Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Six

[Skie's POV]

This will mostly be is italics because its from Skie's Point of View. Ra'ne's Words will be out of italic.

I have always been with Ra'ne we were born together. We are the same being. The Goddess made us to always be together and for him to trust me with all he could. Ra'ne always trusted me. He always knew I had his back and I would always listen to his fears and his dreams.

When we found Kin and Julius we were both more than happy because we both had someone else to talk to about things we couldn't talk to others about. They listened to us and they never left us and they had refused to reject us because we were not like the others.

It was nice to know Julius loved me for my unique attitude. I was able to do many things not many others were able to and one of those things was communicate to my Mate's Wolf without either Human knowing.

Julius and I have been talking since Ra'ne refused to let us shift. I understand that he had been scared but that had been the best damn time to fucking shift. When we are scared. I can protect us better than his much smaller Human form.

Julius had agreed with me, but he had also added that Ra'ne was still trying to cope with being away from Ironclaw. I had been able to easily adapt whereas he had not. Just another way Human and Wolf were different.

'Baby you were made different so you could save us. Ra'ne is kind and he is the hope we will all need while you are the fist he will need to carry out his justice.' Julius said to me getting me to giggle a little.

He had a point no matter how foolish my loving Alpha was being. I was just to angry with Ra'ne for any of this to make much sense. How could he not hear me? How could he just ignore me like that?

He had never ignored me so completely before and it had hurt me more than I had realized. I had not let him speak to me and I knew he was feeling it but I refused to let him in. We were supposed to do things together and he had refused to even listen to me. When he needed to the most. We could have shifted, we could have been safe.

He just didn't listen to me.

'Skie, little bug. Shifting for the Human is very painful. Kin explained to me that it's like a thousand pinpricks on fire. Do you think Ra'ne would have been able to handle that?' Julius asked me as he was reading my thoughts and how they were spiraling out of control.

I stopped to think about that. 'I didn't know it would hurt him.' I replied softly.

I had watched the others of Ironclaw shift and they had never shown an ounce of pain as they had shifted and I had never been around a newly formed Wolf because we had never been allowed to be around the young ones.

'Sweet one if you had forced your way through you could have really hurt Ra'ne. His little body can only handle so much. Now I don't know how he was able to block you from fully taking over and forcing a shift but it is something we can find out together.' Julius said getting me to seriously think about what I had been trying to do.

I was trying to force my way out of Ra'ne's body and I could have hurt him. I could have hurt my little Human and that was something I had never wanted to do.

Ra'ne was more than just the Human I lived with. He was my best friend and the only companion I felt like I had been able to trust in a long time. Wolves don't just die when our Humans do. We move to the next Human in the hopes of teaching the next generation how to be better.

It was just how it was. Ra'ne was more than just another Human to me. He was more than just another little task to complete. He was everything to me.

'Then try not to be too upset with him, little bug. He was scared and confused. Kin has tried to get him to open up but only you can get him to let us both in.' Julius said to me softly, he was trying to get me to see that not all of this was Ra'ne's doing, not really.

'I try to be patient with him Julius I do, but I don't know how much more I can take now that we have freedom.' I said with a deep sadness in my voice.

'You have to understand things from his point of view Skie. We saved you from Ironclaw and hang only a few waking hours with you before they were demanding you back. That shocked you so much that it sent us both into a month long sleep. After all of that my little bug we were basically told that Grissa had lied and still wanted your power. Skie that will do more damage to Ra'ne than you realize.' Julius said. His voice serious as he went through the events in our minds.

I thought about all of this and then I thought about how it really would effect not just me but Ra'ne as well. Yes, Grissa was after my power but he needed Ra'ne to use it. He would do anything to get it and that was something I had not really thought about until now.

I had acted like a spoiled child and turned away from Ra'ne. I breathed a sigh of sadness and let my barriers fall. Letting Ra'ne feel my mind again.

'Ra'ne..' I called out hesitantly

'Skie!!' my pup called to me happily.

'Ra'ne I am sorry for ignoring your calls for the past few days.' I said a little sadly.

I heard him sigh and I felt a tear fall from his eyes. 'Skie you haven't spoken to me in four months.' he said sadly.

I was shocked to hear that information. I had thought I was only distancing myself for a few days maybe a week at the most. Julius hadn't told me anything about the time that had been passing.

'I know nothing about time little bug. I am sorry for that.' he chimed in the back of my mind. His voice apologetic.

I sighed. 'I am sorry Ra'ne I don't really understand the concept of time when I am by myself. I will try to be better for you. I was upset with you and the way you had acted but I was shown another way of looking at things.' I said trying to give him comfort.

'It's all right Skie, but because I couldn't get to you we are now in the infirmary because Kin freaked out.' Ra'ne said getting a giggle from me.

'Of course he would do that. We are with pup and he is more than concerned by our health. Julius is no better. He has been begging me to talk to you. I just wouldn't because I was so angry you wouldn't let us shift.' I said getting him to gasp in shock.

'Oh Skie, I couldn't let us shift.' he said getting a shocked gasp from me. 'That room was far too small for your Wolf form for one. Two I was too scared to face any of that pain. Kin had let his memories flow back into our head remember. I remember his first shift into Julius and it was the most painful thing he went through. I was scared Skie.' Ra'ne said his thoughts sad and a little withdrawn.

'I'm sorry Ra'ne. I never meant to leave you like that. I won't do that again. I promise you that.' I said seriously as I filled him with my being again. Letting him know I was fully with him again.

Ra'ne breathed deeply and opened his bright ember eyes. Sitting up and looking around he smiled at his Alpha Mate that sat in a chair on the other side of the room drinking tea. Kin sat up quickly and rushed to Ra'ne's side, a look of worry on his face.

As he reached for his face and touched his skin Kin knew his little Mate was going to be all right. At least for now.

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