Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Eleven

[Ra’ne’s POV]

Kin's friend had not only scared the hell out of me but he had brought with him news of my coming death sentence. It was the worse thing to ever be told. Ironclaw wanted me back?! They wanted to kill me more like it. They were trying to do something evil and I could feel in in my very bones. I was terrified. What did they really want?! Why!!!! They had abused me my entire life. What could they want from me now! I had nothing left to give them.

All of this was running through my mind and where was Skie!!!! Nowhere to be found anywhere in my mind. I couldn’t even find my own damn Wolf!!!!

What the hell was going on with me!! Kin was talking to the other Wolf that had brought the news, while holding me against his chest and it was keeping me from having a complete melt down but that was coming either way and I knew it. I felt myself falling apart from the inside, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I needed Skie and I couldn’t find him!!

Where was my damn Wolf when I needed him the most!!!!

My eyes started to fill up with tears, I knew I was about to cry and I still couldn’t feel Skie. Had he abandoned me? Had I done something wrong to chase him away? Why didn’t he hear my calls to him? Was I so useless that he had finally left me too?

‘Skie!’ I called again to him. Pleading in my mind. ‘Skie, please. I’m sorry for whatever I did! I need you!’ I called out desperately. I needed him to answer me. To say something.

Still nothing. I couldn’t feel him anymore. I lost my Wolf.

I began to cry, and wail my heartbreak. Kin, hearing this broke off his conversation to try and find out what was going on with me. I couldn’t tell him what was going on, he would leave me too. I would be alone and he would send me back to Ironclaw. I just knew he would because I really am useless now. I am not a Wolf anymore. I can’t be his Mate anymore. I’m not anything now. I really am nothing.

I just cried.

[Kin’s POV]

“They will never have Ra’ne. You can tell my father that I will be there with my Mate to discuss what actually happened. I will also have Arion with me to describe the amount of damage there was to Ra’ne’s body.” I said to Callum. I was not going to let those savages takes my Mate.

“Your father sent them away as soon as he heard them out, but they said they will be back today to plead their case again so that will be good for you to tell your father what they did to the poor thing.” Callum said in agreeance with my words. “They are determined to get him back Kin.” his voice dead serious.

Just then the most heartbreaking sound began to reach my ears. The sounds of Ra’ne breaking down and the sounds of him crying then his wailing. I had been so focused on arguing I had not paid closer attention to Ra'ne. The sounds coming from him were breaking my heart and I was trying to get him to look at me but he was gone. It was like there was nothing there in his eyes that were blank in the tears that fell. He had pushed his mind too far and had a mental break down. I was useless right now.

I immediately called for Arion who came rushing into the kitchen a worried look on his face, his hands already glowing white. He reached me and Ra’ne and instantly was blasted back from where he had tried to touch my little Mate.

“What the FUCK!!” he shouted as he stood, dusting himself off. He stepped closer to us but kept his distance still just in case something happened.

“That was my question.” I said as I tried to reach Ra’ne through his desperate wails. He was hyperventilating and his face was turning colors. I was close to my own panic attack.

Arion stood and came back to us his hands not glowing this time, he touched Ra’ne without his powers easily and began healing him, keeping his hand on his back this time without being blasted across the room. He worked quickly but quietly while I listened to my baby boy cry his little heart out. Soon, though, Arion managed to get him to sleep and Ra’ne fell asleep in my arms his little body slumping in my hold. I was happy that he was asleep but I was worried about why he had been crying like he had been. It was beyond sadness it was an empty scream that had come from him.

When Arion pulled away from Ra’ne I looked at him curiously. I desperately wanted to know what had happened to my Mate. I needed to know what was going on with him. I needed to know he was going to be ok.

“His Wolf has gone into a deep slumber. My guess is that Ra’ne cannot reach him and it has caused him to panic like that. When you cannot reach your Wolf, it causes deep mental issues.” Arion said a sadness in his voice.

“What has caused this?” I asked, needing to know what to do. This was not going to keep me from protecting Ra'ne. But I wanted to know what was going on and why.

“I am going to assume some type of devastating news or a series of something akin to that. He is still too unstable mentally to handle too much. Both he and his Wolf can only handle so much before their minds will break. I am going to assume that before that could happen his Wolf went into this sleep. However, it should have done the same to Ra'ne, his mind should have shut down with his Wolf's. When it didn't and he couldn't reach for his Wolf he must have panicked. Being in the physical state that he is in, Ra'ne having this bad of a panic attack could do serious damage to his mental stability.” Arion said thoughtfully, a sad look on his face.

“What do we do?” I asked looking at my beautiful little ember. Moon Goddess, please don’t take him from me.

“We keep him asleep and let him and his Wolf heal.” Arion said seriously. I did not like where this was going at all.

His words just broke my heart that much more but it was what Ra’ne and Skie needed. Suddenly Julius was there. His howls of desperation forefront in my mind. He needed to be with his beloved too. He wanted to curl up with them to keep them safe. They needed to sleep well, Julius and I would do the same just to protect them.

“Do you know how long they will need to stay asleep?” I asked softly running my fingers through Ra’ne’s soft platinum blonde hair. Wondering if it would only be a few days or longer.

“A month should be long enough to give their minds time to heal.” Arion answered me thoughtfully. I was shocked by his answer but instantly accepted that because I would be joining him.

I looked to Callum my mind already made up. “Tell my father to send the Ironclaw away. They have done enough damage. I will be sending a few messages to the Elders about them when I wake up. Tell him that I will be joining my Mate in his month-long sleep. I cannot be without him.” I said still staring down at my sleeping ember. He was my everything and to be without him and his beautiful smile for an entire month would be hell for me. I could already feel the depression creeping in and I needed Ra'ne to make it better.

“Kin you can’t do that!” Callum exclaimed in total shock. He had no idea about what I was going to really do but hey whatever. "A month is a long time for an Alpha to be down." he snapped.

“Actually, he has no choice because I am telling him to do this. Doctors’ orders.” Arion chimed in, stopping Callum from making too much fuss. “I will go to Alpha Faelan myself and explain the situation.” He added when Callum looked like his head was about to explode with all of this. Arion had always saved my ass with my parents and considering he had taught me far more than anyone else I couldn't do anything but trust he had my back.

“Thank you, Arion.” I whispered, leaning down to touch my forehead to Ra’ne’s. I was beginning to feel the loss of him already. His little giggles and his beautiful smile was gone for an entire month and Julius and I were feeling their loss. The reality was hitting us very hard.

“Anything to keep the both of you from losing your minds. Now let’s go get you set up for this and then I will go speak with your father.” Arion said as he stood again. He wore a very sad look on his face but it was filled with determination and I felt calm with my friend with me. The man was more of a father to me than my own.

The three of us went back to my bedroom, Callum bringing up the rear in a daze of confusion. Arion opened my door and I carried Ra’ne to the bed before turning back to Arion and Callum. “What next?” I asked Arion, sitting next to my little ember on the bed, making sure he was comfortable.

“I will go get the IV drips for the two of you while you lay down with Ra’ne. Make sure the two of you will be comfortable. Then after I set up the IV, I will put the two of you into a month-long sleep. Once the spell wears off you will wake first and then Ra’ne. It will feel like you were in a daze when you wake but other than that you and Julius should be fine. Ra’ne should have his Wolf back and they should be able to communicate again.” Arion explained as he hovered around the door. “It will be like taking a really long nap.” He said trying to make light of this dire situation.

I half-smiled at him as he disappeared from my room. I turned to Callum knowing he was staring at me like a fish with his mouth open. “Cal, close your mouth. This is something I need to do. I wish you could understand.” I said trying to get my best friend to snap out of his dazed state. He looked confused and more than clueless about how this was affecting me.

“You're right Kin, I don’t understand, but I also don’t have a Mate. I have always thought the same as you. If I had a Mate, I would do anything to keep them safe from anything. I guess you can’t keep him safe from this can you?” he said a sad look on his face. I guess he did sort of understand. He knew how feeling helpless drove me mad with inability to fix the problem.

“I suppose not. I can’t do anything but let his own body and mind heal itself and being me, I can’t handle that myself. I have only had a single day with him and I need him more than I need air. I need his touch, his smiles and little giggles to fill my day and to think of being without that for an entire month. That thought breaks me Cal, it really does.” I said going to look at my little Mate, my shoulders slumped in sadness. I had fallen in love with this little Omega instantly and the thought of being without him was crushing me.

“You have my solemn vow, Kin that nothing will happen to you nor Ra’ne while you sleep. I will stand by this door every day until you both wake up.” Callum said getting me to turn and look at him a little shocked. I had not been expecting that from him. I was waiting for him to huff and storm out.

Sure, we had been best friends, basically brother, since we were pups but I had pulled away from everyone a long time ago. Even him. Our relationship had not been the same in years and for him to say something like that had me completely floored. I had not really been the best Wolf to be around before I had found Ra'ne. He had completed me in a way I didn't think possible.

“Thank you, Callum.” I said extending my arm to him. He smiled and grasped it in a Warriors handshake.

“You better get in bed and get comfy; I’ll even tuck you both in.” Cal said getting me to flick his shoulder playfully. I stopped physically hitting people when I broke another Wolf’s arm on accident. As I had gotten older I had also gotten much stronger than the others of my Pack. We had been rough-housing and I had put too much force without realizing it and broken the poor Wolf’s arm. After that I no longer played around with the others. I didn't want to hurt my Packmates, just those who would threaten any of us.

“Don’t push your luck Beta boy.” I laughed playfully, looking down at Ra'ne as he slept.

“Kin, you always have been like a brother to me. Even if you push me away, I will still be right here.” Callum said seriously. “I was there the day you found out you had no Mate in the Pack remember?” he asked me as I made sure Ra’ne was more than comfortable and surrounded in pillows. I wanted my ember to remain comfortable.

“Yeah, we were brothers then, but so much closer. We were definitely much different back then.” I said smoothing back some hair from Ra’ne’s face. I would not be awake for much longer and I wanted to make sure I had his beauty memorized.

“Yes, we were closer than brothers back then. That changed when that day came, I think we both gave up that day.” Callum said with a sigh, as he went to lean against the doorframe to my room to look into the hall, his eyes keeping a careful watch on each of the windows. He was already calculating the halls to see where all the entry points were and what to do about them.

He really was acting just like a worried brother. I felt I owed him a better explanation than I had given them in the beginning. “Cal, I think a lot of people gave up that day. That’s why I left the Pack for those few years. I wanted to search for myself in my own way but I wasn’t just looking for my Mate. I was looking for myself as well.” I said to him as I settled down next to Ra’ne, sitting up still. This was the first real conversation I've had with my brother in a long time and I was enjoying it.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Callum asked looking back at me as Arion came back into the room with a bunch of tubes and sharp looking things. Cal was really a softie, he looked like a wild animal but was more likely to hug you than hurt you.

I chuckled and sighed heavily, “Only in the ember eyes of my Mate, years after beginning my search for my own answers.” I replied truthfully. “I searched for my own answers in many places and always came up empty and a few times I came away very broken. In ways I didn't think possible. When we went out on patrol that night, I was planning on leaving the Pack again. I wanted to do anything other than have responsibilities again.” I said a sad truth in my voice. It had been a constant struggle for me to deal with all that bullshit.

I had been losing myself again and I had wanted to get it back. Thankfully this time the Moon Goddess blessed me by giving me the path to Ra’ne. When I had really given up all hope of ever being loved and having someone to love, I was blessed with Ra’ne’s little hands. I was never going to let anything happen to him. I would kill everyone who tried to touch him. I had fought for too long and far too hard to have this life with my Mate that I would not have anything or anyone destroy it. I needed him to heal and then our life together could start.

“I can tell your thinking of death again, Kin. Stop planning the destruction of the world and focus.” Callum said pulling me from my dismal thoughts. He was tugging on the hair at the top of my head and it was beginning to annoy me. Typical Callum.

I chuckled a little, “Sorry, Cal. I was just thinking about how much bullshit I’ve dealt with so far and how much more there will be.” I said with a semi-evil smile on my face. I will not let anything happen to my little ember.

“All right, the both of you can stop with all of that now. Callum, do me a favor and go tell Alpha Faelan that I will need his ear in a little while. Kin, stop talking about stupid bullshit and make yourself comfortable. Ra’ne has already been hooked up and set under the spell. You are slacking boy.” Arion said smacking me in the back of my head getting another chuckle from both me and Callum. I looked down to see Ra'ne all hooked up to a bunch of machines set off by the corner of the bed.

“Thank you, Arion. All of this means a lot to me.” I said as I did as I was told and got comfortable, making sure I was practically covering Ra’ne. I didn't want anything to happen to him and it would make me feel better.

“I will always do what is right Kin, you should know that. This, this is the right thing to do. You have already been through your own fair share of shit and being without Ra’ne after he has been awake, even for a short time, with you is asking too much of your mind. You went 10years without your Mate and now that you have him the damage to you could actually be catastrophic.” He said to me as he began to set up my own set of tubes and wires.

I looked over at Ra’ne’s own set and it looked like a lot but it was really only one wire. It all hooked into one feed. I followed the lines, making sure nothing was off or missing, I trusted Arion, but sometimes trusting someone didn’t pan out in your favor. The man that was doing all of this was like a father to me but everyone has a price that can buy them. It was nature.

Arion saw me looking at the wires and lines and smiled at me. He knew I was looking for a betrayal somewhere. I always was. It was too easy for some to betray the ones they were supposed to look out for. Arion and Callum were the few exceptions to that rule and I felt that I could trust them. However, I was going to be put under for an entire month and there was no way I could protect my Mate myself. That was not sitting well with me but I knew I needed to do it or I would go insane.

“I’m nervous as hell Arion. I won’t be able to protect him when I’m out like this.” I said when he looked at me in question. I guess he wanted to make sure I was going to be all right with all of this.

“I can understand your hesitation but I will let you in on a little secret. You will have the luxury of being woken up every weekend for only a few short minutes. I will let you come into the waking world just long enough to check on everything before the spell sets in again.” Arion said a smile on his face that brought me a sense of pride in my friend. He has always been our best Healer but Arion loved to push his own boundaries and experiment with everything.

“You are getting better.” I said with a smile as I lifted my arm for him.

He smiled a little, “I have had to improve my skills. I have a testy future Alpha to help.” Arion said as he stuck the needle in my arm getting me to flinch at the sting from the needle’s pinch. It was never a nice feeling and one I tried to avoid if at all possible.

I rolled my eyes at him as he worked to set my basic life support up, “I will be much calmer now with my little ember around. Julius and I needed a calmer hand, not a beast.” I said softly, turning my head to look at Ra’ne again. He had been through so much and I wanted him to see the good in life.

“You have grown so much in such a short time, Kin. Only yesterday you were so hostile to everyone. You were not mean but the slightest thing would make you so angry. You have done well for yourself and there are many in this family that will be very proud to see how far you have come.” Arion said as he pushed my shoulder gently, letting me know that he was about to put me to sleep. His words made me smile as I turned to cover most of Ra'ne's body again.

I placed my hand on Ra’ne’s sleeping face one last time before letting the spell take over, sending both me and Julius into a deep sleep. Hoping that when we finally woke up Ra'ne and Skie would be whole again.

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