Alpha Blake

Chapter Trapped

Third Person POV

Selene views through the scope on her rifle. Far away, Damian is seen practicing his maneuvers for battle inside a massive room.

The sun has begun to set, and every vampire that has joined Damian has begun to ready for practice. Dressing in comfortable clothes and gathering weapons.

She scoffs her nose in disgust as she sees him practicing, his idea of practice disgusts her, as he breaks the necks of many opponents. Of course, being vampires, she knows they will awaken in a few hours.

Yet. . . .the idea of breaking someone's neck just for fun is a disgusting sight to her.

"How long are going to have to have to wait here until we can attack Selene? We need to act now! Before Blake begins to make his way here and we have no other choice but to invade them."

"Shut up James! We can't just barge in there! They'll be expecting us! Damian is smarter than you think. Don't underestimate him." She grinds her teeth, speaking in a low voice. The waiting period is eating at her anxiously.

Caleb stands, stretching his body, hands high above his head.

"Well, I gotta piss! So while we wait, I'll be behind those bushes for a few minutes. I'll be back."

He makes his way behind the bush, disappearing before their eyes.

James and Selene exchange a glance as they both turn back to view behind their scopes.

A few too long minutes pass before James and Selene become worried.

"Hey Caleb! Everything alright bud?" James stands and makes his way towards the direction Caleb had walked. A moment passes before Selene realizes something is not right.

She turns, and suddenly is met with the back of a gun hitting her head harshly.

Everything goes dark.


Selene wakes with a throbbing headache. Her vision is blurred by the impact she received earlier to her head and tries to move her hands to ease the tension on her temples. Realization hits her. She has been tied to a bed.

Her hands over her head, cuffed very tightly with chains. She can feel the burn from the silver rims around her wrists.

Frantically, she stirs around. Standing by the door, an old familiar face greets her with enthus.

"Well, it's about damn time you woke up. I was beginning to wonder if I hit you too hard? Guess I wasn't rough enough!"

"You? Where is Ty? Where's my brother you fucking bitch!? What have you done with him? I swear when I get my damn hands on you-"

"Oh shut up will you? Your stupid brother is dead. He's been long gone sweetheart!" She raises an eyebrow, realizing Selene has no idea of the sudden attack Blake and his men did a few days back.

Selene's eyes widen, a massive lump builds in her throat as she falls for Jazmin's treacherous lie.

"No!" She shakes her head as she leans to one side. Jazmin chuckles, her cold heart refuses to show any mercy.

"Oh yes dear! And I enjoyed every moment making him suffer! You should have seen him? Better yet, you should have heard him! The way he cowardly begged for his life!. . . .almost made me feel sorry for the guy! But nonetheless, my buddy Gavin, Damian's top snipe by the way! Made sure to savor every second along my side as we tortured him." She walks slowly towards Selene. An evil glare in her eyes, evident how much she has come to hate Selene.

"You bitch! I'm gonna kill you for this! You hear me?" Selene manages to kick Jazmin, tossing her to the ground.

She stands abruptly launching herself over Selene and begins to throw punches at her. Selene squirms under her, making Jazmin miss a few punches, but is still able to land a few on her.

Selene's mouth bleeds a bit, and before Jazmin can punch her jaw again Damian pulls her off.

Selene's eyes widen, seeing Damian's eyes red in anger. His fangs exposed and veins visible around his eyes.

He grips Jazmin by her throat as he presses her against the wall, her feet dangling above the ground. He grunts loud in anger looking into Jazmin's eyes.

"Don't fucking touch her! She's mine, got it? Touch her again and I'll rip your fucking head off. Am I clear?" He comes close to her face, sneering angrily as he tightens his grip.

Jazmin's eyes roll back as she gasps to find air. She nodds in agreement as she begins to panic.

Letting go of her, she falls to the ground. Gripping her neck, she heaves and coughs as she tries to catch air.

He turns to Selene, smiling at her as his eyes return to normal.

"Get out mutt! I don't want to see you in here again." He orders Jazmin as he locks eyes with Selene.

Selene's body tenses. She knows this is bad news. Her whole plan has backfired on her. She must think of a plan B, and fast. Before Blake can arrive.

"I told you you'd be mine one day sweetheart! There's no way for you to escape now." He leans close to her ear, a shiver runs through her spine.

"You'll never see your stupid mutt for a mate again! I'll make sure of that! You belong to me now. And if you try to escape, I'll bring him here and kill him in front of you. Got it?" He pulls away enough to stare in her eyes.

She narrows her eyebrows as she sees the smile on his face. Clenching her jaw, she fights back the tears in her eyes. She can't give up. Not now, not ever.

But for now, she must play along. For her safety, and for Blake's sake.

She fights back the tears and swallow hard. Closing her eyes she nods in agreement.

"Good girl. Make yourself comfy, you'll have many days to enjoy with me love!" He walks away towards the door.

Opening the door slowly, he turns his head slightly and smiles.

"By the way darling? I hope you don't mind, but we had to bring a few guests along the way. Your dear daddy is here, we brought him along the way when we rescued your good friend Jazmin. Along with your two buddies Caleb and James. I suggest that-" he turns and smiles at Selene as her tears fall treacherously on her face.

"If you want them to live, you be a good girl and behave yourself, or I will have to cut my hospitality short on one of them." He smiles, winking an eye at her.

"Don't you dare touch them you son of a b-" she grinds her teeth as she pulls on the chains.

"Now now now sweetheart! That's no way to talk to your new master. You wouldn't want to suddenly receive a little piece of them in your plate now would you?" He squints his eyes looking straight at her. Before she can react, he's made his way in front of her, standing close to her, his finger traces her jawline slowly.

She clenches her jaw as she tries to force her hands free without avail.

"Don't you dare touch them Damian."

"Then don't provoke me sweetheart. Just be a good girl! And nothing will happen to them, ok?" He taunts with her. Lining his fingers along her body. She tenses as his hands slowly trace her side.

"Ok." Her voice brakes as the tears run down her sides wetting her hair.

"Good girl. That's what I like to hear. . . . . Come on now? I'm not such a bad guy now! Am I? You'll love me once you get to know me. I promise you that." He smiles as he forces a kiss on her lips and walks away. Chuckling as she yells profanities as he walks away.

"Oh Selene! I love you too." He chuckles as he orders the door to be closed.

She yells from the top of her lungs. The lump in her throat unbearable as her tears fall freely and she struggles to get free herself.

"I'm gonna kill you Damian. But before I do, I'm gonna squeeze the fucking life out of you Tanner! You're dead meat you fucking treacherous bitch! You'll pay for what you did to my brother! Mock my words bitch, YOU ARE DEAD!" Her heart feels ached as the anger and melancholy take over her.

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