Alpha Divided

Chapter 20

The strangest things occurred to me as I lay there against the cool floor. Like the fact that the last time the pack was in danger, it was Dastien and the others who'd been tied up and left to die. But I'd been there to get Dastien. I'd seen him go. I' seen him be taken. My abilities and determination had saved him and the others.

No one knew I was gone. Dastien wouldn't be coming for me. Neither would Claudia or Raphael. No one in this coven would stand up to Luciana for me.

As I waited for whatever was to come next, I knew that I'd cut myself off from my mate. There was no way to reach him. There was nothing I could do. I was stuck until I figured a way to get myself free.

It was almost funny how bad my luck was. I hadn't gotten a vision telling me that something bad was going to happen, so I'd figured it was okay. Except that I'd ignored the gut feeling telling me to get the hell out of the compound.

This was why I hadn't wanted to trust the visions. I didn't want to depend on seeing something, because right when I needec help the most, they'd failed me. I could only trust what I could hold on to with my hands.

So why had I ever let myself be separated from Dastien? We were a team. Infinitely more powerful together than we were apart.

The floor moaned as someone walked toward me.

She's awake.

Mr. Hoel. If I could say anything, I would've ordered him to let me go. I was more alpha than he was. No matter what he tried, I could've overridden it.

silent spells worked with my witchy stuff, but could I do the same with my alpha powers? I reached for the wolf inside me and pushed my demand toward Mr. Hoel—Set me free!

Nothing happened. No one moved. I bit back a wave of despair.

Did you bind her yet?

Yes. Of course, Luciana said. We'll start now.

Someone struck a match. The faint smell of wood burning filed the room.

I could feel the magic before Luciana said anything. Her spell seeped under my skin and my back bowed in pain, and I screamed through the cotton stuffed in my mouth.

I struggled against the bonds, but whatever they were made of was too strong for a Were—or at least this Were—to break.

It was like slime was sliding under my skin. Oily. Dirty.

I screamed again as I struggled. I felt like I was getting bit by a million fire ants all at once.

The chanting started and then it was all I could do to breathe.

I was being sucked dry. All my power was draining away. Separating.

A hand held each of my shoulders. One was bigger, stronger than the other.

I didn't understand the words, but I could feel my power being absorbed by them. My alpha powers were going to Mr. Hoel. My bruja to Luciana.

The hands let go of me and I thrashed as much as my bonds would allow. I didn't care as they bit into my skin.

The smell of sulfur choked the room and the chanting got louder.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Something was burning under my skin. Like I was on fire inside.

I screamed until my voice was hoarse, but it didn't do any good. The sound was muffled against the cloth. Overrun by the chanting. But I couldn't stop. So much pain.

Suddenly the room was quiet except for my screams and breathing.

Hands unchained me from the ground, and I was dragged across the floor. A door shut, and I was sobbing. Unable to stop. My powers were gone. I could feel them missing. Like they'd chopped off my arm. I felt dead inside. Drained. No more. They'd taken a piece of my soul.

I thought I'd die there. That I would never get to go home. I'd never see my parents again. Never see my brother.

And Dastien.

There were so many things I wished I could do. That I wished I'd done. And now, here I was. Tied up. All my powers drained. In the dark.

It was a while before my harsh gasps slowed. Before I could think clearly. It could've been minutes or hours, but when I did, I knew three things.

I was alive.

I had to get out of here.

And I had to stop Mr. Hoel and Luciana. No matter what. Even if I started a war. Even if it outed us all to the humans. Even if i cost me my life and the lives of others.

They were evil.

Somewhere in the dark, I found clarity. Focus.

I remembered Grams’ words from the journal.

even at your darkest hour, when you're stripped bare, I will be with you. Don't ever lose faith.

That was how I felt now. Stripped bare. But I didn't have faith. It was gone. I was broken. They'd already taken my powers. They'd ripped something so vital from me it was like my soul was rent in two.

I wiggled around in the space as I sobbed. Something brushed against my face and I jerked, knocking my head against the wall before I realized it was just a robe. One of the robes I'd seen in here earlier.

Something about the feeling of the cloth against my face made me calm down. I was forgetting something.

I'shook as I lay there.

I should never have broken into the craft room. And I should've run as soon as I got the vision from that knife—

Isucked in a breath. The knife.

The tiniest spark of hope flared inside me.

It had to be in here. Please, God. Let it still be in here.

My hands were tied behind my back, but I could roll a little and feel the walls. I moved around and found a way to sit up. Soi of.

I frantically searched. Praying. Hoping. Please, let Grams be right. It was here. I knew it was.

I felt along all the walls and still nothing. Exhausted, I relaxed against the floorboards.

Come on, Tessa. Keep looking. It's got to be here.

I needed to sit up more. I wiggled until my back was against the wall, and then rolled until I was sitting. My head clunked int a shelf, and something rattled.

I froze. Was that the knife?

Something else Grams had written came to mind.

The thing that will set you free is just above your head. Don't be afraid to break through.

I hit my head against the shelf, harder, and the rattle came again.

I didn’t want to hurt myself, but I'd heal. I was still a werewolf, even if Mr. Hoel had a hold on my alpha powers. I wasn't afraid.

I positioned myself just under the shelf, right where I heard the rattle.

One. Two. Three.

I slammed my head into it, and the wood splintered. Pain flared across my forehead and I smelled my own blood, but something cool and metal landed in my lap.

I managed to get an awkward grip and sawed at the bonds at my wrist. As soon as I got my arms free, I ripped off the mask over my eyes, then the gag.


After freeing my legs, I held my breath and listened.

I wanted to run out of the house, but what if Luciana and Mr. Hoel were still here? What if they were waiting?

I'd been dumb enough. I needed to be smarter now.

I counted to sixty three times, taking care not to rush.

Not a sound in the house.

They were gone. Using my powers in whatever way they wanted. But not for long.

I opened the closet door. I was still in the craft room.

The bowl on the altar was gone. In its place were two mason jars. They glowed with a light so bright, so pure, it dimmed the shadows even in this room of darkness and evil.

I wasn't scared of crossing the circle anymore. I knew what was in those jars, and it belonged to me.

There was a faint smell of sulfur as I crossed the circle. It was hot. At least twenty degrees hotter than the temperature outside the boundary.

I wanted to break the jars right then and there, but Luciana would know I was out and that her plan had failed. I couldn't afford that yet.

I gritted my teeth. I had to deal with the empty feeling for a litle bit longer. Not much longer, I promised myself. Just enough time to take these motherfuckers down.

I grabbed the jars, cradling them to my chest, and ran as fast as I could to my cousins’ house.

Claudia flew out of the kitchen as soon as I stepped through the front door. Where have you been? What's in those jars? Are you bleeding?

The cut on my head had already healed, but I wiped at it anyway. 'm not bleeding anymore. My powers are in these. I held u the jars. Luciana did some spell on me. I need to go. Right now. I'm getting my keys and my things. When I leave, I want nothing here that they can use to spell me again. Not a single piece of hair. Nothing.

Holy shit, Raphael said from the top of the stairs. Are you okay?

No. I'm not okay. I went to get my things, grabbing a shirt from my duffle. I wrapped the jars in the T-shirt so they wouldn't break. I tucked them carefully inside my messenger bag before grabbing my keys. Then I scooped up the rest of my stuff and headed for the door. Anyone who wants to leave can come to the pack. I'm not waiting a second longer. I didn't pause as I strode toward my car. I took the jars out of my bag, set each one in a cup holder, and then threw everything else in the back. I didn’t want them out of my sight.

I buckled my seatbelt as I drove over the cattle guards. My bond to Dastien slammed in place, but it was weak. Barely there. heard him cry out, but couldn't even make out what he was saying, only a vague feeling of fear and anger. I couldn't answer. didn’t have the strength to.

I was in the zone as I drove. Maybe it was shock. Or maybe I was ready to kick some a*s. Or maybe I was tr3

could see were the road's painted lines as I hit the accelerator. I focused on the road. I pushed my car to i RZALLEE could. Nothing was getting in my way. I was going home.

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