Alpha Alexa

Chapter 8

Alexa’s POV

My damn dad wouldn't give it up. He was making it harder for me to hide and I really hoped that they weren't going to kick me out. I really liked it here so far. I had great s* with Alpha Julian, and I would be down for that again and I'm not going to lie the Beta is hot and I wouldn't mind getting underneath him as well.

“Lex, chill your hormones. You can't go around jumping everyone's bones.” Jade linked me.

“Oh yes, I can, and I will. I won't let anyone tell me what to do again. I lost my mate, and I won't get that kind of relationship 50 Iam going to enjoy whatever I can whenever I want.”

“We might get a second chance mate” Jade said.

I cut the link with her as there was no use in arguing with her and besides, we were at Alpha's office. I followed them both in I was still sweaty and a little bloody from training. The guy I ended up with had been the strongest one there and he was a great opponent, but I still beat him. I did leave me with a few bruises and split lip and black eye, but I will be healed by dinner tonight.

Isat down in the chair in front of Alpha Julian's desk. He walked around to a mini fridge and got out some water and handec me a bottle that I quickly drank down, it was 50 cool on my throat. I let out a small moan at how cold it was and how great it felt going down my throat. Both of them looked at me and cocked their eyebrows at me.

“Sorry, the water is good. It's cold and feels good going down my throat”

I had to laugh at myself. I knew I was winding both of them up from what I was saying but I really didn't care. I would enjoy the consequences later I hoped.

“OK, enough of that. Here is the flyer that your dad sent out this morning.”

He handed me the same flyer as yesterday but this time it had a reward for my return. Not even a safe return, just me delivered back to him. I was so angry about this. I hated him so much. I could feel my anger getting the best of me and flowing out of me. How could he do this to me, he thought just because he was a s**m donor, he had every right to dictate how my life went.

“Alexa, stop it” Alpha Julian yelled at me.

I looked up and could see that Beta Luca was down on his knees with his neck bared. What the hell was going on?

“What?” I snapped at him. I had never been so angry as I am right now. I can’t control it.

“Are you an Alpha?” Asked Alpha Julian.

“My dad was but females are Luna's not Alpha's.”

“Females can be Alpha, it's just really rare. You brought Luca here to his knees and made him bare his neck to you. I could feel your aurora and I felt the urge to submit but I was able to fight it”

“I am sorry Beta Luca, I didn’t mean to do that. I was just angry about what my father is doing.”

“It's ok Princess.”

just rolled my eyes at him, he really needs to stop calling me that I hate it.

“Jade, can we be an Alpha?”

“Yes, how do you think we were always able to ignore an Alpha commands and also how strong we are.”

“So you've always known?"

“Yes, I was just waiting for you to figure it out. Took you long enough.”

I cut my link with her and looked up to the Alpha and Beta just staring at me.

“Sorry I confirmed with my wolf Jade, that yes we are an Alpha."

“Wow, this is amazing!” Beta Luca said as he smiled at me and looked me up and down. I would let him look me up and dow later if he wanted.

“Ok, enough. We have something to figure out. First of all, I really need to know who you were sold to” Alpha Julian said.

I really didn’t want to tell him. What if he had an alliance with him or was friends with him, he could turn me over really fast. “Look, I really don't want to get into that. The Alpha is powerful, and I don't know if you have an alliance with him or maybe your friends with him. I won't go to him.”

“Look it doesn't matter if we have an alliance with them or not or if he is my friend. You can’t buy another person. We will find a way to protect you."

“OK fine but I am really trusting you here. The alliance was with Alpha Colter”

I let out a big breath after I told him. It was like a big weight off my chest. This would determine if I could stay or if I would have to try and run again.

“I can see why you were afraid to tell us and you're right he is powerful”

“I take it you know him?”

“You could say that”

“Know him, he has been one of your best friends since childhood” Beta Luca said.

He got the death look from Alpha Julian. Crap, this is bad. I shouldn't have said anything.

“Look he is my friend and I have known him a long time, but that doesn't mean I won't still protect you."

“Why would you do that? He is your friend, and he is after me. Couldn't this have severe consequences for you”

“You're right it could, but again I don't believe in people being bought like this. It's an old practice I won't stand for it. So regardless of everything I will protect you."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was putting his entire pack in danger for one person. Not many would do that. “Thank you, but I can’t let you put your pack in danger for me. I am not even part of your pack."

“Well, that is true and that is the next thing I want to discuss with you. You are under no obligation to accept but I want to offer you a spot in our pack. You will need to pledge your loyalty to me and the pack, but I know you will be welcomed with open arms.”

“I would love to, but I haven't even rejected my old pack yet and what position do you have that I could do. I really haven't been trained in anything”

“Well, since your actually an Alpha and from what I saw earlier a hell of a fighter and I am without a Gamma at the moment I would like for you to take that position.”

“Wait a minute, you just met me, and you want to give me a Gamma position?”

“Yes, you're strong and smart and I know you can handle it. Besides I don't discriminate against sx"

“I am going to need help rejecting my old pack. I have to get close enough to do it and if they find me, I am a goner”

“We can help you, I promise we will keep you protected from them.” Beta Luca said.

“Then I accept” I said with a big smile on my face.

“Great, I was hoping you would say that. We will go tomorrow to reject your old pack and then we will be able to make you part of this pack”

“Thank you, sir. I really appreciate this.”

“Please don't call me that. You can call me Julian and you can call him Luca in private. We don't use formal titles with each other”

This felt weird but I was so excited about it. I couldn't wait to completely cut ties with my old pack.

“Now, why don't you go shower and eat I am sure you are hungry. Well meet here after dinner to go over plans for tomorrow I left his office with a big grin on my face and headed up to my room.

“Jade, can you believe this. He offered me a Gamma position!”

“Lex, you deserve this! You worked so hard, and all your dreams went away, and you can now have new dreams.”

I was deep in conversation that I didn't even realize there was someone else in the hallway, when I ran right into them.

“Oh, I am sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.”

“You better be sorry bitch. You have no right to the Alpha, he is mine do you understand.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I saw you with him earlier and I will not hesitate to put you in your place.”

Is this dumbass for real? I can whip her a*s in about ten seconds and not think twice about it. Her ugly ass is nothing for me She had mousy brown hair and dull brown eyes and was dressed like a slut. I am sure she has been around the block a few times.

“Look, I don't want any problems, I have not staked my claim on anyone, but I can promise you if did want him, I would have him." I told her with ice in my voice.

Istormed past her and made it to my room. I slammed the door behind me and went straight to the shower. I stripped off m clothes and turned the water on. I stepped in even though it was cold. It would help calm my anger.

“Don’t take any crap from that bitch, we can handle her if we need to." Jade linked me.

“I know we can and trust me I will get her back; she isn't a problem for me.”

“Just imagine if she knew that we slept with him this morning”

I stepped out of the shower and dried off and wrapped my towel around me and went out to my room to get dressed when someone knocked on my door. I debated, ignoring it and getting dressed or telling them to wait but what did I have to be ashamed of nothing. So, I strolled over to the door and flung it open. Luca was standing on the other side and when he took in my lack of clothing his eyes instantly went black.

“Can I help you with something?”

“As a matter of fact, you can” he said as he stepped into my room and shut the door. I knew what he had in mind, and I wasn't opposed to it. He was hot and his body was rock hard. I learned that from training. He had pushed up against me several times showing something to me.

“I was coming up here to get to know you better since we will be working closely.”

He was still standing at the door, and I could see his hardness growing in his pants. I was going to see how far I could push him until he caved. I walked up to him and was standing about a foot away from him when I dropped my towel and barred myself to him.

“How well do you want to get to know me?” I asked in a low seductive voice.

He didn’t answer right away and looking my body up and down several times.

“Cat got your tongue?” I asked and gave him a smirk.

“Princess nothing has my tongue yet.”

I reached out and ran my hand over his hardness and he let out a growl. I moved my hand up and ran hand up his shirt and lightly traced the waist band on his shorts, never breaking eye contact with him.

“Princess, you're playing with fire and if you don't stop that you might get burned.” He said in a low growly voice.

“Then burn me baby”

He needed no further prompting; he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slid his hands down to my ass lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. My bare pussy was rubbing right on his hardness. I started to move up and down creating friction that felt amazing. I couldn't stop the moaning that came out of my mouth. He started to walk to my bed and dumped me on it.

“Princess, this is your last chance to tell me stop because once I start, I won't stop until your screaming my name.”

“Well see about that."

You could see that he took that as a challenge, and he wasn't going to back down. He got down on his knees and pulled me to the edge of the bed, so my a*s was hanging off and quickly spread my legs. He ran his tongue over my slit before he used his fingers to separate my lips and flicked his tongue over my c**t. He moved it slow circles and applied a little bit of pressure each time. I could feel my wetness starting to drip out of me. He brought up a finger and started to slowly thrust into me while he continued to circle my c**t with his tongue.

“Mmmmmm, don't stop that.” I moaned out.

I could feel the smirk on his face as he continued his assault on my pussy. It wasn't going to take long, and I was going to cum all over his face. He inserted another finger with the other one and started to pick up the pace with his thrust. I couldn’ stop it, but I started to buck my hips up and down and push my pussy into his face as my orgasm started to build. He continued to pick up the pace as my 0****m started to overtake me.

I screamed out as pleasure overtook my whole body. He continued to do his thing as I rode out all of the pleasure as I could He stood up and had a big smirk on his face. He thinks he has won the challenge but it's not over yet.

I'stood up and ran my hands up his shirt and traced the muscles on his stomach and chest.

“Now my almighty Alpha, why don't you get on your knees like a good girl and return the favor”

This instantly pissed me off. No one told me what to do. I would not be getting down on my knees and doing anyone a favor. I narrowed my eyes at him and yelled “GET OUT!"

“What, why?"

“Because no one tells me what to do and you certainly don't tell me to get on my knees. I had one man who told me what to do and I ran. I will not run again, and I will not take orders from you, especially sl orders."

“Are you fucking kidding me? We were messing around, damn.”

“I don't care, get the fuck out of my room.”

He left my room and slammed the door on his way out.

“Jade, was I wrong to kick him out?”

“No, nobody tells us what to do and nobody tells us to get on our knees. We make that choice on our own.”

I threw on some clothes and walked out of my room and down to the dining hall in hopes of getting some food. Once down there I found an extremely pissed off Luca and julian not looking overly happy either.

I grabbed some snacks and walked over to their table and sat down. They both looked at me like I was intruding.

“What, would you like me to leave?”

“Remember we can't tell you what to do.” Spat Luca.

“Oh goddess, get over yourself. Don't tell me to get on my knees and we wouldn't have a problem.” I spat back at him. “ENOUGH!” Roared Julian.

We both looked at him in surprise. I didn't think he knew what was going on but either Luca told him, or he figured it out. “My office now!” He said as he got up.

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