Alpha And Luna

Chapter 41


“Yes, yes, I took another corpse and used magic to make it Maeva's so-called body.

ll do it.

“Thank you Malo.

~/ll do anything for my sister.

Then he disappears, I hope she succeeds, otherwise I'm going to lose my baby forever.


POV Maeva


In the flesh.

-So I'm in heaven?

He laughs.

~No, you're between life and death, every werewolf is entitled to a second chance, but only our Moon Goddess can decide if a person deserves a second chance. So I'm going to take you to see the goddess.

I'nod and stand up.

I spoke to your mother and told her to hide your body, because they're burying it and I don't think you'd want to wake up ir a coffin.

I smile.

“Thanks Malo.

“You're welcome, you're still my niece.

He kisses my forehead.

-We've arrived.

We're standing in front of a big white building with gold doors.

Is there anything I should do or say?

~No, at least not right away. First of all, your grandmother is going to look at why you came here, she's going to ask you some questions and look at everything you did while you were still alive, and then she’s going to judge.

-My grandmother?

Yes, the Moon Goddess is my mother and your mother’s mother.

He pushes me inside and we arrive in a classroom, like a judging room or something. Malo tells me to sit down in front of a lady, very beautiful, I think she’s the goddess.

-Maeva Brazeau, daughter of Fabien and Freya Brazeau, how did you get here?

-By giving birth to my son.

She lifts her head from the papers and takes a long look at me.

“You look so much like your mother...

Atear rolls down her cheek, she stands up and puts her hand on my cheek.

~You were brave to give your life for that of your child.

~'m not brave, I followed my heart as a mother, any mother would have given her life for that of her child.

-No, not all mothers, many just want to live and prefer to have an abortion, but you didn't, why?

~For my pack, my soul mate, for me, I could never have killed Nick, had his death on my conscience, woken up every morning thinking I'd killed my child, I wouldn't have been able to live with the fact that I'd killed him. I don't regret giving my life for my son.

-And you don't feel bad about leaving Kyle? That you abandoned him?

“Yes, yes I feel bad about leaving him, but I left him a son, a future alpha for his pack. I left him, but for a good cause and I know he'll get over it, he'll look after his son like a father should. He'll keep his promise to me and I'll take him at his word. Why Nick and not you? You could very well have asked for a spell to make your children less powerful after the abortion and you could have survived and had more children.

~The question is why not? Why not leave a child alive, who will be the future, rather than continue to live with a death on your conscience. Of course it wouldn't have been the first one I'd killed, but 'd never kill deliberately, I've killed to protect myself, for my pack, never in cases where I had the choice between letting live or killing, except when it was a traitor or an enemy. Anything that could represent a threat.

-But your son was a threat to you, you were almost certain to die.

~My son wasn't a threat to me, my son was the best show of love I could give Kyle. Nick is my everything, half of me and Kyle and in no way is he a threat to me.

-All right, so you've passed the first test, now you're going to have to prove yourself in two other tests, but you won't know which ones.

I nod.

~Malo will show you to your room and then I'd like you to join us for supper.

rll do that.

Malo takes me to my room and tells me that dinner is served at 6.30pm. I get dressed and go downstairs to eat.

-Let me introduce you to your grandfather.

I look up and see an imposing man with an icy stare, and contrary to what I thought, he's holding me in his arms.

~You look so much like him.

I tighten my grip.

I can see she's done very well, you look wonderful Maeva.

Thank you, Maeva.

Dinner went well and then I went up to my room to go to bed. I find it a rather strange place, it's like we're not even dead... Suddenly I heard screams and saw fire everywhere. I ran out of the house to find everyone bleeding and a man approaching me.

-Are you Maeva?

I give him an evil look and look around, hearing the screams of children coming from the house. As I was about to go back inside, the men blocked me, but I was determined to go inside to save this child, and what if it was Nick? Suddenly a mad rage builds up inside me and I start fighting with the men, punches here and there, but I get almost nothing. The child's screams are heard even louder, so I give my opponents one last blow and run inside the house. I head towards the noises and discover a mother lying on the floor with her child in her arms. The mother doesn't look alive, but when I pick up her lung, her heart beats faintly. I take the mother and put her on my back and then take the child in my arms, I get out of the house as best I can and once outside, it collapses. I didn't recognise the place... I put the child on the floor and the mother too, then tried to resuscitate her, when a hand came to rest on my shoulder, I turned round and saw my mother. The woman coughs and looks at me.

“Thank you, thank you for saving me and my child...

Then they disappeared, just like that!

I wake up on a chair, sweating.

“You've passed the second test,” my grandmother tells me.

I look at her strangely, so it was a test?

-We're going to do the third one now, so you can see your child and Kyle.

-What is the third test?

My grandmother brings me to a door.

~50 the last test, this door leads you into your body, you don't have to do anything except find the right way out, you're goin to have to choose between three doors, one leads you to hell, the other to heaven and then the last one takes you back to your body, only pure souls can cross over to return to their bodies.

Iturn around.

-And how am I going to know which one is the right one?

-Let your mind guide you.

She hands me a bottle.

-I've made you a potion so that you can survive the other births, this potion will make you stronger.

It will make you stronger. Thank you.

I take it and put it in my pocket.

-You'll make it Maeva, I'm sure of it.

“Thank you, Grandma.

She hugs me and whispers in my ear:

“You're powerful, Maeva, and the magic will be stronger when you're in front of the right door.

Then she disappeared, leaving me alone in front of three identical doors. I approached the first, feeling my magic increase, but only slightly, then the second was much stronger, and the last was almost equal to the second. I can't tell which is which I create a fireball in my hand and put it in front of the second, then another in front of the third. The flames are almost the same height, but the third is slightly stronger, I hope I'm not mistaken. I open the third door and walk for a few minutes before sinking into the darkness. When I open my eyes, I see that I'm...

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