Alpha Dom and His Human Surrogate

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Aftermath
When I reach the address Cora supplied, it’s all I can do to keep my temper in check. She hadn’t explained what happened, only
that she and Ella needed to be picked up from a nightclub. I was able to stay calm while I got the details from her, but I found my
anger growing exponentially the closer I drew to my disobedient little human. After everything that happened when she snuck out
to see my father, I can’t believe she defied me again. However as soon as I round the corner of the alley behind the venue, my
fury evaporates.
I’m not even sure of what I’m seeing at first. Roger is standing near the back door, naked, disheveled and bruised. The scent of
strange wolves reeks to high heaven, and blood is splattered over the ground leading away from the club, along with numerous
large pawprints. Cora is standing between me and Ella, her taller frame shielding my pup’s mother from view. She looks
unharmed but a bit shaken, dressed in a tight red frock.
Roger stiffens at the sight of me, and Cora turns to face me, finally revealing Ella. Her arms are wrapped around her body, and
she’s wearing a glittery black mini dress and heels. She’s staring at the ground, her energy agitated and withdrawn at once.
There’s a huge black and blue bruise on her high cheekbone, and a cut on her lip, dried blood congealed around the wound.
I rush forward, surprised when Cora intercepts me, a pleading expression on her face. “Please be gentle – she’s in shock.”
I immediately skirt around her, reaching for Ella. Roger and Cora both raise their hands to stop me, “No!” It’s as if they think my
touch might frighten Ella, but as soon as our bodies connect the tension seeps out of Ella like a dam bursting. She comes to me
instinctively, letting me gather her to my chest and nestling close to my body. Her small hands cling to my shirt as her nose
presses to my chest, breathing in my scent.
Roger and Cora look on with confusion, and I wonder if Ella had been afraid of their touch. The obvious implications of why she
would feel that way pour over me, and I hold her tighter. “What happened?” I ask, glaring at Roger. If it weren’t for Ella’s obvious
need of comfort, I might have already attacked him. Seeing any man this close to her when she’s injured was a violent trigger.
“Rogues.” Roger answers simply. “I caught their scent near my house and followed them. When I arrived they had Ella cornered.
They were talking about...” He trails off, glancing nervously at the woman in my arms. “They were sent to kill her, but they
obviously wanted to have a bit of fun with her first.”

I can’t hold back the growl which tears through my chest, and I’m not sure what enrages me more – the fact that anyone wanted
to hurt Ella, the way she trembles at Roger’s description, or the fact that he brought up their intentions in front of her. Ella
burrows closer to me, and I wrap my coat around her shivering body, buttoning it around the small of her back so we’re both
snug inside. “I fought them off and they ran for it.” Roger continues. “But she was already hurt before I arrived... it didn’t look like
they did anything, but I don’t know.”
Leaning my lips to Ella’s ear, I can’t help the ragged huskiness of my voice. My wolf is going berserk in my head, and I want
nothing more than to hunt down the men responsible and rip them to shreds. “Did they touch you?” I demand, stroking her hair.
She shakes her head against my chest, and I catch the sound of a hiccup – as if she’s holding back so bs. She still won’t look at
me, and I realize she’s probably afraid she’s in trouble even though she needs my comfort.
“I think one of them hit her.” Cora supplies, no doubt referring to her sister’s battered face. “But she wouldn’t really talk about it.
She just kept saying she’s fine and she wanted to go home.” I can picture it as if I was there, and I feel a rush of warmth knowing
Ella sought me for safety when she shied away from the others.
Cora frowns, continuing. “I don’t even know how they found her. We were inside dancing and then... I don’t know, I think she got
overheated or something and came outside. But... it’s like they were waiting for her.”
I nod, “However it happened, it sounds like we both owe Roger our thanks.” I hate saying these words, and I find all of these
circumstances incredibly suspicious. Cora has hit the nail on the head, and the red flags are only compounded by the fact that
my brother managed to find Ella just in time to leap to her rescue. Still, I don’t want to let him on to my suspicions. If it happens
the way he says, then I do owe him my thanks, and if it didn’t, I need to play my cards close to my chest in order to uncover the
truth. “Brother, can you escort Cora home?”
Cora looks very reluctant to leave Ella, but eventually she departs with Roger, giving me another imploring look as they walk
away. If I had to guess I’d presume she’s asking me not to be too harsh with her sister, but she needn’t be worried. I have no
intention of scolding or punishing Ella – not tonight at least.
“Come on little one.” I encourage, unbuttoning my coat and scooping her up. She slides her arms around my neck and leans her
uninjured cheek against my shoulder, still as quiet as a mouse. The car ride home passes much the same way, and when we
reach the mansionI take her straight upstairs to my bathroom.
Setting her on the counter, I rummage through the cabinets for a first aid kit. Ella leans back against the mirror, her face devoid of
all emotion. “Come here, let me look at you.” I instruct when I’ve retrieved the proper supplies.

Catching Ella’s face between my hands, I tilt her head from right to left, studying her injuries and trying to stay calm. The bruise
on her cheek is swelling quickly, it’s bright red center showing just how close the blow came to breaking her skin. The cut on her
lip seems minor, but the amount of dried blood makes me worry it’s deeper than it looks.
I wet a washcloth and begin cleaning the cut, causing Ella hiss and wince, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I croon. “It has to be done.”
Ella sniffles and clamps her eyes shut as I continue working, determined to suffer through it without complaint. Of course, when I
switch out the water for alcohol, she practically leaps off the counter, whimpering so pitifully my heart aches. “Shh baby, I know.
I’m almost done.” I promise, holding her tightly in place.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” I ask a little later, pressing a cloth wrapped ice pack to her cheek. She flinches, but
replaces my hand with her own, keeping up the cool pressure.
“They already told you.” She murmurs, silently submitting as I strip off her dress to check for other injuries.
I’m relieved not to find any other wounds, and when I press my hand to her belly the pup seems perfectly well. It’s heartbeat is
steady and strong, and though I sense earlier flashes of unease – no doubt caused by Jane’s fear – it now seems relieved to be
safely home with us both. “I want to hear it from you.” I press gently. “Roger and Cora don’t know what happened when you were
alone with them.”
Ella blinks up at me, and I’m surprised by the lack of emotion on her lovely face. “It was nothing. I went outside for some air.
Then I heard movement in the alley and they appeared. I tried to go back in but the door was locked –”
“It was locked?” I question, more sharply than I intended.
“Yes, but it was probably just an automatic door.” She reasons. “Anyway I offered them money, I told them I was your mate and
you’d kill them if you harmed me, then one hit me... and I made the mistake of provoking him...” She trails off. “Roger turned up
soon after that.”
“Provoked him how?” I ask, pleased that she’s talking but not liking the hollow look in her eyes, or emptiness in her words.
Ella stares at her lap, “it’s not important, he probably planned on... raping me even before that.”
Sighing, I pull her into my arms, “I’m sure he did.” I confirm, knowing how strange a comfort this must seem. Still, Ella clearly
knows exactly what they intended, and I’d rather her understand that she didn’t cause them to think that way, than deny that the
danger was always present.

“You really don’t have to fuss over me this way.” Ella says after a moment of cuddling. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t have to be fine, Ella.” I inform her sternly.
She squirms in my hold, and I reluctantly release her. I’m not sure what I expected her to say, but her next question takes me by
surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me about the other rogue attacks?”

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