Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four

[Kin's POV]

I watched as Ra'ne ran from me. Julius was growling in the back of my mind. He was trying to push me forward, but my body was frozen in my spot.

He had never done something like this before. I had no idea what was going on with him and I was more than worried about him. Ra'ne was my everything and watching him run from me was more than just heartbreaking.

I had waited for so long for him and to see him run from me had me more than broken I was pissed. I ran after him but I had followed after him a little too late.

He had disappeared and my little ember had masked his scent so I had no idea where he had gone. I knew he hadn't left the hall that was our because I would have felt the barrier being passed through but I was still beyond worried for him.

I began checking every room and every door that I could before I began to get small mental pulls from a door at the end of the hall. It was like Skie was trying to call out for Julius but Ra'ne had blocked him from us and everyone.

I tried to open the door only to find that it was jammed shut with something. I growled angrily. Ra'ne must have pushed everything in front of the door.

This was my study, where I kept some of my more heavier furniture so the fact that he had pushed anything in front of this door was impressive.

I would deal with that later for the moment I needed to get to my distraught Mate. I pushed on the door several times as it slowly began to give. I didn't want to break anything in a fit of rage but I was getting closer to just ripping this door apart and anything Ra'ne had put in front of it.

I was beginning to hear Skie whimpering and trying to talk to Ra'ne but my little ember was not listening to anything his Wolf was saying. The Human was fighting the Wolf and in this case for some reason he was winning.

I was scared now. I immediately called for Solon and Callum. Along with Arion. I needed my brothers.

With their help we got into the room. Inside we froze, it was destroyed. Books and furniture lay everywhere. It looked as if a CAT5 hurricane tore through the room before leaving peacefully.

"What the hell?" Callum questioned softly as we walked in further.

Solon chuckled. "This is what happens when a Sentinel gets angry. Things tend to get destroyed." he said as we began to search the room for my little Mate.

"I'm not to worried about anything material. I am more worried about my fucking Mate" I said with a low growl in the back of my throat. I could still hear Skie practically screaming at Ra'ne to listen to him.

Callum took a step and the floor creaked so loud that all three of us froze in the silent room. "Either your Mate knows how to set traps or this is where he is." Callum whispered softly, his voice barely carrying to me as I moved quickly to him.

"He's here." I replied as I bent down, putting my ear to the floor.

Skie was trying to claw his way out of Ra'ne but somehow it was not happening. Ra'ne was not shifting and nothing was happening under the floor. Arion was standing in the doorway and he came over to me.

"Get him out Kin. One step at a time." he said, gently putting his hand on my shoulder.

I guess they all could sense my tense emotions. I was on edge. I had no idea what the fuck was going on and I wanted to fix it. I stood and nodded before slowly pulling up the floor boards with Callum and Solon's help.

Once the boards had been carefully removed we found a small hole in the ground underneath. I growled deeply because at the bottom of that little whole in the ground under the floor boards was Ra'ne. He had curled up into a little ball and gone to sleep. I could tell he was not sleeping well because he was figiting and moving in the little whole he was laying in.

I looked at the others, "Back up, let me get him awake and out of there. I want to understand why he has done this." I said as I slowly moved into the whole Ra'ne had created for himself.

I placed my hand on his face and his eyes shot open. "Shh, it's just me little ember." I whispered, trying to keep my worry out of my voice.

Ra'ne sat up quickly and moved as far from me as he could, his eyes down cast as he hugged his knees close to his chest. "I'm sorry Kin." he said, his voice small.

"Sweet one you have nothing to be sorry for. I am worried about you though. Why did you run from me?" I asked sitting more comfortably so he would see that I was not in a hurry and I was not going to push him.

I was not going to hurt him. I never wanted him to be scared of me. Never.

He looked up at me before quickly looking back down. "I don't know how to handle all of this." he whispered softly.

If I wasn't a damn Werewolf I wouldn't have heard him either. He was so embarrassed by how he felt that he couldn't really express it to me out loud. He was scared and it was beginning to show now that I was closer to him.

"Ra'ne, my love, you have nothing to be afraid of, least of all me. If you do not understand something then we will get through it together." I said hoping he would open up to me at least a little more.

I knew he had been keeping something from me but this was not what I had been expecting.

Ra'ne looked up at me, his ember eyes filled with tears "I don't understand any of this. Kin, I was beaten and used all of my life. I was nothing to those of the Ironclaw Pack. Now, everything has changed and I just don't know how to handle any of it." he whimpered. His voice was so soft and broken that some of his words were cut off. I knew what he was saying to me though.

I heard everything single heart broken tear filled word spoken by my Mate and I was just as broken in that moment. I had failed him. Julius and I had not noticed his body language at all. We had not paid enough attention to our Mate and now he was suffering.

I reached out for Ra'ne, hoping he would come to me. I was more than happy when he did reach out for me and finally scoot closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer to me as I breathed in his scent.

"If it has been too much my ember you should have told me. No one expects you to jump right into anything you are not ready for." I said getting him to sniffle and look at me curiously. "Everyone who has met you so far has understood that the Pack you came from was not a good one. Celine was not informed on keeping her distance so that one is on me little one." I added hoping to clear some things up for him.

"They treat me like a normal person and when you weren't in our rooms Solon and Callum followed me. I knew you would have been upset if they hadn't but I am not used to that. Callum is a Beta and Solon is ... well I don't know but he scares me." Ra'ne said shivering a little.

I chuckled softly, Solon had that affect on most people. "I will try to get them to back off my ember but they are here to protect you when I can't. They are my brothers and I would trust them with my own life. I was hoping you would feel as comfortable with them as you did with me but I see that is not the case." I said a slight frown creating my forehead.

Ra'ne giggled at me, placing his fingers on my forehead. "I don't like being away from you. I'm not ready for that." he whispered softly, as he moved to curl up in my lap.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. I wasn't ready to be away from him either. I don't think there was ever going to be a day when I wanted to be away from him. I knew I would need to but I understood what he meant.

Our relationship was still too new for us to stay away from each other and I had put distance between us and had too many people involved.

I sighed and kissed his forehead. "Let's get out of here and go to our room. That way its a little more quiet." I said getting a happy smile from him.

I pulled us out of the floor and carried him into our room shutting the door and everyone else out.

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