Alpha Elias

Chapter 2

It was her birthday today and her wedding.

The sun was shining brightly early in the morning as the silence echoed in the house. Her parents were still not here.

After her mom had said happy birthday to her, they left her down in the basement and walked away. Her body was numb. She didn’t feel the cold air nipping at her skin as she pulled the handcuffs off. She didn’t have any strength in her body as she fell to the ground. Myra had laid there for hours as Luna healed her body. Her nightgown was covered in blood as she had stood up. She had walked upstairs in the silent house and up to her room. She had locked the door and walked into the bathroom to have a shower.

Myra knew her life was full of pain. At the age of sixteen, she had cried herself to sleep. Every inch of her body had been burning because Alpha Tom had thrown boiling hot water on her. The reason? He still hated her for challenging him at the age of thirteen. He told everyone to hurt her any chance they got. She never left her house. A prisoner in her own world. That day she had tried to end it all. Every part of her was in pain as she stood under the cold water and cried. She begged Luna to give her the strength she needed to cut her wrists and let herself bleed out. Luna was going to allow it because she could feel the pain Myra went through every single day. A single wolf could do nothing against hundreds of people. Myra had picked up the razor blades and she had held them in her hands. That was the moment she had realised everyone was watching her. Even in the bathrooms, she was watched. A wolf had run inside before she could even lift the blades to her hands and growled at her. She had frozen as he had walked towards her and took the blades away from her. She was told to wax after that. No longer were they any sharp objects in her house anymore.

That was the day, Myra had opened a dark hole in her mind. A place where she could and feel nothing at all. For years now it had intertwined with her body and she did not feel the pain or the joys of life anymore. She was a lifeless doll walking. Yesterday that drop of hope had lit up in her mind again, urging her to run. It was the biggest mistake in her life.

Myra let out a deep breath as she stood up. The wedding would be happening in a few hours. She could hear the music playing in the whole territory today. Everyone was happy and packing their bags because Alpha Jackson had made them all a home in his territory. He would destroy some of the houses in this land and make something else out of it. She didn’t know what though.

The door slammed open and she looked up to see her mom walking in with a white dress.

“You have to wear this. It’s from Alpha Jackson.” She stated as she hung the dress to the bathroom door.

The dress was hideous, it was all Myra could think. It was a white beachy wedding dress, with spaghetti straps. It was completely lace from the waist above and she was going to be bare to the world. The chest area had a sheer underlining inside but that was it. Myra did not like it at all.

“Get ready quickly. Alpha Jackson wants to be married to you in three hours.” Her mom laughed at her as she started walking out.

“Why do you hate me?” Myra asked softly.

Her mom stopped walking and turned around to look at her. “My parents abandoned me because of you. If I was not stupid, I would have killed you before you were born.” She walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind her.

Myra knew the story. She had asked them why they hated her so much. Her parents had told her it was simple, as they had whipped her one night in the basement. Her mom was next in line to become an Alpha from a nonexistent pack. She had gotten pregnant with Myra before marriage which was the worst thing she could do in her parents eyes. Her parents were going to get married to keep it quiet but everyone in the pack had found out she was pregnant before marriage. Her grandparents had kicked out her parents from the pack, turned them into Rogues when Alpha Tom had found them. He had accepted them into his pack and given them a home. Her mom had made friends here, and given birth to Myra. They had cared for her until they realised they were not fit for parenthood but there was no orphanage in the pack territory where they could leave a three year old. Nobody wanted Myra either so they would leave her in the house alone until she turned six and could look after herself a little.

Her pack members had laughed at her saying she was finally wanted by a 40 year old.

Rise and shine Queen! Luna exclaimed in her mind. Today we are going to run and we are going to succeed. Her voice was full of determination.

Myra could see the light flickering in her mind telling her to run but she was not going too. Every inch of her body was healed now and she didn’t want thousands of people after her. Today she was not going to run, she was going to end it. There were no cameras in Alpha Jackson’s room.

She would marry him and she would leave him as a widower.

Myra let out a deep sigh as she climbed out of bed. She needed to shower.

Want me to kill everyone today? Luna asked quietly.

Yes please. Myra answered immediately. She wanted the world to burn and to burn herself with it.


A wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of anyone’s life. A day to spend with your friends and family. A day to be hit with every kind of emotion as you met everyone. You laughed, you cried, you felt nervous, you felt excitement. You married your soulmate, the one the Moon Goddess chose for you.

A soulmate was the person that completed you. Someone that made you laugh with tears falling down your eyes. Someone that made you feel loved every day. Someone that held your hand when you needed it. Someone that hugged you tightly and gave you space when you needed it. Someone you shared your whole life with. Wolves found their mates at the age of 18. It was an instant connection, two hearts combining into one the moment they touched. Sparks flew with every touch, and it was a life full of joy. Mates were loved dearly, and the rare occasion some mates were rejected but mates were treasured. A partner chosen for you by the Moon Goddess.

Myra looked at herself in the mirror. She had curled her brown hair and applied light makeup to her face. She was wearing the dress as well and it was hideous on her tiny body. The boob area was too big for hers and full of padding which made her B cups look like D cups. The dress was too long on her short body. Her brown eyes did not sparkle no matter how many times she tried to smile to herself in the mirror.

She felt chills run up her bare arm and her stomach was in knots as the door opened. Alpha Tom walked inside. He froze as he looked her up and down. His eyes stared into hers and she could see the lust in his blue eyes.

“You look beautiful, Myra.” He grinned at her as she stood up.

“Is it time to go?” She asked him softly and he chuckled.

“Eager to get married now?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. She didn’t answer him as she bent down to push her feet into the white heels she was given.

She wanted this day to end.

“Your dad will be walking you down the aisle today.” He told her and she nodded silently as she stood up.

Myra didn’t want to look at herself in the mirror anymore as she turned to the vanity table. She picked up the four envelopes in her hand. Mom, dad, Alpha Tom and The Pack.

She turned around and looked at Alpha Tom. “Where are my parents?”

He raised an eyebrow, confusion clear in his eyes at the envelopes in her hands. “They’re downstairs waiting.”

Myra could hear the soft music playing in the territory. The wedding was going to happen here, besides the pack house. She would leave and go to Alpha Jackson’s house with him alone while his whole pack stayed behind. They would spend the night together and that was only when his pack would return to their territory with her pack as well. She would be alone in his territory and she could do it. She knew she could.

“I am ready to go.” Myra stood up straighter as she walked towards him.

She didn’t feel any sort of emotion as she walked out the room with him. She felt empty and cold inside with every step she took downstairs.

Her parents were waiting and laughing together in the living room. They were soulmates and had been through everything with their family together. Myra did blame herself for her grandparents abandoning her parents. The abandonment was a slow torture in the heart and she knew exactly how it felt. Her mom had been through it longer than she had.

Myra walked into the room and placed the envelopes down on the table. “I know you all hate me and I have never asked for anything in my life. All I ask is for you all to read this when I’m gone.” Myra didn’t wait to hear their no aa she walked out of the room.

She didn’t want her dad to walk her down the aisle. She didn’t want anything other than to disappear.

The music was playing the moment she opened the door. She could see the chairs right out outside her door as well. Thousands of people were here today, waiting for her to marry the Alpha so the packs could combine.

“Myra wait.” Alpha Tom called out to her before she could walk out. She turned to look at him. “Your dad is going to walk with you. We need to give Alpha Jackson a united front.” Alpha Tom rolled his eyes at her as he walked past her and out the door. Her mom followed him as her dad walked towards her.

“Let’s get this over and done with.” He sighed as he held his arm out to her. Today she was not going to feel sorry for herself. Today she was going to force herself to be happy and enjoy every last moment.

She held onto his arm and smiled to herself. Her dad walked out of the door slowly, with her besides him.

Thousands of eyes stared at her, every one of them a stranger to her as she walked down the aisle with her dad.

This was it. Her ticket to death.

She saw Alpha Jackson standing there besides the priest that would marry them. She could see the silver hair in his beard and the bald head. He was taller than her by a few inches, the buttons on his white shirt suffocating against his belly.

Myra looked away from him and to the flowers behind him as she walked with her dad. Members of her pack were sat at the front they closer they got. In seconds, she was standing in front of Alpha Jackson as her dad bowed his head to him. Alpha Jackson grinned and showed his yellow teeth to her as he stretched a hand out to her. She didn’t look at him and she pretended to be shy as she held onto his hand. Myra climbed onto the stage and pulled her hand away from him as she smiled at the old priest that looked at her with sad eyes as if he knew she was being forced but he could not do anything.

“We are here today, to unite two souls by the grace of the Moon Goddess. We hope she accepted this union for it is for the greater good.” The priest started talking,his voice drifting to every wolf.

He was a wolf and wolves did not need to shout to have their voices heard.

Alpha Jackson was staring at her. His gaze ran over every inch of her chest that was completely and utterly fake. A padded chest that was completely and utterly uncomfortable. She didn’t acknowledge his stare even when he reached out to hold her hand.

She let him hold it as the priest talked about love and the power of relationships. He talked about the responsibilities of a Luna.

I think I could kick all their asses. Luna huffed in Myra’s mind. Myra smiled to herself as she listened to the meaning of love.

Love was happiness.

She stared at her parents. They had bored expression on their faces. They did not love her.

Mural thought back to the notes she had left them.

I forgive you.

It was a simple note to her parents because Myra had no idea what to write. She didn’t to tell them she hated them because could she truly hate her parents? No. No matter how much they hurt her and broke her apart, they were still her parents and she was naive and stupid to think like that but she had no one in her life to show her anything.

“Luna?” The priest called out and she looked towards him as Luna stood up straighter in her mind.

He held his hand out to her. She placed her hand in his.

“I will add your blood to this,” the priest told her as he held the wine glass in his other hand. “You both will drink it and the mindlink and the connection with open within you. You will be married then.” He stated as if he wanted her to know she had a chance to run.

Myra nodded at him and the priest cut her hand a little. He held it against the glass and she fisted her hand. She watched as her blood dripped into the glass, mixing with Alpha Jackson’s blood.

She didn’t look up at him as the priest let go of her hand. Luna instantly healed her as the priest poured half of the blood into another glass.

“You both must drink it at the same time.” The priest held it out to them.

The wind changed, the cold air nipping her skin. The wind swirled through her hair, as if it was urging her to run. The light flickered in her mind and she shut it out as she lifted the glass to her lips.

On the count of three, she closed her eyes and drank the blood. It felt sweet and sour at the same time, as if both the souls were not supposed to be together. It felt like she had a sour lemon but she tried not to show it on her face as she felt a door open in her mind.

Hey sexy I can’t wait for tonight. Alpha Jackson’s voice filled her mind.

“I introduce you to the Alpha and Luna of the Crystal Blood Pack!” Alpha Tom shouted to everyone.

Thousands of people cheered with happiness as Alpha Jackson lifted Myra’s hand into the air.

“I will be taking my wife now and disappearing for the night.” Alpha Jackson chuckled to everyone.

The crowd cheered as Alpha Jackson pulled Myra off the stage and towards the car that was waiting behind them.

“You’re all mine today.” Alpha Jackson whispered into her ear, his breathing smelling of cheese.

She didn’t say anything as she walked away from her life slowly and towards the car. Myra picked up the long dressed and climbed into the passenger’s side. Alpha Jackson closed the door behind her as he waved at the people and walked towards the driver’s seat. Alpha Jackson climbed into the seat and switched the car on.

“Today is going to be amazing.” He said to her as he drove through the streets and into the forest that would lead to his territory.

“I’m really tired today.” Myra told him quietly.

She didn’t want to sleep with him.

Myra was a virgin. When she had found out that Alpha Jackson loved virgins, she was hellbent on losing her virginity. She was sixteen and she went to clubs or waited for men to pick her up on the side of the roads because she prayed he wouldn’t want to marry her. Yet no one wanted her. They would look at her but someone was always and always following her, growling at the men that came towards her, warning them she was someone else’s property. She had given up after Alpha Tom told her he would get her married at the age of sixteen if she didn’t behave herself.

“You’re not sleeping tonight, love.” Alpha Jackson chuckled and Myra felt it inside of her as they drove into his territory.

It felt like a connection had formed, stronger than ever to this pack. A pack that had been combined and was the largest pack in the world now.

Myra stared out the window as they drove out of the forest and appeared in front of a Pack House. The pack house was huge with smaller houses surrounding it.

Alpha Jackson climbed out of the car and she opened the door for herself. He tsked at her as she climbed out the car herself and slammed the door shut. Alpha Jackson leaned down and tried to lift her up but he struggled.

“This suit is too tight.” He chuckled as he straightened his jacket and held her hand tightly.

Myra followed him into the house.

How are you feeling? Luna asked her softly.

Did she feel any different as she walked into the house and was dragged upstairs? No. She felt empty and it didn’t feel like she was married.

I don’t know how I feel. Myra answered her truthfully as Alpha Jackson pulled her into the bright room.

Myra didn’t look around as she turned to him. “I would like to rest today, please.”

She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. Men in her life either treated her as if she was a fragile doll or they hurt her so much she would be begging all night to stop the pain. There was no in between.

“Not today.” His gaze ran over her body as he took a step towards her.

“I’m not sleeping with you.” Myra stood her ground as Alpha Jackson took his jacket off.

He chuckled at her as he shook his head. “Yes you are, darling.” He started to unbutton his shirt.

“I would like to get changed please.” Myra said shaking her head at him.

“First door on your right. I got a whole closet for you.” He winked at her.

Myra quickly walked to the door and opened it. It was full of dresses, jeans, shirts and lingerie. She walked into the closet and closed the door to herself. Myra let out a deep breath as she pulled the straps of the dress down and pulled it over her body. It was that big on her tiny body. She stared at herself in the mirror. She could see some of the scars under the make up she had applied to her body and she didn’t care. Myra walked towards the shirts she could see. She pulled a soft white shirt and a pair of grey joggers. They were all big on her but it was alright because she would be covered.

Myra quickly got changed into her clothes and pulled her long hair up into a ponytail. She was going to ask to go to the bathroom where she would find exactly what she needed.

Are you sure? Luna asked her.

I think I’m ready. Myra answered her back as she pushed the flickering light out of her mind. She was not going to run anymore. She was going to end it.

I’ll meet you in the AfterWorld, Queen. Luna smiled at her and Myra smiled to herself in the mirror as her eyes flashed golden.

She was finally ready. Myra could feel her heart beating with every step she took towards the door. She pulled it open to see Alpha Jackson standing there completely and utterly bare.

“No.” She said to him as he grinned at her.

“I’m not taking a no, darling.” Hr chuckled as he grabbed her arm. Alpha Jackson spun her around and threw her onto the bed.

Myra’s eyes widened as fear sunk into every inch of her body. He was going to rape her. She shook her head at him as he walked towards her, an evil grin on his face.

“I’ve been imagining this day for five years.” He chuckled as he palmed himself. She didn’t lower her eyes down as she stared him in the eyes. It was the first in years she had truly felt fear.

Get up. Luna growled at her.

Myra quickly pulled herself off the bed and he ran towards her. Alpha Jackson pushed her against the wall, slamming her face against it.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard today, I’ll have your virgin blood on my bed.“Alpha Jackson groaned in her ear.

“Let go of me!” Myra tried to pull away from him but he didn’t let go of her.

Alpha Jackson pushed himself into her body, and he grabbed her a hold of her hand. “Look at how hard you make me.” He moaned as he pushed her hand in between them and made her feel his hard dick.

Myra shuddered as she tried to pull away but he was stronger than her, and held her against the wall.

“Be a good girl now.” He hummed into her ear as he moved her hand up and down him.

Myra didn’t move her body but she outstretched her other hand to find anything. Canvas. Myra pulled the canvas from the wall and she let it drop to the ground. Alpha jackson looked towards it and Myra removed her hand instantly from him. Adrenaline was flying inside of her as she picked up the lamp from the bedside table and she smashed the glass in his head.

Alpha Jackson fell to the ground cursing.

RUN. Luna shouted in her mind.

Myra didn’t look back as she ran for her life. She ran towards the door and out of it as quickly as she could. No one was in this territory yet. Myra heard Alpha Jackson chasing her but she pulled the front door open and let it slam against the wall as she sprinted out of the house.

She ran ahead,not caring that Alpha Jackson had stopped for a second. She could hear the rustling behind her. Myra knew she was trying to wear something as he chased her. She ran, faster than she had ever ran in her life. The wind swirled around her, as the sun shined down on her brightly.

Myra ran for her life as she heard Alpha Jackson getting closer and closer. She was not wearing shoes but it didn’t matter as she ran through the forest.

Faster! Luna growled at her and Myra sprinted faster than she had never done. She knew she was close to the border because Alpha Jackson was shouting at her to stop.

She didn’t care as she saw the line across the border. Myra sprinted out of Alpha Jackson’s pack. She ran ahead as she heard him growling saying he will get her back.

Myra didn’t care as she ran ahead, not giving him a chance to grab her. She kept running for seconds, minutes or hours until her feet hurt, but she didn’t stop. She ran ahead, completely and utterly lost in a land she did not know about. Myra slowed down as she came to a broken log. She sang down on it and stared at her blooded feat. The sun was glaring down at her, her body covered in sweat. Myra let out a deep breath as she rubbed her face, the fear disappearing from her body. She dove into the cold dark hole in her mind to calm her racing heart. She closed her eyes tightly as she let a deep breath.


Instantly her eyes opened up. Someone was watching her.

Myra looked around as she tried to stand up. Her feet were numb but she needed to be standing.

“Who’s there?” She called out into the silent forest.

She prayed a rogue came and ripped her body apart. She was too tired and she didn’t want to live in a cold world.

“Are you a rogue?” She asked softly,knowing the person would be able to hear them.

In seconds,Myra was pushed up against the tree, a hand behind her head so it wouldn’t hurt her as she closed her eyes tightly. Her body stiffened up as the person breathed in her scent. She was caged against the tree and Myda did not move or open her eyes in fear it was Alpha Tom or Alpha Jackson.

“Who are you?” A deep low voice asked her in a soft whisper.

She opened her eyes to see a pair of golden eyes staring at her.

Who was he?

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