Alpha Loren

Chapter 182 Chapter 182

When I found my seat on the plan, I fought the urge to pass out and dialled Leo's number as they did the safety speech.

"Ella," he said after picking up. "Where are you?"

"On the plan and your men are with security. Turns out, two men dragging an almost unconscious girl through a busy terminal raises suspicion,” I replied a little spite in my tone.

"Is Max on the plane?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "Why would he-"

"Get off it immediately,” he growled in his Alpha tone. "I'm not fucking around Ella. I mean it."

I shook my head as a tear ran down my face.

"I'm sorry, Leo," I sniffled. "I'm going to Mexico to get our son and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Alessio and Xanthus did everything they could and I am begging you to be merciful on them. Especially Alessio, he has a young family and-"

"If you want me to be merciful then I suggest you get your ass home now. Then I won't touch his fucking family,” Leo growled shortly after I heard him punch something solid. Hopefully an inanimate object.

"Don't be like this, please," I pleaded.

"Just come home, Ells,” he said in a much softer tone. "I was wrong to tie you up and cut you out of this so come home and we can work it out together. There is no reason for you to sacrifice yourself to a man highly unlikely to follow his part of the deal.”

"You've met Andrea. He's ruthless. He doesn't have a single hint of mercy. If he realises you are trying to outsmart him, he will kill Cato without hesitation," I replied. "I know that you aren't used to following other people's orders but this time, we don't have a choice.”

"There's nothing I can say or do to stop you is there?" he asked with a sigh.

"No," I replied quietly.

"When Cato is safe, I'll come for you," he said. "And if you are already gone, Andrea will die. For real this time."

"That's if I haven't killed him first," I replied.

"Death seems to good for home," Leo said. "I'd rather-"

"Leo," I interrupted in a stern tone as I realised what he was insinuating. "I didn't spend years trying to install morals in you for them to disappear the second I leave. Don't stoop to his level whether you think he deserves it or not. Doing more than is necessary to end his life is immoral. Remember that."

"Nothing like a lecture about treating the literal devil with morality," he said. "You're too good for your own good, Ella."

"Just promise me that if I'm not there to keep you in shape, you won't slip back to your old self, Leo," I said. "Please."

"I promise. But you are coming back," he replied. "You're a cockroach, remember? No one can kill you."

"Yeh, I'm a survivor," I agreed.

He laughed a little before sniffing his own tears back.

"We're about to take off," I said. "I have to go."

"Call me when you land, okay?" he said. "I can't say goodbye yet."

"But just in case, I love you, Leo," I said more tears falling down my cheeks.

"I love you too," he replied before I had to hang up.

I couldn't deal with anymore for fear of running off the plane and straight back to him. I wiped the tears off away before leaning against the window as we were all told to turn out phones on aeroplane mode.

Shortly after, we began moving along the runway. I noticed what looked like a security car speed up to the plane and a couple of security officers pile out. Leo must have had something to do with that but they were too late, we were gone.

With the relief of a successful escape, I closed my eyes and le the powerful effects of the pill take over.

Hours later, I awoke to the sound of the plane thudding on the runway. I bolted up right from the shock of the rude awakening and looked around me to see all the other passengers excitedly awaiting their vacation to Mexico, or getting ready for a boring business trip, or thrilled to be visiting their families.

Not me. I wasn't in for nearly such a fun time. As soon as we were allowed to turn our phones off aeroplane mode, I called Leo.

"I've landed,” I said as I followed the busy crowd off the plane. "Am I going to have trouble with security here? I saw a car of officers try to stop the plan which I don't doubt you were behind.”

"I tried but unfortunately it's difficult to pay off security already paid off by Andrea Martinez," he replied with a sigh. "You won't be stopped anywhere in Mexico by the police. So what's your plan?" "Andrea, texted me his number. I'm going to call him," I replied.

"So you're just going to go along with it?"

"I figured that that is best. I don't want to risk provoking him," I explained.

"Ella Jones. I feel like I don't even know you anymore. Why couldn't you ever go along with what I said?" he questioned.

I laughed before sitting on a bench just before passport control.

"Because you don't have a gun.”

There was a breath moment of silence.



"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"I was. Very. You ignored my orders and as a result, I may never have my mate again and my kids may never have their mother again but I can't be mad anymore. They threatened our kid and nothing is going to stop you saving him. I get that but fucking hell I'll miss you. I miss you when I leave the same room as you. I don't know how I would cope with forever,” he replied.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be sorry," he replied. "Don't you dare.”

"I'll do everything I can to stay alive. If I don't give him a reason to kill me, he'd rather I was alive too, right?" I asked thinking back to how fond of me (my body in particular) he was.

"I can't bear the thought of that either, Ells,” he replied after a while in a broken voice. "Him using you for that sort of thing.”

"But you'd rather that than him killing me, yes?" I asked.

"Yes," he stated.

"Promise me that you'll take care of the kids," I said a tear running down my cheek.

"Of course, Ella. Of course, of course.”

"And yourself. Miss me for a little while and then move on okay? I don't want you to suffer forever. Find a way to be happy again. Whether that's with someone else or whatever. I don't care, just be happy. And make sure my Mom is okay too. She's already lost Connor, this will tear her apart,” I explained.

"You'll survive this, Ells. I know you will. Just like a cockroach,” he replied. "And I'll come for you. I promise.”

"Are you ready to say goodbye yet?" I asked watching as the queue for passport control quickly died down and I was the only one left in the waiting area.

"I don't think I'll ever be."

"What about a goodbye for now?" I questioned. "We'll meet again, Leonardo. I'm sure of it."

Tears were now streaming down my face.

"Well until then?" he said. I was sure he shared my tears. I could hear it in his voice.

"Until then,” I whispered. "I love you.”

"I love you too," he replied before he hung up and I was left all alone in the room.

I clutched my phone to my chest and screwed up my face desperately trying to hold in a howl. Instead, it escaped in broken sobs and patchy cries as I gasped for oxygen.

Why is it that you don't realise the extent of your love for someone until you don't have them anymore?

I don't think I could have loved him anymore.

For a moment, I considered going straight back to Seattle. The next flight could only be a few hours away. But then I remembered why I was here. What I had to do.

Save Cato.

1 took a few more moments to compose myself. I let the tears dry into stains and the grief sink deep within before standing up and walking bravely to passport control.

"I saw you crying over there. Are you alright, Miss?" the woman asked as she checked my passport on her computer.

"Not really,” I replied.

"Is there anything I can do?" she asked with a kind smile.

"Not really. But thank you anyway," I said taking my passport and heading into Mexico.

I called Andrea. He was delighted to hear of my arrival and said there'd be a car to pick me up within the hour.

And there was. Twenty minutes, a black, tinted window car rolled up in front of the airport where I had been sat miserably on the floor. A Mexican climbed out and quickly scanned the crowd. When his eyes landed on the only blonde woman in the entire place, he marched forward and picked up my rucksack.

"Come with me,” he said dryly.

I stood up and followed him back to his car where he hustled me into the back seat.

We drove in silence through the desert for about twenty minutes before arriving at the same warehouse. I hadn't even been two weeks since I was last here. Since I left and thought I'd never have to come back again

The driver took my arm and led me into the building. I could hear voices and laughter inside that immediately ceased when the door opened.

I froze as I lay my eyes on Andrea, sat on a chair in a circle of three other men. The driver pushed me further in and Andrea gestured for the other men to leave.

He stared at me with an evil smirk plastered across his lips before beckoning me with his finger. I hesitantly stepped a little closer as he continued to eye me out. I got to about two metres away before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Blanca, how wonderful it is to see you again," he said in an amused tone.

"Where is my son?" I asked.

"We will get to that in a moment,” he said standing up and striding closer to me.

He cupped my face in one hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear with the other. Then, before I could see it coming, he struck me across the face causing my nose to immediately spout blood.

"That was for escaping me," he whispered in my ear before pushing his lips against mine.

The kiss only probably lasted about 5 seconds but for me, it felt as though he was never going to stop. I could do nothing but stand motionless and let him do it without risking both Cato's and my own life.

When he was done forcing himself upon me, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed the blood on my nose. So he's gonna hit me then clean up after himself? Psycho.

Eventually, he let go of me and said something in Spanish to the driver. He left and a few short moments later returned holding the hand of a small, blonde, seven-year-old boy.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw my son. He didn't look hurt or scared or even unhappy and the driver let go of his hand allowing him to run forward into my arms.

"Mommy!" he cried as I clung to him tightly.

"Cato," I whispered stroking his hair as I lifted him into the air. "Are you okay?"

He nodded excitedly.

"Juan is showing me how to play cards!" he replied.

"Who's Juan, sweetie?" I asked and he pointed to the driver. "And can we have Mexican for dinner more often?!"

I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Of course," I replied knowing that I may never make him dinner again.

"And Andrea is teaching me Spanish!" he added with pride in his voice.

I looked over Cato's shoulder at Andrea, loathing him slightly less knowing that he treated Cato well.

"Time to say adiés to mam4, Cato,” he said. "You have a long journey.”

"Are you not coming home too, Mama?" he asked looking at me suddenly far less happy.

I shook my head and squeezed him a little further.

"No, bambino. I have to stay here," I replied.


"So that you can go home. Like a swap,” I explained.

"Will you be back?" he asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," I said truthfully. He was only seven but he was old enough to understand. "I'll miss you," he said clinging tightly.

"I'll miss you too, Cato. But you have to promise that you'll look out for everybody. Papa, Silas, Mathias, Francesca, Marie, Lili, Stefano, Zacharias, Granny Rosa, Grandad, Granny Mara, Luca. Everybody, okay?"

He nodded.

"I promise,” he whispered burying his face in my shoulder.

"Good boy," I said kissing his head as the driver, who I now knew was called Juan, approached. "I love you lots and lots.”

"I love you lots and lots more,” he replied.

"Come on, Cato," Juan said placing his hand on his back.

"No!" he cried as he tried to prize him out of my arms. "Mama, no!"

He clutched me tightly and was soon wailing as he was ripped out of my hands. With floods of tears running down my cheeks, I watched as he was dragged out of the warehouse and then listened as he was put in the car and driven away.

"You have kept your side of the deal, now I will keep mine. He'll be in Seattle by nightfall,” Andrea said. "That is unless your Alpha tries anything between then and now."

"He won't," I replied wiping my eyes.

"That is good to hear," he stated sitting down at the same chair he was on when I first came in. "You're weren't trying to trick us?" I asked incredibly relieved.

"I have no interest in hurting a little boy even if he will grow up to be an Alpha," Andrea explained. "And besides, I've got what I wanted,” he added with a smirk.

"If you are going to kill me, can you get it over with?" I questioned.

"Oh, no, Blanca. You don't get that kind of privilege anymore,” he replied. "Come here," he added tapping his lap.

I hesitated for a moment before slowly walking forwards and perching on his knees.

"You're going to be my little bitch. You're gonna do everything I say," he whispered in his thick Mexican accent into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're gonna work for me, entertain me, cook for me...can you cook, Blanca?"

"A little," I replied

"Good. I wanna try some of your Italian shit. And in doing all of this, you can repay me for all this trouble you've caused."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

"Then I will kill you,” he deadpanned. "In an utmost unpleasant, drawn-out manner. So which will it be, Blanca?"

"You leave me little choice,” I replied.

"Excellent," he chirped before kissing my neck, right where Leo's mark was. "Now let's get somewhere that Alpha of yours will never find you."

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