Alpha Billionaire Series

The Wrong Choice Chapter 12


The way Gavin's hands fit perfectly on my hips as he kissed me goodnight was too perfect. The minute I opened my door, his fingers still laced through mine, I knew I wanted him to come in, so I asked, and he accepted, following me through the door.

I tossed my purse on the small side table next to the door and told him to make himself comfortable, then I grabbed a few beers from the fridge and the bottle opener. When I returned to the living room, Gavin was seated comfortably on the couch, his tie removed and his top few buttons open. The way his eyes watched me as I entered was hauntingly sexy, animalistic.

I sat next to him leaning sideways on the back of the couch and handed him his beer. He smiled as he took it, but hi: eyes didn't leave my face, even as he sipped the beer. It felt odd having him in this place where Drew and I lived together, but not uncomfortably so. I sat down and reached down under the coffee table for a koozie and placed the third beer I had brought into it to keep it cold.

Gavin grabbed the bottle opener and popped the cap from my bottle with a seductive look on his face and handed me my drink. I relaxed into the couch and took a large swig from the bottle. It had been a while since I had taken any of the beers from the fridge and wasn't expecting a chunk of ice from within to come crashing into my tongue. It caught me off guard, and I jerked forward, half choking on my drink and spilling it out over my face.

“A little cold?” Gavin asked as he moved forward, using his sleeve to wipe my face.

“l wasn't expecting the ice,” I replied, feeling the soft touch from his hand as he took hold of my beer and placed It on the table. He leaned in close and kissed me. His lips soft and his tongue bitter with the lager on it. I placed my hand on the back of Gavin's shirt and squeezed his back, gripping the shirt and pulling him in close.

My pussy ached to be filled, and like he read my mind, he slid his hand up my thigh and his fingers rubbed against my panties. I was dripping already; I wanted him. I thrusted up toward his fingers as they moved my panties to the side. His fingers pushed into me softly as his kiss deepened. He set his own beer down on the table, then I felt his hand on my hip, his fingers still pushing into me.

I ran my hands through his hair, rising up a bit to intensify the kiss. Gavin slid my dress up above my waist as he pulled at my panties with the other. I remained patient as he worked my panties over my hips and to my knees. Ther one leg at a time, he pulled them off, tossing them to the floor.

His kisses traveled to my neck, then my earlobe. My body shuddered as his fingers pushed into me again. I wanted something new, something adventurous. I bit my bottom lip before asking, “Your tie, where is it?" I asked, my cheeks were burning, my pussy aching.

“On the couch next to me, why?” he asked, intrigue on his face.

“Tie me up to something.” I smirked at him, hoping he would approve. Without hesitation he stood and hovered over me. He took hold of my hand and pulled me from where I was sitting then lifted my dress over my head. His hands made quick work of my bra and I stood naked in front him.

“Lie down in front of the table,” he said, picking up his tie. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I lay down on the carpet, sensation of expectation building inside of me. I wanted to be teased, to lose all control and just lie there and let him pleasure me. I could feel how wet I was, my c*m almost dripping from my body.

Gavin grabbed my hands and bound them around the leg of the table, high over my head. He stood over me, slowly pulling one piece of clothing off after the other. I couldn't tell if it was apprehension on his face, or a mask of powerful [**t tempered by his desire to not intimidate me. Either way, he was very hard, and I wanted him inside me. “What now? he asked with a seductive, animalistic look on his face.

“Cover my eyes and tease me.”

Gavin took his shirt and straddled my body, the precum from the tip of his dick dribbled out onto my chest. He tucked his shirt under my head, then leaned in and kissed me. My world went dark when he pulled the sleeve up anc covered my eyes, tucking it back in under my head on the other side.

I couldn't see what was happening, only felt his presence. His fingers started to touch me, ever so lightly. They stroked up and down my skin, a hair's width from the surface. He traced from my lips, down my chest to my navel. I quivered as he lifted off leaving me aching.

He traced my nipples, first left, then right. Then ran his hands back down my body and lifted just before my pelvis, landing again only just after my kneecaps. His fingers traced back up my inner thighs and stopped just short of my pussy. Fuck, I wanted to be penetrated, so I thrusted towards his fingers.

One of his fingers traced over my clit, stroking me, but every time I thrusted, he moved his hand just enough so it wouldn't sink. Then his fingers left me, and I felt a chill over my body as he lightly blew across my nipples and stomach. What happened next, I didn't expect. I heard the koozie slip from the unopened bottle on the coffee table and then felt the cool, condensation-covered bottle against my skin. He rubbed it across my nipples then proceeded to suck them as he ran the bottle across my stomach.

“Put it in me,” I muttered, spreading my legs. I'd used bottles before after drinking alone and finished myself off before bed—a last resort I assure you, and only because I was alone. But given the fact that Gavin had picked it up, I sensed he was ready to be adventurous with me.

“Are you sure?” Gavin asked, a slight hesitation in his voice.

I nodded quickly, trying to prepare for It. I felt him lean in close, his lips pressing against mine, and we kissed. The heat from his body radiated across my skin. He was so close but so far away. I swore I felt his cock brush my leg. He slid his tongue against mine, then he pulled away.

The suspense was getting to me. I couldn't see what he was doing, and almost cursed myself asking to be tied up. I tried to move his shirt away from my eyes, but I was at his mercy now. He pressed a finger into me, then another. I squirmed still wanting more as he slid a third into me. It felt good, but I wanted to be filled, to feel full. When he pulled his fingers out and pressed the bottle against my opening, the cold caught me off guard. I forgot the contents were still half-frozen. My legs pushed back, but Gavin didn't let up, chilling my opening with the icy bottle.

After a moment the sensation became a desire once more, and I thrusted toward it. As I did Gavin pushed, sinking the bottle into my depth, stretching me, making me feel full. The cold made me tense; I'd never clenched so hard around something before and struggled as my body almost spilled into o****m.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck...” I muttered, as he leaned in and sucked on my breast. I didn’t know what to think as I approached the edge. The way the bottle slid in and out of me, practically freezing me from the inside as his heat rested on my inner thigh, and his mouth encircled my nipple—I couldn't take it anymore.

I felt the pressure from his hand release from the bottle, and his lips once again reached mine. It was all it took for my coil to snap. I clenched down hard and forced the bottle from myself, gasping at the now-empty void left from th makeshift toy, but what happened next, I wasn't expecting—the contrast in temperature from the icy bottle to his d**k as he slid into my convulsing body.

He thrusted into me, hitting my back wall. I knew he was close already. The insides of my p***y still felt icy cold, as the warmth from Gavin's dick filled me. I could already feel my coil tightening for a second time.

“Cum in me,” I begged as Gavin's grunts grew louder, then he thrusted into me, slamming against my back wall. I gasped as his warm seed flooded into me, and orgasm came again. Gavin fell on top of me, holding me in his arms a: his warm seed filled me. Then his lips met mine, and we lay there, panting together.

When Gavin's breathing returned to normal, he folded his shirt off of my eyes, and untied my hands. He rose and helped me stand, offering soft touches and kisses as he guided me back to the couch where we lay down. His offering ran down my leg, but I didn’t even care. My legs jiggled a little as I adjusted myself next to him, feeling him breathing heavily against my skin.

Gavin pulled me against himself, our skin damp with sweat. He kissed my temple, and pushed the hair off my face, stuck there with the perspiration. I had a feeling Gavin was a little shocked by my wild side, but he didn’t seem to mind. I lay there in his arms content, feeling much more at ease this time than before. The way he tenderly brushed his thumb over my cheek stirred deep emotion inside of me.

“What is it? You look a million miles away.” Gavin almost whispered, speaking in a comforting tone.

I looked up at him and smiled. “Nothing at all. I was just thinking how safe and comfortable I feel right here with you I wondered if I'd ever feel that again with anyone.

Gavin kissed me softly, his lips lingering on mine. They were salty, the sweat from my body still clinging to them. He cupped my breast and squeezed a bit, then hooked his hand around my hip and pulled me tighter.

“Madison, I need you to know something, and I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything. But I love you. I think I've known this for months now. It wasn’t immediate.”

“Oh, no love at first sight?” I chuckled as he rubbed his nose against mine, then kissed me again.

He bit my lower lip as we intensified the kiss, then brushed his tongue across my upper lip before continuing. “No, n love at first sight. And not that you weren't worth that, but it was complicated. I watched how you cared and visited and stayed hopeful. And all I could think was how much I wanted someone to love me that way. It's the way I am as ¢ doctor, always returning with compassion and hope. And at some point, I found that professional compassion and hope turn into something deeper for you.”

“You'd confide in me and ask me for my advice, and you were so genuine. I couldn't help but fall in love with you.” His hand returned to my face, brushing an imaginary hair away. He cupped my cheek and turned my lips up to kiss me again. I didn’t sense a hint of anxiety or nervousness in him. I knew what he was saying was true. He did love me. “You don’t have to say anything” He kissed me lightly on the forehead. “You can just enjoy me caring for you until you're ready. No pressure. No obligation to return my affection. Just let me love you.”

I didn’t know what to say. I turned to face him, hooking my arm over his side and nestling into his chest. I really care about him too. It wasn’t often that you met someone so compassionate and loving, and I'd be a fool to just dive in. Still, my heart stirred at seeing him. I wasn’t ready to say that I was over Drew. I didn’t know if or when that would ever happen. But Drew wasn’t coming back, and I had to accept that.

“You know, Gavin, I'm not ready to say I love you too, but I want you to know that I do really care about you a lot. Anc I am ready to see where this takes us. Just be patient and give me time."

Gavin smiled against my lips as he leaned down to kiss me again. “Madii, you make me so happy. I can’t imagine sharing this moment with anyone else. I've had a few serious relationships that went nowhere, but I know you're different. I can feel it. And I'm just going to wait until you're ready, because I want to make you the happiest woman alive”

We lay there for a few moments just holding each other, and when he moved to sit up, and I whimpered—almost dozing—he stopped.

“I have to go. I can’t stay the night, babe.”

He lingered there, and I winced at the pet name. He didn’t know that Drew had called me babe. I'd have to explain that to him at some point. “You have plans?” I sat up next to him, keeping my legs wrapped around him.

“Surgery at 5 a.m. on a kid with epilepsy. I need to be fresh. I have to check in at 4 and scrub up by 4:45." He frowned and pulled me close, kissing my forehead again. “I really wish I could stay.”

“No, it's okay. Go. I am so humbled and honored that you are a modern-day hero.” I grinned at him and pecked him on the lips quickly, then extracted my body from his, sliding away.

“We can have breakfast afterward. Maybe some awful cafeteria pancakes?” He smiled, reaching for his pants and boxers.

“Can't. I have a shoot at 9 a.m. It's this obnoxious lady with her toy poodle.” I laughed. “She gets portraits done every sixth months. Apparently, it's a show dog.”

Gavin chuckled as he stood and pulled his pants up over his ass. Watching that hunk of meat disappear was a bit saddening, but I felt settled that it wasn’t the last time I'd see it. I gave him a light smack on the b**t as he bent over to retrieve his shirt.

“So, no breakfast... When can I see you again?” He buttoned his shirt, turning to look down at me. It was amazing to me how I felt completely at ease being naked in front of him.

“How about lunch? Let's meet at that little sandwich shop across the street from the hospital.” I stood next to him as he tucked his shirt in, tie draped over his shoulder.

When he had finished buttoning his shirt and tightening his belt, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on tiptoes to offer a kiss.

Gavin grabbed my ass, lifting me slightly as he took the peck I offered and turned it into a salacious treat. His tongue searched my mouth, his stubble scraping my chin. The way he held me, the strength in his arms, even the authority with which he took control of things just made me feel safe. I could f**k him again right there.

“I love you, Madison. I really look forward to lunch with you tomorrow.” He squeezed my ass then let me go, stepping away.

“I really look forward to it too, bud.”

I walked him to the door, grabbing the throw off the back of the couch to wrap around myself. Gavin could see me naked but the world outside my front door didn’t need to. I opened the door and let him step out, holding it open for him.

“Goodnight then. Sleep well tonight.” He offered me a kiss before heading out and I watched him walk away.

I shut the door, deadbolting it in place, then flopped back onto the couch. I couldn't wipe away the stupid grin on my face for the life of me. When Gavin had cornered me at dinner about whether I was happy with the way life was currently, I had felt stuck. My answer had been honest. I wasn’t happy.

Watching Drew fade away was traumatizing. Everything I ever thought my life would be was over the moment he surfaced that day. And I had to relive every conversation, watch every dream die.

But with Gavin, all that hope was renewed. Sure, my heart was still torn between the two, but I was beginning to see that the moments I had with Drew were pleasant memories now. And the moment I had with Gavin was a reality I could bank on again. A reality and surety I hadn't had in almost two years.

I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of the day pull me down into sleepiness. Letting a yawn escape, I snuggled into the couch and let sleep take me. Hopefully I'd dream of Gavin and my future instead of the nightmares of Drew and that scuba trip.

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