Alpha Blake

Chapter Friendly Quarrel, part 2

Third Party POV

And so, Selene and Blake stood side by side. Both hands up, knees slightly bent, back to back. Ready to fight.

James held his Luna, pulling her behind him. Hoping she wouldn't suffer any harm from the attack.

One by one, of the warriors from the Crescent Moon closed the circle around them. They sneered and growled as they readied for combat. Unaware of who Selene was, unaware of who James was....unaware of the true background of who Blake is! The heir to the Primordail wolves. The strongest, ruthless, most aggressive wolves in all existence. Will they be able to hadle him alone?

Alpha Stewart chuckles, an evil glare in his face. Macy stands before him. Her hand held high, face perked up with pride. Under estimating the results that may come.

She steadies her hand, and waits to give the signal. Giving each warrior to prep themselves in position as the other members of the visiting packs make way.

Selene smiles, glances at James, nodding his way. A simple gesture they both comprehend, giving assurance they have each others back.

And so, Macy's hand goes down. One by one, warriors run. Some human form, others shifting onto their wolves.

First attacker launches at Blake, as he tries to bite him, his aim is towards Blake's neck. But he swiftly grabs him by the throat and slams him on the ground. Kicking him, sending him flying through the air.

Selene catches a wolf in the air, jumping on top of him, kicking him directly on the ribs. The wolf whines as he feels the spitting pain of his ribs being broken to the impact of Selene's knee crashing down onto his ribs. Both falling on the ground, Selene swiftly on top of him.

She grins, with pride as she hears another warrior running towards her, placing her hand up to stop the warrior's blow coming to her head. She turns her body as she still has a knee pressed to the other wolf. Hitting the warrior on his stomach with her other foot.

James throws his body across the wolf launching at him in a tackle maneuver. Both Falling to the ground. He jolts up quickly punching the wolf on his throat and kicking the wolf on it's stomach as it falls back.

One by one, James, Blake, and Selene swiftly over powering the warriors. Each getting angrier as they are being taken down.

Both Selene and James using their now familiar tactics. Punching, kicking, and overpowering each and every opponent. But Blake,... given his primordial dependence, and the numerous hours of self training pays off more then well.

Taking down opponents as if he'd been given rag dolls to tear apart. His fighting techniques coming naturally and Oh so perfect.

He grips a warrior by his throat and launches him in mid air, kicking him on his ribs as he falls back down. And grabbing him by the arm, slams him on the ground. The dirt under him almost denting in as his body falls. The warrior cries for help as he feels the pain through his spine. Blake shows no mercy, as he bends down and punches him on the face, knocking the so called skillful warrior unconscious.

Alpha Stewart becomes impatient, as he paces from one side to the other. Seeing his warriors being taken down by the three so easily. He under estimate the abilities of the alpha's, and more importantly, he under estimates Blake's Luna.

He knew she was a warrior. The surprised guest he received a few months back told him all about her. He knew she had skills in combat, but he was sure it wasn't such a big deal. He was wrong, very wrong.

But he still has a hidden tactic up his sleeve. One he thinks for sure will give him victory. He glances at his beta Caleb, unaware Caleb had been loyal to Selene before.

"Caleb, take them down." He sneers, giving Caleb the command as his fist tighten and eyebrows narrowed in anger.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing? These are our guests. You said it was only going to be a friendly fight, like it always is. Why are you attacking them?" Macy places her hand on his shoulder, her other hand on his arm. She feels his body tense as she touches him. Her wolf and her can feel his hatred making her feel melancholic.

She doesn't understand what is happening. She feels hurt, and afraid by this sudden behavior.

"Shut up, and don't touch me." He glares at her. She whimpers as he looks at her, she can see the hatred in his eyes.

"Please Stewart? Make them stop. I beg of you." She implores with him, but to no avail. She closes her eyes, as her hands fall to her sides. She can feel the limp in her throat build up and the tears running down her cheeks.

Caleb stands before them, unable and unwilling to fight his former combat buddies. He sighs, and nodds his head.

"Alpha, I can't. You need to call this fight to an end." Caleb whispers.

Stewart's eyes become dark as he walks towards Caleb, grasping him by the throat and slams him against a nearby tree. Blake realizes this is not just a friendly attack, and he gladly accepts the challenge. He shifts onto his massive black wolf. Revealing the Oh so beautiful muscled structure of Alexander, his wolf.

One by one, he jumps, taking ahold of the warriors and snapping their neck and tossing them to the ground. Selene looks at him in shock, but proud of what she sees.

As she is distracted, one warrior comes behind Luna Misty, James' luna and stabs her with a small dagger on her side. The dagger covered in wolves vain. Misty yells in agony, and Selene, as well as James turn in shock.

Stewart smiling, almost cackling in triumph. Selene is taken aback as a warrior grips her from behind and pins her down. She brings her to her knees and yells as she feels her left shoulder being dislocated.

Alexander growls loud as he witnesses his Luna being taken down. The warrior kicks Selene hard on her back, and she growls loud as she looks back at him. He smiles at her, gripping her hands tighter behind her back.

Stewart comes in front of the lina's, his hand gesturing upward to still the attack. Both James, and Alexander walk slowly to him. As Alexander comes close, he shifts back, and allows Blake to take over again.

His gamma, Liam coming close giving Blake a pair of clean shorts. He takes them, and places them on. His eyes unwilling to leave Stewart. In his.mond, already thinking of how good it's going to feel to take Stewart down.

"What is the meaning of this Alpha Stewart? If you know what is good for you and your pack, you will let go of our Luna's. "

"No offense to you Alpha Blake. Nor you Alpha James. I'm afraid iui d you two just got caught in a little.... misunderstanding. " he chuckles, his hands on his waist as he glares down at Luna misty who is faintly grasping her body. The invasion of the wolves vain spreading quickly through her body.

Selene looks at him confused. She knows something is wrong, awfully wrong. And she Hope's that no one is about to be badly hurt because of her.

"You see, Alpha Blake... a little over five years ago... I found my mate." Stewart says. Macy looking at him confused.

"But, Stewart... we just met two years ago. Not five." He chuckles, throwing his head back. He grabs her arm harshly and pushes her against one of the warriors who stumbles back as he catches her. A melancholic stare in her eyes as she looks back at him.

Caleb grips his hands shut tight. His knuckles turning white as he tries to make out what his Alpha is talking about. All this is a shock to him as well.

"You see, five years ago, my father was still the alpha of this pack. Two weeks before my ceremony to take over as Alpha, I found my mate. But she was taken away. She was taken away to serve in a fucking elite group to supposedly take care of our kind and human kind...what the fuck do I care about humans?" He said as he chuckled.

Selene's face became white, and both James and Caleb had their mouth gawked open on shock.

"I thought that maybe, after five years, I'd see her back here. She defied their rules and kept in contact with me. We'd talk, texted, you call it. I loved her. She was my life. And thanks to her best friend, we were able to be far apart without really suffering any weakness."

He gestured to his side, as Jazmin came to his side and wrapped his arm around him. She smiled at him, as he tilted her chin slightly with his finger.

Selene's eyes became wide in shock. Her mouth gawked open and narrowed her eyebrows in anger.

"Jazzy, what is this? You fucking tricked me? You damn traitorous bitch! I trusted you!" Selene's eyes filled with tears. Blake clenched his jaw as he mind linked quietly to the warriors he had standing about, ready for his command.

"Selene, if it hadn't been for you, and your stupid mistakes... my Luna would of came back home safe. But you let her die didn't you?" He narrowed his eyes. He leaned towards her, grabbing her hair and standing her to her feet.

His sole attention was placed on Selene. Not realizing someone was missing from before.him now. She tilted her head up, as he gripped her hair harshly. Gritting her teeth, and tears flowing down.

"I did not kill Miranda, Stewart. You are trying to responsible for her death, but I did not kill her." She spoke through tears. Jazmin approached her, punching her on her right cheek, making Selene fall back to the ground.

Selene glared angrily at her. "She was my best friend before you.came along Selene. She best friend, and Stewart's mate. Thanks to you, she's now gone. Because she felt she could protect you. She looked up to you, and all you did was get her killed." Jasmine's eyes filled with tears as she gritted her teeth in anger.

"I had no choice then to take a second chance mate because of this. Thanks to you Selene. Jazmin is right... if it hadn't been for you, she'd still be alive."

Jazmin had sneaked out the eyes of everyone, and with her skillful tactics hurt Chester, and.left him unconscious as she made her way and grabbed her sword. Now, she stood before Selene, waiting for the right moment to take her sword out and taking revenge in behalf of her best friend.

Selene swallowed hard, and closed her eyes tight. The pain of seeing Miranda's small lifeless body again making her hurt inside. She took a long sigh as she tried to stand on her feet. Miranda kicks her on her chest, making her fall back.

She nears her, taking her sword out from her harness on her back. But Selene doesn't fight it, perhaps it's best this way. She deserves to die, a life for a life she presumes.

Jazmin grabs her sword, lifting it with both hands over her head. Everyone stands helpless before them, seeing that The Primord's Luna is just about to die.

"It was nice knowing you Selene, but I'm afraid I have to kill you now. Just when you thought Damian was your worst enemy, you never saw this coming... which makes it so much more enjoyable. I'm gonna have fun killing you. You took my best friend away, now I'm going to take your life away." She gripped her sword tight, and clenched her jaw.

Selene closed her eyes and tilted her head down, to wait for the first strike.

She clenches her hands and.waits for the strike.

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