yes the heir that she conceived after FINALLY allowing you to mate her!" Antonio exclaimed raising his voice.

I could practically hear Leo clenching his jaw.

"It was two weeks Dad," Leo replied monotony like he had to block all emotions to stop his fury getting the better of him.

"Two weeks too long. You should have done it the night you met her when you wanted to,” Antonio responded.

"I am struggling to see how this is relevant,” Leo said his voice deepening even more.

"It is just another example of you not having authority over her," he replied. "Along with how she stood up in front of the pack at the ball and started making promises that she knew you would have never agreed to. How did you deal with that? How did you punish her?"

Leo paused.

"Did she just smile sweetly and you forgave her?" Antonio asked.

"No," he hissed. "She gave me head and then we moved on. I haven't forgiven her."

Mateo wrinkled his nose as Marco looked at me with a grin. I refused to make eye contact with either of them in order to avoid turning completely red.

"So you did nothing?" Antonio questioned.

There was another pause.

"You need to show her that you are in control or she will never understand her place and continue to tear down this pack piece by piece-" Antonio continued before Leo cut him off.

"You may be my father but I am still your Alpha,” Leo growled, "And you will not tell me how to deal with my mate.”

I exchanged looks with Mateo as we endured an intense moment of silence followed by Leo storming out of the office almost knocking the door off its hinges.

He marched into the kitchen and took my hand.

"Anyway, I came here to tell you all that Ella and I are having a boy,” Leo said in a gruff tone, "Now Dad has pissed me off so we're leaving."

He then took my hand.

"Wait, wait, wait," Mateo said, "It's a boy."

I smiled.

"Sick. I'm gonna be an uncle,” Marco exclaimed.

We all exchanged worried glances as Carlos shoved him, "And if it was a girl you were gonna be an aunt, huh?"

Marco still seemed confused.

"Fucking dumbass,” he twin muttered.

"So what are you going to name it?" Mateo asked.

"A good question. We haven't thought about that yet," I replied.

"What about...Mateo Junior?" he suggested.

"Hmmm...nahhhh," I joked. "Reminds me of someone...not sure who...but it's not in a good way." Just then Antonio came into the kitchen. Leo tensed up again and swallowed, "Congratulations son." Leo forced a smile.

"Come on, Ells. We're leaving," he said before leading me out the house.

Another hour later, we had eaten some very late lunch that Mateo made and sat down to watch a movie.

"There's an Alpha coming here tonight,” Leo said as he unlocked the front door.

"Please don't tell me he's staying for dinner," I said remembering the last time we had an Alpha round.

"He's staying for dinner,” Leo replied as he came into the kitchen/living room.

"He's not like Haden is he?" I asked nervously.

"Well..he's an Alpha," Leo said through gritted teeth. "We're all twats.”

"I see you're finally self-aware," I said.

"Who is this Alpha?" I asked.

"He's in the alliance and Alpha of a Russian pack called Polnoluniyesevera, which in English means Full moon of the north, bit of a mouth full I know. Anyway, his name is Xander Kuznetsov, he's 21, mateless and likely to be the most powerful Alpha in Russia," Leo explained.

"I'm already dreading it..." I said. "Can I skip?"

"No," he replied.

"Tell them I'm sick,” I begged. "Please, please, please."

"No," he repeated. "You're Luna, remember?”

"It's not like you'll want me to offer my opinion or anything though, is it?" I said.

"Absolutely not," he replied. "Just sit and look pretty.”

I scowled.

I don't like Alphas.

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