Alpha Elias

Chapter 4

The door slammed open and Myra jumped up. Her eyes widened as she saw a stunning girl walk inside. Her blonde hair bounced in curls with every step she took towards the bed.

“I wanted a dramatic entrance.” The girl said grinning at her. “My name is Olivia but you can call me Liv,and it’s time to wake up for breakfast.” She introduced herself to Myra who was staring at her with confusion.

The clock on the wall read half five in the morning. Myra had never woke up at that time.

“Aunt Mary won’t give you breakfast if you’re down in the dining for six.” Liv told her as she crossed her arms. “I came in last night to introduce myself but you were asleep so I left a couple of clothes in the closet.” She pointed towards the door next to the bathroom.

“Okay.” Myra said to her. She didn’t know what to say as she noticed a couple of the boys from yesterday peeking their heads into her room. They winked at her and she smiled to herself.

“Good morning beautiful.” One of the boys said as he walked into the room. She had no idea how old he was but his blue eyes seemed to sparkle as he grinned at her.

“Brian, no.” Liv laughed as she hit him in the back of the head. He rolled his eyes at her and ignored her as he walked towards the bed. He sat besides Myra who didn’t know what to do as he smiled st her.

“I think you are the most beautiful girl to wake up this morning.” He smiled at her. Liv burst out laughing and so did the other guy besides her.

“Get out, Brian. Let her get ready.” Liv said to him as she shook her head at him.

“Do you need any help?” Brian asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Myra shook her head at him with a smile on her face.

“I could teach you how to use the shower. It’s a bit complex.” Brian said to her. Myra smiled but said no. “How old are you by the way?” He suddenly asked.

“I’m 17-I mean 18.” Myra quickly corrected herself. It did not feel like it was her birthday yesterday.

“Really?” Liv questioned.

“Shut up.” The other boy had his mouth open as he stared at her in shock.

“I’m 18 too.” Brian grinned at her. “It was my birthday yesterday and I’m trying to find my mate. Want to get hands on to see if we can feel the sparks?” He wiggles his eyebrows at her.

Myra tried to not blush. It was the first someone had ever flirted with her. “Yesterday?” She questioned and he nodded. “It was my birthday yesterday too.” She told him.

It felt weird but Brian’s smile gave her a sense of comfort. He grinned at her with wide eyes as he turned to the other boy. “I just found my birthday twin dickhead!” He punched the air.

“I thought you were like 20 or 23.” Liv muttered confused. “You look young but your eyes, it’s like you’ve lived a lot longer.” She shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Brian.

Myra noticed the distant look in her eyes. She was mindlinking him. Brian’s eyes widened as he stood up quickly.

“Its nearly six. I better get some food, this body is still growing. I’ll see you later…” he drifted off not knowing her name.

“Myra.” She introduced herself to him.

“I’ll see you later, Myra.” Brian smiled at her and walked out with the other boy. They closed the door behind themselves.

“Did you ask Elias to kill you because you found out you’re mates?” Liv blurted out to her.


Myra had no idea what she was talking about. Mates? There was no way she was mated to Elias. She didn’t feel any sparks or the connection between mates.

“You asked your mate to kill you twice yesterday. You didn’t smile at him yet you’re here smiling at Brian. I know you’re new and I don’t know you but for the first in my whole life, I saw Elias in his room with a distant look in his eyes. He was so confused and I asked him what happened. He said his mate told him to kill her. That you were disgusted that he was a killer. I just want to know it straight, I’m not trying to be a bitch, I just want to know the truth.” Liv demanded.

“I think you might be confused. He’s not my mate.” Myra looked at Liv in confusion.

“Darling, he is.” She chuckled and didn’t say anything else as she walked out of the room.

Myra did not move as she stared at the door.

Was she that broken from the inside that she didn’t know he was her mate?

Luna? Is this true? Myra questioned her. Wolves always knew when they met their mates.

Yes. Luna sighed. You were so upset yesterday I didn’t want to tell you. I wanted you to wake up and for you to look at it with a fresh mindset. The bond would click. She explained.

Myra was silent as she fell back onto the bed and let out a deep sigh.

She had no idea what to do.


Myra walked down the stairs as everyone stared at her. She didn’t where she was supposed to go. Liv had not returned though Myra had found the pair of black jeans and a black shirt. There was a gold belt with the outfit and it fit her perfectly. Myra had left her hair down as it was still a little damp from the shower she had had.

Myra dug her nails into her fisted hands as everyone watched her stop at the bottom step. Every pair of eyes were burning her as she walked out of the door. She needed to go somewhere, to not stop walking because everyone was watching, waiting for her to do something or say anything. Myra opened the door and stepped outside.

The sun was barely shining since it wasn’t even six yet. Myra watched as a group shirtless men ran around the house. She searched the place, her gut telling her Elias was somewhere here.

She saw him.

Elias was shirtless as he fought against Zac and two other males. He punched them, twisted away from their punches. He bent down as they tried to hurt him again. She was mesmerised. Every move was flawless as he kicked and twisted their arms behind their backs. He held a man by the throat and grinned at him.

You’re drooling. Luna pointed out.

Myra couldn’t look away as Elias stared at her. Zac instantly kicked him and Elias groaned as he fell to the floor behind the wall surrounding them. It felt like she was hypnotized as she moved towards him. Every male watched her the closer she got to the wall. Elias didn’t move from the ground as she leaned over the wall to look at him.

He stared at her. She stared back.

She could feel it within herself. Chills ran up her body as she watched him stare. In her mind the dark black hole she had created vanished immediately as if to say you have your happiness. He stared at her, not smiling at all. He didn’t move.

Nobody did as she asked, “Are you okay?”

He was an Alpha. A killer. A Rogue King. He was her mate.

The world stopped moving around them as he sat up slowly. “I think he got me really badly.” Elias sighed as he rubbed his perfect stomach. Her eyes zoned in on it and she couldn’t help the blush that came on her face.

What was she doing?

The smile from her face left immediately as she took a step back.

She couldn’t be someone’s soulmate. That was never supposed to happen.

Enjoy it, Myra. Luna sighed at her. You’re getting this chance, enjoy it. Live in the moment. Elias will protect you. She said.

Would he protect her? She stared at him as he stood up. The world disappeared around them as he saw questions in her eyes that he had no answers too.

He didn’t know anything about her. Was she ready to open up to him? No. Was the bond between them going to get stronger and stronger the longer she stayed here? Yes. Would he protect her from Alpha Jackson and the world that wanted to hurt her? She didn’t know.

“Join us.” Zac blurted out.

She turned away from Elias and looked at him. He had the aura of a Beta, powerful but not as powerful as an Alpha.

“No, thank you.” She answered him softly. His eyes were distant for a second too long.

“How old are you?” Zac asked next.

“18.” She answered him and he nodded as he turned to Elias.

“I’m starving so we’ll leave..” Zac immediately left with everyone following.

Myra watched them leave, every single one of them entered the pack house and shut the door. Elias and Myra were left alone outside.

“Let me teach you something.” Elias said suddenly as he pushed open the gate to the fighting area.

She walked inside quietly and he closed the gate as she stood there in the middle.

“Yesterday when Zac held you, you couldn’t get out.” He started to say as he walked towards her. Myra’s heart started to beat faster and she had no idea why.

Your body and mind has accepted the bond. Luna chuckled excitedly in her mind.

“Next time someone holds you-” Elias walked around her. She felt his daring arms wrap around her body. He pulled her back towards him. “Use your head and your leg at the same time.” He pressed his hand on her left leg.

Her body lit up with sparks as she froze.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” He promised her softly as he tightened his arms around her. “With all your strength, hit your head back. You’ll either hit them in the nose or the chin. At the same time, dig your feet into theirs. Do it.” He told her.

Myra breathed out as she pulled her head forward and threw it back as hard as she could. She didn’t know what she hit as she dug her feet into Elias’s feet. He loosened an arm and she pulled herself out.

She turned around to see him holding his neck and cracking it to the side a little. He was smiling to himself though.

“I didn’t know you were my mate.” Myra told him truthfully. She didn’t want him to think he was the reason she would want to kill herself.

She was weak yesterday and completely at a low point. Something she hadn’t felt in years but yesterday when Alpha Jackson had tried to force her, that little bit of herself that she was holding onto, had broken. She was so broken and shattered from the inside that she hadn’t realised she had met her mate. A person that she was supposed to spend her whole life with happily.

“I know.” He answered her as if it didn’t matter.

Liv’s words echoed in her mind.

“Yesterday, when I asked you to do something,” she didn’t want to repeat the words again, “I didn’t ask because of who you are.” She said to him.

Elias stared at her. “Who am I?”

Did she want to say a killer? A Rogue King? What was he?

Elias chuckled when she didn’t answer. It was a tricky question and she didn’t know how to answer it.

“I’m not going to pressure you into anything, Myra. I’ll wait for you, even if it takes you years to open up to me. Give me a chance, that is all I ask.” Elias walked towards her slowly. She didn’t move as she looked up at him. “I’m a killer and I will not change who I am. I will protect my pack and I will protect my family. I have enemies in this world, Myra and they will come with me. If you choose to be with me, they will come for you. I promise I will always protect you but that is something I want you to know. You will constantly have a target on your back because of who I am. People will treat you differently and I can’t help that.” Elias held her hand in his as he laid the truth out bare to her.

You will constantly have a target on your back.

“I don’t want a target on my back.” She whispered to him softly.

She didn’t think it was selfish of her to say it to him. She wanted him to protect her but having the constant fear of someone watching her was not the life she wanted again. She had run away from that life.

“My pack will protect you.” Elias told her softly.

She knew they would. Blindly they would protect her because she was the Alpha’s mate.

Myra had Alpha blood running through her from her moms side.

A thought crossed her mind. Did they read the envelopes?

She looked up at Elias. “I don’t want to live in fear anymore. I want to live here, with all of you but I don’t think I am ready to be mated to you.”

It was the truth. She felt the sadness in her heart and she closed it off immediately as the black hole appeared in her mind. Her happy and peaceful place was back as Elias frowned.

“You don’t want to be with me?” He asked quietly.

Myra shook her head at him. “I don’t know but right now, no. I don’t want to be with anyone.” She pulled her hand away from his slowly as she took a step back.

“I would understand if you would like me to leave.” Myra said to him.

This was his pack and his house and he would see her constantly. If he told her to leave, she would leave and find herself a different place to live. She would live with the humans.

“No.” Elias muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. She tried not to look at his chest. “I understand.” He sighed to himself as he walked around her. She watched him.

“We should go inside before breakfast is gone. Eight pm breakfast is for the children.” He told her over his shoulder.

She knew he would act colder with her now because in a way she had rejected him for the time being. Myra followed behind him silently. Her stomach was growling as she walked into the house and smelt food.

“Hey.” Liv walked down the stairs and towards them. She wrapped her arms around Elias and hugged him tightly.

Myra frowned as Luna growled in her mind. Elias hugged her back as Liv asked how he was feeling.

Myra walked away from them and followed the smell of food to a door. She pushed it open and her eyes widened as everyone stared at her. It seemed like the biggest room ever, hundreds of people were sitting at the tables or on the floor eating. They watched her.

“Well is this the new member of our pack that I’ve heard about?” An older lady called out as she stood up.

“Yeah Aunt Mary. She’s Myra.” Brian introduced her as he got up from the floor and walked towards her.

“Come and introduce yourself to Aunt Mary.” Brian said to her as he held his arm out to her. Myra smiled as she held his arm and walked with him past everyone towards Aunt Mary. “She’s everyone’s boss.” He whispered into her ear.

“Oh shut up.” Aunt Mary muttered to him as Myra stood in front of her.

“Hi, my name is Myra.” She outstretched her hand but Aunt Mary wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

“We saw you walk inside yesterday. Everyone,” she pulled away from Myra as she turned to everyone. Myra noticed Elias standing in the doorway watching her. She looked away. “Say hi to Myra.” Aunt Mary demanded.

“Hi Myra.” Everyone said in sync. She smiled to herself as she waved at them a little.

“Sit with Brian and the others.” Aunt Mary told her and she nodded.

“Wait let me get you a plate.” Brian grinned at her and ran out of the room through the other door that seemed to lead to the kitchen.

“Come on.” Liv pulled on Elias’s hand and dragged him into the room.

Elias noticed the frown on Myra’s face and he smirked at her as he walked into the room and started saying morning to everyone.

Is someone jealous? Luna chuckled in her mind.

No. Myra muttered to her. She was not jealous because she had never felt jealousy.

Myra watched Brian walk back into the room with a plate full of pancakes and a bottle of chocolate spread. She smiled at him as he walked towards her.

“Come on.” He told her as everyone started talking again.

Myra followed him to the corner where he was sitting with the four boys from yesterday. She smiled at them as they made space for her to sit on the floor. She sat down and Brian placed the plate in front of her.

“After breakfast, everyone goes to school.” He said to her as another Ruby handed her a clean set of knife and fork. “Do you still go to school?” Brian asked as one of the boys poured her a glass of orange juice.

“No. I left at a very young age.” She answered him and he nodded. “I was ahead in all my classes.”

She was the new Matilda when it came to school. She had learnt everything from such a young age because she had nothing to do. She had no friends and her family didn’t want her.

“Eat.” Brian nudged her and she smiled and nodded.

“That’s Andy,” he started to introduce everyone as she spread Nutella on the pancakes. “Josh, Ryan and Kyle.” He pointed to them all. They waved and grinned at her as she started to eat.

“We don’t go to school either,” Ryan said to her as she drank her juice. “Do you want us to show you around? We can get Alpha to accept you in the pack and then you won’t get any more weird stares.” He chuckled as he looked behind her.

Myra followed his gaze to see half of the pack still staring at her. They quickly looked away when she met their stare.

“I would like that.” She smiled at Ryan.

Good girl. Luna grinned at her in her mind.

Myra didn’t want to sit in a room where her mind went to a dark place. She wanted to do things, anything to keep her mind from overthinking.

“Our normal routine is swimming at the lake house after breakfast. We swim for a bit, get these bad boys stronger,” Brian lifted his arms and patted them to her. “We would like to see what’s under that.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her outfit.

Myra heard a loud growl behind her and she whipped her head to see Elias glaring at Brian, a bent fork in his hand.

“Elias..” Liv called out to him. He didn’t stop glaring at Brian.

She stared at him. He met her stare.

All she could see was rage in his eyes as he stared at her. Did he think something was going to happen between Brian and her? She would never do that and she could tell Brian was waiting for his mate. He didn’t need to say but she could see it every look he gave to mated couples.

His angry eyes glared at her and she tried not to flinch at the pain that was promised. Would he hurt her?

“Snap out of it. Both of you.” Aunt Mary whacked him in the head with a spoon.

Instantly Elias looked away and he stood up.

“Take a walk.” Aunt Mary said to him. He nodded and walked out of the room. Everyone’s eyes were on her as she stood up and followed him.

A dark pit had opened up inside of her, raging at his anger. She did nothing wrong as she followed him out of the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

“You don’t want me, Myra. Stop following me.” He muttered as he walked deeper into the forest.

“Am I not allowed to talk to anyone either now?” She called out to him with every step she took.

There was this anger and rage inside of her, screaming at her to let go. To get angry and blinded by rage and to destroy everything. She had never this before but she was burning from the inside as she followed him.

“I never said that.” He whipped around and glared at her. “If you want to fuck Brian, go ahead. You don’t want to be with me and that’s great!” he growled at her as she stood in front of him.

She was seething and had no idea why. “He’s a nice guy.” She hissed at him.

Elias took a step towards her. “Am I the bad guy? Is that it?”

“Yes.” She glared up at him.

Elias growled at her as he stepped so close, she had to look up at him. “Say it.” He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her closer. Her body arched against him at his gentle touch that sparked her body up. “Tell me what I am.” He murmured as he leaned down towards her lips. “Tell me I’m the bad guy.” He repeated as he stared into her eyes.

“You’re the b-” she didn’t get to finish as he kissed her.

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