Alpha J

Chapter Alpha J 28

Chapter 28 History Lesson


The moment I lock eyes with her I know I have my work cut out for me and sarcastically I thank Damien in my head, making Linus growl in anger, I want to toss her over my shoulder and find the room she is staying in, but knowing what–Damien did I stop right in front of her.

Her smile lets me know that she believes me and when I see her cheeks flush at her Father’s words I know that he is right. We all need to talk about a lot before we take this further, but at least I know she won’t reject me because of who my baby Brother is.

Linus purrs in my head as I feel her slide her arm around my waist on our way into the living room and I look around in surprise as I don’t see her Beta, Gamma and Deltas present in the room. Her answer shouldn’t have been a surprise, but it was and I smile the moment I hear Apollo.

None of us had thought of the fact she might have taken every first born for her leadership and that means the leaderships of both Packs are mated to one and other, which might become a challenge on it own. However, I know we will work this out.

I look at the message I received and I sigh in relief as I read that Joseph is on his way to Luna Maeve’s Pack. “Sorry, this is something I needed to know. I will explain this in a little while, because we will get to that topic eventually.” I say as I look at my Mate.

I am glad she didn’t mind when I placed her on the couch next to me and Linus has been staring at her through my eyes ever since we sat down. “Before we start discussing everything we need to I want to point out that I don’t want anyone of you to refer to me as Alpha Theseus, we are family after all.” I say.

We all agree that we will drop the titles and as I look at Anthea I get this feeling I am going to get angry and frustrated before the day is over. “Anthea, is there something you want to say?” I ask her and the look in her eyes tell me that she will answer a lot of my questions.


He deserves to know the truth, they all deserve to know the truth and I am grateful for Atlas being there to help me through this. “Theseus, what I am about to tell you is not known by many. Only my Mate, his leadership and Amarah know the full story.

I was born in Shadow Moon Pack as an Omega and my life wasn’t a pleasant one.” I hear growls coming from everyone and Atlas squeezes my hand. “My Alpha believed that an Omega was worthless and could be used in any way he saw fit.

I was twenty when our Pack was hosting a Full Moon dance and he had worked every Omega to the bone to make sure everything was perfect. The day before the dance a few Pack–members from other Packs had arrived, most of them High–ranking.

My Alpha had lead them all by every Omega in the Pack–house and one Alpha had shown an interest in me particularly. He was constantly watching me and made sure he was never far away from me, constantly smiling at me or touching me.

We were woken up really early the next morning and Rain, my Wolf, was acting really strange, but she couldn’t explain to me why. I was in the dining room setting everything up for breakfast when the



Alpha showed up and it didn’t take him long to figure out that my Wolf was giving me trouble.

Now, you need to understand that as an Omega I was not educated properly on Mates and the Mate- bond. All I knew was that my Wolf would be acting strange if I ever was lucky enough to find my Mate, it wasn’t much for me to go on.

He told me that my Wolf was recognizing him as our Mate, but that as an Omega Wolf she wouldn’t tell me as he was an Alpha and my own Alpha backed his story up. I knew I would be busy for the rest of the day, so I just went back to work and tried to ignore Rain as best as I could.

During the day more and more guests arrived and his demeanor changed after three other Alphas arrived at the same time, but I didn’t know what was going on between those Alphas. The closer to midnight it got the more adamant he was in taking me to his room to complete the Mate–bond.

Rain felt happy with his attention and was more than willing to agree with his suggestion, but for some reason I didn’t feel comfortable. I told him I couldn’t disappoint my Alpha or my Pack and I left him standing in the hallway, I made sure I didn’t leave the Ballroom again after that.

My Alpha’s Daughter had her eyes on one of the Alphas that arrived together and I was standing right behind her when both Alphas stepped in the room at the same time. She was counting down to midnight and when she was done counting I smelled the most intoxicating scent I had ever smelled.

I looked around her to see that the scent came from where the two Alphas were standing and for a moment I thought he had been correct, that he was indeed my Mate. It wasn’t until Atlas started walking towards me that I figured out the truth.

As you can imagine my Alpha’s Daughter thought Atlas was coming for her and you should have seen the look on her face when he pushed her out of his way to get to me. She looked as pissed off as the other Alpha did and my Alpha even tried to convince Atlas to reject me.

Atlas never took his eyes of me as he asked me for my name and after I gave it to him he said, “I, Atlas, the future Alpha of White Crescent Pack accept you, Anthea, as my Mate and Luna.” Which caused a lot of turmoil among the guests and Pack–members.

Theseus, because of that event your Father tore up the alliance between our Packs. Not that it stopped us from keeping an eye on your western border and I can’t tell you how sorry I am we were unable to stop those Rogues.” I finish my story and I see that Amarah is sitting on his lap.


Hearing Anthea tell me from which Pack she came and how she was treated has Linus roaring in my head and I know anger is radiating from my body. Linus and I calm down a lot the moment Amarah crawls onto my lap and I bury my noise in her neck to inhale her scent.

When she explains what Rain was going through, it reminded me of Linus over the past few hours and I thought I had heard the worst of the story. How wrong was I in that assumption as I hear her say my Father tore up the alliance because of that.

Linus roars the moment it clicks in my head, “My Father was the other Alpha.It is not a question, just stating a fact and the look on her face tells me that I had figured it out correctly. He tore

up the alliance

because Atlas found his fated Mate in a female he had wanted for himself.

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former Alpha’s Daughter is my Mother.” I say and she nods her head. “What I don’t understand is your remark on Rogues.” I continue, because I really don’t understand it.

Amarah places her hand on my cheek to make me look at her, “Our Warriors have always kept an eye on that border even though your Father tore up the alliance, but it wasn’t until after the Rogues got onto your territory and killed your first Mate that we found out it could have been prevented.

They run our eastern border from north to south, but over the years they had gotten lazy and cut a corner from our eastern border to our southern border. That is were the Rogues where able to cross your border and attack your Mate and her friend.

Dad has blamed himself for years that our Warriors didn’t see it, that they cut that corner during patrol and even though I understand him I think a part of the blame lies in your own border patrols. I have watched your western border for years and I have never been able to get a clear reading on it.” She says.

I think about what she told me and I know I blamed Atlas for years, but I know now that it is my Father I should–blame for it. If he hadn’t tore up the alliance we would have been in contact with White Crescent Pack and we would have coordinated our patrols together.

“Amarah, if there is someone to blame it is my Father or maybe even me. I never changed anything about our patrol on the western border, not even after I lost Chrissy and it should have opened my eyes. I say to her as I pull her a little closer to my chest.

“Theseus, after that unfortunate accident we changed our border patrols and we have taken down a lot of Rogues that tried to cross your borders.” Atlas states and I am surprised when he tells me how they found out where it went wrong. “Dad already scolded me back then for going out at night.” Amarah says the moment I want to open my mouth.

“Good, because if he hadn’t I would have.” I whisper in her ear, soft enough for only her to hear it.

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