Alpha And Luna

Chapter 12

The lights go down and someone puts a gun to my head. The lights come back on and everyone stares at me and the mysterious person behind me.

-Abby? Abby? What the hell are you doing?

Fabien's version

Abby holds a gun and points it at my beloved, I thought they were friends. Suddenly she turns into another irl I look at the others to see if I was dreaming and seeing the girls all white, I had my answer.

So, girls, it’s been a long time since we've seen each other.

~Not long enough for my taste," says Olivia dryly.

You'll just have to deal with it, so now, my pretty Freya, you're going to give me what I want.

Atear rolls down her cheek, what does she want?

What do you want?

“What do I want? It’s very simple, I'm a full-blooded witch and Freya is a half-witch and when we were younger she took some of my powers. I want them back.

Is Abby dead? she asks.

Of course, everyone's dead, darling, and all these deaths are your fault. If only you hadn't taken away my powers, I wouldn’ have bewitched Sebastian into killing everyone.

-Was that... was that you? she said between sobs.

-And yes, now, because of you once again, I'm going to kill another pack if you don’t give me what I want. It's up to you, sweetheart, i all these deaths are necessary.

~How does she give them back to you? I asked.

Simple, she has to die.

No, she can't die, I can't lose her, I don’t want to lose her!

Freya's version

I have no choice, I know Catherine always does what she says and I can't bear to have any more deaths on my conscience. S I do what I have to do, I make a knife appear in front of me and take it in my hands.

I'm doing this for you, for you my love” I say, looking at Fabien.

I00k at the girls, who are crying.

“I'm sorry for everything, girls, I'm sorry for getting you involved in all this. I hope you'll forgive me for everything I've put you through." I said telepathically.

“We're not at all sorry we followed you Freya, I just wish there was something I could do to prevent it from coming to this,” said Summer.

“Let me go, we know what Catherine is capable of and I can't bear to hurt you again.

turn to Fabien and say through the link:

“Promise me that you'll find another woman and that you'll be happy together, that you'll start a family like I wanted to star with you. love you, Fabien, and it wasn't long before I was ready to found that family, but I guess fate decided otherwise” Atear rolls down my cheek and Fabien has tears in his eyes.

“I can't promise you that, you're the one and only woman I've ever loved and will love again. Stay with me, 'm taking my love."

I smile at her and look at the knife, the only knife that can kill a half-wolf half-witch.

-Are you going to do it or would you rather I did it? Catherine asks.

-lwon't let you have that pleasure, Catherine.

She smiled and I stood up, just as I was about to plunge the knife into my abdomen a white light appeared in the room and. man in his fifties erupted. He put his hands in front of him and a green light came out, Catherine was thrown from behind and didn't move.

-Uncle Dan! I shouted before running into his arms.

Dan's my mum's brother and he's a wizard like my mum.

~My darling...

“Thank you for saving me, she's dead for good?

“You know that a witch like her can't be killed...

I know, they can only be locked up.

Well, I'm going back with her and Id like you to do me a favour.

Would you?

-You've spoken to your brother, haven't you?

I nod.

Id like you to speak to him again and give him this envelope when you see him.

I'm nodding.

Id like you to speak to him again and give him this envelope when you see him.

I don't think I'L be seeing him again.

Trust me on that.

He hands me the envelope and turns back to me.

I forbid you to read it, if could I would have given it to him personally, but your brother can only talk to you because of your strong bond between brother and sister.

I'nod and another tear falls.

“You're strong Freya, stay that way for the rest of your life and try to be happy for once in your life since they died. I'm telling You, even if your brother told you, I'm sure they wouldn't be very happy to see you among them soon.

He winks at me and disappears with Catherine. I collapse to the floor and faint.

Iopen my eyes and notice that I'm in our bedroom, but Fabien isn't, which makes me a little sad. Suddenly the door opened and I could see my two best friends come in, Olivia had put on a bit of weight I thought, but she didn't say anything.

How long have I been asleep?

-About a week, you lost a lot of strength after the fight and meeting your uncle” says Summer.

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I went into the kitchen, Olivia was eating like an ogre, which made me laugh and increase my suspicions.

-Can I ask you a question?

Yes, you can.

-Are you pregnant?

She looks at me for a moment.

-Do you think I've put on weight too?

No, I mean yes, how long has it been since your last period?

-I don’t know, maybe a month or two, oh my God!

She bursts into tears.

-Why are you crying, sweetheart, it's great, I'll go and get a test to confirm it.

I get a pregnancy test and hand it to Olivia. A few minutes late, she comes out of the bathroom and CS which is positive.

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