Alpha Loren

Chapter 177 Chapter 177

When soon pulled up on Rosa and Antonio's long drive.

Rosa came out of the house and greeted her excited grandchildren with delight.

"Ella!" she said as I lifted Zacharias out of his travel seat and Luca did the same with Stefano. "We weren't expecting you."

"Yes, I'm sorry to spring this upon you," I began. "But something has happened. Is it alright if the kids stay for a night? Maybe two?"

Cato, Mathias and Silas bombarded Antonio, who had just joined his mate on the drive as, Rosa took Zacharias from me.

"Of course but what has happened?” she asked a concerned look. "Where's Leo?"

"Bambinos, why don't you take your stuff upstairs?" I suggested.

They all nodded and ran up the stairs to the rooms on the first floor that they usually stayed in. "Leo's been arrested,” I began.

Both of their faces dropped three miles.

"Arrested? What? Why?" Antonio questioned.

"Andrea Martinez is alive," I stated.

Their faces dropped three more miles

"But Leo shot him-" Rosa said.

"Somehow the bastard survived,” I replied. "And now he's accused Leo of attempted murder, abduction and involvement in drug trafficking and who knows what he'll do next.”

"Oh fuck,” Antonio said.

"Ella, come in," Rosa said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'll get a pot of coffee on.” When the coffee was made, the three of us sat around the table trying to decide what to do while Luca entertained the kids.

"You shouldn't have left your mate," Antonio stated after minutes of silent thinking.

"Antonio!" Rosa exclaimed.

"None of this would have happened. Have you not noticed by now that when you are away from him, things turn to shit?" he said slamming his hand onto the table.

"Now is not the time," Rosa said putting her hand on his

"Things turn to shit whatever I do. My own mate fucking killed my brother," I argued.

Antonio didn't like being argued with. No one did it except me which is why he had never been too fond of me.

"It doesn't matter what happened in the past. We just need to concentrate on getting Leo out of there and dealing with this Andrea man, okay?" Rosa said as Luca came into the kitchen with Cato, Silas, Mathias, Francesca and Marie.

"Ells, is it alright if I take them out to play in the woods?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Don’t let them go too far," I said putting my head in my hands.

When I heard the door shut I looked up at Rosa and Antonio and sighed.

"I've bailed him out before. I'm sure I can do it again,” Antonio stated.

"When he was sixteen and arrested for stupid things like vandalism. Not attempted murder, abduction and involvement in drug trafficking!" Rosa replied

"That's exactly what he said,” I replied. "He also pointed out that it's a federal investigation just to add salt to injury.”

"At least he's not guilty of one of those things,” Rosa said as the front door opened.

"Ella you left your phone in the car and it's ringing," Luca's voice called. "There's no caller ID but maybe it's Leo from the police station,” he added appearing in the kitchen.

He passed it to me as it continued to buzz.


There was a few moments pause before a voice came through the line that filled me with pure dread.

"Hola, Blanca,” Andrea's devilish voice slurred. "I thought you'd be a little lonely without your Alpha. You know I have men coming for you? Now that Leonardo Loren is out of the picture, they shouldn't have any trouble getting you either."

"How are you still alive?" I asked after a nervous gulp.

"See Blanca, your mate may be the most feared man in the world, an excellent fighter, strong, powerful, smart, yadada...but he doesn't know much about guns. Pretty good for a beginner but my heart and my brain are still just about intact. He missed. And you are going to pay for that."

I gripped the phone in my hand and exchanged looks with Antonio.

"Let me speak to him," Antonio said, imperatively.

I handed him the phone as Rosa took my hand.

"Martinez, this is Antonio Loren," he began. "You should know that you are well out of your depth. This pack and my son are not things that anyone with any sense should fuck around with. Take your men and go home before someone gets killed."

"Too late for that,” Andrea replied. "You see, I called the Alpha just a few minutes ago and he gave me his mate's number.”

"Why would he do that?" Antonio demanded.

"He wanted me to give you a warning just in case six of his children were out playing alone in the woods or something.”

My eyes snapped up and within seconds I was on my feet, adrenaline surging through my veins. My head spun and the sounds of the sounds of the kids' laughter from the woods echoed in my mind. Luca and Antonio both followed me, probably sharing the same churning sensation in their stomachs.

I sprinting out the door, to the end of the drive and entered the woods. Despite the fading light, I spotted them amongst to tall trees immediately.

12:5 45,

"Where's Cato!?" I screamed. "Silas, Mathias! Where is he?!"

"We were playing hide and seek but we haven't found him yet," Silas replied, innocent of the danger they were in. Antonio and Rosa had now joined us.

"Children, come back inside with me,” Rosa said lifting Lili up. "Now."

I raced further into the forest calling and calling for Cato. Praying and praying that he's just good at hide and seek.

Just as Rosa reached the edge of the forest, we heard a scream. A childlike, high pitched wail.

And then the sound of a car engine.

"Cato!" I howled sprinting in the direction of the sounds.

I soon reached another road. The leaves blown by the vehicle had not yet settled and the growl of the engine was still deafening.

A few seconds later, another car zoomed past. My car with Luca in it.

My heart thudded against my ribcage as I fumbled with my phone, desperately looking for Blair's number.

"Close the borders," I ordered the second he picked up.

"What? why?" he questioned.

"Leo's been arrested and Cato's been kidnapped. Whoever has him, can't be allowed off territory,” I explained quickly. "I'll explain everything later but please just make sure it is done. And as fast as you can."

"Okay. I'll prepare the army too,” he replied in a typically Blair calm tone, before hanging up.

How the fuck is he calm?

A few seconds later, Antonio was stood beside me.

"They have my son," I whispered. "My baby. He's only seven years old. How could they be so cruel?" Antonio didn't say anything.

"Why am I just standing here?" I asked myself taking a step in the direction of the cars.

"Are you insane?" Antonio said finally speaking up as he grabbed my wrist. "This man wants you, yes?"

I nodded.

"Then don't fall into their trap and go somewhere safe. Luca, Blair and I will deal with this,” he replied. "The last thing we need is a kidnapped Luna...again.”

"Antonio, they have my son," I said choking on my tears. "My son.”

"And we will get him back,” he replied. "You know that Leo wouldn't want you in any more danger.” "And you know that is not a good enough reason to stand back whilst my son gets kidnapped,” I snapped. "I'm not just going to let the 'men’ deal with it!"

"Fine," he said with a sigh, knowing he wasn't going to win this. "Go to the police station and report it to the officers and then tell Leo."

I nodded, "Okay."

That I will do.

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