Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 9


It's strange being back home in South Grove, but in my gut, I know it was the right decision. I'm going to stay at our family home while I try to sort through the mess and figure out a game plan moving forward.

First things first, though. It's imperative that I find a job. I've always pretty much lived paycheck to paycheck, but I do have a little bit of savings. I don't want to dip into it, though, and that's why I decide to go downtown and scope out the flower shops. Maybe I'll get lucky and get hired on the spot.

I choose a busy area in Manhattan, park my car on the nearby side street, and strap Owen in his stroller. Then I push him while checking out various flower shop addresses on my phone. There are quite a few in the area and most sound pretty upscale. I really enjoy working with high-end flowers and creating beautiful arrangements. In the back of my head, I would still love to open my own shop one day, but I could never be able to afford one with a prime location here downtown. South Grove will have to work.

Again, one day. If I'm very lucky.

Luck must be on my side because the first shop I walk into, the owner is there working, and we immediately hit it oft I mention my experience, how I just moved home and that 'm looking for a job.

“Your timing couldn't be more perfect,” Heather says, looking a little flustered. “I need to hire a new full-time employee because my last girl just left”

“Really? Well, I'm very interested,” I tell her. “I even have my resume.” Leaning over, I dig around in the back of the stroller and pull out the folder which holds my updated resume.

Meanwhile, Heather leans down and starts talking to Owen. “He's so very handsome; she says. Owen laughs and Heather chuckles. “Quite the charmer, aren't you?”

“He really is I say, standing back up.

“What's his name?”

“Owen,” I say.

“Well, I'm going to predict that little Owen here is going to grow up into a big heartbreaker. Isn't that right?” she coos and he laughs.

If he's anything like his father, think, then yes. A huge heartbreaker.

I hand Heather my resume and she tilts her head. “I know this is absolutely none of my business and please don't b offended, but are you married?”

I'm not sure why she's asking, and I hesitate.

“I'm only asking because I have the utmost respect for all mothers, but single mothers deserve so many props. My mom raised both me and my sister all by herself and she is the strongest person I've ever met”

I nod. “Yeah. It's just me and Owen. My mom passed away and I moved back here to take care of things."

A look of sympathy crosses her face. “I'm so sorry about your mom,” she says.


Heather glances over the resume then sets it aside. “Look, 'm going to be honest. You seem like a really nice and trustworthy person, and I'm desperate for help.”

My heart quickens and I think she might be on the verge of offering me a job.

“I'd like to offer you the full-time position and after a three-month trial, I can also kick in some benefits. They're not the best but being a small business owner isn't always either”

“I'm sure it's hard, but that would be amazing. I really appreciate it, Heather” I planned on pounding the pavement all day, so this is great. Now I can go back home and start looking into mom's stuff.

“Do you need a few days to get situated?” she asks.

“How about just tomorrow? Then I can be back on Wednesday and start?”

“Perfect!” she exclaims. “I'm so happy to have you, Addie. Welcome to your new shop.”

I love how she says that, even though it belongs to her. But it's clear she wants me to feel a part of it, too, and that makes me happy. Working here at Heather's Flowers leaves a good feeling in me as I say goodbye and head back outside.

It's a little weird being back in the city after two years, but I think I actually missed it- the hustle and bustle, the noise, people, smells and action. Tanner and I spent all of our time together here so it's bittersweet. But I can't let memories of him distract or ruin my love of the city.

After pushing Owen around for a little bit and reacquainting myself with the neighborhood, I decide that I'd better get home. My plan is to sort through things and, since I found a job so quickly, I'd also like to get my own apartment sooner than later. Once I get Owen situated in the car, I call Kayla.

“Hey, I say. “I'm heading back to the house. Do you have time to go through things?”

“Sure. I can swing by for a couple of hours.”

“Great. See you soon!"

The drive to South Grove is about 30 minutes which isn't too bad, but when I get an apartment, I'm going to look for one in the city near the flower shop. Having the option to walk to work is great, but I also have to consider Owen. I'm hoping Kayla can help babysit. The good thing is she's living in the city now, too, so that will make things easier on both of us. If I can avoid taking Owen to daycare every day that would be an amazing way for me to put some money aside.

When I pull up the small driveway of my childhood home, I see Kayla is already there. She comes out to greet me an helps unpack the car while I get Owen. I love my little man more than words can say, but goodness a baby slows you down.

I'm not sure what's been going on with Kayla the last couple of years, but she's almost a new person. Since I returne home, she's been Number One Aunt to Owen and Helpful Little Sis to me. It's strange and I don't exactly understand it, but I'm grateful for the extra help.

“Hi, Little Man,” she exclaims. “So, how'd it 0? Get some resumes dropped off?”

“I did," I say as we walk up to the house lugging the baby, the stroller and diaper bag. “I was super lucky and the first place I walked into, she just happened to need full-time help. We talked, hit it off and she hired me?”

“That's incredible! You must've really impressed her”

“Well, I think Owen helped. It also didn't hurt that she just lost her full-timer, so my timing was perfect”

“Clearly. I'm glad it worked out and you know that I'm more than willing to watch Owen while you work!”

I pause unlocking the door and look over at my sister. “That would be a huge relief. Are you sure?”

Something flashes across her face, but it's gone as quickly as it appeared. “Of course. It's the least I can do”

“What about your job?” I ask as we walk inside. Kayla started making candles and has gotten them into quite a few upscale boutiques. They've been selling really well, too. She hasn't mentioned her debt, but I assume she ended up declaring bankruptcy.

“I can make candles here while I watch Owen. That's the great thing about it. It doesn't really matter where I am. And I can always drop off the product at my stores on Saturdays and Sundays. It's not a big deal and I can make my own schedule”

“Well, I really appreciate it. So does Owen.’

“No problem; she says. “I look forward to getting to know my nephew better”

I nod and set Owen down on his play mat.

“I'm sorry about that," she continues, and I turn to look at her, brows raised. “I probably should've come down with Mom to help while you were pregnant. I just had a lot going on and...Hell, I'm a selfish jerk. I'm well-aware of that now and I'm sorry, Addie. I'm trying to change and be more considerate”

Her words touch something deep inside of me. “I know you are. I can see that you've changed a lot over the last couple of years.”

“I'm a work in progress, but I swear I'm trying to make up for past mistakes.”

I'm not exactly sure what she’s referring to, other than being absent a lot. “It's okay, Kayla. I'm just glad to see you've turned things around. You seem to be doing really well and I'm so happy for you”

She forces a smile and drops down beside Owen. Something is up with her, but I'm not exactly sure what. I figure she'll tell me eventually. In the meantime, I go get the pile of paperwork associated with our mom's death- there are things related to the house, insurance and the cremation. I sit down beside Kayla and Owen, and we start to sort through everything and figure out our best options.

The one thing we already decided was to skip a big funeral and burial. We had Mom cremated and when we get her ashes back, I'll take them. It gives me comfort knowing that she’s finally back with my dad, her first, true husband, and the love of her life. It gives me a sense of peace. I'm also thrilled that Randy left. Good riddens.

“You haven't heard anything from Randy?” I ask.

Kayla shakes her head. “No. He took off for good about a month ago”

II0d, happy to hear it. If he was here right now, I'm sure he'd be causing all kinds of problems and we don't need that. “I want to say I can't believe he just took off and left Mom. But honestly, it doesn't surprise me. At least he wasn't around to make her life miserable the last few weeks.”

“I still don't understand why she ever married him. He treated her terribly and he was a mean drunk."

“I think she did it for us," I say softly and look down at Owen.

“I would've rather had no father than him. He was the worst”

“Yeah, I agree. It's like if I would go out and marry the first loser I meet just so Owen can have a dad.”

“You'd never do that,’ Kayla said.

“No, I wouldn't. There's a difference between a man who steps up and fills the big shoes of a father figure versus somebody like Randy. I know Mom meant well, but..” My voice trails off.

“Yeah” Kayla grabs Owen's foot and playfully tugs it. “I know exactly what you mean.”

“Are you seeing anyone?” I ask suddenly. She hasn't mentioned anyone, but Kayla always used to have a boyfriend. She shakes her head. “No. I decided to step away from men for a bit. Take some much-needed me-time."

“Me-time is always a good thing! I say and smile. My little sister has really grown up and I'm proud of her. I think we're going to grow a lot closer now that I'm back and I look forward to it.

“Yeah, itis. And I needed to figure out a way to get my act together. I'm not sure how long making and selling candle: will last, but I really like it. 'm even thinking about expanding the business and setting up meetings with some of th larger department stores. If they carry my line, it could mean amazing things.”

“Can you imagine getting them into Bloomingdales?”

“Or Saks?”

We both squeal and Owen's hazel eyes go wide. I lean over, laughing hard at the look on his face, and he bursts into laughter, too.

Yeah, think moving home was the right move for us.

Little did I know, my whole world was about to get flipped on its side.

When Wednesday morning arrives, I show up at my new job with a smile on my face and ready to start. I'm excited and I really like Heather. She walks me through the shop and explains the daily routine and workflow. She tells me when the flower deliveries arrive from the docks and who the different standing customers are and what they like. We hit it off and I feel like Heather is going to be more than a boss- she's going to be a friend. She's a little older than me and I ask her all about how she started the business and I confide in her that I've always dreamed of having my own shop one day, too.

The day flies by. I'm scheduled I0am-6pm and around 3pm, Heather gets a call from one of her flower distributors. She talks to them for a minute then hangs up and looks at me.

“That was Raul, and he finally just got the order of peonies that I've been dying to get my hands on for Violet's order Violet is a pernickety customer who has a standing order of fresh peonies delivered to her penthouse every week. Apparently, there's been some sort of peony shortage lately, so Heather is desperate to get her hands on the flower or risk losing Violet as a client.

“Go ahead," I say with a wave of my hand. “I'll be fine"

“Are you sure? I feel bad leaving you alone on your first day.’

I know the only other option is to close the shop and that seems silly. “I'm totally capable of helping anyone who walks in. Besides, I've got this anniversary arrangement to keep me busy."

“You're a lifesaver, Addie! Seriously! Thank you so much and I'll be back as soon as possible”

“Don't worry about me;” I tell her as she grabs her purse and races for the front door.

“I'll be back by six” she calls out and the door shuts behind her.

With a smile, I turn back to the arrangement 'm working on and tilt my head to study it. It's coming together nicely, but I still have ways to go. It could probably use a couple more lilies, I think, and head to the cooler.

I go inside the chilled room and can't decide whether yellow or white will look better, so I grab a stem of each and, as I'm walking back out, I hear the bell ring above the door which means that a customer just walked in.

I'turn my attention to the front of the store, a smile plastered on my face, and freeze when I see a very familiar man standing there. Unable to move, I am utterly floored to see Tanner Beckett looking more handsome than I remember

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