Alpha Billionaire Series

Just Another Chance Chapter 19


Kayla offers to spend the night here with me because I'm still a little jumpy, but I tell her that we'll be fine, and she can leave. At least I hope so.

“The guy said I have a week before he returns for the money. I don't think he'll be back before that," I say.

“Are you sure? I don't mind sleeping on the couch.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. But it's okay."

I walk her to the door, and we hug.

“Thank you" she says softly.

I pull back and study her. “For what?"

“For being the best sister and forgiving me for being the worst sister. I want you to know how sorry I am and how much I lov you and Owen. If I could go back in time, I would've done things differently. I really need you to know that. You and Owen." She blinks back tears. “You both mean the world to me."

Kayla is so sincere, and I give her a small smile and we hug again. “Love you, too, sis" I say.

After she leaves, I go check on Owen who sleeps soundly. I'm lucky my little man is such a good sleeper; I think for the thousandth time. It amazes me how much he reminds me of Tanner. Even the way he lays on his back, hand tucked behind his head. My heart catches. Tanner sleeps the exact same way when he isn't snuggling me against his chest.

Pure love consumes me, and I pray that I will be able to provide Owen with the best life possible. No matter what happens between me and Tanner, I know that he will help provide for his son. He's going to want to be a part of his life and now I understand that's the reason he got so upset earlier.

And can I blame him?

I kept a huge secret from him for two years. But what hits harder is I still didn't tell him about Owen when I had every opportunity since we reconnected. I wish I would've been brave enough, but I was a coward. Things were magical between u; once again and I was terrified it would all be ruined in a flash. And it kind of was.

still, I hope with every fiber of my being that we can work things out. A life without Tanner doesn't interest me. I know that I have to remain strong and raise my son, but I will always yearn for Tanner Beckett. He is the love of my life, my soulmate an my reason to breathe.

With a soft sigh, I take the baby monitor into the bathroom with me and get ready for bed. I've mastered the art of the three minute shower in case Owen wakes up and starts crying. It rarely happens, though, and I'm lucky he's such a good baby. After rinsing off quickly, I wrap a towel around myself and brush my teeth. As I study my reflection in the mirror, it’s clear to me that I've lost the sparkle that showed back up since Tanner came back into my life. But now my gaze looks dull, my renewed happiness snuffed just like the flame of a candle. I can't help but be sad because I don't know where we stand or what the future holds.

I've learned to be strong and take care of things on my own, so this situation will be no different. I'll get through the rainy darkness and make my way out of the storm. I just hope I'm able to find love, sunshine and maybe even a rainbow at the other end of it.

Its getting late and I am emotionally and physically exhausted. After slipping into my pajamas, I grab the baby monitor, peel in on Owen one more time and go down to my room. I fall into bed and drift off to sleep almost immediately.

I'm not sure what time it is when a noise wakes me up and I bolt upright in my bed. Head tilted and still half-asleep, I listen closely, trying to determine where the sound came from. When I don't hear anything else, I wonder if maybe it was part of a dream. Silence fills my room and I relax, laying back down.


There it is again! I jump out of bed and head straight down to Owen's room. The moment I step into my baby's room, I immediately sense something is wrong. The stale smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke fills my nostrils. I hurry over to the crib and my heart stops behind my rib cage.

It's empty. Owen is gone.

In his place is a note.

On the verge of throwing up, I reach for it, unfold the paper and read the insidious message: Girlie sorry it came to this, but time is running out. If you want your son back, you need to wire $50K into this account by tomorrow. I'l be in touch when I receive it. Otherwise, you'll never see Owen again.

There's a checking account number and bile works its way up the back of my throat. Even though he didn't sign it, I know thi is the work of Randy. Besides, no one else calls me that revolting nickname. I can hear him saying it so clearly in my head and my skin crawls. So, he wants $20 grand to pay off his loan shark and $30 grand to pocket for himself. Disgusting pig. And now he has Owen as leverage to use against me.

“Oh, God," I cry, trying to keep a level head. But it's nearly impossible as all sorts of terrible scenarios run through my mind. “Where are you, baby?" Panic twists through me and I feel a breeze coming from the open window. I left that window closed and now it's cracked open just slightly. Randy must've climbed in through there, I realize, and hurry over. I yank it all the way up and lean out. Just like I figured, the fire escape was pulled down to the sidewalk. Then he climbed up, jimmied the window open and crawled right in.

My heart sinks and I don't know what to do. I have no idea where he went or where he's even staying for that matter. I slam the window shut.

“Shit!” I hurry down to my room and grab my phone. Then I do the only thing I can- I pull up Tanner's number and press send.

Tanner picks up after two rings. “Addie?” he asks, voice rough with sleep.

I glance at the clock and see it's nearly 2am. “Tanner! Randy broke in and took Owen! He owes thousands of dollars to some loan shark and wants fifty thousand dollars deposited into his account by tomorrow or he's going to hurt the baby. Oh my god, Tanner, I'm so scared and-"

“Addie! Slow down, sweetheart. Where is Owen?” His voice sounds sure, strong and confident which helps give me the assurance that I greatly need at this moment.

“I don't know! Randy kidnapped him."

Tanner curses. “I'm on my way. Stay put. I'm calling the police, too."

“Hurry, Tanner," I urge him. After hanging up, my legs threaten to give out and I do everything in my power to keep a grip on my sanity. Tanner will be here soon and help me get Owen back, I know it.

It feels like forever even though it's probably only ten minutes at most until Tanner is knocking on my door. I run over, throw itt open and fall into his arms.

“It's okay, sweetheart. I've got you," he murmurs, stroking his hand over my head and down my hair.

Tears start to fall, and I am so grateful that he ran over here as fast as he did. I feel myself starting to fall apart and I can't le that happen. I need to be strong and keep it together so we can think logically and find Owen.

“I talked to the police on my way here. They're on their way to take a report.”

“I c-can't believe this is h-happening; I cry. It's suddenly hard to breathe and I'm gasping for air between sobs. I'm on the verge of getting hysterical and I start wondering where Owen is and praying that he's safe. “What if something happens? H- he doesn't have a car seat or his favorite toy or pacifier. Oh, God, Tanner, he's just an innocent baby. How could Randy do this?"

“We're going to get him back,” Tanner promises, voice low and lethal. “And then I'm going to kill the a*****e."

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