Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
I opened my eyes at the smell of a strong perfume being dabbed in front of my
I coughed as a response, and the nurse who was standing in front of me. took a
step back, allowing me to take a breath before she smiled.
I didn’t need to look to my side to know that Dimitri was sitting on the couch, and
though I knew that it should be the least of my concerns right now, I couldn't help
but find myself growing worried.
“My apologies, Luna, but considering that you are with child, we figured that this
would be the safest option when it comes to...”
“What?” I asked, stopping the woman. She looked at Dimitri for a second before
turning to face me. My heart raced against my ribcage, and I couldn't help but
find myself aching at the idea of this being real. It couldn't be, I knew that it
“You are pregnant, Luna Aurora.” She said, and I gulped before putting a hand on
my stomach. My heart throbbed and I looked at Dimitri who shook his head at
me. “You needn't worry, Alpha Dimitri already has everything that you are going
to need during your pregnancy. For now, we are going to need you to get enough
rest, and you are going to have to minimize all kinds of stress to prevent yourself
losing consciousness like you did earlier.”
I nodded before the woman, I am assuming the pack doctor, turned to face
Dimitri. He nodded at her to walk out, and I watched as they did before closing
the door. My heart raced, and I fisted the sheets, fearing what was to come.
“For the sake of my unborn child, I will let go of you trying to flee earlier, at least
until he is born.” He said, daggers at me. “But you are going to be praying day
and night that no one has heard of your mockery. Otherwise, I am not going to be
as merciful.”
“How is Charlotte going to deal with the news?" I asked, putting a hand on my
“I don't think that I gave you any right to ask anything concerning my relationship
with my woman, omega.” He said, and I took a deep breath before nodding.
“Your medication would be sent by the maids, and they are going to be
supervising you on every minute, do you understand
“Alpha.” He corrected, “and I did not ask you to speak. I said a word, and you will
follow like the omega that you are. And by the way, our duties with the elders and
other packs start soon, and I do suggest that you compose yourself before that
He walked out of the room, leaving me alone, without bothering to give me a
chance to respond and I looked down at my lap. My heart raced against my
ribcage, and I put my hand on my stomach for a second before tears fell from my
eyes. I didn’t even know how I was going to be handling this on my own, and I
certainly didn’t know how things were going to be.
“I don’t know how I will do it, child.” I whispered to my baby as I ran my finger
over my stomach. “But I give you my word that I am going to keep you safe.”
“Safe, my fucking ass.” The bedroom door opened, revealing an angry Charlotte.
Her eyes were wide with rage, and I could tell that she was either waiting for
Dimitri to leave or she heard the news from him. Her heart raced, and her cheeks
were red as if she were some bull on the verge of attacking. “You are going to
abort this child, or I am going to force you to do it. And believe me, I am not going
to be gentle, genuine, or merciful on neither one of you.”
“What is your damn problem?” I asked, trying to move away from her as she
approached the bed. She grabbed my chin with one hand before. raising her right
hand, clenching it as she threated to punch me.
“You are.” She said, wanting to throw her blow. I grabbed her hand. midway and
she growled as her canines grew. My heart raced, and I went to cry out only for
her to be pulled away from me. She screamed, wanting to attack the person only
for her to freeze when the low growl echoed through the walls of this room.
It wasn't Dimitri though.
It was his beta.
“Get the hell out before Alpha Dimitri hears of this.” He said, his tone deep with
warning. She glared at him for a few seconds before taking a step back. My
hands shook, and I watched as she walked out and slammed the door shut
behind her. Her heart raced against her ribcage, and I couldn't help the tears that
fell from my eyes before curling up on
the bed.
It was seconds later when a tissue brushed my knee. I flinched, but the man
didn’t move as he showed it to me.
“I'm not here to hurt you, Aurora.” He said, his eyes meeting mine for al second.
“But crying is not going to be healthy for you right now, and I don’t want to talk
about how unhealthy it is for the baby.”
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I took the napkin from him and wiped
my tears before turning to look for
the bin only for the man to take it
from me. He walked toward the small
trash bin that I initially had under my
bedside table but was now by the
door, before throwing it. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Thank you,” I said, looking down at my lap, avoiding his eyes.
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I Pp 1
You don't need to thank me. You are
o , 5 -
carrying my Alpha’s child, and as his
beta and best friend, it is my duty to
» >
protect him or her.” He said, and I
: up
nodded, not saying a word. “I'm Ivan,
by the way. I never got the chance to
: : »
introduce myself to you earlier.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Yes, when you were giving me back...”
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I .
You were playing a reckless, and
dangerous game. Believe me, no one
is happy with your presence in this
house, especially not Alpha Dimitri.
Therefore, I do suggest that you start
acting smart and work with what you
have, because you are going to be
judged, and not only by those in the
” :
house, but by everyone.” He said,
: . “ :
looking me dead in the eye. “Take this
as my advice to you, because it will
be the last one that I am going to be
TE : »
giving with no consequence...” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!

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