Alpha Loren

Chapter 205 Chapter 205

Leo's POV

Max looked around the empty cafe and then out the wide window onto the street, “This doesn't feel right,” he said.

Last night, we had received a call from the one and only Luciano who claimed to be able to help us find Ella. After Max had dealt with the initial shock of finding out that I didn't kill him four years ago, we agreed to meet in this rather mundane Caracas coffee shop.

There was one girl working behind the counter and pretty much no customers leaving the only sound being the quiet buzz of an old speaker playing 1970s elevator music and the occasional beep of a car horn on the street outside.

"We can't trust him, Alpha," Max continued.

"If he can take me to my Luna, I don't care if I can trust him," I replied. "Gustavo isn't getting us anywhere. This could be our next best hope.”

Moments later, the bell above the door chimed, indicating someone had entered and a few moments after, the seat in front of us was drawn back and sat in by a tall, slender man with jet black hair.

He looked from me to Max as a smirk grew on his lips and his dark eyes glistened.

"Leonardo," he said. "Long time no see, my friend."

"I am not your friend," I replied.

He stifled a laugh before turning to Max, "And my second favourite cousin, how wonderful it is to see you again.”

He gave a smile so contrived it could have been painted by a three-year-old

"We are only here for Ella's sake. So get on with it, what do you know?" Max said.

"You're not even going to order me a coffee first?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

I clenched my jaw and his eyes snapped to mine, "Cut the shit, Luciano. How can you help me get my Luna?"

"Well," he said beckoning the waitress over with his finger. "Andrea Martinez has been in touch with me."

"Why?" I asked.

His lips curled up at the edges a little as he shrugged, "He asked me to kill you."

At that point, the waitress appeared.

"Un café, por favor,” he said to her as I stared at him, unsure what to say.

The waitress nodded and then turned to me and Max taking one look at us before backing away back behind the counter.

"He asked you?" Max growled.

"Who better to ask? He knows we have a long, rocky history and he knew how easily I'd be able to get you into a quiet café alone,” he replied.

I folded my arms across my chest before glaring him down. Max, who probably hadn't scanned him for any kind of weapon on his way in, was far less relaxed which seemed to amuse Luciano and he sadistically smiled to himself.

"But what he doesn't know is where my loyalty lies,” he said when he was done enjoying my Max's panic.

I scoffed.

"You've never been loyal to me," I replied.

"No, but I'm loyal to my family," Luciano said. "My cousins.”

This time it was Max's turn to scoff, "You've always enjoyed inflicting pain on us. What's caused the sudden change of heart?”

"I saw Ella yesterday,” he said. "And I know we never got on but seeing my cousin in that way-" "What way?" I asked sitting forward.

"All beaten and bruised and miserable and having to live and sleep with a man like Martinez," he said, remaining eye contact with me.

I sat completely still, feeling the fury inside me rise. It was as if one single movement or word and I'd lose control of it so I just fixated my eyes on Luciano. He glanced over at me and then to Max who had leant back and ran his fingers through his hair as his right leg jittered. Underneath the false pretence, he seemed to be trying to hide his amusement but it was hard to decipher. Could he, for once in his life, be genuine?

"She needs rescuing as soon as possible," he stated. "And since I have already gained Martinez's trust, I'd say I could be a pretty good help if you will let me."

"How do we know we can trust you?" Max asked.

"You can't. But right now, I'm your best bet, Alpha," he replied turning to me.

"If you already have his trust, surely you could just kill him?" I questioned. "Why have you come to us?"

My wolf was telling me to take his offer immediately and get our mate back but I had to bring some rationale into this. I can't make the mistake of being too quick to trust Luciano. Not again. I've already endangered Ella too many times that way.

"And where's that ego of yours gone?" I asked. "How have you brought yourself to ask for my help?"

"Did you know that he has Alpha blood?" was what he replied with. "He was born the eldest son of an Alpha and exiled as his mother wasn't the Luna but he still got all the strength and power that comes with being the true heir of an Alphaship. I can't take him alone.”

"You'll find a way. I'm sure," I replied with a forced smile.

Luciano raised one thick eyebrow and shook his head with a slight laugh.

"Don't you think that if it was easy, Ella would have saved herself by now? She's tougher than most and even she doesn't stand a chance," he replied.

He had a point. I'd learnt not to underestimate my mate and after fighting against Andrea weeks ago, I knew there was more to him than just a rogue teen with a gun

"Together we can do it," Luciano reassured.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Or you could just give me the address that you saw her in and leave me to deal with this. I have my army and a powerful rival to Andrea for support,” I replied

Luciano's eyes flickered and he bit his lips before taking a deep breath.

"Fine," he grunted. "If that's all you will let me do to help, I will be happy to do it."

I smiled sarcastically and thrust a napkin towards him and a pen from my pocket.

He scribbled an address on it and handed it back.

"We'll be in touch,” I said standing up and heading towards the door, as I passed his chair I paused and brought my mouth to his ear. "And if I find that you are working against me," I added in a deep growl, "I will not hesitate to do what I've been meaning to do for years."

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