Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 21


It's almost over.

Tanner's words reverberate in my head, and I cling to them as the three of us make our way across the dim parking lot. Trast blows in front of me, and the stench of garbage fills the humid air. I can't believe Owen is here somewhere in this filthy plac I'm going to get my baby back and kill Randy.

He deserves worse than death for what he's done.

As Sawyer guides us to a side door, I watch how he easily takes lead, sweeping the area for anything suspicious, and it's clea he has military training. Lots of it, too. I also can't miss the gun tucked in the back of his waistband. Pulse thundering in my ears, I hope to God we don't need to resort to that. I don't expect Randy to have any kind of weapon, but it's better to be saf than sorry. Nothing can happen to Owen. I will never forgive myself.

Sawyer motions for us to stay put, drops down in front of the door and starts working on the lock with a small picking tool. Tanner reaches down and grabs my hand, squeezing it hard. I look up and he gives me a nod, trying to appear more confident that I actually feel.

The moment the door creaks open, Sawyer steps into the darkness and Tanner and I follow on silent feet. My nerves ratchet up a notch as we walk down the long hallway, checking rooms as we pass. It's still early and cloudy right now so not a lot of light is getting inside the building.

It's also quiet and doubt slices through me. What if they're not here? The thought hits me hard and I try to ignore it and stay positive.

Sawyer abruptly stops, lifts his hand and cocks his head, listening. I do the same and somewhere in the distance, I think upstairs, I hear soft babbling. It's Owen! Hope pounds through me like stormy ocean waves crashing onto the shore.

He's here. My baby is here and now we're going to get him back.

We walk to the end of the hallway and sure enough, there's a dirty staircase that leads up into the gloom. Even though I wan to run up the steps two at a time and scream Owen's name, I force myself to calm down, take a deep breath and move slowl and quietly.

At the top of the staircase, there's another long hallway and I see a light on in the third room on the left. Sawyer leads us to the doorway, his boots utterly noiseless, and we step inside what looks like an old office. Randy lays on an old, ratty couch, half asleep, and Owen gurgles to himself in a nearby playpen.

The moment he hears us, Randy bolts upright, eyes wide, completely shocked. I race over to Owen, lean down and scoop hin up into my arms. Thank God, I think, and press a kiss to his baby soft head. He laughs like it's all just been a big, fun adventure. Holding him tightly, I spin around and see Tanner hauling Randy up off the couch.

Uh-oh.My fierce avenging angel is about to get his hands dirty and dish out some serious, a*s-kicking revenge. Cuddling Owen against me, I watch Tanner slam a fist into Randy's jaw. And because he isn't that bright, Randy decides to fight back. Big mistake.

I glance over at Sawyer, wondering if he's going to step in, but he merely leans against the wall, crosses his muscular forearms, and watches. He looks proud of his brother and maybe he knows this is Tanner's fight. But I'm sure he'll step in if Tanner needs him.

But from what I can see, Tanner is holding his own just fine and dishing out some solid hits.

Randy, on the other hand, has no skills and his fist keeps going wide, completely missing as Tanner easily sidesteps his blows. Tanner throws a few more punches and Randy doubles over with an oomph.

“Okay, okay,’ Randy grumbles. “Enough!”

“Okay?” Tanner echoes in disbelief. “No, it's not, you son of a bitch. None of this is ****g okay!”

BAM! Another punch to Randy's jaw and his head spins. I have zero sympathy in me for the man who stole my baby and I hope Tanner beats the crap out of him.

After another minute of getting his ass kicked, Randy drops down on the couch and moans. “Enough, okay? I'm sorry,” he whines.

“You're sorry?” I echo and take a step forward. “Sorry for what exactly? Because you have made my life miserable since the moment you married my mother and moved in."

Randy has the audacity to roll his eyes.

“The only thing you're sorry about is that you got caught,” I snarl. He isn't even repentant and that makes me even more upset. The very least he could do is say he's sorry or that he regrets what he did. But no. Not Randy. “How could you? He's just a baby!" Fury bubbles up and I look down at the man who has been nothing but a terrible human being since the day he came into my life. “I hope you enjoy prison because that's exactly where you're headed.”

All of a sudden, Randy pops up and makes a run for it. But he completely underestimates the poisonous viper coiled silently in the corner, watching everything with hooded brown eyes. Sawyer doesn’t even bother with the gun he has tucked in his cargo pants. He simply reaches an arm out and Randy's throat slams against his forearm thick with corded muscles.

With a thud, Randy drops to the filthy floor in an unceremonious heap. Gagging and holding his windpipe, he struggles to catch his breath.

“Nice try, asshole,” Sawyer murmurs, completely at ease. Like he deals with this kind of thing every day. He looks over at Tanner. “Hey, Muhammad Ali, how're your knuckles?”

I glance down at Tanner's raw, red knuckles and I know they must hurt. “Oh, Tanner,” I whisper. “Are you okay?"

“I'll be fine,” he says stoically and releases a breath. “Just as soon as we call the police, and they cart this a*****e away." “You know I'd do it," Sawyer says, “but, uh, the NYPD and I have a bit of a history."

“What?” Tanner exclaims and frowns.

“Long story," Sawyer replies vaguely. “Needless to say, I'm not exactly their favorite person, so you may wanna call yourself” As Tanner and I wonder what he means, Sawyer drops down, pulls a zip tie out of a pocket and secures Randy's wrists. Hmm I'think, and watch him. Sawyer definitely has some secrets and apparently not even Tanner knows what they are. Even though I'm curious, I have much more important things to take care of right now. Like getting Randy into police custody and taking Owen home.

By the time the police arrive, I realize Sawyer has already made a quick exit and slipped out the side door. Interesting. We explain the situation and the detective who we spoke to earlier arrives. Tanner and I are talking to him when Randy is cuffec and walked out the door.

Thank God.It feels good that he isn't a threat anymore, but we still have the loan shark to deal with and I remind Tanner and Detective Freeman. The police detective asks if we'd be willing to help him set up a trap and I'm instantly wary. As much as I want the bastard to go down, I can't risk Owen and I tell him as much.

“We'll make sure Owen is out of the apartment and under protection,” he reassures me. “In a few days, this guy is going to show up at your door and demand the money your stepdad owes. With your help, we can catch him in the act and arrest him. That way you'll never have to worry about it again.”

“That sounds dangerous,” Tanner growls. “I don't want you going back to your apartment. You and Owen are going to stay with me.”

“Can you give us a second?” I ask Detective Freeman. He nods, steps away, and I turn to face Tanner. “I appreciate it and we'c feel much safer at the loft with you."

My words seem to appease him. Slightly.

“But Detective Freeman is right. That guy is going to come back- maybe to my apartment this time, maybe to your loft next time, maybe even the flower shop. He's not just going to give up just because Randy is in jail. Randy never had the money in the first place. You did. And I swear to God, Tanner, I can't handle knowing he's still out there and that he might show up one day and come for you. I don't want to live looking over our shoulders. I need this to be done. I want to start my life with you. Please.”

I can see his golden-green eyes soften and the moment he relents. “If we do this, every precaution in the world needs to be taken to make sure you're secure.”

The detective must overhear because he takes a step closer. “We will do everything in our power to protect Addie and Owen There's nothing for you to worry about, Mr. Beckett.”

Tanner grunts in response. Then he reaches for me and Owen asleep in my arms, pulling us closer, into the warm circle of hi arms. “Are you sure? Because you don't have to do this. They can track this guy down and-"

“I'm sure," I say in a firm voice. “I want to expedite his ass straight to prison.” A little smile curves my mouth. “Maybe he and Randy can be cell mates.’

“As long as you're sure,” Tanner says.

I nod and turn to Detective Freeman. “I'm in,” I assure him, my voice full of determination. Whatever it takes, I'm going to do it because I want this over once and for all. I don't have to worry about my coach turning into a pumpkin or my dress turning back to rags.

I'm ready to end this and start my happily-ever-after with Tanner. Because when this is all said and done, I'd love nothing more than my foot to slide into that glass slipper perfectly.

After finishing with the detective- for now anyway- we meet Sawyer out at his Jeep and climb inside.

“Everything okay?” he asks, eyeing us in the rear-view mirror.

“It will be," I answer, looking down at Owen who's starting to wake up and fuss. I coo softly to him as we head for Tanner's loft. When his eyes drift shut again, I lean back against the seat and, for the first time in a long time, I have a good feeling. Like everything is finally going to be okay.

“It better be” Tanner states as though reading my mind. “Addie volunteered to help capture that thug who came around demanding payback."

Arching a dark brow, Sawyer frowns. “ls that a good idea?”

“No,” Tanner instantly replies.

“Yes,” I say.

He sighs, clearly frustrated, and I lay a hand over his arm.

“Trust me,” I whisper.

“I do." He covers my hand with his. “But that doesn't mean I'm not terrified that something might go wrong."

There's nothing I can say, so I just give him a reassuring smile. Could something go wrong? Of course. But I don't say anythin, because I refuse to ever lie or keep secrets from Tanner again.

After a moment, Tanner leans forward, eyeing his younger brother. “So, bro, care to elaborate on why you and the NYPD don’ get along very well?"

“Not really,” Sawyer says cryptically.

Tanner chuckles. “You better believe that I'll get it out of you one day.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no,” Sawyer says with a smirk.

“Aww, hell," Tanner murmurs and falls back on the seat beside me. “I'm ready for this week to be over with."

I couldn't agree more.

We reach Tanner's loft a few minutes later and thank Sawyer for all of his help. I give him a half-hug and he ruffles Owen's brown hair.

“I'm looking forward to getting to know my nephew more,” Sawyer says. He and Tanner exchange a gruff hug and I wave goodbye.

“I don't suppose we could run back to my place so I can get some things for Owen and me?”

“Of course” Tanner says.

It doesn't take long and I'm in and out with a few big bags that will last us the week over at the loft. I pack super light and most everything belongs to Owen. Who knew a two-year old could travel so heavy?

When I comment on all of Owen's crap, Tanner chuckles and helps me load it into the back of his SUV. “He's a high- maintenance kid,” he says.

By the time we arrive back at Tanner's loft, Owen is getting crabby. While I feed him, Tanner starts cooking us dinner. The da has flown by and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Tanner is an amazing cook, but tonight he keeps it quick anc easy.

After Owen eats, I give him a bath because I don't want even one grimy fingerprint from Randy left on his precious, little body. Then I put his train pajamas on and lay him down in Tanner's bed. We baby-proof it with pillows so he can't slip off and luckily his bed sits on a das barely a foot off the floor.

Once Owen is rocked and settled in, I walk down the spiral staircase and feel wiped out. Tanner must notice how tired I look because he comes over, wraps an arm around my waist and guides me to the table.

“Sit, sweetheart,” he says encouragingly and squeezes my shoulders. Then he serves me a plate of pasta covered in red sauc and a chunk of warm French bread.

“This looks delicious,” I say and sigh after taking a bite.

He pours me a glass of wine and sits down beside me. “Eat up and then we're going straight to bed. I haven't gotten any sleep since our fight.”

“Me neither," I admit. “Tanner-" My voice cuts off and emotion pours through me. I want to throw myself at him and kiss him from head to toe for helping me get Owen back today. But 'm so damn tired.

“What, sweetheart?”

“Thank you. For everything!"

“You're welcome. And thank you for trusting me to take care of things. And my brother” he adds with a grin.

“One bad guy down, one to go."

“No one expects you to put yourself in danger to catch this guy. If you change your mind, it's okay.”

I shake my head. “No. I need this to be over and to know that we're finally safe.”

“Whatever you decide, I'll support you."

“I know," I say softly and give him a little smile.

We finish eating and Tanner tells me to go use the bathroom and get ready for bed while he cleans up.

“My hero,” I say with a wink and kiss his cheek. He swats my behind as I scamper away to wash up. Afterward, I crawl into bec beside Owen who sleeps soundly. Tanner joins us not long after, settling beside me and pulling me close. He presses a kiss in my hair.

“I love you, Addie” he whispers.

“I love you, too," I say and snuggle down in the crook of his arm. The feel of his steady breathing and the rhythmic thump of his heart near my cheek fills me with everything that I have missed for the past two years. Once again, finally, I feel complete With the three of us together, I know we can accomplish anything because our love is stronger than ever.

We fall asleep in minutes and it's the best sleep of my life.

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