Alpha Black

Chapter 19 - You

Alice Forrest

I felt sticky and disgusting as Jamie tossed his arm over my shoulder, “I think the Alpha is happy,” he snickered, throwing a glance back at Nathaniel who was assisting two young warriors with their protective stances.

“What makes you say that?” I laughed looking at my mate who was now observing these two warriors sparring. His eyebrows were furrowed and his intense gaze was clearly making the two young boys nervous.

“Mostly the fact that you broke my nose,” Jamie laughed. “But he’s smiling.”

I opened my mouth to disagree, when I his eyes snapped up at me, Jamie was right. He didn’t smile, show teeth, laugh, grin foolishly, but there was something there, something about his composure and body language. Something inside me flickered and I realised he was proud of me, I’d held my own against the Beta of the Pack in front of the warriors.

“Luna Black!” a young voice said from behind us, making Jamie swivel me around to face two young women. Jamie’s arm dropped from my shoulders and he flopped onto the grass leisurely.

I gave the two women smiles, they couldn’t have been much older than 18, but their bodies were toned and fit. “What can I do for you?” I asked.

“We just wanted to say that we were really impressed with your sparring with Beta Miller,” the blonde girl smiled.

“Oh,” I said, slightly taken aback. “Thank you, I haven’t been sparring for very long so it means a lot.”

“Wow, you must be a natural,” the brunette beamed.

“Thank you, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that. How long have you been training for?”

“I’ve been training since I was five, but the Alpha starts sparring us at fourteen”

“Does everyone train and spar?”

“Yeah, but you’re divided into skill classes, everyone has to train from fourteen to fourty. But if they think that you’re a warrior or have good blood they’ll put you in special training.”

“I like my pack to be prepared and able to take care of themselves,” Nathaniel said placing his warm hand on my lower back, sparks shooting up my spine.

I jumped at his touch and sudden appearance, “that is very evident, your reputation precedes you,” I quipped.

I felt a low chuckle purr from his chest and he pulled my waist towards him, holding me forcefully to his side.

“Does your old pack not have mandatory training?” the brunette asked furrowing her brow.

“No, but we were a lot smaller than the Moon Pack, and we lived a lot closer to humans too.”

“Wow!” the blonde said, her eyes almost popping out of her head.

“Please excuse us Amelia and Bella, but the Luna needs to shower and I have some work to do. I hope you ladies have a pleasant day.”

“Thank you Alpha Black, it was a pleasure meeting you Luna.” The brunette said tilting her head in respect.

“And an honour to watch you spar,” the blonde said bowing her head too.

“It was wonderful to meet you too,” I said with a smile and Nathaniel steered me away.

We began to walk towards the back of the oval in the direction of Nathaniel’s house, Jamie quickly stepping over to stand next to Nathaniel. “You don’t have any Alpha duties this morning,” Jamie said accusingly at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel gave out a gruff chuckle and a wicked smile split across his mouth, his hand tightened and he pulled me closer to him, “What do you mean, Jamie?”

Jamie stopped and looked at Nathaniel, “I’m your Beta, are you keeping secrets from me now?”

“No,” Nate said, stepping easily over the metal fence, realising my waist.

“Then why did you lie to those girls?”

Nathaniel looked down at me, standing on the other side of the fence, “well,” he murmured, suddenly scooping me up, the ground beneath me vanishing as he held me, bridal style, and pressed me against his chest.

“I have things I need to do with the Luna. Those are Alpha duties.”

I felt the redness creep up my chest and cheeks as I realised Nathaniel’s insinuation, apart of my wanted to object to the blatant domination and command that came with it. Yet the thought of his hard length and the feeling of his lips against my own made my heart fluttered and the blush only grow on my skin.

“Well, I won’t be joining you for breakfast then,” Jamie said, also catching on and turning quickly on his heel.

Nathaniel walked quickly, seemingly unburdened by the weight of me in his arms, yet his grip on me was tight. “Alpha duties?” I queried.

He chuckled again, as he skipped every second step up the front porch. “Morning,” he said, nodding to the same two guards who sat comfortably next to the front door, this time with steaming cups of coffee in hand.

I gave them a smile, as they looked at me quizzically, I tried to pretend that this was a normal occurrence. But who was I kidding? Nathaniel swiveled around quickly, opening the front door and pushing it open with his back. Closing the door in the same manor, he lowered my feet to the floor.

“Did you have to carry me back?” I asked, turning around to face him.

Suddenly his hot lips were pressed against my own and an urgency flooded my body, but it was not my own. Nathaniel’s emotions washed over my body, like I was trapped in a rip in the ocean, heavy waves crushing me, causing me to gasp for air and break away from the desperate kiss.

I leant my head back, gulping for fresh air. Nathaniel’s hands tracing down my spine, carving my muscles and curves as if I were soft clay, his lips slid down my jawline and neck. “You. Have. No. Idea,” he said between kisses that now trailed down my collar bone.

“No idea of what?” I panted as he pushed my up against an adjacent wall.

He drew his face away, keeping his body hard against my own, pressing me into the wall. His hand brushed a loose stand of hair from my face and his nails traced my jawline as he studies my face with intimacy. “How hard it was for me to watch you fighting.”

I let out a snort and leaned my head back against the wall, his eyes studying me.

“Don’t laugh,” he said defensively. “My wolf wanted nothing more than to protect you, to guard you and keep you safe.”

His words perplexed me, did everyone have some a strong relationship and connection with their wolf? Was I the abnormal one for having so little connection to my supposed ‘other half’. I bit my lip and studies his eyes, admiring the flecks of green that glimmered and sparkled.

His eyes dropped from my gaze, focusing on my mouth. I stopped biting my lip at the same time as his eyes flickered to black, but it was too much of a delayed reaction on my behalf. His lips came crashing against my own.

Nathaniel’s hands caressed down my sides, firmly gripping my thighs he hoisted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hips crushed and ground into my core, I wasn’t sure how I missed it, but the hard, thick member was now rubbing on my lower lips. He let his hands wander back up from my thighs and I felt the realise of my sports bra – his claws had torn it down the centre of my check and my chest popped out of the sports bra with vigor.

Hoisting me further up the wall, he pulled his tongue out of my mouth, instantly sucking desperately on my nipple. His hands massaged my breasts, the way he lifted and kneaded them took a literal weight off my shoulders and I couldn’t help but let a moan slip from my mouth.

A deep purr emitted from his chest and his hands held me under the arms, flipping me around to face the wall as he planted my feet back on the ground. His claws pierced my yoga pants and tore straight through them and my underwear, I could feel the cool air of the house hitting my arse crack and moist lips that he now left exposed too.

“You have a certain disregard for active ware,” I commented, feeling slighting devastated that such a nice and expensive set of yoga pants and sports bra would be thrown out.

“I’ll buy you more,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers lightly traced my opening.

“That’s no the point,” I gasped.

“Is all this for me?” he asked as his finger slipped smoothing across my lips.

“You’re changing the topic,” I said, my hear beating so erratically that I was sure he could feel it through my back.

“Fine,” he said gruffly, realising some of the pressure that kept me pressed firmly against the wall, “you wanted the point.”

His body pressed back against mine, but I could feel his member sliding between my legs, rubbing in the juices of my arousal. He planted kisses along the mark on the crook of my neck and out to my shoulder, one of his arms was planted against the wall as he thrust between my thighs slowly and his other hand traced the curves of my waist and hip.

Without warning, he planted his lips hungrily on my own and hoisted up my leg, my arse lift up the wall and his member following, pointing straight up. He thrust and half his length slid into me in one quick motion. I gasped and his tongue took the opportunity to penetrate my mouth, fighting for dominance.

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