Alpha And Luna

Chapter 51


I'm not feeling it Shawn, my she-wolf has a mind of her own and what can I say, it's a real shitty mind...

-Ana, I know you're the elemental wolf, you can't hide it from me, I was there for your first transformation. Let them talk to each other, maybe things will change.

I'nod and we get out of the car, I transform into a white wolf with gold drawings on my coat. I'm the last wolf of the elemental line and I have a secret that no one must know. The goddess of the moon sent me here for a good reason, to fight her sister, who is the black wolf, Shawn's real mother...



I turn back to him.

-Ana, are you okay?

I nod.

-I love you, Ana.

~How can you say you love me when we don't even know each other?

I know you as if I'd created you, I've always looked after you Ana, I've been like your shadow all these years, I've followed you to make sure nothing happened to you. I realised how I felt about you the day you kissed another boy when you were twelve.

I'see him clench his jaw, I put my hand on his arm and he puts his hand on my stomach, suddenly the pain disappears and I realise that it's him who's diminishing it with his powers.

I saved you from being raped on your way out of a bar when you were I7.

That was you...

He smiles sadly.

It was you who killed the man, all four limbs torn off, a horrible murder.

In reality it was all five limbs torn off, but that's a detail.

I look at him with incomprehension and he points at his reproductive system.

He laughs.

He laughs.

“You've taken me to a house that's simply magnificent, I haven't slept so well since... since you left...

He smiles sadly.

You slept with me, didn’t you?

He looks away and looks out of the window.

~You ran off the next morning, then I never heard from you again, it was as if you'd dropped off the map.

“That's what happened..." I say in a small voice.

He turns his head sharply round.

I told them everything that had happened and my parents immediately thought of my soulmate, but they didn't tell me anc sent me to a boarding school on the other side of the world. A boarding school for humans, they knew you'd never go there, because they're humans.

He turns red with anger.


I put my hand on his shoulder, but he abruptly withdraws it.

-It's because of you...

I look at him uncomprehendingly.

“You're the reason I've become like my father, if you hadn't left we could have run away together and lived a beautiful life, but you only thought of yourself, you're selfish Anave.

He's getting dangerously close.

“Your dad was a good man, Shawn.

-No, my dad wasn't a good man, he was a killer and I became just like him, all because of a bitch like you.

I'm holding back tears.

“Your father was a good man long before your mother died.

~My mother is alive Anaeve, he says angrily.

~'m talking about your real mother.

He stops moving.

Your real mother is my great-grandmother’s sister.

-Impossible, otherwise she'd be super old.

Your mother is a black she-wolf, Shawn.

The car stops and I get out at full speed, closely followed by Shawn, he grabs my waist and slams me to the ground. What's that supposed to mean?

Your mother is the black she-wolf, Shawn! What more do you want me to say?

-How do you know that?

-Because she...

She was the black she-wolf, because she gave me her powers and everything before she disappeared into who knows where But before giving me her powers, she turned my father into a bloodthirsty wolf so as not to arouse suspicion.

My blood ran cold, does that mean I have to kill him? Do I have to kill him? No, impossible, it's my soul mate... -Ana?

That voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

-How do you know that?

I look away and look at the forest, trying to find an excuse, but he pushes me down again.

-I asked you a question!

You don’t want to know...” I say in a small voice.

-Ana... tell me, please...

-Do you know the prophecy?

He nods and a tear rolls down my cheek, even though I don't like him very much, he's my soul mate and he's always protected me...

No, he hasn't.

He looks at me sadly, he's understood. He steps back and looks at me for a moment.

-We have to fight...

-Until the other one dies and passes on his powers,” I finish.

There must be a solution.

Yes" I whispered.

He came closer to me and put his hands on my cheeks, and I looked into his eyes.

Tell me, I'd do anything to stay with you. I love you, Ana...

He puts his lips on mine, but I pull away, not that I don’t want to kiss him, not far away.

~We shouldn't get too attached to each other, because we don't know how this is going to end.

“You're right, I should beat you up and do all the horrible things the rumours say," he says coldly.

Atear rolls down my cheek.


His hand meets my cheek hard.

~I've been too nice to you, you cheeky girlt he shouts.

I don't dare look at him, afraid he'll get even angrier. He grabs me by the neck and drags me down to the cellar. He ties me up after my bed, straddles me and starts kicking my ribs.

~sh..shawn... please...please...

-Beg me, beg me not to kill you, go on.

He smiled sadistically. I won't beg Catherine.

Suddenly Shawn's body stops hitting me, then Catherine laughs.

You're not as stupid as I thought you were.

I thought Grandma had locked you up, more like her Uncle Dan...

~He thought this little protective barrier could stop a witch like me.

She laughs, then the Shawn I was looking at turns into a woman.

-Where's Shawn?

I put him to sleep and hid him somewhere while your back was turned.

She smiles.

Freya POV.

My brother's calling me.

-Hi Malo, how are you?

-No time for that, Uncle Dan told me Catherine ran away.

I thought he'd made sure she couldn't get out...

~she's going to get her powers back, so watch yourself.

-But I'm not the one who has them...

-What are you talking about?

-Our powers are passed down from generation to generation.

-Does that mean Anaéve has them?

-Yes, it does.

-We've got a huge problem then...

What's going on?

Catherine is the mother of Anaeve's soul mate.

-Impossible, she’s far too old.

-She can get younger, you know?

I gasp, so my family will never be at peace?

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