Alpha King’s Virgin Slave

Chapter 19

Fenrir POV

“The meeting is tomorrow your highness. I have been stalling them for too long and now, they want to meet with you for the marriage proposal with the daughter of Lord Jared. ” Romeo reminded me about what I had forgotten days ago.

The proposal between myself and one of the lord's daughters.

“My wedding with her would stop the attack on the werewolves?” I asked him and he nodded in response.

“I don't believe the humans have such powers to attack the werewolves and even if they do, they can't possibly attack full- blooded werewolves just like that," Romeo explained and I found sense in what he had. Someone else must have been behind the killing of the werewolves but who could it be?

No one has answers to that yet.

“What is the gamma doing about it?" I asked him.

Romeo heaved a sigh and placed a hand on my desk. “He is still on it,” he answered back and leaned closer to me. “He is going to find the truth soon.

I nodded in response and opened my mouth to speak but the door leading into my office burst open. “What the hell!” shouted when I realized that it was one of the guards of the concubines. ” what's happening?” I demanded wondering why a concubine’s mate was in my office when I had not called for him.

“Your Highness,” he bowed his head. “There is a huge problem going on at the concubine’s space,” he announced.

“What?” My eyes widened and I exchanged looks with Romeo. No one needed to tell me that Lorena had caused trouble. I didn't bother to listen to him as I stood up from my chair and headed outside my office.

“Your Highness,” Romeo called as he walked behind me. “We don't even know what we are going there for. It's the concubines, I am sure that they can sort it out themselves,” he said.

“Iwon't be known as an Alpha king who lets his concubines stab themselves to death and I don't trust Lorena,” I said and didn't bother replying to his questions any longer as I rushed down to the dining hall. When we reached there, I saw Lorena removing a fork from Danielle's hand. I watched her laugh like a maniac and then turned towards me.

“Oops,” she dropped the fork stained with blood to the ground and laughed. “I just stabbed your favorite concubine” she didn't sound remorseful and instead said it as if she was pushing me to the edge. “what are you going to do about it?” She grinned at me.

“Lady Lorena!” Romeo shouted at her. “How dare you speak to the king in such a manner!” He moved towards her but I stopped him. “Your highness," he turned back to face me. “Why?” He asked.

“I'l take care of this!" I told him and moved closer to Lorena. “What have you done?” I asked her.

“She is your favorite concubine and I hated how she talk down on me!” Lorena chuckled and pointed towards Danielle. “She got on my nerves and called me names your highness,” she bowed her head but it seemed as if she was mocking me, challenging my powers, and probably asking me what I'll do about it.

“Don’t” Monster shouted In my head as I raised my hand. “You shouldn't hurt our mate,” he said.

“Where is the fun if she doesn't suffer a little!” Draca laughed.

Ignoring them both, I slapped Lorena across the face. Although my heart wrenched as I hit her, I didn't care that I was also hurting. Lorena deserved to be hit a couple of times for her crazy attitude. I had tried so hard not to hit her but because of her behavior, I couldn't stop it when my hand hit her face.

“Now you have hit our mate,” Monster growled In my head.

“Don't you dare tell me what to dot" I growled at him.

“Is that all you've got?” Lorena shouted at me. She stoop to the ground and picked up the fork then she lunged at me. I saw her attack coming and quickly blocked it. I grabbed the fork from her hand and dropped it to the ground.

“Enough!” I shouted at her and grabbed her throat. “How dare you act like you have two lives?” I tightened my grip on her throat waiting for her to beg to be saved but instead, she smiles at me. “You are insane!” I let go of her. “I had thought that you'll be remorseful about what you did but...”

Lorena coughed out and it stopped me from talking. I was worried about her and Wondered why I had grabbed her throat tightly. I slowly headed towards her but stopped myself when she raised her head to face me.

“If you think that I'll bow to you because you did this then you are wrong!” She ruffled her hair and then rubbed her throat. am going to make sure that you regret hurting me!” She yelled at me.

“Really?” I chuckled accepting her challenge. She had seen me as someone with mercy but I was going to show her that she shouldn't have shown her crazy attitude to the point of hurting others. “Guards!"l called for them and they appeared behind me.

“Your highness!” They both bowed their heads.

“Take her to the red room,” I ordered them and everyone except Lorena gasped. She had no idea what the red moon meant. “A red room?" She chuckled. “Is that some ballroom?” She laughed and looked around her.

I'smirked at her and moved closer to her. I tucked her hair behind her ear and laughed. “trust me when I say I'll give you everything you want in the red room,” I whispered into her ear.

“Whatever is there then I can’t wait to find out,” she whispered back.

I laughed hysterically and then tutted. “You'll find out that it's much worse than hell,’ I told her expecting to see a reaction but instead, her face remained the same.

Giving the look that she wasn't scared of anything. I liked that she didn't change her nasty behavior but she'll realize soon enough that the red room wasn't just any room that anyone would to be in. “Take her away!” I ordered the guards.

“See yal" She laughed as she was taken out of the dining hall.

“Your highness,” Rebekah, one of the concubines began to explain everything that had happened and how Lorena had instigated the fight.

No one needed to tell me because I already knew that Lorena would always be at fault. After I finished listening to all the concubine’s sides of the story, I picked Danielle from the ground.

“Thank you your highness for saving me,” she clung onto my clothes and sniffed me. “Thank you, your highness."

Iignored her and instead handed her over to Romeo. “Your highness, what should I do with her?” Romeo asked.

“Take care of her. There is something that I need to take care of" I told him and turned to leave but then I remembered that the concubines were all staring at me waiting for what I had to say and so, I told them all to go back to their rooms. “Until I give the others, you are to eat in your rooms,” I told them and left the dining hall accompanied by two of my guards. They followed me to the north side of the mega-mansion where the red room was and I stopped them when they reached the entrance of the room. “You may stop here,” I told them.

“Yes, your Highness,” They bowed their heads and I entered the room. When I entered, I heard Lorena screaming out in pain. Because the room was dark, I had to find the switch and turned on the light. When the lights came on, Lorena stopped screaming and turned to face me. She stood at the center of the top with her arms folded and her glaring eyes staring at mine.

“Where have you bought me to?” She asked not showing any sign of remorse. “Is this the red room you talked about?” She looked around as if she was expecting something else in the normal red room. There was nothing there because the real red I00m was behind where we stood. I walked past her and opened a door at the center of the room. “What?” She chuckled. “You want to show me something else?” She laughed.

Without wasting time, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room. She screamed for me to let go of her but I ignored her. I pushed her to the ground of the room and shut the door behind her. “I expected you to at least show an ounce of remorse but it seems that you'll never change!” I said and turned on the switch.

I heard her gasp when she looked around. The real red room was a home of different stuff. I am not into any kinky stuff but only have to do that when I am upset after trying so hard to change that person.

That was what happened with Lorena. I had hoped that she'll change and I wouldn't have to channel my anger on her. “If you had listened to me then I wouldn't have to do this," I moved towards the red bed and sat on it. “Right here now,” I reached for the whip that was on the bed and stood up.’ I am going to give you what you want. *

” how do you mean?” For the first time, I heard her voice tremble in fear of what I was about to do to her.

“You'll find out!” I snapped my fingers and the light went off replaced by a red light which was a little bit dark. I could see everything around me but I bet Lorena couldn't. I grabbed her from behind and she jumped in fear.

“Where are you taking me to? What are you going to do to me?" She struggled against me and tried to fight me but I had the upper hand. I carried her and took her towards the bed. “Let me go!” She tried to resist me but I didn't let her have her away I bind her hands together with the chains laying on top of the bed. “Why are you doing this?” She yelled at me.

Instead of replying to her, I turned her over and her back faced me. I tore her dress and while she tried to turn, I hit her with the whip. “What the hell?”

“Welcome to the red moon dear,” I chuckled and unbuckled my trouser. Once my c**k was out, I positioned it at the center o her p***y and penetrated. “F**k!” She screamed out. “What the hell..” I whipped her again and she moaned in pain and pleasure. “What do you do that for?” She screamed as I entered her walls and roughly thrust in and out not caring if she had adjusted to my length or not.

She wanted to have s*x with me so bad that I had no option but to give it to her. Each time Lorena tries to say something against me, I hit her with the whip, and each time she cussed out in a naughty manner, I gave her the pleasure she wanted. That was what the red room was meant for. Pain and pleasure but pain dominate in the red room. There was no foreplay in the red room because it was the place of punishment. Although I hadn't used it in years ever since Maria, my first mate died. I had to use it again to teach Lorena a lesson hoping that she'll change her attitude.

“That feels awesome,” Draca moaned in my head. “This is a powerful energy and I can't wait to have more of the energy,” he laughed.

And more I will give to him.

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