Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five


I woke up next to Dakota and smiled. Last night was amazing, and I couldn’t have imagined it being better with anyone else. We marked and mated, and now nothing can stop us from being together-not even my father.

I started rubbing Dakota’s back and she smiled in her sleep. I stared at the ceiling and smiled wide.

‘It happened. Butter and I mated, and I couldn’t be happier.’ Ryder spoke and I let out a small chuckle.

‘I know. I was there.’ Ryder let out a playful growl and I shook my head. I slowly got up to go and make Dakota and I breakfast. I gently laid her on my pillow so she could continue to smell my scent. She smiled and snuggled into the pillow and I couldn’t help my chuckle. I was in an extremely good mood, and there would have to be something really bad to happen to ruin it. I put on a pair of shorts and walked downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. I sniffed the air and had a small smile on my face as I answered the door.

“Hi, mom,” My mother smiled and looked around my neck for clues and let out a squeal when she saw my mark.

“Jax! I’m so happy for you!” I shushed her quickly and brought her into the kitchen.

“Mom, you have to be quieter. Dakota is still sleeping,” My mom covered her mouth and giggled.

“Sorry honey, I’m just really excited.” I smiled and started to bring out pans and mixing bowls.

“How did you know anyway? No one knows we’ve marked and mated one another.” My mother gasped and I sighed and turned to face her.

“You guys mated as well?” I groaned as I facepalmed myself.

“I just ratted myself out, didn’t I?” My mother nodded and I groaned once again.

“Yes, mother. We mated last night. As well as Ryder and Butter, and they have also marked one another.” My mother started to jump up and down with joy.

“I’m so happy for you guys. I could tell because there was another link that had opened in the middle of the night, and I realized it was Dakota’s. It had woken me up, but not your father. Just, be careful. Your father is still the Alpha, and he will notice the open link.” I nodded and sighed. I heard footsteps come down the stairs and I smile. Dakota came from around the stairs in one of my shirts, a pair of shorts, as well as a blanket.

“Hi,” She waved tiredly to my mother and she ran up to her and crushed her in a hug. Dakota gasped in shock but laughed slightly and hugged my mother back. I walked over to them as they ended the hug and I kissed Dakota’s head.

“Come on, I still need to make you breakfast and send you to school.” Dakota groaned and walked over to the island and put her head on the granite top. I chuckled and flipped the pancakes that I had put in the pan as my mother and I were speaking. Dakota looked up and smiled as she could smell the food. Then she scowled, groaned again, and put her head on top of the island.

“What now, love?” She tilted her head to the side and looked at me.

“I have to see that bitch again,” Dakota sighed and my mother sat next to her.

“Believe me, she won’t be bothering you any time soon. Her face has already healed and she will bear the scars from her disobedience, but you know what you should do?” Dakota looked to my mother and waited for her to continue.

“You go into that school, you wear your hair down, and show off your mark. Since you’re in the pack, you will be able to tell who is in our pack and who is a human. If the humans ask, say you got a new tattoo. As for the werewolves, they will see your mark and know you are taken, as well as feel your new aura. Since you two have also mated, you will have the power of an Alpha. They will be scared shitless of you.” My mother giggled and Dakota blushed.

“You told her?” Dakota put her hands on her red face and my mother laughed.

“On accident? She knew we marked one another because a new link was opened within the pack. And that would be yours.” I plated her pancakes and gave her syrup, a fork, and a knife. Dakota smiled and happily ate her pancakes. When she was done, she wiped her face with a napkin and sighed as she looked at the time.

“Alright, well, I’m going to go get dressed, then we can leave for school.” I nodded and put the dishes in the sink. Dakota ran up the steps because if we didn’t hurry she would be late. Not that it would really matter anymore, all of the teachers in that school are werewolves in my pack, as well as the vice-principal and the principal.

“You better hurry, too. Your father will be awake soon, and god forbid he ruins your morning with his bullshit.” I nodded and hugged my mother goodbye. I then went upstairs and changed into jeans and a t-shirt when Dakota came out of the bathroom in the clothes from her overnight bag.

“I had someone bring my car over from your house, so we can drive to your place so you can change, and then I’ll take you to school.” Dakota smiled as we put on our shoes.

“Sounds great,” After we finished that, we left the house and drove over to her house. After five minutes, she ran inside and I waited in the car. I know I should say hi to her father, but I will see him later. Dakota came rushing out with her father in tow.

“Jax!” Her father screamed as Dakota slammed the car door and started screaming.

“Drive, drive, drive!”

“What?” I was confused and about to ask questions when I saw her father come out with a bat.

“Oh shit!” I quickly put the car into drive and sped off. Dakota clutched her chest and was panting.

“What the fuck was that about?” I glanced over to her for a moment before spoke.

“He saw my mark.” I stiffened and cursed.

“Fuck, does he know about us mating?”

“No! And he will never know!” I nodded and sighed.

“I’m in deep shit later,” I mumbled to myself and pulled up to her school. As we pulled up, the mutt from my pack was with her friends talking about what had happened. I smirked and grabbed Dakota’s face and kissed her slowly. Dakota smiled and kissed me back. I got out of the car and walked over to her side to open her door. Once I did she ‘awed’.

“Awe, Jax, I could’ve done that myself,” She smiled once again and I smirked.

‘I know, just wanted to show that mutt that I’m yours and not hers by doing something romantic. I would have done this anyway, whether she was there or not.’ I mind linked her and I felt her aura. She was pissed thinking about that girl again. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

“I love you, Dakota.”

“I love you too, Jax.” Dakota smiled and I hugged her quickly. When I let go, Layla and Destiny had walked up to her.

“Hey, guys!” They saw her neck and gasped.

“No!” Layla was excited as she looked at her neck. Dakota blushed and rubbed her arm.

“Wait, you guys didn’t, you know,” Destiny didn’t finish her sentence but it made Dakota cover her face.

“No way!” The girls screamed and laughed as they made Dakota blush. I laughed and started to walk to the driver’s side.

“You’re leaving me with them?” Dakota looked at me as if I had three heads.

“Yes, I literally have to. I will pick you up later, love.” Dakota huffed and nonchalantly move her hair to the side so her mark was on full display, just like my mom had told her to do.

And if the mutt wasn’t upset, that would be the biggest lie ever told.

She was a mix of pissed, hurt, and scared. Everyone felt the aura of Dakota and I could tell she was slightly relishing in it. I chuckled a bit but it was cut off quickly by my father through the mind link.

‘What did you do!’

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