Alpha Loren

Chapter 30 Hot and Sweaty

October 22nd

After a five hour sleep, I was awoken by a gentle shake. It was 4:30 am.

The sun was yet to rise.

"Urghhh,” I groaned. "It's too early..."

"I sorted everything last night. The flight is at 9:00 am from Seattle,” Leo explained.

"Wait my passport is at my house," I said sitting up.

"Like I said, I sorted everything last night,” He said waving the navy book. I smiled slightly before remembering I was still pissed off and frowned again.

At about 7:30 am, we arrived at the airport. People rushed every which direction and the sounds of suitcase wheels sliding along the tiled floor only just overwhelmed the screaming children, screeching tanoys and general hustle and bustle.

We stood in the middle of the terminal. Leo looked down at a piece of paper and then scanned all the desks as I just stood, my eyes struggling to stay open.

"Pissing hell," he cursed as he fumbled around with the papers and passports. "Airports are the worst places on earth.”

"You know, I'm not sure I've ever been to one," I said looking around at the unfamiliarity of the place.

"You've never been on a plane?” he asked.

"No," I replied. "I have a passport but I've never left the country. We never had the money.”

He smiled and wrapped an arm around me, "Then I'm glad I am able to give you the opportunity.” "Well..." I began. "Still doesn't make up for all the opportunities you've taken from me..."

Leo let out a sigh and looked around, "Are we really gonna go there now?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"Or the opportunities you've taken from all the people you've murdered or all those little kids in your fucking concentration camp-"

"Ella," he said deeply but quietly. "I am not arguing with you in the middle of an airport.”

"So we're just supposed to go on this vacation and pretend like everything is fine?" I asked looking up to him.

"Yes," he chirped before taking my hand and leading us to the check-in desk.

"Good morning, Sir. May I please have your check-in details,” the lady said to Leo.

He handed over some documents and our passports and we waited whilst she scanned and typed "Mr Leonardo Loren and Miss Ella Jones?" She asked.

"That's us,” Leo answered.

She then printed the boarding passes and our suitcase was zipped along a fancy conveyor belt. "So it's 45 minutes before we bored,” he said once we had checked in and got through security. "And 16 hours and 45 minutes before we land."

"Jesus," I exclaimed. "Better go for a pee now because from what I've heard, airplane toilets are not a lot of fun."

"Alright for you,” Leo replied. "You're not a foot taller than the ceiling in those toilets.”

We soon reached the airport restrooms. Spilling from the entrance of the ladies was a long snaking line of women, composed mostly with Moms with young children, the elderly and a lot of desperate looking people that looked as if they'd been waiting a while.

Outside the men's: no one.

"Christ above us," I cursed. "Pissing shit."

"Fucking women," Leo mumbled. I elbowed him in the stomach, "Not our fault we weren't designed with a built-in piss stick and for some reason are rendered with the responsibility of taking even the male kids to the restroom." "You aren't waiting in that line," Leo said. "I don't want to die here."

"Then what do you suggest?!” I replied. "I just piss on the floor?!"

He thought for a moment before he reached for my hood and lifted it over my head and pushed my hair behind my ears. I looked at him with great confusion before he seized my hand and began dragging me away from the ladies line. I suddenly realised his intentions.

"I'm not going in the men's bathroom with you. Fuck no," I stated as he continued to haul me along. But it was too late, we were already through the door.

"Leo what the hell!"

"Don't look," he said shoving me into one of the stalls but not before receiving multiple stares.

At 5 ft 3, I was not a very convincing male even with my hood up.

"Oh My God!" I whisper-shouted. I say whisper-shouted because it was a whisper but because the rest of the room was silent I might as well have said it at the top of my voice. "Why does it smell so bad in here?!" I asked as Leo locked the stall door.

"Stop overreacting,” he said. "Just piss and we can leave." "You Sir, need to turn around,” I replied.

"I've seen it all, Ells," he replied with a grin.

"Just turn around!” I ordered, my cheeks flushing red.

He did so but before I could go anywhere near that toilet I had to take a moment to wipe it down and clear the surroundings. It was grim to say the least.

Leo let out an abrupt laugh when I finally began to wee and the urine hit the water.

"Shut the fuck up,” I scolded. "How old are you again?"

I finally finished and hurriedly headed for the door of the stall.

"Hold it," he said. "I've gotta go too."

"Then I'll wait outside.”

"I'd rather I knew where you are," he replied grabbing my wrist.

"Fucking hell," I cursed.

He then turned to the toilet already unzipping his jeans.

"Gross," I said not sure where to look. The next 30 seconds was one of the most awkward 30 seconds of my life. Listening to multiple men piss in a gross smelling room with a super-sensitive nose is NOT how I like to spend my free time.

"Okay I'm done," he said quickly washing his hands before unlocking the door.

"Thank God for that..." I muttered.

There were still people at the urinals so I did my best to hide behind Leo on our way out.

"That was mortifying," I stated once we had got a safe distance away.

"It was an experience,” he answered.

"Yeah, one that I could have done without."

"Shall we get some coffee?” Leo said as we approached a Starbucks. After a little debating, I went with an average cappuccino. Leo queued up whilst I sat down at an empty table.

Behind him in the queue were a pair of extremely dressed up looking young woman. One had yellow bleached hair with extensions meaning it puffed out like a massive bush. The other had jet black dyed hair with pink streaks and straightened to an inch of its life so it looked dead and dry. They both wore short skirts, high heels, tops that left their boobs practically hanging out and each had a tacky handbag on the crook of their elbow. I don't like to demean other women but it was bad taste to say the least.

"Hey," One of them said placing their hand on Leo's shoulder.

Leo grunted.

"Getting coffee?" the other asked.

"That's what you tend to do in a coffee shop,” he muttered. One then ran her finger down his arm and he turned around and stared blankly. Okay, I don't give a shit about demeaning them anymore. Get the fuck off my mate.

"Do not touch me," he said simply as he pushed her hand off him and gave them a hard glare. "Oh come on, babes," the other said leaning into him. I could see that he was trying to not get irritated it by it and snap.

"Come to the restroom with me,” the first one said. "I can make it worth your while."

"Honestly? I'm struggling to think of anything worse,” Leo said causing me to snort in laughter. Leo clearly heard because a slight smile crept onto his face. "There is literally nothing less appealing.” "So where are you off to?" the blonde one said changing the subject.

"Greece," Leo replied shortly.

"Huh! What a coincidence! So are we!" The brunette said jumping on her heels.

"Maybe we could come and meet you in your hotel,” The blonde slurred stroking his arm. "Not even mildly tempting,” Leo said, "And I told you not to touch me," he growled, shoving her off him again.

"Don't play so hard to get. You know you want it," the brunette said, draping herself all over him. At that, my face creased and I began to march over.

There are times where I don't necessarily want him but they damn well can't have him either way. When I reached them, I took Leo's hand and smiled sweetly.

"Who's she?" one of them asked.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said, "And you better stop touching my man."

They looked down at me and scoffed.

"You? You are his type?" the blonde one asked.

Leo wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Looks like it, huh?" I replied before kissing him back, "So fuck off.”

The brunette then reached forward, trailing her long nails on Leo's arm. I lurched forward and grabbed her wrist.

"I said fuck off," I growled.

They both looked at me once more and then up to Leo who was giving them an equally hard glare before turning around and strutting off.

"I knew you were feisty but..." Leo said. "" I swallowed, only just realising the intense anger I was feeling. Was I... jealous?

"They were pissing me off," I replied, "Putting their hands all over you...ew.” I shuddered and he kissed my forehead again before it was our turn to order.

As Leo talked to the barista, I caught their whispers on the other side of the cafe.

"She isn't even that pretty,” The blonde said, "Well she is, but nothing compared to us."

"And she's short AF," The brunette replied.

"I know right. He must get back pain kissing her,” The blonde one said. I turned back to Leo who was laughing.

"I'm not even that short,” I said as he finished paying.

"And you're utterly beautiful. Don't listen to them," Leo replied.

"You are genetically predisposed by the Goddesses to think that," I said folding my arms, "But...

thank you...I guess.”

A slight smile tugged at my lips but I quickly hid it.

After boarding the plane, we settled down into our designated seats.

"Wow, so this is home for the next 16 hours," I said looking down at the limited legroom.

"Well, you'll be fine. You're short, remember?" Leo said as he sat his 6 ft 7 body down on the aisle seat whilst I sat beside the window.

"Shut up,” I said slapping his leg.

"I should have just bought our own first-class tickets. Fuck Luca's mouldy cereal packet vacation,” he grumbled.

"You'll manage,” I replied.

At that point, the two girls from earlier strutted along the aisle. Thankfully, they went past with no more than a wink in Leo's direction to the other end of the plane.

A few hours after takeoff, we were both incredibly bored.

"I'm so bored!" I exclaimed.

"Do you want to join the mile high club?" Leo asked "I can't tell if your joking or not..." I answered.

"I'm serious. I need some exercise and I can't just sit here for 16 hours."

"Then walk up and down the aisle!" I said. "You a normal person would?!"

"Oh come on, Ells," he said. "It would be fun."

"No it wouldn't and it's not like you even fit in the restroom anyway," I replied.

"Sssh," he said leaning into to my lips.

"Just because we are going on vacation doesn't mean I have forgiven you," I said, pushing him away.

"And the fact that we're away from home doesn't change who's in control,” he breathed into my ear.

I looked straight into his eye, "You are not in control,” I said surely.

"Fine, make a scene. See what happens,” he whispered before kissing me anyway. I pushed his chest, forcing his lips away from me, "You know I am not afraid to make a scene,” I warned.

He glared into my eyes before sitting back in his chair and staring straight forward.

"How long are you going to hate me for?" he asked.

"That's entirely up to you,” I replied. "As soon as you stop being a merciless dictator, I'll rethink my feelings.”

He sighed, "I'm an Alpha, Ella. What is so hard to understand?!" I scowled and took to looking out the window.

"Look at me," he said, taking my hand. I snapped my head towards him, "What?" I asked.

"I don't want to argue with you this week," he said.

"This was a terrible idea," I said. "Why would we ever think a sixteen-hour flight together and then ten entire fucking days of constant company was a good idea?! Leo, we can't even have a conversation without shouting at each other.”

He clenched his jaw and looked away, "If you were a normal Luna we wouldn't have this issue.” I glared at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"You know exactly what I mean," he replied.

"Right," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt. "There's a spare seat over there. I'll be on row 26 if you need me."

"Sit the fuck back down,” he growled pushing me back into my seat. "You are staying here." I slapped his hand off me and stood up again. This time he pulled me back down with much more force and grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Excuse me, Sir," A flight attendant interrupted and Leo took a few seconds to acknowledge her and drag his glare away from me.

She was wheeling a trolley of food but when she saw his grip on my wrist, her eyes flickered, "Is everything alright?”

"Yes," Leo replied firmly.

She nodded and forced a smile before holding out two menu cards, "Can I interest you in any of our lunch choices for today?" she asked

Leo took the card, acting like nothing had happened, and quickly skimmed it.

"I'll have the pesto chicken and pasta salad please,” Leo answered.

"Okay. And you madam?" She asked directing to me.


"She'll have the same,” Leo interjected before I could even hold the menu the right way up.

"Okay, here we go. Enjoy," she said handing us our meals and wheeling her trolley to the next row. "I can order myself, you know?" I pointed out. "Still a person in my own right.”

"The other two options both had peanuts in them. You're allergic to peanuts,” he justified with a sardonic smile.

After that, we didn't exchange a single word for eight hours. We were about 11 hours into the flight and it was beginning to get late. I had begun to drop off on Leo's shoulder.

"Ella," Leo's voice said and I slowly opened my eyelids. "I need a piss."

"Then go," I grumbled.

"Come with me,” he said unbuckling my seatbelt. "You're a big boy. Go on your own," I said before I felt him pull me to my feet.

"You know that isn't why," he replied.

"You know what the great thing about a plane is?" I asked groggily. "You can't get off it when it's moving. I can guarantee you that when you get back I will still be here."

"You'll just wanna go later and have to climb over me. Just come,” he stated hauling me out into the aisle so that I was walking in front of him. He placed a gentle hand on my hip so that he was so close I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"This is ridiculous,” I mumbled. "And is that my phone?" I asked when something started vibrating in

Leo's pocket with the tune of “Humpty dumpty sat on the wall’ - a ring tone I would be willing to put what little money I have on that Leo didn't have on his phone.

"Yeah, there's wifi on this plane and your brother is facetiming you," he said.

"Good evening, Connor," Leo said answering the phone as we reached the queue for the restroom. "To what do I owe the pleasure?”

"Where's my sister?” Connor's voice demanded.

"Right here in fact. Why? Did you want to speak to her?" Leo asked in a forced chirp.

"In person,” Connor replied.

"No can do I'm afraid. We're 4000 miles away," Leo said with a sarcastic “what a shame’ voice on. "Where have you taken her?!"

"It's more where are you taking her since we are also about 35,000ft in the air," Leo said.

"Is she with you now?"

"No I left her on her own so some creep could kidnap her," Leo said sarcastically.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Connor replied causing Leo's face to harden. "That's also ironic considering who the creep that kidnapped her in the first place is-"

"You have 30 seconds to explain your reasoning behind this little phone call and it better be good or I'll hijack this fucking plane and fly straight back to Seattle and remind you exactly who you're fucking around with!" Leo said a little too loud and therefore receiving a few worried glances. "Figure of speech,” I reassured a worried looking elderly lady. "Don't worry he's not really going to," I said to another man. "He's only joking," I continued to woman and a small baby even though I wasn't really believing it myself.

"Leo just let me speak to him," I hissed after my attempt to calm the general public.


"Leo," I said sternly "No," Leo repeated,

"Give me the fucking phone!" I exclaimed.

"Oh look the restroom is free. Connor my darling I would love to take you in with us but I'm afraid the noises might disturb you. Good night," Leo said before hanging up the phone.

"What the hell Leo! He's my brother! That is so disgusting!" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "Don't be so dramatic,” he grumbled shoving me into the tiny little bathroom "I'll be right outside," he said. It was only once I had locked the door and sat on the loo that I realised the whole reason we came to the bathroom was because Leo needed it not me. I went anyway because I knew I'd need it at some point.

When I came back out I was instructed to not move an inch and only didn't have to go in with him on the basis that, as I pointed out earlier, we were on a plane.

"Oh look it's that skank from the coffee shop,” I heard a voice say. I looked to my right to see the two girls that attempted to chat Leo up trotting down the isle.

"Where's Mr Hottie?" The blonde asked.

"Pissing," I said bluntly.

"I can't believe out of all the girls on this planet he would choose you," The brunette said.

"Funny you say that actually because there was really nothing either of us could do about it," I said knowing it would confuse them.

"What?" The blonde said twirling her hair. They weren't nor did they look like the brightest bulbs in any bunch...even for humans.

"What's his name?" The brunette asked changing to a less intellectually challenging subject.

"Horas," I answered shortly before the toilet door slid open.

"Hi, Horas. My name is Courtney," the blonde said holding her hand out to be shaken.

"And I'm Tiffany,” the brunette said. "Sexy name by the way."

Leo glared down at their hands that were still waiting for a shake. He then looked at me a confused look on his face as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Fuck off,” Leo told them, grabbing my hand and guiding me in front of him as we made our way down the aisle with me in a fit of giggles.

"Have I ever told you that you laugh a lot?" Leo whispered softly in my ear only making me giggle more.

We spent another few more gruelling hours in our seats before we were finally landing. It was early morning in Greece and the airport was fairly empty. After a taxi ride and boat trip, we had finally arrived on the island.

"This is the only house on the island. It is private and exclusive just for you," Said the greek man as we followed him up some steps and into a beautiful mansion on an even more beautiful island. Leo looked at me with a dirty smirk and I gently hit him on the chest.

"Stop," I mouthed sternly.

"It has a hot tub, pool, yacht and more. The island is three-acre and you are free to go wherever you want," He continued leading us inside a huge modern-looking house mansion with wide glass windows and swanky staircases.

After the tour, the man drove away in his boat leaving us alone. "Wow," I said walking over to the large balcony that looked over a white sandy beach with clear blue waters. "This is amazing.”

"Thank you, Luca,” Leo responded dropping the bags down on the floor and wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and joining me looking at the view. "Where do we have sex first?" "We're still not having sex, Leonardo," I replied.

He pouted, "Fine do you wanna go in the pool?

It was boiling hot and the crystal blue pool was very enticing.

"Fine," I said, sharply, "I'll get my bathing suit.”

"There's really no need-"

"Shut up,” I snapped.

The pool was on one of the many balconies and overlooked another beautiful bay. It was an infinity pool with steps that allowed you to slowly step in. I put on my bikini whilst Leo put his thigh lengthen baggy trunks on. (Luckily he didn't own any speedos)

I began to slowly walk down the steps into the clear water but Leo had other ideas. Before I could even dip my second foot in, I was on his shoulder and being transported to the deep end.

"Leo no it's cold!" I exclaimed. "Leo!!!" I squealed as he submerged us into the icy water. It wasn't really icy water. It just felt like it for a few seconds compared to the air. "Okay it's not that bad," I panted after a few moments.

"I like your bikini by the way," he said. "Very sexy."

"Thanks," I answered.

He then pulled me on top of him as he floated by the side and kissed my neck.

"Keep it in your pants,” I said as his hand moved down to my ass, "We aren't fucking this week and I don't want you to even come onto me."

"Why?" he asked with a grin, "Because you know you can't resist me?"

With that, I splashed some of the water up into his face.

"You want to start a splash war? With me?" He said, raising an eyebrow, "Do you not remember the last time we had a water fight?"

"I have no wish to start a war!" I said holding my hands up realising what I had done.

"Too late," he said moving his arms in one quick motion and pouring half the pool on my head. I squealed before immediately retaliating.

"Weak," Leo said through the noise of water, "That didn't even get to my face.”

"That's because your head is so high up it's protected by the clouds!" I said water getting in my mouth as I opened it. I then tried again to splash him but failed just as miserably. He responded by dunking me under the water, leaving my coughing and spluttering.

"We'll call it a truce if you let me put it in your ass,” he said, splashing me again as I was blinded by the water.

"I'd rather drown,” I replied, "There is absolutely no way-"

"A kiss?" he said, still violently splashing me. I tried to splash back but I couldn't see where he was "Fine," I hissed a few seconds later when I realised there was no way I was ever going to win this. He stopped and gave me a few seconds to recover beforeplacing his arms on my waist and pulling me in.

"You're mean," I replied "And you owe me a kiss," he said with a grin. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips before immediately pulling away.

He put his hand behind my head and pulled me back in. I let him kiss me for a few more seconds before pulling away and swimming to the other end of the pool.

"I never said I'd make out with you. You're gonna have to do far more than stop splashing me in a pool for me to forgive you,” I said.

Three hours later, at around 3:30 pm, we decided to go to the mainland. Leo had easily worked out how to drive the boat and we were halfway across the pristine blue water. There was a harbour to park it and before long we were in the busy streets lined with white buildings and street food stalls. The glorious sun shone down onto my bare pale legs and arms which I had smothered me

in sunscreen but I absorbed the summery warmth from it all the same.

"Coffee?" Leo asked as we walked by a quiet-looking cafe.

As we sat down at one of the tables, my phone started vibrating again.

"Is that Connor?" I asked.

"It sure is," Leo answered. "Good morning, Connor or evening or whatever it is for you in America. These international calls really are going to start adding up.”

"Where's Ella?"

"Right here, with me, as per usual,” Leo answered "l want to talk to her.”

"She's busy.”

"Doing what?"

"Giving me a blow job. She really can't talk right now."

My eyes widened.

"Leo, stop trying to provoke him," I said reaching for the phone.

He only pushed my hand away. "You need to accept that she is my mate.”

"I won't accept it. I don't want my little sister with you a.k.a the worst human being on this earth since Adolf Hitler,” Connor said down the line.

"My pups are going to be your little nieces and nephews so you better get used to it," Leo replied. "My sister will not be having any children of yours,” Connor growled.

"Oh she will," Leo growled back. "And quite frankly there is nothing you can do about it. Soon enough she will be pregnant. Maybe even after tonight.”

"Leonardo!" I shouted. "That is my brother. Give me the phone."

"Uhuhuh,” Leo said waggling his finger at me like a child.

"Let her speak to me," Connor demanded.


"Yes," I replied.


At that point, I was steaming with anger.

"I'm going to the restroom,” I said standing up and heading for the restroom in the corner of the small cafe. Before I went inside I looked into the kitchen, which was right next to the kitchen and only separated by fly chains. I looked passed the ovens and refrigerator to see a back door wide open. I considered for a few seconds debating whether how angry Leo would be was really worth it. For some reason, I decided it was worth a shot (he's not going to kill me right?) and quietly snuck through the kitchen and into the hot air. I ran for a good ten minutes weaving my scent up and down the streets to confuse him. I then skipped and danced along the waterfront with my arms in the air swinging around poles and lamp posts. I attracted a few stares from both locals and tourists, but I was free and careless. I then got to a rail lining the dock and stood quietly leaning against it, looking out to sea.

A little bit of freedom at last.

The sea was like tinfoil with each crinkled wave reflecting the bright daylight in silvery beams. Blue and cloud spat, the sky provided the occasional lapse of cover from the dozing yellow sun that hung high in the sky, warming and soothing my skin. Despite the heat, the air was fresh and a soft breeze blew. Just a few deep lung-fulls of it, made me feel more at ease than I had in a long time.

"Where's your mate?" A voice said from behind I turned to see a thick-haired man with deep brown eyes. His skin was honey and a strong Greek accent laced his words. His scent was not a human one so maybe he was from a nearby pack or maybe even a rogue. I rolled my eyes. Great.

"Oh he's around somewhere,” I said looking at him and then back out to sea.

"You mean you ran away..from an Alpha?" He said looking at my mark. "Which pack?"

"Stella," I sighed realising there was no point in trying to lie.

"Alpha Leonardo Loren’s Luna,” He said putting the pieces together.

"Unfortunately..." I said.

He leant on the barrier next to me and sighed, "I suppose I should probably take you back to him." "No, let me enjoy a few more minutes of freedom first."

"Alpha's ay? Bit too controlling I assume?" The man said.

I nodded, "Drives me insane."

He smiled.

"I'm Elias by the way."

"Ella," I said shaking his outstretched hand.

"I know," he replied with a smile. "Every wolf in the world knows your name.” We stood enjoying the silence for a few more minutes before I spoke again.

"Leonardo is going to be so angry at me..." I groaned resting my forehead on the railing.

"Have you ever run away before?" Elias asked.


"What did he do?"

"Marked me against my will and threatened to kill my brother,” I answered.

"Pretty full on then," Elias asked, "Well I need to be getting back to the pack.”

"You aren't going to take me back to him?"

"No, I'm not going to force you to do anything. I'm not an Alpha,” he answered putting his hands up innocently.

"Thank you, Elias,” I said smiling. "It was nice talking to you.”

"Pleasure. Just don't tell your Alpha you saw me. I enjoy life," Elias laughed before walking away. I stayed at the railing for a few minutes more before wandering further down the street. I didn't want to stay in one place for too long after all. At some point, I turned into a street and immediately came face to face with the one and only: Alpha Leonardo Loren.

"Shit..." I said under my breath reversing slightly. Leo forcefully pulled my arm back to him. "Shit indeed," he said in an angry tone. "Where have you been?"

"Enjoying the freedom," I answered as he began to drag me out onto the street.

"Not really freedom though was it? You knew I would find you eventually,” he replied his long strides forcing me to jog alongside. We attracted quite a few stares but that was the least of my worries right now.

"It was close enough,” I said as we approached the boat.

"Stop being awkward and get in the fucking boat,” Leo said as I struggled against him pushing me off the harbour and onto the yacht. Somehow in my struggle, my foot hooked around the plank of wood connecting the deck of the boat to the harbour platform. It fell into the water with a splash shortly followed by Leo and I. I sunk down a little before swimming my way to the surface. Leo was already there looking incredibly unamused.

"Sorry," I said in a weak attempt to make up for the surprise swim. "At least it's warm."

Half an hour later, we were back on the island. Leo was pacing the kitchen having removed his soaking wet shirt whilst I was sat quietly on one of the stools a towel around my shoulders waiting for him to speak.

"You know I really didn't mean to knock us into the ocean like that. It was an accident. My foot just kind of-" I rambled.

"That's not what I'm angry about," he snapped.

There was another pause. "I am just sick to death of you doing everything you can to piss me off," he hissed, "Even if it means endangering your own life. Do you not remember what happened the last time you ran away!?"

"There are no rogues after me here," I said.

"And how do you know that?" Leo said. "There is a pack near here. There are rogues surrounding its borders too. How can I protect you from them if I don't know where you are?"

His face was strained and serious. I could tell there was more than just anger as he stared despairingly at me. Something real and genuine.

There was an excruciating silence before I took a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry," I said walking over to him and putting my hands on his cheek.

His face immediately eased and he placed his hand on top of mine.

"But you have to stop provoking my brother," I said sincerely, "You made me so angry and I just needed some time away from you."

He made no response.

"I care about him too and it hurts me to see you at each other's necks," I added.

Eventually, he nodded and I nuzzled into his chest.

"If he calls again, I won't pick it up," he said wrapping his arms around me. "But never ever do this again. Not knowing where you are and if you are safe is the only thing in this world that scares the total shit out of me."

A few hours later, I was stood on the balcony of the bedrooms appreciating the sunset. It was pink and orange and red and purple with no clouds to hinder the effect. After a while, I felt Leo's arms wrap around my waist whilst he placed his chin in the crook of my neck.

"It's beautiful here,” I said quietly.

"Not as beautiful as you," he replied "Cheese sandwich," I said laughing before Leo's lips connected with mine.

I pulled away and looked up at him.

He put his hand behind my neck and looked deeply into my eyes. His were blue and bright in the sunlight and his expression so calm and soft.

His thumb ran down the side of my face before he kissed me gently on the lips again.

"Let me have you just for tonight,” I said. I put my hands either side of his face and smiled, "No." I then wandered back into the room and began unbuttoning my shirt.

He folded his arms and stood leaning against the doorway watching me.

"You know better than to tease me, Ella," he said in a deep voice.

I grinned to myself and turned to face him, already on the third button on my shirt, my bra on show. His eyes flickered down.

"Don't," he warned.

But I took no heed and only shrugged my shirt off and flung into onto the bed, standing in front of him with my sexiest black lace bra on.

He bit his lip and looked up at the wall.

"Do I anger you, Leonardo?" I asked.

He clenched his jaw, "Do I even need to answer that?"

"Because you know what angers me?" I said, "Ripping innocent young children from their parents and imprisoning them to turn them into war weapons.”

He looked down at me and glared, "Put your shirt back on, Ella. Unless you want me to take you." He then picked it up off the bed and threw it at me.

"Final fucking warning." I shot him a glare, "If I want to stand here in my underwear, I'm gonna stand here in my fucking underwear and you're not going to do shit." I then reached for the button on my shorts, slipped them off and gave him a “sweet’ smile.

His eyes were instantly all over my body again as he took a deep breath.

" could call Blair and tell him to begin the process of shutting down the institute,” I said,

"Then we can do whatever you like..." I stepped over to him and ran my fingers along his broad shoulders. I could tell how much he wanted me and I knew I was playing a dangerous game but that thrilled me for some reason.

"So what's it to be, Leonardo?" I asked He paused for a second biting his lip before he grabbed me and shoved my back against the wall. "If you think I'm gonna let you manipulate me like this,” he said, his hands on my shoulders. "There is something not right in your head."

His hands then slipped from my shoulders down to my chest where he pushed my bra strap down I looked up to his handsome face a few seconds before he leant down and kissed me. I had no time to dodge it and as soon as his warm lips hit my I felt myself move closer to him. I could exercise self-control until he had me in his arms, kissing me. And then the damn mate bond and my wolf got in the way.

It was frankly embarrassing how easily he could take control.

But I couldn't help but enjoy it deep down. He threw me down onto the bed and lay over me, sending shivers throughout my body before he began to kiss my mark.

"There's condoms in the drawer,” I said panting, "I saw them earlier."

"I'm not using a condom," he replied, taking off his shirt.

"Yes you are," I said, reaching for the drawer by the bed.

He grabbed my wrists and pinned them roughly to the mattress.

"Why the fuck would I use a condom?" he asked.

"So that I don't get pregnant,” I replied struggling against his grip, "I told you I'm not having your children."

"Well you also told me you weren't going to fuck me tonight but here we are," he replied with a smile.

"Leo," I said sternly, "We are using a condom.”

He let out a low growl before reaching into the draw and grabbing the box So not a total defeat.

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