Alpha Blake

Chapter Dear Mommy

AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter is about the beginning of the Primords. Each character is named by their ancestral name. Underneath I will give you a list of their names so you can follow along with this chapter and you don't get lost.

Blake - Alarick

Selene- Elena

Tyler- Dylan

Damian- Keiran

Emma- Damian's mate

Harou- Lord of the Primord Lycan's

Candace- Harou's mate

Joseph- Colonel Coelhelm descendants or great great great grandfather

Carrie- as herself (Selene's birth mother)


Third Person POV

Candace is nervous. She doesn't know what effect this will have on all of them; to mix the blood of three magnificent creatures into one single chalice. Nevertheless, the thought of it being under an enchantment to last an eternity to unite them forever in honor and friendship is something she definitely does not want to pass on by despite her nerves.

Nonetheless, she drinks from it. The hot liquid going down her throat making her gulp it down as if it had been the thickest syrup ever made.

She gets up, and that being most chairs are wide apart, she slowly walks and hands it to Emma who does the same,standing to her feet to speak her wish on the new alliance. Bringing the chalice forward and taking a sip from it.

"To an unbreakable bondage, to last us an infinite of centuries to come."

A loud clash is heard just outside of the doors leading to the dining hall where they are gathered, startling Emma and causing her to drop the chalice with the rest of the liquid inside just as Candace was sitting back down after she had placed it in her hands.

They all turn towards her and she looks among them in shock. Her mouth gawked open. Emma holds a hand to her lips and her eyes water in shock as well as the others.

Carrie holds the hem of her dress to enable herself to walk. She furrows her eyebrows and stands furiously in front of her.

She grips her hand harshly looking down at the spilled blood with her enchantment spell to bond them together.

"You reckless child! Look what you have done! How could you've been so careless?" Her eyes glaring evilly at her. Emma can't help but begin to cry silently. Keiran stands to his feet and glares at Carrie with his eyes red, exposing his fangs.

If there is one thing these three men are very territorial and over protective of, besides their people, is their women.

He let's out a loud growl and Elena quickly stands to aid Emma. Carrie is startled but stands her ground.

"Mother!? Let go of Emma." She orders her and Carrie quickly realizes she has lost control of her temper.

She lets go of Emma and stands with her head held high, but Elena can still see that not only is there something oddly troubling her mother, but she is suddenly nervous in Elena's presence.

The power of the ritual now taking effect, though none of them are aware of it. But they soon, they will all find out.

Elena nears her, and speaks calmly in Carrie's ear.

"What is the matter with you? Are you aware how territorial these men are with us? Do not provoke Keiran. Or you will be the cause of this treaty and new bond to break, before this ceremony even comes to an end." She speaks softly in her ear. Looking at Keiran and smiling.

Carrie looks between the men and realizes she has placed herself in an awkward and most embarrassing situation. She gasps and turns towards Elena.

"If I were you, I'd offer Emma an apology, before Keiran looses his temper and demands your head."

Carrie widens her eyes and shakes nervously, yet Elena can tell she is being provoked towards rage.

She gulps once again, narrowing her eyebrows and sighs deeply to control her anger and ego.

"Very well. But only, because you have asked me so nicely my dear child." She smiles at her and turns towards Emma.

Carrie stands once again in front of Emma, Emma's eyes still filled with worry and melancholic.

"Carrie I didn't mean to. I-" Emma shakes her head and cleans her tears away with her hand.

Carrie lifts her hand forward, closes her eyes and shifts her head to the side.

"No, Emma! It is me who owes you an apology. I lost my temper. It was an accident after all right? I'm sorry I yelled at you. My apologies to you and Keiran, I can assure you it will not happen again." She gives her a slight smile and sighs deeply bringing her chest forward and holding her head high.

"Now, if you will all excuse me. And, if there is nothing else I can do for you, I must go back to my study. Again, I apologize for my abrupt behavior."

She turns on her heel and exits the hall.

Elena and Alarick steal a glance towards each other. But their bodies are already going under the effect, faster than they anticipated.

Time has gone by faster than what they thought and gives them no time to prepare for what transition their bodies are now going under. The full moon is in full view, making the end of their ritual present itself before they could make their way out the room.

Each one, starting with Alarick begins their new transformation of power. His veins engorge and his eyes darkened. Followed by Keiran, Harou, and the girls.

It's an excruciating pain as the blood of three creatures take over their bodies; creating a much greater force, much more powerful than what they thought would be. Twisting and turning. They hold for dear life as the pain is almost unbearable for them.

As the minutes pass, each one embrace their new being as the pain subcomes to a less and eventually vanish. Leaving each one feeling more powerful than any creature that has ever existed. But it's too much for Candace and her little one. The power of the bond is too much for her unborn child.

She yells, holding her stomach and crouching down in pain again. Elena and Harou run to aid her. But there is nothing they can really do.

Time and time again, she feels the sharp pains in her womb. She knows it's far too early for the pup to be born, and she begins to worry. Quickly, Harou lifts her and runs behind Alarick who leads the way to take her to the infirmary.

The elder ladies try and sooth her as she is placed in the bed. Harou is ordered to wait outdoors and paces to and fro in the massive hall of Alarick's home. But her cries make him tense and each second that goes by makes him doubt he'll be able to contain himself from barging in that room.

"Why is this happening? Why did I allow her to partake from this? If I'd known, I-" He narrows his eyebrows. He runs his fingers through his hair and tears run freely down his cheeks.

Emma holds Keiran tight. She is worried and scared to what may happen to Candace, the three womenhave becomebest of friends and always look out for each other. Only Elena was allowed to enter with her to assist them, and she though she knows Elena will try her best to save their friend, she wishes she couldhave gone in there as well.

Alarick and Keiran try their best to comfort their friend.

"Harou, everything will be alright. Just be patient and do not lose hope brother. We are here for you old chap." Alarick places his hand on Harou, squeezing his shoulder and giving him a concerned look. The word spreads through their land and everyone begins to mourn and worry for their Lycan luna and her unborn baby.

"Is it bad for me to hope that if given the chance, I'd want my wife to be the one to survive this? Is it too cruel for me as a father to be,. . . . . to wish for my wife to live, over my unborn child?" He narrows his eyebrows and sighs through tethers and tears. Members begin to mind link him and the other two to stay strong.

"No Harou. It's not bad for you to have such a wish. I know how much she means to you. And if given the opportunity that she makes it out ok, which she will! You can try for another pup later on in the near future. What is important now, is that you stay calm. She will need to see you at your strongest point. Your pack needs you to stay strong. We are all here for you brother! "


5 excruciating hours later, Elena exits the infirmary. Her once beautiful gown though it's covered with an apron around her waist, still managed to get covered in blood.

She looks at Harou and Alarick. Slowly she makes her way and lowers her head.

"Harou, I'm sorry. We could not save your little bundle. We tried, we really did. But it was just too much for her little body to bare." Her voice breaks, Alarick quickly pulls her, embracing her tightly.

Harou comes close to Elena. A hard knot caught in his throat. Gently, Alarick lets go of her and Harou cups her hands gently.

"I was going to have a princess? It was a girl?" He looks into Elena's eyes and kisses her knuckles gently as the soft words leave his mouth.

Elena can't help but continue to cry seeing his pain evidentin his face. "I'm sorry Harou."

Harou gasps, cupping Elena's cheek with a melancholic smile.

"No, my dear. It wasn't your fault. This is what our godesses have chosen to do. I can not hold this against you, you tried your best. It just wasn't meant to be."

Harou turns and looks at Keiran and Emma. Keiran holding Emma in a tight embrace, and smiles sympathetically at him.

He turns back towards Alarick and leans his head low. "If you will excuse me. . . I need to be by my wives side." They all nod slowly and he turns on his heel, walking towards the infirmary.

Time stands still, and though their bodies feel the evidence that they have become stronger and more powerful than before; they can't help but feel pained as they have lost an importantmember of their new pack.

Their bondage binding them together as one, making them care for each other deeply. The two packs and Keiran's clan feels the pain of their loss. Many of them who had seen Candaces belly grow over time, begin to cry as news reach to them that the baby is gone.


Third Person POV

Dylan walks slowly towards his mother's study. Word has reached to him by his Alpha that she may be up to something awfully bad.

She has been highly suspicious and for the good of the land and the new tri-pack treaty, all must remain at peace. The pain of the loss of this baby is too much for everyone already.

Just as he nears her study, he can hear her yelling frantically. But she is not alone. Joseph holds his hands up, and tries to calm her down but she continues to yell and throw stuff around the room.

"Don't tell me to calm down Joseph. Don't you dare tell me to calm down. Do you not understand what just happened? That stupid girl dropped every ounce of that blood. It's useless. What am I supposed to do now? That blood was my ticket out of this damn inferno. If I could have just taken one sip, just one small sip from it when I had the chance. . ."

She runs her fingers through her hair. He comes behind her slowly, unaware Dylan is listening to every word and can see them through the crevice of the window.

"And why didn't you darling? You had the opportunity to do it. Why didn't you take a sip?" He leans close and kisses her neck, tightening his grip on her waist.

Dylan clenches his jaw. It had just been a few weeks since the death of his father. He doubted this romance between his mother and Joseph had just begun.

"Don't be ridiculous Joseph! Do you have any idea what would have happened to me if I did that in front of them? They would have beheaded me in an instant. The blood ritual was supposed to be only for the leaders and their mates."

"Why does it matter anyway? How powerful can they become from this bond? I doubt they can become so powerful." He leans closer, running his hands up and down her sides.

"Joseph," she pushes his hands away and turns to face him.

"You obviously don't know anything do you? Not only is Elena a descendant of Artemis due to my blood line, but her father was half angel. Her blood alone is strong enough for me to become powerful enough to get me to be able to finally undo the damn spell that casted me out of Selene's realm. Needless to say the blood that runs through Alarick's veins. There has never been a werewolf more powerful than him. His mother is also heir to the tri-moon goddesses. My aunt Hecate is his mother. Without his blood, I cannot overtake her. She is the keeper of all the gates to the realm, much more powerful than any other. The only one more powerful than Hecate is Selene herself."

Dylan's mouth was gawked open, all this was news to him. He always saw his mother as an ordinary sorceress. A powerful one for all it counts, but now the question was. . . Why was she casted out of Selene and the other moon goddesses realm? And why can she not return?

"Then what can I do sweetheart? What do you want me to do? I want to help." Joseph grabs her by the elbows and pulls her close. She places her hands on his chest, and trails her fingers around running circles around his chest.

"Well, unless you find a way to get me Alarick and Elena's blood, there is nothing you can do honey." She pushes him away and walks towards her seeing glass ball.

She fixes her hair and gently runs her fingers over the ball. Chanting away and closing her eyes to concentrate.

Slowly, the image of Alarick and the rest around the infirmary comes into view. She sees the tiny lifeless body of Candace's baby in her hands as they all gather to say goodbye.

"I got it!" Her eyes widen, and her mouth turns into an evil smile.

She turns to Joseph and smiles. "Bring me the little body of that dead child. I can retract her blood. And regenerate its energy so I can take it for myself. I will be the same or more powerful than Elena; and I can finally get back to my realm."

"But sweetheart, why do you want to go back so much anyway? Aren't you happy here with me? I've done everything you've asked me. I killed your dumb husbands at your command. Caused mayhem between creatures to make it look like it wasn't safe where we were living. I sent the aswangs to kill Elene, though I wasn't expecting for Alarick and Dylan to be around to save her. I made that witch cast that spell over Dylan, to conceal his true powers when he was just a pup because you said he was an equal threat to you like Elena was. But, steal the lifeless body of Harou and Candace's baby? Don't you think you have gone far enough with all this?"

"Far enough? Far enough Joseph? My aunts are the ones that have gone far enough by casting me out of our realm! I deserve to be the highest deity! Not Selene like mother bestowed! Me, not Selene! I have to get back up there and overtake what is rightfully mine! Now you are either with me, or you are against me! And if so, then you better be out of my way when my powers return! Got it?"

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