Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Seven


I woke up, outside of the car. Along with Destiny and Layla. They were wide awake and leaning against a tree, most likely waiting for me to wake up.

I groaned as I tried to sit up but failed miserably. The girls ran over to me in a panic, and when they kneeled down, I saw the damage.

It looked like Layla had a broken nose and a sprained wrist, along with a cut at the top of her head.

I then looked at Destiny and she had a black eye, as well as a bloody nose and a sprained wrist. I saw one of the cats come up to me and it nudged it’s head against my wrist, putting its head in my hand.

I hissed in pain, but I still pet the cat until I was on the verge of tears. When I did start to cry, Destiny and Layla bombed me with questions.

“What happened? Are you ok?” Layla asked.

“Is your wrist broken or sprained?” Destiny asked. It went like that for a while.

“Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“Did you hurt anything else?”

That question got me thinking.

Did I get hurt anywhere else?

I mean, the crash was really bad and I don’t know if one of the girls need to go to the hospital, or if those guys were still following us...

Oh, crud...

“Wait! Are those guys still following us?!” I leaned forward are when I felt a sharp pain go through my back and a rib, I knew I broke something. Especially since I cried out in pain and the cats ran up to me in a hurried fashion.

They started to surround me and Destiny and Layla started to back away for an unknown reason. The cats started to lick the areas where I was hurt and it let me tell you.





A cat's tongue is like sandpaper but worse.

But after a few minutes, it started to get better. The pain in my body, I mean. The cat’s tongue still hurt like a bitch.

But when Destiny and Layla started to back away from me I knew something was up.

“What?” I asked and they looked at each other and then back at me.

But they didn’t respond.

“What is it? Tell me, what is it?” I asked as they looked in shock at how I stood up with the support of the tree.

“Your body, it just... And you just... How did you?...” Layla stuttered and Destiny looked in shock. They both look behind me and then back at me. I then saw Layla pet one on the head for a moment and then stop.

“No there’s nothing there Dakota. You were stroking something invisible a few minutes ago and it was creeping me out. And I thought you were just messing with me, but now that Layla is doing it I know you guys really are.” Destiny stated as the cat started to lick Layla’s hand and some of the others were going to her.

But then I started hearing something in my head. It was very friendly and happy and I really liked it.

Hi there!

Um. Sorry but, who are you exactly? Are you my conscious trying to make me do something bad?

Oh my god, no, silly! I’m something you never knew existed, considering they are rare and everything.

I was a bit confused by that statement.

I know you must be confused, so I will answer any question you have.

Ok. So the first question, what are you exactly? Not trying to be rude when I say this, but I don’t think having voices in your head is good, because, I don’t want to have schizophrenia or some crazy shit like that.

The first answer, I am a rare species called a werecat. And no, you don’t have any disorder. It is completely normal to hear your cat or wolf speak to you.

Wait? Did you just say wolf?

Answer two, yes I did say wolf. There are werewolves and werecats. But werecats are much cooler are rarer.

This. is. AWESOME! Tell me more pretty please!

Well, werecats and werewolves can shapeshift into us.

What? I’m sorry I’m confused.

It’s ok, everyone is at first. When I say this I mean, since you have me or if you had a wolf, you can transform into us. But I suggest taking your clothes off before you shift, or else they will rip to shreds, and when you shift back into a human, you will be naked in front of anyone who is near you.

Aw! No! No one can touch, feel, or look at my privates!

Oh and before I go on, no one can hear me and Destiny and Layla have been trying to call your name, so I will go so you can tell them the good news about me. Tootles!

Ok, but wait! What is your name?

Oh sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself. I am ButterCup.

Oh. My. God... That is too cute! Oh my god, we're going to be best of friends!

Yay! Ok, now get back to your friends. If you need me just call my name, I’m not going anywhere. Literally.

I literally burst out laughing as ButterCup cut off the conversation with me, and without a doubt Destiny and Layla were calling my name, but looked freaked out when I started laughing.

“Dakota? Are you ok? You have been zoned out for about ten minutes...” Destiny said and I smiled and started to tell them everything.

“Ok, so apparently, I have a werecat inside of me and her name is Buttercup, and she is so nice to me and she answered all of my questions, and she said I can even shift into her! I know this all sounds crazy, but just, believe me on this. When have I ever lied to you about this kind of stuff?” I asked and they both nodded their heads.

“Then prove it. Shift into your cat.” Destiny said in a somewhat rude tone and I frowned at her.

“I don’t really know how just yet. I’ll ask ButterCup.” I said and she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Oh my long lost lover! How do I shift into a cat?

Oh, yay were already long lost lovers! I feel special! And you just picture a cat, which would be me. But fair warning, it may be painful at first because you aren’t a pure werecat, no offense in any way.

Ok, thanks ButterCup.

You can call me Butter for short if you want to.

Ok, thanks again.

Oh, and there is one more thing that I need to tell you. Ok, that’s a lie it’s more like two.

Ok, then what is it?

When you first shift, your senses will be stronger and more sensitive. For example, you will have night vision at night, your smelling will be able to go farther, and you have a scent of your own, but only your mate and others know what it is.

What’s a mate?

That was the other thing I was going to tell you. A mate is a person you spend the rest of your life with. It’s like a humans soul mate. And on the bright side, we have already met our mate... I just don’t know if he will accept us when he finds out you have a werecat in you.

Whoa whoa whoa, back the truck up. How come I didn’t know about you sooner?

I will explain later. Just prove to your friend that I exist. I don’t think Destiny likes me right now.

Ok, and she will like you. And if she doesn’t, she will have to deal with it.

Ok and remember, imagine yourself as a cat.

Ok thanks Butter!

Anytime Dakota.

“Dakota? You talking to this so-called ButterCup again?” Destiny asked in a smart ass tone and I got mad at her. I could feel Buttercup coming to my surface, probably wanting to let my anger out, but I pushed her back down and she started to calm down. I then backed up a few meters and I undressed as she told me.

I thought very hard until I charged for Destiny and Layla, only to shift right before I got to them.

They looked down in astonishment and Layla backed up a little bit. I whined in pain and Destiny pet me gently, as if she pet too hard I would break.

But you have no idea, how bad it fucking hurt. It felt like all of my bones cracked and shifted into different places and positions. It was like someone was beating me a million times and I couldn’t do anything to help it.

I told you it was gonna hurt. ButterCup retorted and laughed at me while I growled at her.

Oh shut up. What do I do-

I was cut off by ButterCup when I smelled a mesmerizing scent of axe and chocolate. Weird combination, but it smelled amazing.

Mate! Go to him! Go to our mate!

Wait wait wait! Earlier you said we already met our mate yes?

Yes! Now go to him!

Who is it? What’s his name?

Jax! Now go to him!

Oh hell no! I’m not going to a psychopath who tried to kidnap me. If he wants me to go with him, he’s gonna have to catch me.

I cut her off and ran over to my clothes and shifted again and got dressed once again.

Man, this is so much work.

“Grab our phones now!” I yelled with great power in my voice and I shocked myself because of it.

By the way, you have Alpha blood in you, but you are the beta. Your brother has already shifted into a werecat but your sister hasn’t just yet.

Awesome! Thanks again, now it’s time to play hard to get.

Oh goody, this is going to be fun! Mean, but fun!

“Why? What’s wrong?!” Destiny asked and I could sense them getting closer.


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