Alpha Loren

Chapter 13 The Escapee

October 12th

When we arrived at the shopping centre Leo grasped my hand.

I then yanked my hand out of his.

He looked at me and grabbed my wrist again this time tighter, "Don't fight me.”

"Why do you have to be rough?" I asked, "Can't you just hold my hand like a normal man? We are in the human world."

“Exactly,” he mumbled, "I don't trust them.”

"You don't trust anyone,” I said, "And humans are the least of our threats because they have this wonderful thing called the police. When a human breaks another wonderful thing called a law, it is the police's job to punish them, and because of this, humans don't tend to do whatever the hell they want because they know they will get in trouble for it. They also have equal rights for women, but let's not get into that...”

"I understand the human world, even if I do think it's stupid,” He retorted. "And maybe I want to hold you."

"Wow that was almost sweet," I remarked looking down at the way he still held my wrist. "You really are quite the romantic.”

He rolled his eyes and grinned as he slipped his hold down to my hand, "I can be romantic, Sweetheart. You just haven't given me the chance yet."

"I don't believe it," I laughed.

"Maybe if you stopped trying to push me away, you'd see?" he replied. "Give it a try one day."

I smiled sarcastically before we reached a clothes shop.

"Can we go in there?" I asked.

He shrugged, "whatever."

I picked up a slightly cropped top. And looked at the price. Before I could find it Leo had pulled it out my hands and put it straight back on the rack

"Too short,” He mumbled before dragging me away.

This is going to be a long day.

"Stop looking at the price. I am paying,” he said covering the tag on a t-shirt I was looking at.

"I can't help but be conscious. My brother and I used to struggle to pay our bills and buy food let alone luxuries like clothes,” I explained.

"You don't need to worry about that anymore, okay? I'll look after you," he said kissing the top of my head.

I have to give it to him, that was kind of sweet and warmed my heart a little.

He was still a shitty person though

I picked up another top, this time a tank top.

"Too low," He said referring to the neckline. "You're already appealing and tempting enough to men- believe me. Wearing that would be like practically giving them an invitation to take advantage of you."

"What I wear doesn't give anyone the right to take advantage of me, Leonardo,” I replied under my breath. "And it's not like I really have any boob to show anyway.”

"No one has the right to touch you except for me. If no one else can touch you then why do they need to look at you? That's like reading the menu but not being able to order," he argued taking a short skirt out of my hand and putting it back on the rack. "And you have great boobs. Don't put yourself down.”

I shook my head and turned around to another shelf, I felt his hand squeeze my butt gently and I snapped back around to face him.

He looked around innocently before giggling to himself and flashing me a cheeky smile.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Leonardo Loren," I scolded in as serious a voice as possible but I couldn't hide my grin.

Oh shit, I'm falling for him.

He smiled, noticing my blush before averting his eyes away and holding up a floral top.

"What about this?" he asked

"Sure, that's pretty,” I replied feeling the soft fabric between my fingers.

I then noticed a denim skirt with buttons up the middle and lifted it off the rack.

He took it out of my hand and held it up to my legs, presumably to size up its length, "Yes, that's fine," he said eventually.

"This is like shopping with a Grandmother,” I said nudging him.

"You have a pretty smile," he replied cupping my face. "I wish you'd use it more often.”

How was he so God damn charming?

I turned away from him, to hide my only increasingly red cheeks.

"Give me more reasons to and maybe I will," I said, before spotting something on the rails.

I smiled in delight before picking up the hanger.

"You wanna see my smile?" I asked.

"Of course," he said.

I grinned menacingly.

"Then go to the fitting rooms and put these on," I said turning around to show him the leopard print men's skinny jeans in my hand.

His eyebrows raised.

"Not my size, sorry babes," he replied.

"I don't care,” I said. "And I think them being a little too small will only make your ass hotter.”

"You think my arse is hot?" he asked a glint in his eye.

"Maybe..." I said. "I'll know for sure when I've seen you in these..or is your ego too fragile?"

"Fine," he said taking the jeans in one hand and my hand in the other. "I hope you're ready for this." Three minutes later, I was sat patiently on the chairs in the men's changing room waiting for Leo to come out one of the rooms. The place was empty and I could hear him groaning as he squeezed them on which only made me snigger.

At long last, the door unlocked and slowly opened.

At first, I couldn't even get any noise out. My laughter was too intense. Shortly after, I erupted into fits of giggles.

"Oh Leo," I said. "They suit you.”

"They do, huh?" he said as he did a 360 turn.

They were only long enough to reach his mid-calf and so tight he may as well have tattoed his skin with the pattern. His ass did indeed look very hot in them, however.

"I can't really breath,” he said lifted up his shirt to show how tight they were around his waist. "But beauty is pain, right?"

"And this....this is certainly beauty,” I replied. "It makes a nice change from the black you usually wear and it's"

"This screams me to you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Leonardo Loren in leopard print. I don't know how but somehow it works," I said with a shrug. "I'm going to have to take them off before I suffocate. Do you want one last look at my ass or..." he replied.

"Fuck off,” I said. "And change before you rip them.”

He turned and went back into the changing room. I did take the opportunity to take one last look at his rear end but only very fleetingly to avoid being caught.

We spent the next few hours shoppin and I slowly found myself actually not entirely repulsed to Leo anymore. He was actually...sort of...okay?

There were some more laughs from the other players.

"Fuck you," I hissed before marching away.

I wasn't going to sit on the bleachers like some kind of cheerleader so instead, I waited for my next classes.

Later when I returned to the football field, the game had just ended but already Logan was nowhere to be seen.


I searched the entire school for him, I even dared enter the boys' locker room. There were a lot of sweaty teenagers in there but none by the name Logan.

By this point, it was 3:05. Mr Greggory's detention was out of the question and Leo would tear the school down looking for me if I didn't show up soon so made my way to the parking lot, accepting defeat.

When I reached the parking lot, I immediately spotted him leaning casually on his car with a straight face. He was getting some admiring looks from girls as they passed which irritated me slightly but I don't blame them. He looked freaking hot.

When he saw me, he smiled and I began to head towards him

"Ella!" A voice called from behind me when I was still twenty metres from my mate. I turned from Leo to see Logan.

There's the bastard.

I looked back to my mate and smiled awkwardly before holding up a finger as a gesture to say “one minute’ before quick-stepping it to Logan. He sent me a look that ordered me not to go over to them but I did it anyway after mouthing a 'sorry".

"You're here to talk about the letter?" he said.

"Yes, I-" I began

"You think we're gonna talk about this here?" he asked with a grin, "Meet me this evening at mine.” "I can't,” I said. "Please Logan just listen-"

"See you tonight," he interrupted turning away.

"Logan, seriously. I can't come to your house-" I said.

"The Cerridwen woods then, whatever," he replied.

"It has to be right now," I added.

Logan's eyes glinted, "If you're that desperate, fine. We'll go now."

"I'll meet you there," I said.

"In a bit, babe," he said with a wink before walking away.

Leo was about a hundred metres away and there was an awful lot of other noise and chat going on around us so I doubt he heard a word of that.

"Who was that?" my mate asked when I finally got to him. I looked up at him to see his eyes intensely watching Logan.

"Oh just a friend," I replied.

"He's a wolf, isn't he?" he stated. "No ordinary seventeen-year-old looks like that...or smells like that."

"Yes, so am I? What is your point?"

"I don't have one. Now get in the car. We're going home."

"I just realised I forgot my art sketchbook and I have work to do tonight,” I said. "I'll be back in like ten minutes,” I said making a move back towards the school building.

But he took my wrist and pulled me back to him. He leant my back on his car before placing his lips on mine and kissing me softly and passionately.

By the time he finally pulled away, I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Leo!" I exclaimed looking around in embarrassment to see if anyone had seen- they had.

"It's been a while since I've kissed a super hot girl against my car in a high school parking lot,” he said. "Takes me back."

"That's because you left High school a century ago,” I replied. "And were you really that boy? The one that screwed around with all the girls?"

He shrugged.

"Disgusting," I replied.

"I thought you had an art book to get?" he said and I nodded before hastily heading back into school.

I didn't go anywhere near the art block. The opposite direction in fact. The back entrance to the school happened to open out into Cerridwen woods, where I had agreed to meet Logan. The forest floor was covered in twigs and dead leaves. Every tiny crunch I heard in the otherwise silent forest, I snapped my head around at, praying I wouldn't see Leo following me. It was always just a little bird digging around in search of worms or a twig or nut of some kind falling to the ground but I was on edge and not without good reason.

I found Logan within a few minutes leant casually against a tree.

"There's my girl," Logan said as I approached.

"I don't have time for the bullshit, Logan,” I said. "I can't marry you."

I folded my arms across my chest and stopped, stood a safe distance of a few metres from him. "You know that means I will kick you and your brother off my land. Right?" He asked.

"It's not my choice,” I said. "I found my mate.”

"I don't fucking care if you found your mate. Either marry me or get off my territory. Your choice," he said, taking a step closer.

"But I can't. There is no way he would ever let me leave him," I said, keeping a close eye on him as he crept forward.

"Well you managed to get here alright, didn't you?" He asked,

"Yes...but that's because I ran away which is why this needs to be quick or he's going to find me and rip your head off," I explained.

"I'd like to see him try. I'm an Alpha now," Logan replied.

"And so is he," I said almost in a laugh.

"What's his name?" Logan asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Alpha Leonardo Loren,” I told him. "Heard of him?" I asked casually.

I noticed the corner of his mouth twitch up a little and his eyes flicker before he masked his expression with his usual arrogance.

"Of course I've heard of him. But am I really supposed to believe you? Why would the most feared Alpha ever to live allow his mate to run off? And I don't see a mark and by the smell of things, you're still a virgin...not that I'm complaining about that..." He asked. "Unspoilt and pure. But you'd think Alpha Loren would have ruined that as soon as he could. You'd think he would have claimed you."

I let out a frustrated sigh.

"You have to believe me. So please just let Connor stay,” I said,

"You'll marry me and then I'll let him stay. Your imaginary mate shouldn't have an issue with it."

He suddenly came a lot closer. I refused to back away, not wanting to let him feel intimidating.

"Oh come on babe," he said brushing the hair off my face. "Why wouldn't you want to marry this?" he continued. "I'm hot, I'm an Alpha, I'm really good in bed.” He said.

"Don't fucking touch me," I spat, slapping his hand away. "And why do you even want to marry me? What about your future mate.”

"Because I've been wanting to get in your pants for years and I the fact that you resist me only entices me more," he said, running his hands through my hair, “This is my chance to finally win."

I shoved his chest away.

"You need help, Logan," I said. "You are mentally ill."

Logan's smile dropped.

"If you can't marry me due to this... “mate’ then we will make a compromise,” he articulated.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Your virginity,” He stated, his eyes wide and excited.

I scoffed, "I would rather fucking deep fat fry my own tongue.”

"Go on, do it for your brother," he urged, his hands reaching for my waist.

"I knew you were stupid Logan but you really want to mess with Alpha Loren?" I asked.

"I still don't believe you, babes," he said frankly, "This is nothing but an elaborate plan. So fuck me or I will kick you off my territory.”

"Forget it," I snapped.

I then turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.

"What are you going to do?" I laughed, "Assault me because I won't let you have your way?" "Don't give me any ideas," he said as his hand moved to my hips.

I felt sick to the stomach. Not only because this was Logan Wilson but because he simply wasn't Leonardo. How could I have another man touch me like this? My wolf couldn't bear it either. She ran in circles in my mind, whimpering and whining as I felt his hands run over my body.

"You go home and you think about this decision,” he said to me, "And then you either come back tonight, ready for me. Or you start packing your suitcases and leave before dawn.”

I shuddered as he spat every word into my ear.

He then let go of me and sauntered off into the forest leaving me breathless. A tear dropped down my cheek, one I hadn't noticed form.

I had to contact Connor, warn him of the situation. I felt terrible that he was going to be forced out of our home and school but I'd exhausted my options, what else could I do?

Just as I had gathered myself enough to head back to school, I heard voices.

Rough, jagged voices.

"Words going around that Loren found his mate. Young, pretty, innocent, naive, easy. If we can get her alone, we will have his only weakness in our grasps. Then we have the power,” I heard a man say. I swallowed a gulp before ducking behind a tree.

There were three men. I couldn't take them alone. I'd have to pray they didn't sense me.

"And how are you planning on doing that, you know how protective Alphas are of their mates. And this is Loren we're talking about,” Another one sighed.

"What's that smell?" A third one asked sniffing the air. My heart began pulsing harder than ever. They had picked up my scent.

"Someone's here," Another said.

"It's a female," The first one said sounding slightly relieved. I stayed pressed against the tree trying to control my heavy breathing. I heard footsteps come closer to where I was. And I let an accidental whimper.

The footsteps instantly came closer until I was face to face with a boy about my age.

"Hello there," he growled dragging me out to from my hiding spot to face another 2 men.

Oh fuck.

"Well aren't you something. What's your name?" A boy also about my age asked looking me up and down. I didn't speak.

Suddenly I felt one of the arms of the boy who found me behind the tree wrap around my waist and the other hold a cold, sharp object under my throat. A knife.

"Blake just asked you a question?" He growled in my ear.

"E..e...elekaffi,"I stuttered cringing at my fail of making up a name.

"Your real name," the boy holding me growled.

"Ella," 1 said quietly.

The two of them exchanged looks before the one holding me smelt my hair.

"The Luna?" the slightly older one asked and I nodded my head.

"She can't be. There's no mark and she's a virgin,” the one holding me replied pushing the hair off my neck with the edge of the blade. "I can't imagine Loren being one to wait around.”

The world really had Leonardo completely wrong it seemed.

"She stinks of Alpha,” The other slightly other one observed. "And then name, the description, it all matches."

"Not just Loren's scent though..." Blake said with an evil look on his face.

"Wilson?" The one holding me asked. I nodded my head, "Why do you smell of Alpha Wilson sweet cheeks?"

"And why don't you have a mark?" Blake asked.

"None of your fucking business.”

"It doesn't matter whose scent she has on her or why she isn't marked. The point is she is Alpha Loren's Luna. Exactly what we were just saying would be too difficult to get,” The older one said. "Looks like it's our lucky day then,” the one holding me said with an evil tone.

"What are we meant to do with her, Jake?" Blake asked the older looking guy.

"I would say kill her but it seems such a waste," He said sarcastically cooing at me.

"Bring her here Jason," He ordered. “Jason’ dragged me over to Jake and took the knife out from underneath my chin.

The second the knife was gone, I elbowed him in the stomach. He groaned and clutched his stomach but I failed to get out of his grip.

"Fucking bitch,” he cursed.

"Where's your mate honey?" Jake asked gently caressing my cheek.

"Close. Very close," I said. Jason had let go of me and they had all formed a circle around me. There was no way out and they were all slowly coming closer.

"She's bluffing,” Jason said.

"He'll be here aaaaany minute,” I said trying to scare them.

"Sure," Blake said and they all laughed.

One began to come close to me, "don't fucking touch me!" I said to him going to hit him but he caught my arm mid-air and flung me to the floor.

"Watch who you're throwing around,” I hissed as the pain from my impact set in.

"Or what?" he taunted.

I begged for anyone to come across us. Even Logan. I didn't care; I just knew I couldn't take them on my own.

I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"Guys stop, she doesn't like it," one whined sarcastically. They all laughed again as I tried to make a break out of the circle. Only to be pushed to the floor by another.

My head hit the hard ground and prickly little shits stabbed into my bare skin. As he leant down to face me, I kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach. But it wasn't me that sent him flying backwards. His body lay on the forest ground all limp and floppy. His neck was bent in an awkward position and over him stood Leo- a very angry Leo. His face was dark and scary and his usually bright blue eyes were completely black. He let out a threatening growl as he gave the two remaining rogues a deathly stare. I closed my eyes not wanting to see any more death.

"Go," he growled, "Now before I change my mind. And if I ever see you again, you will die in the most painful manner possible.”

I opened my eyes to see them whimpering and cowering away before fleeing off into the woods.

I quickly got up off the ground and ran into Leo's arms. He embraced me in a deep hug as I clasped onto his shirt and sobbed, still breathing heavily.

"Thank you,” I whispered. "Thank you so much.”

His scent smelt better than ever as he gently picked me up off the ground and began to walk.

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