Alpha King’s Virgin Slave

Chapter 13

Lorena POV

I woke up to a splitting headache and I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I expected to see a bright light above me but instead the light was dim and I was able to open my eyes. Where I'm I? That was the first thing that came to my mind as I struggled t keep my eyes opened. I remembered running away from Madam Ruth hoping that I would find my escape but instead, I was hit by an oncoming vehicle and I had thought I was dead but now, I found myself in a different place entirely that didn't seem like heaven.

“Where I'm I 2" I whispered and tried to move my hands but it felt heavy and I couldn't lift it.

“You shouldn't move," I heard the voice said and it sounded as if he cared for me. I couldn't figure out who it was but I hope it wasn't the Alpha king or Madam Ruth. I didn’t want to see any of them. “Don’t raise your hands," The voice warned as I tried to raise my hand.

Who could it be? I thought. I couldn't see clearly because my eyes were half closed. When I tried to open them, it was hard. “Who are you?” I

managed asked.

I struggled to open my eyes after a few seconds and the first thing I saw clearly were the pairs of worried blue eyes staring back at me. “Alph..a king?" I muttered.

“How are you?" He sat beside me and placed a hand on my forehead. His touch was soothing and I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth of his hands against mine. “If you need anything let me know” he said but his words sounded like whispering in my ears. I couldn't heard him clearly as I was focused on his touch instead.

I wanted it to last longer but then he removed his hand. My eyes fluttered opened and I saw him standing up. “You must be hungry, I must ask that they bring food to you,” he said as if he cared.

“Where did you bring me to?" My instinct already knew that I was in the hospital because of the strong smell of bleach, the bed and fluid passed into my body but I was curious to find out how I had survived the attack and the hospital he had bought me to.

“You are in the Royal hospital,” Fenrir answered.

I frowned at his answers because I had a lot of bad memories about the Royal hospital. They had let my father die by not attending to him because he was a human. The Royal hospital caused his death and every other human's death and there I was lying comfortably on the bed not bothered about what had happened in the past.

I hated that I was there and it made me feel like a hypocrite. “I can't stay here!” My voice suddenly grew louder and I yanked the drip from my hand. Even though it hurts like hell, it was better than staying in a room with Fenrir.

“What the hell are you doing?" He rushed towards me when he saw my bleeding hand. “Are you crazy!" He shouted at me. “Why are you trying to hurt yourself?" He stretched forth his hand to help me but I slapped it away and tried to stand up from the bed but instead, I fell to the ground groaning out in pain. I placed a hand on my aching head and noticed that it was a bandage. My left ankle was also bandaged but it didn't stop me from standing up. Beads of sweat suddenly appeared on my forehead and trailed down my face and my body shakes terribly. As I walked towards the door, my vision became hazy and the pain grew worse. I stopped walking and rubbed my forehead. The room turned into two and before I knew what was happening, I was falling towards the ground.

Fenrir jumped in time to save me and wrapped his hand around my tiny waist. When I knew that I was safe in his arms, I blacked out.

When I woke up next, I heard the muttering of two people. One of them wore a white coat while the other wore a black suit and he wasn't Fenrir. I couldn't recognize him perfectly but I knew that he was one of the Werewolves by his strong features. looked around me and realized that I was still in the same room. I remembered almost falling to the ground and yet again, got saved by Fenrir.

The man I loathed the most in the world.

“I need to leave,” I muttered under my breath. The man in black suit rushed towards my side as soon as he heard me speak and beckoned to the other man in a white coat.

“Miss Lorena,” The doctor touched my forehead. “how do you feel?" He waved his hands on my face. “How many fingers do you see?” He raised five of his fingers.

Ifound his question funny but I answered anyways. “Five,” I replied. “I need to leave," I told him but instead of answering, he placed his stethoscope on my left chest and did the same thing with my right chest.

“Okay, she doesn't have any abnormal breathing,” he removed the stethoscope and turned to face the man in suit. “She is In a perfect condition but the bandages on her head and ankle will be changed for a week until she is all healed. *

“Thank you, Doctor John," The man in black suit said.

“I don't want to be here,” I blurted out after thinking about the reason why I didn't want to be In that room with them. I gritted my teeth as I rose up from the bed.Posted by

“What are you doing Lorena?” The man in black suit asked, acting as if he knew me.

I groaned out in frustration and rubbed my forehead. “Who the hell are you again?” I asked rudely. “I don't know how you knew my name but I owe you no explanation. Where is your king?” I asked him.

Instead of replying to my questions, he exchanged looks with the Doctor. “I am talking to you!” I shouted at him.

“Calm down human and don't you yell at me; he warned in a stern tone. A tone that I only love hearing from the Alpha king. bite my lips at the thought of that. I couldn't even get him off my mind.

“Yell at you?" I scoffed” Stop acting like hypocrites!” I pointed to both of them. “How many humans do you allow to come to your hospital huh? ” I asked them. “I don’t want a special treatment when my fellow humans are dying!"

“That is why you should be thankful that the Alpha king didn't let you die. Do you know how many days you've been on that bed and the Alpha king didn't leave your side! You should be gratefull”

At the mention of the Alpha king, I felt my heart beat faster. I could never imagine that the Alpha king would care so much about me or maybe he didn't wanted his s*x slave to be damaged. That could be one of the reasons he didn't let me die while bleeding out.

“And you think I care about that?" I scoffed and I saw him clenching his fists and moving closer to me. I dreaded the worst but I wasn't afraid of what he could do to me. “What will you do to me?” I smirked at him. “Are you going to hit me like you did to other humans!” I shouted at him.

“Enough!” The man stood by my side but he didn't attempt to do anything. “Stop acting like a fool and don't you dare get me angry!” He threatened.

I chuckled and with gritting teeth, I rose up from the bed. “And what are you going to do about it?" I challenged him. “Are yor going to hit me or choke me to death?” I asked him.

“I...” He stopped talking when he heard the door click open. “Your highness," he bowed his head as the Alpha king walked in “Don't bother yourself about this Romeo, I get this” Fenrir told him.

“I know you are trying to save the human but I do not think that she deserves it,” Romeo said and turned to leave.

“Perhaps if you learn how to treat humans better then I'll regard you Werewolves as something” I shouted back at him. I wasn't the type of person to back down from an argument and the one thing that I hated is when I am losing to other people especially when they are Werewolves.

I hated feeling like that.

“You bitch..” he turned back to face me. “Maybe you really deserve that accident,’ he said to me.

“I never begged to be saved," I retorted.

He scoffed and bowed his head at Fenrir. “I can never accept her,” he said and walked out of the room with the doctor trailin behind him.

I couldn't understand what he meant by he couldn't accept me but I let that out of my mind as Fenrir headed towards me. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

I refused to respond and just stared at him. We both stared at each other for a while until he decided to break the silence. “It's good to see you getting better. I have a proposal for you and that is giving you another chance to become my s*x slave or I'll return you back to the s* school and you become anyone's s*x slave.”

“What?” I thought I heard wrong until he repeated himself.

“You should be glad that I saved you little girl. Instead of thinking about it, you should give me an answer," he said and folded his arms. “What is your answer, little girl?" He asked me.

I clenched my fists as I continued staring into his eyes. How could I turn down his offer and leave his side? The one thing that I hope to achieve was killing him and making sure that the humans gained their freedom. If I accept his offer then it only mean that I'll become his s*x slave and if I rejected his offer then it means that I am accepting to become a sx slave to another werewolf and that would ruined my plan.

It was everything that I had planned. I didn’t want that and I had no choice but to come to a conclusion.

“I hate you but I have no choice but to accept this," I faked a smile at him. “I accept your offer and the reason is that I am going to kill you” I revealed what I had in plan for him.

“Really?” He laughed. “You'll kill me?” He leaned closer to me until our faces were closer to one another and I could feel his breath on my face. “I'l be waiting for you to kill me then,” he said.

visibly gulped not because I was scared of him instead, but because his face and voice made me feel things.

Things like kissing him until we were both out of breath. I wanted to feel his strong arms around me and let him teased ever part of my body. Just the thought of that made the hair on my body stand and I moaned out loud.

Fenrir stared into my eyes, probably trying to read my emotions. I could see the fire and desire in his eyes. He cupped my cheek staring into my eyes and slowly leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I welcomed his lips as If I already expected him to do that. Our lips moved in rhythm followed by our desires.

As much as I hated him, I desired him and it was not because I liked him. The hate was still there but I wanted him to hold me, f**k me, and made me feel things that are out of the world.

The kiss soon became aggressive as he tried to dominate my lips. His free hand trailed down my neck down to my breast an when he grabbed it, I moaned into his mouth. “I want you,” he said as he continued fondling my b****t while staring into my eyes.

Just as I was about to say something, the door burst open and I heard the male voice apologizing. I took that as my cue to stop whatever was going on between me and him. I pushed him away and he didn't resist and instead, he smiled at me.

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