Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 23


Feeling utterly wicked and delicious from the 0****m Tanner just gave me, I walk up the circling staircase, giving my hips an extra swivel just for him. Damn, that man is going to be my undoing.

Head still in the clouds, body still throbbing with pleasure, I reach the top of the loft and freeze in horror when I see Lorenz Dragari standing at the end of the bed holding Owen.

Ilet out an ear-piercing shriek and make a mad lunge for my baby. But Dragari lifts his opposite hand which holds a knife and I stop up short. Absolute horror floods through my body, cold and slippery. There is no word to accurately describe the total and complete fear that fills me.

I hear Tanner running up the stairs and he races up behind me, swearing beneath his breath when he sees what's happening “Stay back,” Dragari warns us.

“Please,” I beg. “Don’t hurt him. I'll do whatever you want.”

When I take a step closer and open my arms wide to take Owen, Tanner snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me back against his body, holding me there in an iron-like grip.

“Let me go," I cry, twisting and turning. My motherly instinct is screaming for me to rescue my son from the evil man that holds him. I need to get Owen back before that sonofabitch hurts him.

“I'd stay right where you are, Ms. Hayes,” Dragari warns me. “Otherwise, you're going to force me to hurt this little guy. And even though I'd prefer not to do it, have no doubts that I will"

“Oh, God," I cry, tears falling from my lashes. This can't be happening.

I feel like I'm on the verge of losing my damn mind. A crazed panic makes me want to try to snag Owen away from the dangerous asshole holding him, but my rational side warns me to stay put and wait until the moment is right.

50, without any other choice, I decide to bide my time and let my body sag slightly against Tanner. My gaze zeroes in on the sharp, silver blade of the knife and then down to the dragon tattoo on Dragari's forearm. As I'm contemplating how I'm going to murder him, he gives me an oily smile.

“That's better, honey. Just relax and we can handle business without anyone getting hurt"

The nickname makes my skin crawl. “You never showed up at my apartment like you said you would,” I remind him.

“Do you think I'm stupid?” he asks, voice sharp. “I knew all about that little sting operation you two set up with the police and Detective Freeman.”

“How?” I ask as a wave of defeat washes over me.

“That department is full of rats and for the right amount of cheese, they will always squeal”

“Just give her the baby and I'll give you the $20 grand’ Tanner says evenly. “Right here, right now. It's in my safe”

Dragari scoffs and then laughs. “I did a little digging into you, Tanner Beckett, and if you think I'm going to walk out of here with a measly 20K, you're crazy. The price just went up.”

“However much you want then,” Tanner says, arm tightening around me.

“One million dollars, Beckett,” he says, eyes dark with greed.

“Whatever you want," Tanner replies evenly.

“How accommodating of you. Then let's up the ante, shall we? Five million dollars deposited in my account.”

Tanner gives a sharp nod and I focus on Owen who smiles happily even though he’s still sleepy. My son is a part of me, a par of Tanner the best parts of us- and I'll die if this thug destroys that. I can't let it happen and the fact that Tanner is willing to do anything- even hand this a****e a fortune to save the son he barely knows~ makes my chest constrict painfully.

I've never loved them more than I do at this moment when I'm faced with possibly losing them both- the two most important human beings in my life.

“Here's what we're going to do. First, I don't like being set up and that's what you both tried to do. That little stunt won't go unpunished.” His eyes narrow and retribution flares in his beady eyes.

“Please,” I beg him.

“You're going to make amends for that mistake, Ms. Hayes. So, think about what you can do to make me feel better after trying to throw my ass to the cops. And I should clarify that I want it to be something mind-blowing. Preferably involving tha pouty little mouth of yours.”

His sexual insinuation makes my stomach curl and Tanner growls. I don't want to touch the creep, but if it means getting Owen away from him then I'll do anything. Despite how revolting or invasive it will be to me.

For Owen, I will sacrifice anything, including my very life.

“How did you get in here?” Tanner asks, looking around the bedroom.

I get the feeling he's stalling for time. Maybe he has a plan. I don’t know and I don't want this to drag out any longer than it has to because I want Owen out of his slimy hands. Pulling in a deep breath, I force myself to calm down, think rationally an, trust Tanner.

I know he won't let me or Owen down.

“You have a wireless system and, FYI, that makes it very easy to be hacked,’ Dragari brags. “The signal to the police and alarr company has been jammed so no one is coming to your rescue.”

My heart sinks and Tanner gives my back hip a light squeeze. What does that mean? He must have a plan because he's very calm while I feel like a crazy person on the verge of having a total meltdown.

“Alright, you rich asshole, enough conversation,” Dragari says. “Let's get the money transferred to this account right now.” Dragari holds a piece of paper out to Tanner with an account number and a bank routing number. My heart thunders when we move closer, and it takes everything within me not to grab Owen away from him. But Tanner holds me close and hard; he reaches for the paper and murmurs in a low voice to me. “Wait.”

A frustrated sigh quivers past my lips and I squeeze my hands into fists, determined not to do anything stupid or reckless. “I'm going to need to call my accountant to take care of this,’ Tanner says smoothly. “Unfortunately, I don't keep that kind of money in the house.”

“Do what you need to do,’ Dragari says and waves the knife. “In the meantime, I'l just wait over here and get to know this ki alittle better”

His words make my skin prickle in goosebumps.

“My phone is downstairs,” Tanner says.

Dragari pulls a burner out of his pocket and tosses it to Tanner. “You'll find your accountant’s information already plugged ir under the contacts,” he says smugly.

Fuck, I think. The bastard is prepared for everything. I was hoping Tanner could've snuck a quick call to 9II or something. No such luck.

“And if you try anything stupid, the kid gets cut. Understand?”

I whimper and Tanner swallows hard. “Understood,” he grits out. “It's pretty late. You want me to still call-"

“I don't give a shit what time it is. Wake his ass up.”

I'squeeze my eyes shut as Tanner calls his accountant and requests the money transfer. The room begins to blur and spin around me as dread sets in. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Does Tanner even have a plan? Or am I going to be down on my knees and forced to do horrible things with this scum in front of me? I'd rather die.

A wave of dizziness descends, and I push through it. As Tanner continues to answer his confused accountant’s questions, I see movement at the window behind Dragari and Owen.

Oh, my God.My heart soars when a familiar shadow silently slips over the window's ledge and, moving with all the stealth of the Grim Reaper, Sawyer slides up behind Dragari, aims his pistol and POP!

And then everything happens at once.

With a shout of surprise, Dragari stumbles forward when the bullet hits him in the leg. As he drops Owen, I race forward and dive to catch my baby, rolling to the side, trying to avoid being crushed by Dragari’s falling body. Tanner grabs the knife from the thug's hand and twists, yanking it free. Then he throws it over the side of the loft, and I hear it hit the floor, clattering somewhere below as Tanner drops down, covering Owen and I with his large body. Protecting us.

I hear another couple of POPs and realize Sawyer must've shot Dragari again. Holding Owen tightly to my chest, heart thumping wildly and adrenaline roaring through my body, I manage to look over and see Dragari's body, slumped over, and his dark eyes empty and sightless.

Breathing hard, all I can do is thank the heavens above and these two amazing men for saving us.

“Clear,” Sawyer calls out. “Tango neutralized.”

Tanner eases up off me. “Are you okay?” he asks, concerned hazel eyes darting from me to Owen.

“Y-yes," I manage to say, sitting up slowly. I take a minute to check Owen over, my hands running over him and verifying that everything is fine, and he isn't hurt. “Not a scratch on him,” I finally murmur.

“Thank God," Tanner says and pulls me into his arms.

The three of us are holding onto each other for dear life when I hear a throat clear. I look over and see Sawyer watching us closely.

“Thank you," I say, voice hoarse with emotion, meeting his brown gaze.

“Yeah, thanks, bro,” Tanner chimes in and hauls us up with him. “I was starting to get worried you didn’t get my message.” “Welcome,” he murmurs. “And you know I don't sleep much, so I got it the second you sent it and booked my ass straight over here.’

“What message?” I ask, completely confused, and looking from Sawyer to Tanner. “And when did you have time to send him one?”

They both lift their wrists at the same time and flash their watches.

“We have an emergency app on our watches that will send a distress signal if one of us is in trouble,” Sawyer explains.

Ihad no idea. I look down at Tanner's watch in amazement.

“I tapped it behind my back when I ran up the stairs. That's why I was trying to stall”

“It's a military toy," Sawyer explains. “Never thought I'd really need it, but since I had two of them, I gave one to Tanner. Only made sense since he's the only brother I actually like."

Tanner chuckles. “You love Nash and Crew”

“I tolerate Nash and Crew. But if shit goes down, I'll always help. Even though they get on my damn nerves.’

“You're a lifesaver, bro,” Tanner says. “C'mere.”

But Sawyer shakes his head. “Nah. I'm not gonna interrupt family time."

“Get your a*s over here," Tanner orders him.

Sawyer takes an awkward step closer, and Nash hauls me and Owen toward Sawyer and claps him in an embrace with us. Foy a moment, we all hug, holding onto each other, and thanking our lucky stars that everything turned out alright.

After a few low whispers of “thank you” and “love you,” we let go and I wipe away the tears streaming down my face.

“It's nice to be loved,” I say softly.

“Yeah, it is," Tanner agrees and drags me back into his arms. He presses a kiss to my head and then Owen's. I notice Sawyer watching us and I could be wrong, but for a fleeting moment, he almost looks envious. Like he wants what the three of us now..finally...have.

And who could blame him? I am the luckiest woman in the world.

While I take Owen downstairs and sit with him, attempting to get him to fall back asleep on the couch, Nash calls the police to report the break-in and then his accountant to cancel the wire transfer. It doesn't take the cops long to arrive and Detective Freeman shows up soon after. Sawyer didn't want to stay, but he does since he's the one who pulled the trigger and it's his gun.

The moment Freeman walks in and sees Sawyer, he abruptly stops short. “Well, if it isn't Sawyer fucking Beckett.”

I look from the detective to Sawyer, trying to read their interaction and what's hanging unsaid in the air between them. I had no idea they even knew each other, but Sawyer did seem very reluctant to get involved with the cops from the beginning. “Freeman,” Sawyer murmurs in greeting, shifting from one foot to the other.

If I didn't know any better, Tanners stoic, unflinching brother almost looks...nervous. I'll have to remember to ask Tanner later if he knows anything about it. Meanwhile, we explain exactly what happened and Freeman listens closely as he takes the report, pausing to ask a question every once in a while.

since we acted out of self-defense, and they already know about the entire situation with Lorenzo Dragari, it doesn't take long to clear the air. It's a relief when Dragari’s body is finally removed, and the floor cleaned. Even so, I don't want to stay here a moment longer.

Once the police and Freeman leave, Sawyer also says goodnight. We thank him again and another round of hugs are exchanged.

“You owe me a beer!” he calls back to Tanner as he heads out.

“I owe you a helluva lot more than that Tanner replies.

“We owe him everything," I say softly.

“Are you ready to go back to your place?” he asks gently.

“Yes. Take us home, Tanner,” I whisper.

My little family is going to be alright. As we walk out of his loft, I feel lighter than I have in a very long time, and I let outa soft sigh of relief.

We're safe.

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