Alpha Blake

Chapter Surprised Dream Guest


I was tired of waiting for Blake. He'd been out with Ty and the other alpha's most of the day.

Jazzy and I had pretty much done everything while waiting for them. We went out to explore, we ate at a nice little bistro they had in here and chatted with Macy for a while.

Jazzy looked pretty tired because of her pregnancy, so we went back to the Crescent Moon pack house, and decided on resting until dinner to meet with our men.

I went in to my own room, and decided on taking a quick shower before resting on the bed.

I got dressed, and patted my hair dry with the towel. I combed my hair and added lotion on my body before going to bed.

I soon fell asleep. Before long, I was caught in a dream that was so surreal.

I'm walking through a beautiful forest. The ground feels soft, almost as if walking through the clouds.

I felt so at peace walking through there. The trees looked so alive, the ferns glow and gleam with happiness and joy.

As I walk through the forest, I begin to here my name being called. I recognize that voice, it's the same voice I begin to hear each and every year. Days before my birthday, like a clock.

My birthday is just days from now, so this really doesn't surprise me. But one thing is for sure... I am determined to find her, determined to ask why she appears to me? What is the purpose of her coming to me every fucking year? Why?

I begin to run everywhere, no destination, just any way possible.

"Selene...." her sweet voice echoes through the air. I know I should be mad, irritated... but, I'm not. My heart felt anxious, just like that of a small girl waiting for her mom or dad to come back.... I don't understand it. It just makes no sense.


"Who are you?"


Her voice echoes.... I can hear Hazel whimper lightly.

"Hazel? What's happening? Where are you?" My voice echoes through the air.

She doesn't answer back. I continue to run, grasping on to trees to keep myself steady.

"Selene.....Selene " her voice, it suddenly feels close, as if she'd whispered in my ear. I turn to my left, and I see a beautiful women next to...."Hazel?"

My wolf stands by her... but how? She's me, how can Hazel be standing by her?

A beautiful women in a long white dress stands before me. Her long dark hair flows softly down her petite body, halfway past down her butt. Her fair brown skin glows, her beautiful eyes look like amber stones lit by the moon light. Her cheeks have a natural rosier tone, and her lips a plump pink that looks so naturally beautiful on her.

Hazel, as beautiful as ever. Her fur soft and silky, shinning bright. Her white star shape gleams in her fur by her neck.

"Selene.... you finally made it." The lady smiles, her hands stretch out, and I involuntarily take her hands.

"Who.... who are you?" My heart raises, and I feel the pit of my stomach being overtaken by millions of butterflies.

She chuckles while she turns and strokes Hazel's head. Hazel closes her eyes, embracing the feeling of her touch as she leans towards her hand.

"Come, sit with us for a while." My heart should be content that I am finally talking to her. I finally get to see her, the women I only glimpse at each and every year since my first shifting.

"No.... tell me who you are? What do you want with me?" I narrow my eyebrows, and pull my hands away.

Her and Hazel stare at each other giving an exchange of melancholy and hurt.

Hazel whimpers as she tilts her head down. "Don't be mad Selene... you'll soon know." Hazel responds.

"No... I want to know now... who are you? Why are you here? And what the hell is happening to me?"

She sits on the boulder behind her, lifting her right hand and running it through Hazel's mane.

"Carrie, maybe it's time you tell her. She's ready to hear the truth." Hazel softly looks at her giving her a soft stare, her eyes filled with worriedness.

She sighs, and gives Hazel a small smile.

"I think maybe you're right sweetheart." She responds Hazel, lifts her hands and guides me to sit with her.

"Selene, my name is Carrie. I....I am your real mother." She tilts her head down and glances sadly at me.

My eyes fill with tears, and my heart feels as if it's been stabbed right through it with a dagger. I nod my head in denial. "No....n- no, my mother's name is Rebecca, not .... you can't be....can you?"

"I'm afraid it's true Selene... please... just hear her out?" Hazel implores.

"I.....I don't understand. " my face fills with the heat of my tears. I nod, in denial but I need to hear what she has to say. I sit, and she grasps my hand softly.

I close my eyes and tilt my head away from them. The knot in my throat building up bigger, stilling me from saying any other word.

"How is this possible? How can you say you're my mom? I've known Rebecca my whole life.... explain yourself? Now..." I glare at both, anger and confusion overtaking inside of me.

She sighs, I notice she has a beautiful bracelet with similar symbols as my katana. A gold necklace hangs around her neck, with a moon and three stars on top.

"Selene, my real name is Carol Dianne Slate. You and I are descendant of our goddess, Artemis, our mother... sister, of goddess Selene, and Hecate....our third moon goddess.

Selene, you and I are rightful warriors, protectors of our moon goddess Selene, we have served to protect her from the beginning of time. We come from a lineage of warriors, and protectors. That is why, you were bestowed with the gift of our moon goddess Artemis, as a warrior and protector. Not only to our godess, but in your case, to your pack.

In you are powers greater then you know. But you are yet to embrace and discover them. You are a rightful child of the moon. Stateing the obvious, you are known as a moon child.

You will not be able to control those powers, until you embrace your true identity, and become one with your third being." She left me more confused then how I was. What does she mean moon child? A third being? How is this possible?

"I don't understand.... this is too much." My eyes watered, my head throbbed and my body felt shaking. I was trembling from all this confusion.

"I know it's alot to take in Selene... but it's true my dear."

"Don't call me dear. If you really are my mother... then why aren't you here with me? Why? Why did you give me up? What about ny brother Ty? Or is he really my brother?...... How could you do this to me?" I yelled out of frustration.

I wanted to run, to scream. I was so much more frustrated, and confused then I'd been before.

"Selene relax, please? just..... listen!?" Hazel implored. She looked so sad and disoriented.

I cried in agony. I felt abandoned, alone, and unwanted for the first time.

"Sweetheart, I didn't want to leave you. But it was for the best. For both of us. I can not live in your world, it is not permitted... I can only visit in your vivid dreams. That is why I am allowed to see you only around your birthday... it was the agreement I had to do with Selene... I had no choice baby. I love you, you're my daughter, if it'd been my choice, I'd never would of given you up. But this...... is far more complicated then it seems." Her eyes watered, she graced her hand softly across my cheek. I sighted, gulping down the heavy knot caught in my throat, as I allowed my tears to fall freely down my cheeks.

"Selene, I fell in love with a human. Something that is forbidden among gods, among us. I had to make a choice, to leave you behind and let you live, or they'd take you away from me either way and terminate you and your father."

"What? What do you mean let us live?"

" If I left, and came back to my world, the gods would allow to give you and your father an opportunity to live. If I refused to leave you both.... we'd live running our whole lives, as fugitives. They would send aswangs after us. You do know what an aswang is right? It's an evil monster... half vamp-"

"I know what an aswang is.... I've had the pleasure of killing a few of those son of a bitches. But that didn't give you the right to give up on me, to give me up. You should of looked for me. You should of told me about your existence long ago. Instead, you chose to wait over twenty years."

She looked at me with sadness filled in her eyes. I know maybe I was being hard on her. But I was so mad at her right now. I let my rage take over me.

"Whay about Rebecca? Why didn't my father tell me anything about you or her? Is he even my real father."

"He is, Chansey is your real father... and Rebecca is only a decoy if you can call it that. She is your guardian, and protector if you want to call her that.

She knows about your father and me, she was sent by me to look after both of you, and Tyler."

"What about Ty? Does he have any powers? Is he my real brother?"

"He is, but he doesn't have any powers other then his werewolf. The power was bestowed upon you for being an heir of Artemis. The lineage is only bestowed upon the female born, not the males."

We continued to exchange questions and answers. I was mad, irritated, and confused. But the more I asked, she answered and I felt she was answering truthfully. I felt at peace, it all made sense. Why I never saw Rebecca shift into a wolf, why she always seemed to hum tunes to herself that seemed more like she was chanting. She was my protector.

I knew now, that there is a third part of my being. A part I needed to learn to embrace, to conquer, to be able to control. My third being, soon to be awaken. Would I be able to control her? Would we get along?

My mother Carrie let me know of her and how I may awaken her... but it seemed so complicated.

When I finally awaken her, I was bound and determined to conquer her. Get her to tell me her name, become one with her and Haze. And we, as three, will be more powerful then ever before.

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