Alpha Loren

Chapter 33 The Ball

October 31st

After dragging the boys back to the car, Allison dropped me home.

A few hours later, I was stood the piano again.

"Arms up," Leo said before slipping the dress over my head trying not to ruin my hair. When it was on he carefully putting a diamond necklace around my neck. "Don't lose this. It's probably worth more than this entire house.”

"I'll try not to," I said before Leo took his tie out the glass case. He was already wearing his black suit and white shirt. I watched him put it around his neck and tie it perfectly neatly before flattening the collar.

"Ready?" he asked looking at his watch. "The rest of the guests should have arrived by now."

"Wait. I don't have any shoes on," I said sticking my foot out of the long dress.

"Oh shit shoes," Leo said, "I forgot about shoes."

"You don't have any?" I asked.

"Do I have any ladies ball shoes small enough to fit you...?" he asked, "Um, no?"

"Well you had a fucking dress," I replied.

"Do you have any shoes?" he questioned.

"I have my old converse,” I suggested, "That's it."

"You know what the dress is long, no one will know," he said with a shrug.

"Yeah and I can't even walk in high heels anyway," I said.

"It's fine."

"Totally fine."

A few minutes later, Leo was stood in the doorway holding my converse by the laces with a grimace on his face.

"These are disgusting?" he said looking at the mud and rips all over them, "Remind me to get you a new pair."

I slipped them on and he looked me up and down, "You can't even tell," he concluded.”

I smiled and rocked back and forth, my feet incredibly comfortable.

"You've gotta act like a lady tonight," he said.

"A lady?" I asked.

"No cursing, no burping, no sarcasm, no slouching etcetera," he said

"Yawn," I said. "And you know I can't control my sarcasm.”

"This is your first official public appearance as Luna in the pack and most of them are yet to even see you so it's important that you make a good impression,” he explained.

"Good impression? Fuck that," I muttered. "I don't care what people think of me.”

"You're Luna, Ells. You need to please the people for the benefit my rule,” he said. "And it's just one night that you have to pretend to be a charming elegant creature. Then you can go back to..whatever this is..."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "Rude! And I've never been to a ball. I don't know how to be elegant and charming.”

"No cursing, eye-rolling, slouching, sarcasm etcetera,” he said, "Just be polite, smile and for the love of the Goddesses, don't chug the champagne.”

"Whatever," I said, "But I've never tried champagne. I might hate it."

"You've never had champagne?" He asked.

"Poverty, Leo,” I replied, "Heard of that?"

Just then the doorbell rang.

"That will be our ride my lady," Leo said holding one hand out and tucking the other one behind his back, "Tonight you are my Queen and I will ensure you first taste of champagne will be the word's finest.”

"Why thank you Sir," I said curtsying before taking his hand.

When we opened the door there was a man in a tuxedo waiting.

"Alpha, Luna. Your car awaits," He said nodding.

After I had crammed my dress in the back seat of the car, which looked like something the Queen of England might own, we began our journey.

It wasn't long before we reached the building the ball was in. The car pulled up in front of it the sound of an orchestra and a lot of chatter hit my ears.

"Remember back straight and be polite,” Leo said as he helped me out the car and lead me to the huge wooden doors. The door men bowed to us before opening them revealing the huge ball room. There were 8 symmetrical chandeliers lining the incredible high ceiling that needed pillars as thick as rooms to hold it up. People were everywhere. Every man with a neat suit or tuxedo and every woman with a long ball gown and beautiful hair. There were balconies all around acting as a second floor with even more people. Butlers were handing out platters or wine and champagne whilst the band we had heard from outside played for people dancing on the vast dance floor each with a mate. Giant bouquets of flowers decorated the room along with incredibly long curtains reaching from the ceiling to the floor. The whole room was so big I could scarcely make out the other side, but I didn't have much time to. After we had been stood at the entrance for a few moments the two door men had whipped out trumpets from somewhere and started to play some kind of royal sounding fanfare. Silence immediately swept across the room and every face turned to look at us.

"Signore e Signori i leader di questo grande branco: Alpha Leonardo Loren e la sua Luna Ella Jones.” One of them announced in Italian. I was starting to pick up the language in this pack. I had always been quite good at languages at school.

I didn't understand all of it at the time but it was somewhere along the lines of “ladies and gentlemen your leaders of this fine pack: Alpha Leonardo Loren and his Luna Ella Jones"

Leo smiled charmingly to the crowd as he stood tall and confidently. Everyone looked upon him in silent admiration and I tried to follow his lead but felt the embarrassment of this much attention sear red across my cheeks instead.

Without a word, he then stepped forward, his arm still through mine to the middle of the hall. The dance floor cleared and then I realised what was going on. My eyes widened and I looked up to Leo who had a reassuring look on his face. When we were in the centre of the dance floor, Leo stopped, placed one hand on my waist and with the other held mine in the air. Naturally, I reached up and placed my hand on his shoulder. The orchestra then began playing and Leo began to guide me around the dance floor. Why don't we just add dancing to his list of talents? I hadn't a jiffy in a jaffa how to dance but he led and I just followed his steps and it felt completely natural. After the dance was over. Leo kissed my hand and turned to the vast audience which I had been trying not to think about. They all applauded civilly.

"Let the ball begin!" Leo boomed no need for a microphone.

"Didn't know you could dance," I said once the dance floor had filled with other couples and there wasn't as much attention on us.

"I didn't know you could dance," Leo said in response. "Come with me, there's some people you need to meet."

I nodded my head and let him guide me through the crowd which was splitting for us anyway. Eventually, we reached a cluster of men gathered in a circle.

"Good evening Leonardo,” One of them said. He looked around 60 yet still tall and muscular. Around him were two other men and one of which was Antonio.

"Ella, here we have the previous three Alphas of the pack. My Father, Antonio, as you already know, my Grandfather Francesco Loren, my Great Grandfather Marcello Loren and My Great Great Grandfather Lorenzo Loren."

I tried not to say anything unladylike but Lorenzo must have been bloody old. At least 100 if there were that many generations below him. But despite his age, he still stood tall and strong.

"Well, you could go and live with him in Ayas, but come back here once a week?" I suggested.

"Well that's what I was thinking, but I'm worried we'd get there and he wouldn't let me come back,” Lia said

"Leo defeated him in the challenge remember? He has to let you,” Allison said.

"Okay, I think I'll do it, if I can always come back," Lia said taking a deep breath.

"Of course you can! You have to let us help you pack!" I said.

"Sure! we can have a girls’ packing party!" Lia said

At that point Leo came back from talking to someone I didn't know and whisked me off to meet more cousins and relatives. The night went on with multiple more glasses of wine and even some nibble things here and there.

"Good evening Mateo," I said curtsying to Mateo who was stood at a large bouquet of flowers in a huge, expensive-looking vase.

"Leo sung you the song didn't he?" Mateo asked referring to the barbie thing.

"Surprisingly in tune,” I said.

"He's always had the voice of an angel in the family,” Mateo said taking a mini canopy thing off a passing butler's tray.

"He can also dance a play the piano apparently,” I said before catching the eye of Max again. He was still stood in pretty much the same place and seemed just as menacing.

"Ella are you okay? What are you looking at?" Mateo said and I shook myself out of my gaze. I looked back briefly but Max was gone.

"Yeah I'm fine, do you want to dance?" I asked. Leo was talking to Mathias Megestanis and someone else that I didn't know.

"Sure," Mateo said taking my hand

As we danced I kept spotting Max over Mateo's shoulder in different places around the large hall. "Mateo?" I asked extremely quietly. Fortunately, my mouth was very close to Mateo's ear so he could hear me well.

"Yes," He replied.

"Do you ever think there's something off about Max Megestanis," I asked.

"What do you mean by 'off'," Mateo asked,

"I don't know, I just don't trust him. The way he looks at me is unsettling,” I said.

"He just hates your family, I wouldn't take it personally,” Mateo replied brushing the matter away.

I my opinion you don't get that much more personal than someone hating your family but..whatever. Mateo has to be right.

We danced for an appropriate amount of time before I went back to Leo who as I had hoped, was fine about me dancing with his brother.

After a few more hours the huge clock in the centre of the back wall struck 12. It was officially the packs anniversary and Leo had mentioned something about how he does a speech every year. Everybody fell silent and Leo lead me through to the stage that the band were on. When we reached the stage Leo let go of my hand and stepped forwards.

"On this day in age 2456 years ago marks the time in which Astraea Goddess of the stars and Ennosigaeus Goddess of Neptune, set forth to create the greatest pack to ever graze this earth. The time in which Vulgarise Loren became the mighty Potestas Loren and the time in which our fourteen factions, Triton, Nereid, Larissa, Proteus, Naiad, Thalassa, Galatea, Despina, Neso, Psamathe, Laomedeia, Halimede, Sao and Lissauer were established. They provided us our power, our wealth, our language, our land. Everything this pack is today, even 2456 years later is owed to our founders. We must take this day and use it to thank them.

And this anniversary also marks the first in which we have the company of our 122nd Luna,” he said taking my hand. "People of the Stella Pack, I pronounce to you, My mate Ella Marie Jones."

The crowd applauded generously.

"So I invite you all to join me on this day in age to thank our Goddesses and celebrate the pack they forged for us!” Leo finished before there was another bout of applause.

"Leo, can I say something?" I whispered.

He looked down at me in surprise but nodded. I stepped forward. There was no microphone but after Leo raised one simple hand, the room fell to deadly silence.

"I just wanted to thank you all for such a warm welcome into your pack,” I began my voice shaking a little. "And whilst I don't want to disrupt the formality of this event, I wanted to take the opportunity to share a short story.”

Leo looked at me in confusion but I continued. He didn't know what I was about to do and I could hardly believe it either.

"Leonardo..or um the Alpha, tells me that an Alpha needs the support of his people because it is the people that make a pack. Without them, this wonderful pack would be nothing but forest and lakes. He cherishes and values every single one of you and your wellbeing, happiness and protection is the sole motivation behind his leadership. That is what an Alpha is for, right? Which is why, as a token of his appreciation, we have decided to give something back. Some of you may currently have incomplete families-"

At this point, it clicked in Leo's head where I was going and he shot me a deep, soul-shaking glare. But I continued. There was nothing he could do in front of his entire pack.

"The Alpha and I would like to make a promise to you that your sons will be returned,” I announced. "And we'd like you to offer you our apologies for all the grief the infant training programme has brought you. It was a mistake made in false belief that it was what was best for the pack.”

There was a huge cheer amongst the crowd and I saw many couples turn to each other in glee.

I stepped back and Leo took my hand in a bone-crushing grip.

"What the fuck have you done?" he growled through the fake smile plastered on his lips.

"I got the support of the people,” I said as I continued to watch the happiness I had caused. "Just as you asked.”

Leo then waved to the crowd before he pulled me off through a door leading out of the great hall. He marched along a long corridor until the music and chatter were faint where he slammed me into the wall.

"Do you have any idea how furious I am, right now," he said his hand raising up.

He then closed his eyes and paused for a moment before taking a breath out and lowering his arm again. I was certain that he almost hit me.

But it would have been worth it.

"Why would you do that?!" he growled. "Are you trying to destroy this pack?"

"To force you to do what you should have done years ago," I replied. "Now you have a choice. Give the people what they want or lose their support.”

"Well fucking played,” he snarled finally letting go of my shoulders and stepping back. "That was smart, I'll give you that. But I trusted you, you abused it and now I'm pissed off."

"I'll survive," I remarked with a scoff. "And saving those kids from eternal misery is worth whatever you do to me."

Just then the door to the hall opened and footsteps came marching along. We soon found out that it was Antonio and he was almost as angry as Leo.

"You have got some nerve, Ella," he growled approaching me in an intimidating way.

Leo stepped in between me and him as he got dangerously close.

"Step back," he ordered.

"So you're just going to let her humiliate you in front of the pack?" Antonio asked. "She's destroying the reputation that you worked so hard for! Do you have any idea how this makes you look?!" "What do you expect me to do?" Leo hissed pushing his chest. "Hit her in the middle of a ball that my entire pack has attended? How do you think that will make me look?"

"Better than this," Antonio replied. "At least your people would see that you aren't letting a girl fuck you around.”

"And as far as the pack know, I am backing this and I am not going to give them a reason to think otherwise. Neither will you and neither will anyone that knows me well enough to guess that this was not my doing," Leo said deeply.

"You're letting her fuck you around,” he replied glaring at me. "And it will be your downfall if you don't sort it out, now. You're the Alpha. You make the decisions. Not your little bitch of a Luna that doesn't know when to shut her mouth.”

I raised my eyebrows. Did he just call me a bitch?

"And I am dealing with it," Leo said deeply, "She is my mate."

"You're dealing with it, huh? More like letting her get away with shit like this time and time again. The hole is getting deeper, Leo. You just let her win and now you have no choice but to deliver her promise,” Antonio said. "What next?"

Antonio then stormed off back towards the hall.

I opened my mouth but he held up his finger as he stared at the ground in thought.

"Don't fucking speak,” he said before taking my wrist and dragging me in the same direction as Antonio went.

The rest of the ball was painful. Leo was fairly good at acting and greeted everyone that came to us to express their gratitude for the promise with a warm smile but he gripped my hand tightly and took every opportunity to glare at me. Dancing with him was the worst, he held me close to him and completely controlled every single move. He might as well have been dragging a sack of potatoes around.

As the ball finally came to an end, people began to leave the building. Leo and I stood at the door, Leo shook a few hands and I nodded and smiled to everyone I made eye contact with. I spotted Maddison and Tobias leaving together, huddled tightly like nothing could ever get between them. I smiled as I watched them go out the door. A smile that was quickly stolen when Max came past. His icy cold eyes set on me as he passed and he came dangerously close. I stepped back slightly away from him.

Eventually, when all the guests had gone Leo and I got back in the car we arrived in and we drove back.

The journey was utterly silent and uncomfortable. Leo wouldn't even look at me and I could sense the driver knew something was up, he kept looking at me few the rearview mirror and offering me slight smiles. I appreciated that but it didn't make up for the intense anger I was receiving from Leo. As the journey went on in silence, I began to feel incredibly guilty. I didn't regret doing what I did to help those children but I hated this feeling. I hated fighting with Leo and I hated when he was angry with me.

When we pulled up in front of the house, the driver opened the door on Leo's side. He got out first and then daned to turn around and take my hand as I struggled out with my dress. But he didn't for a second look me in the eye and his hold on me was tight and cold. The driver nodded and smiled to me once more before he drove away leaving me alone with Leo.

We went upstairs to our room before Leo began angrily ripping off his tie and throwing his jacket onto the chair.

"Did Lia talk to you?" I asked, standing awkwardly in the corner. "About her going back with Haden tomorrow.”

I couldn't think what else to say but I had to break the silence.

"Yes, she did," he replied bluntly.

"And...?" I said.

"If I stopped her I would be as bad as Max," he said. "And I was going to let you go and pack with her but not anymore.”

"Leo," I said. "Are you joking?"

"Do I look like I'm fucking joking?" he asked turning around and looking at me for the first time in hours. "Did I look like I was fucking joking when I almost hit you earlier?!"

His face was stern and serious. There wasn't a flicker of anything but pure anger.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said. "For challenging your authority or whatever. I didn't want to and I didn't enjoy it but I had to for the sake of those poor little kids. Hopefully, when we have our own kids, you'll understand that."

He turned back around and scoffed.

"Challenging my authority?" he questioned as he ripped off his shirt. "You did far more than fucking challenge it."

"You left me with no other choice,” I snapped.

"You had a choice to act like a normal Luna and not blackmail your Alpha into doing what you want," he growled. "Where do you even get the courage to defy nature?!”

"Defy nature? What because you're a man?" I asked with a laugh.

His jaw tightened and suddenly he turned around and began marching towards me.

I cowered back but not fast enough and he soon had me pinned against the wall. His sudden movement surprised me and he glared into my eyes sending a shudder down my spine.

My heartbeat raced as I looked up at him, completely unable to move. He closed his eyes for a few seconds before pulling himself off me and sitting on the bed, staring at the wall and brooding.

I caught my breath and smoothed down my dress before standing in the corner for another few minutes.

"Are you going to stand there all night?" he asked eventually. "You should sleep.”

"I can't get out of this dress alone,” I said.

The way it fastened was complicated and stretched right down from my neck to lower back. There was no chance of me undoing it myself.

He sighed and beckoned me over with his finger as he swung his legs onto the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I stood in front of him, turned around and let him untie the fasten.

He tugged with more force than necessary, moving my entire body but I soon felt it loosen and I could shrug it off my shoulders and slip-free.

When I turned around to pick it off the floor, I caught him staring at my body. He still seemed angry but now he let out a deep sigh, and his muscle relaxed a little.

"Come here," he said.

I dropped the dress back down to the floor and stepped between his legs as he put his hands on my hips.

He looked me up and down again, this time running his fingers along my skin before he looked me in the eye and beckoned me to crouch down.

I knelt in front of him and he instantly put his hand behind my neck and pulled me into his lips as the other hand came onto my chest.

I opened my mouth to speak but he brought his finger to my lips.

"Do not talk,” He grumbled, before reaching for the button on his pants, "Do not fucking talk.”

He then kissed me again before pushing his hand up into my hair and bringing my head down and unzipping his pants

I looked up at him and he smiled before putting his hand firmly under my chin and running his thumb along my lips, "It's the least you can do.”

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