Alpha Loren

Chapter 36 Sherbet Lemon

November 2nd

Once again, I found myself sitting opposite Leo at the kitchen table eating but this time we weren't silent.

"So you've forgiven me?" I asked after we had been discussing ridiculous baby names and pissed ourselves laughing at the concept of calling it Quiche therefore with the surname producing “Quiche Loren’ like the french tart consisting of a pastry crust and an egg, cheese and ham filling.

"Meh," he replied. "I'm done being pissed off but forgiven? No."

I smiled, "I'll take that. So long as you never leave me with Max again. Ever."

"What's so bad about him?" Leo asked his face turning more serious. "You don't get on. Is there more to it?"

I paused for a moment. "No. We just..don't like each other.”

I then shifted my gaze down to my food and went silent. I could feel him looking at me, refusing to let it slide.

"Did he do anything?" he asked.

"No," I said quickly. "He's just still annoyed about Maddison and he blames me."

"So he didn't touch you or hurt you in any way?" he asked

"No," I lied.

"Come here, I want to smell you," he said with a straight face.

"That is not a normal request,” I pointed out.

"Ella, just come," he replied beckoning me.

I sighed and put down my fork before making my way around the table to him where he pulled me onto his lap.

He nested his face into the crook of my neck and took a deep inhalation.

"Well, this is perfectly ordinary,” I replied.

The longer he meticulously examined my scent, the more nervous I felt. At one point, he suddenly paused and I took a sharp breath in.

"Just soap and shampoo. You don't normally have showers in the morning?" he said wrapping his arms around my waist as I sat on his knees.

He hadn't detected Max's scent. Thank the Goddesses.

"I don't normally vomit in the mornings either,” I replied with a slight laugh.

"If there is anything you're worried about, with Max or anything else, you know that you can tell me, right? I'm here to help both you and our baby, okay?" he said.

I nodded, "I know."

We then continued with our dinner.

"Actually, Leo. There is something,” I began. His ears pricked up and he immediately directed his attention to me.

"This baby. Promise me that we won't bring it up to you."

"Like me?" I asked.

"To kill people and be harsh and cruel,” I replied.

"If the baby is a boy it will be the heir to the Alphaship,” Leo said shortly.

"Being an Alpha doesn't mean you have to unnecessarily kill," I argued.

"I rule fairly, my dear. My harshness and cruelness is only directed to those that have done something to piss me off. They must be punished and made an example of to maintain my reputation and stop others from following their lead. Anyone innocent of any crimes, will live without any trouble with me and never feel the need to uprise. That is what makes a strong leader and I would hope that our son is the same. You don't become the world's most powerful Alpha from dishing out love and compassion for all. That only leads to people taking advantage.”

"So the mothers of those children in the camp. What did they do to deserve the treatment you have given them?" I questioned. "Nothing about that seems fair to me.”

Here we go. I see an argument on the horizon.

He was quiet for a few seconds.

"They were from other packs that I invaded. Different rules apply to outsiders," he replied shortly. "So you're racist now?" I scoffed. "And they are in your pack now. Surely they should get this wonderful fair treatment now?"

He didn't reply.

"You can't step back on your’ promise,” I pointed out.

"I know," he snapped. "You won, Ella, and I have to do it. Congratulations.”

He then clenched his jaw and breathed out heavily as if admitting defeat was the hardest thing he's ever had to do.

"Half of them are orphans and have no homes to go to but thanks to you, I'm going to lose many future warriors," he grumbled.

"You're doing some good. You might enjoy it and next time I won't have to force you,” I pointed out. "You think giving babies back to their mothers and playing happy families is going to make me feel good?" he scoffed. "Spreading joy and rainbows is not my thing and I don't give a shit about their families.”

"Well, there was me thinking being a Parent yourself would make you more considerate to other parents,” I said throwing down my fork and pushing my chair back. I stormed out of the room and up the stairs. I heard Leo let out a low sigh,

"Ella," I heard Leo say and I a few moments later Leo had got to the top of the stairs.

"What?" I asked with much more venom than planned.

"I-" He started before his phone interrupted. He looked irritated until he saw whoever it was that was calling and his face relaxed.

"Hi honey, it's your Mom," Rosa's kind voice said. I knew it was her the minute the word “honey’ came through. Nobody else would ever dream of calling Leo honey.

"Hey Mom," Leo said.

"It's Lia," Rosa began "I called her last night and this morning and lunchtime today and just now and she isn't picking up,” Rosa continued her voice getting frantic. "D-do you think Haden might of t.taken her phone off her so she can't call for h-help?" She finished most likely tearing up.

"I'll be there immediately,” Leo said before hanging up and taking my wrist and pulling me downstairs and out towards the front door.

I don't think it was really because he thought I would refuse, but more because him dragging me compared to me walking was about a gazillion times faster. I like to take my time in not tripping okay?

"I'm sorry to bother you like this Leo, I don't mean to be annoying,” Rosa said when we arrived. "Hi, Ella.”

"I care about her too Mom. I'd be annoyed if you didn't call,” Leo said. Rosa smiled at that, probably the sound of her son actually caring about someone. “I wanted to talk to you and Dad at some point soon anyway,” he added looking over at me. I smiled meekly. She looked between us before her face lit up.

"You're pregnant!?" Rosa said pulling me into a tight hug. "Leo you need to tell your Father he will be delighted!”

"Wait? You're pregnant?” Mateo said as he came down the stairs. "That makes me an uncle!" "What?! Ella's pregnant!!!" Marco said shortly before Carlos, Lisa, Bella and Elena came down the stairs.

"We're aunts!” Lisa squealed to her sisters.

"Okay kids, I know you are excited,” Rosa said herding them away. "But don't bombard her, you can tell Maria and Lenny when they get home, but leave Leo to tell Dad,” she continued as they all shuffled back up the stairs. "Anyway, congratulations honey, but please can you try calling Alpha Haden?"

"Sure," Leo said. The phone only rang a few times before Alpha Haden answered.

"Good evening Alpha Loren, how can I be of assistance?" Haden said.

"Where is Lia?" Leo said coldly.

"Right here,” Alpha Haden said.

"Then hand the phone to her," Leo said.

"If you insist Alpha," Haden said.

"Hello," Lia's voice said shakily.

"Lia why haven't you been answering your phone?" Leo said in a much smoother tone.

"..It's broken," Lia said with a slight hesitation.

"Tell me the truth, why haven't you been answering Mom's calls?" Leo asked again.

"Let me talk to her Leo," Rosa said taking the phone out of Leo's hand.

"Lia it's Mom. Are you okay sweetie?" Rosa said her hand shaking.

"Yes," She answered quietly. Rosa turned to Leo her eyes welling up with tears. At that point Maria, Antonio and Lenny got home. "Is Maria there?" Lia asked.

"Yes, do you want to talk to her?" Rosa asked.

"Yes please," Lia said. Maria took the phone from Rosa.

"Lia?" She said.

"Can you send me some sherbet Lemons?" Lia said incredibly quietly before hanging up.

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